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All Posts by Andrew Hughes

Get Started with Jetty, Java, and OAuth

Jetty is a small, highly-scalable Java-based web server and servlet engine. It supports HTTP/2, WebSockets, and many other protocols. It powers websites and frameworks, both large and small, such as Google AppEngine. Because it is an Eclipse project, its open source project is called Eclipse Jetty. It is standards-compliant and open source, as well as commercially usable. It is the main alternative to Tomcat when hosting Java applications. Like Tomcat, you can use Jetty both...

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Build a Simple CRUD App with Spring Boot and Vue.js

You will use Vue and Spring Boot to build a todo list web application. The application will include CRUD abilities, meaning that you can create, read, update, and delete the todo items on the Spring Boot API via the client. The Vue frontend client will use the Quasar framework for the presentation. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) will secure the Spring Boot API and the Vue client, initially by using Okta as the security...

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JHipster Microservices on AWS with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

In this tutorial, you’ll use JHipster to build a microservice stack and deploy it to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The microservices will use Java and Spring Boot for resource servers and Vue for the frontend. The server-side applications will use Spring’s Reactive technology stack. The microservice will include multiple databases and database types: PostgresSQL, MongoDB, and Neo4j. You’ll secure the service using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), with Okta as the OIDC provider....

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Kubernetes Microservices on Azure with Cosmos DB

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to deploy a JHipster-based reactive microservice to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You’ll use Azure’s Cosmos DB as a persistent store for one of the services. For security, you’ll use Okta as an OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. You’ll also securely encrypt all secrets in the project configuration files using Kubernetes secrets and kubeseal. This tutorial focuses on deploying an already generated project to Azure AKS. It does...

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Better Integration Testing With Spring Cloud Contract

Spring Cloud Contract was created as a way to help test interconnected microservices. Generally speaking, there are two options when testing microservices: 1) you can deploy the entire mesh of services in your integration tests and test against that, or 2) you can mock each service in your integration tests. Both of these options have serious drawbacks. The first, deploying the entire mesh of microservices for testing, has the obvious drawback of being difficult, if...

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Learn How to Build a Single-Page App with Vue and Spring Boot

In this tutorial, you are going to create a single-page application (SPA) that uses a Spring Boot resource server and a Vue front-end client. You’ll see how to configure Spring Boot to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization, with Okta as an OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. You’ll also see how to bootstrap a Vue client app with the Vue CLI and how to secure it using the Okta Sign-In...

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Easy Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth

Spring Cloud Sleuth allows you to aggregate and track log entries as requests move through a distributed software system. In a monolithic system, it’s relatively easy to track requests as they move through the codebase because all requests can easily be logged to the same log file. You can generally just filter the log by the thread ID. But in a distributed system, a single client request may sprawl across any number of discrete cloud...

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How to Use Client Credentials Flow with Spring Security

The client credentials grant is used when two servers need to communicate with each other outside the context of a user. This is a very common scenario—and yet, it’s often overlooked by tutorials and documentation online. In contrast, the authorization code grant type is more common, for when an application needs to authenticate a user and retrieve an authorization token, typically a JWT, that represents the user’s identity within the application and defines the resources...

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Build a Secure GraphQL API with MicroProfile

MicroProfile is an open-source community project with the goal to encourage the development of Java microservice solutions. It was created in 2016 in response to the changing needs of modern web development. In particular, it seeks to foster the development of smaller, less monolithic services (microservices) that can run on faster release cycles than the typical, old-school Enterprise Java application. Shortly after its creation, it joined the Eclipse foundation. MicroProfile, in essence, is a set...

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Build a Secure Spring Data JPA Resource Server

In this tutorial, you’re going to use Spring Boot and Spring Data to build a fully functioning web service with ridiculously little effort. You’re also going to use Okta to secure the web service using professional, standards-compliant OIDC JWT authentication. All of this will be bootstrapped by the Okta CLI. Before you get started on the actual application, however, let’s take a look at Spring Data for a moment. Table of Contents What is Spring...

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Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin

Much like React or Angular, Vue.js is a JavaScript view library. When coupled with a state management library like MobX, Vue.js becomes a full-featured application framework. Vue.js is designed to be incrementally adoptable, so you can use as much or as little of it as you like. Like React, Vue.js utilizes a virtual DOM to streamline processing so that it renders as little as possible on each state update. In my experience, Vue is far...

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Serverless Java with Amazon Web Services

Serverless is the next iteration in cloud management. First, we let go of having physical hardware servers and moved all of our servers into the cloud because, hey, why bother managing all that hardware? This created cloud infrastructure providers that resulted in behemoths like Amazon and Google. Now, they’re saying, why bother managing a server at all? What you really want to do is run code, right? Serverless is an architecture where code is run...

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A Quick Guide to Spring Cloud Stream

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a Spring Cloud Stream application that interacts with a messaging service, such as RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka. You’re going to do this using functional, reactive code by utilizing Spring’s WebFlux and by taking advantage of Spring Cloud Stream’s functional binding model. You’ll create an application that contains a publisher, a processor, and a consumer. The app will use two topics to publish a stream of integers, process...

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Secure Kafka Streams with Quarkus and Java

In this tutorial, you’re going to use Apache Kafka and Quarkus to create a secure, scalable web application. The application will use Kafka Streams and a small Kafka cluster to consume data from a server and push it to a client application as a real-time stream. You will secure the entire application. You will secure the Kafka cluster with SSL and SASL/JAAS password protection. Finally, you’ll secure the Quarkus client application using OAuth 2.0 &...

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Build a CRUD Application with Kotlin and React

In this tutorial, you’re going to build a client and server application using React for the frontend and Kotlin with Spring Boot for the backend. You’ll first build the app unsecured before securing it using Okta. To secure the React frontend, you’ll use OAuth 2.0 login, and for the backend, you’ll use a JSON Web Token and Spring Boot’s resource server OAuth implementation. This tutorial covers a lot of ground. It also uses a lot...

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Build a CRUD API with Java and MongoDB

This tutorial leverages two technologies that are commonly used to build web services: MongoDB and Java (we’ll actually use Spring Boot). MongoDB is a NoSQL database, which is a generic term for any non-relational databases and differentiates them from relational databases. Relational databases, such as SQL, MySQL, Postgres, etc…, store data in large tables with well-defined structures. These structures are strong and tight and not easily changed or customized on a per-record basis (this structure...

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A Quick Guide to Java on Netty

Netty is a non-blocking input/output (NIO) framework that makes it relatively simple to develop low-level network servers and clients. Netty provides an incredible amount of power for developers who need to work down on the socket level, for example when developing custom communication protocols between clients and servers. It supports SSL/TLS, has both blocking and non-blocking unified APIs, and a flexible threading model. It’s also fast and performant. Netty’s asynchronous, non-blocking I/O model is designed...

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How to Develop a Quarkus App with Java and OIDC Authentication

Quarkus is a container-first Kubernetes Java framework designed to have a super-fast start-up time and low memory usage. The container-first strategy emphasizes packaging the runtime environment along with the application code, allowing both to be tightly optimized and avoiding the endless updates and configuration problems that can come along with monolithic server systems. Quarkus was built from the beginning to support compilation to native code for use with Graal/SubstrateVM but also supports the good old...

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Get Groovy with Gradle

In the Java world, there are two main build systems: Gradle and Maven. A build system chiefly manages potentially complex webs of dependencies and compiles the project. It also packages the compiled project along with all the resources and meta files into the final .war or .jar file. For simple builds, the choice between Maven and Gradle is pretty much one of personal taste, or perhaps the taste of your CTO or technical manager. They...

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Tutorial: How to Build a JavaFX Desktop App with OIDC Authentication

JavaFX, a library of user interaction controls, allows Java developers to build cross-platform desktop applications and internet application. It was intended as a replacement for Swing (if you’re old like me and remember that). Implementing an authorization flow with OAuth 2.0 can be tricky with a desktop framework like JavaFX. Typically, OAuth flows require a browser and redirecting to specific URLs. Detecting a redirect in JavaFX’s default browser is impossible. The default Java browser (java.awt.Desktop.browse(URI))...

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Get Jibby With Java, Docker, and Spring Boot

Docker is a very popular system for containerizing applications. Containerization packages the executable code along with the runtime environment in deployable virtual images using a repeatable, automatable process. In the world of cloud-based development and microservices, where a single application can be spread across hundreds of servers in various networks with complex port configurations, the ability to automate the deployment of “units” of code is super helpful. The ability to control the execution environment also...

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Build a REST API Using Java, MicroProfile, and JWT Authentication

In this post, you will learn how to build a simple REST API using Eclipse MicroProfile and secure it using JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. You’ll also use a free developer account from Okta to configure an OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect (OIDC) application as the OAuth provider, with role-based authorization. That was a lot of jargon. Let’s define a few of the terms (and introduce a few more!). What is Eclipse MicroProfile? It’s an...

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Spring Method Security with PreAuthorize

This tutorial will explore two ways to configure authentication and authorization in Spring Boot using Spring Security. One method is to create a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and use the fluent API to override the default settings on the HttpSecurity object. Another is to use the @PreAuthorize annotation on controller methods, known as method-level security or expression-based security. The latter will be the main focus of this tutorial. However, I will present some HttpSecurity code and ideas by...

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Simple Authentication with Spring Security

Authentication is vital to all but the most basic web applications. Who is making the request, wanting data, or wanting to update or delete data? Can you be sure that the request is coming from the stated user or agent? Answering this question with certainty is hard in today’s computer security environment. Fortunately, there is absolutely no reason to reinvent the wheel. Spring Boot with Spring Security is a powerful combination for web application development....

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A Quick Guide to Spring Boot Login Options

In this post, you’re going to work through various options for implementing a login feature using Spring Boot 2.1. You’ll start with the most simple, basic auth, which you’d likely never want to use except for perhaps an internal backend tool, and move on to a simple form-based authentication page. Next, you’ll customize the default, auto-generated form by overriding some default templates and controllers. Finally, you’ll move on to adding Single Sign-on using OAuth 2.0....

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Build a Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot and Kubernetes

In this tutorial, you’re going to use Kubernetes to deploy a Spring Boot microservice architecture to Google Cloud, specifically the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You’re also going to use Istio to create a service mesh layer and to create a public gateway. The whole thing is going to be secured using Okta OAuth JWT authentication. That was a mess of jargon. We’re not going to explain microservices in-depth here. In short, microservices are a design...

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A Quick Guide to OAuth 2.0 with Spring Security

When building a web application, authentication and authorization is a must. Doing it right, however, is not simple. Computer security is a true specialty. Legions of developers work day and night against equally numerous international hackers creating a continual development cycle of finding vulnerabilities, attacking them, and fixing them. Keeping up with all this solo would be painful (if not impossible). Fortunately, there’s no need. Spring Security and Spring Boot have made implementing a web...

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Build a Reactive App with Spring Boot and MongoDB

Reactive apps allow you to scale better if you’re dealing with lots of streaming data. They’re non-blocking and tend to be more efficient because they’re not tying up processing while waiting for stuff to happen. Reactive systems embrace asynchronous I/O. The concept behind asynchronous I/O is straightforward: alleviate inefficient resource utilization by reclaiming resources that would otherwise be idle as they waited for I/O activity. Asynchronous I/O inverts the normal design of I/O processing: the...

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Add Social Login to Your JHipster App

Social login is a great way to offer your customers a simple and secure authentication method. Why force them to create and forget yet another password? The vast majority of your users will have an account with Facebook or Google, so why no go ahead and let them use one of these accounts to log in? In this tutorial, you are going to integrate two social login providers: Google and Facebook. You are also going...

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Build a Basic App with Spring Boot and JPA using PostgreSQL

Every non-trivial application needs a way to save and update data: a resource server that is accessible via HTTP. Generally, this data must be secured. Java is a great language with decades of history in professional, enterprise development, and is a great choice for any application’s server stack. Within the Java ecosystem, Spring makes building secure resource servers for your data simple. When coupled with Okta, you get professionally maintained OAuth and JWT technologies easily...

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Tutorial: Create and Verify JWTs in Java

Java support for JWT (JSON Web Tokens) used to require a lot of work: extensive customization, hours lost resolving dependencies, and pages of code just to assemble a simple JWT. Not anymore! This tutorial will show you how to use an existing JWT library to do two things: Generate a JWT Decode and verify a JWT You’ll notice the tutorial is pretty short. That’s because it’s that easy. If you’d like to dig deeper, take...

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Simple Token Authentication for Java Apps

JSON Web Tokens have quickly become the standard for securing web applications, superseding older technologies like cookies and sessions. Used properly, they address a range of security concerns, including cross-site scripting attacks (XSS), man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). They also give us the benefit of inspectable metadata and strong cryptographic signatures. In this post, I’ll take a deep dive into JWTs. First, I’ll cover some theoretical ground explaining how they work. After...

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Add User Authentication to Your Spring Boot App in 15 Minutes

When’s the last time you had fun building a web application? We love Spring Boot because it makes it super easy to build a rich Java web application, and it can even be pretty fun. By combining Spring, Spring Boot, and Gradle, we have a complete build system that can develop, test, run, and deploy Spring applications in minutes. But what about user authentication and authorization, you’re probably thinking. Maybe with a sneer. Surely that’s...

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Build a Web App with Spring Boot and Spring Security in 15 Minutes

Developers know that securing web apps can be a pain. Doing it right is tough. The worst part is that “right” is a moving target. Security protocols change. Vulnerabilities are found in dependencies and patches are released. Tons of often complex boilerplate code has to be generated. The software-as-service paradigm has proliferated over the last decade, and while I love reinventing the wheel as much as the next developer (because, clearly, I’m gonna write it...

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Build a Secure API with Spring Boot and GraphQL

GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook in 2012 to solve a shortcoming of REST APIs and traditional database models. All too often, when programmers write REST API data queries, they default to retrieving entire data structures when they need only a part of it. For example, if you want to find out the number of comments on a blog post, a developer might typically retrieve the entire post and all associated fields...

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Add Social Login to Your Spring Boot 2.0 App

We’ve all seen social login. It’s the “Log in with Facebook” or “Log in with Twitter” buttons we see below every username and password field on the Internet. But why do these exist? The primary benefits of social login are ease of use and security. It’s easier for your users to log into your app if they can use credentials they’ve already created on a a service they trust. They don’t have to come up...

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Secure Your Spring Boot Application with Multi-Factor Authentication

OAuth 2.0 has quickly become an industry standard for third party authentication for web applications. It’s a super secure strategy, when implemented properly, but getting it right can be hard. Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. Okta has done it for you. This is one place where it’s definitely not worth re-inventing the wheel. And further, with all of the cybersecurity attacks today, just using a password, even a hard password, is not...

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Build a Basic CRUD Application with Grails and Okta

Grails and Groovy can be a great alternative to Spring Boot, in some specific use cases. In this post, we’ll start with that basic Grails app that already has secure authentication via Okta, and add some additional features. In this tutorial you will: Define a simple data model Create domain classes for the models Create the necessary controllers and views Configure logging Configure the database so that the data is persisted between sessions Add some...

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Build Server Side Authentication in Grails with OAuth 2.0 and Okta

What is Grails, what is Groovy, and why would we choose them over Spring Boot? In this post I’ll walk you through implementing server-side authentication in Grails using OAuth 2.0 and Okta. Before we dive in, however, I want to talk a little bit about why you’d be using Grails + Groovy in the first place, and how it can make your life easier in specific situations. Grails is an open source “convention over configuration”...

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