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Build A Secure Node.js API with KoaJS

Build A Secure Node.js API with KoaJS

Koa is a web framework from the makers of Express. Koa is designed to be middleware-driven and extremely lightweight. It is so lightweight that it comes without any middleware on its own. But not to fear, there are plenty of packages available for basic functionality such as routing, authentication, body parsing, and more. You can also write your own custom middleware— I’ll show you how in this tutorial. Koa prides itself on using async functions...

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Build and Deploy Secure Serverless Functions with Netlify

Build and Deploy Secure Serverless Functions with Netlify

Serverless computing, sometimes referred to as “functions as a service” (FaaS), is an on-demand approach to providing backend application services. The serverless architecture is an excellent solution for many use cases where an application needs backend services occasionally, periodically (e.g., once a day), or dynamically scaled to meet demand. In this tutorial, you will learn to build serverless functions with the JavaScript language, deploy them to Netlify, and secure them using Okta. Netlify is a...

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Quickly Build Node.js Apps with Sails.js

Quickly Build Node.js Apps with Sails.js

Sails.js is an exciting MVC framework for Node.js. Recently the team released version 1.0 and today you’re going to learn how to use the framework to rapidly build a new website. The hype around Sails.js is real. As a veteran MVC developer, I was impressed with the extensibility, organization, flow, and speed Sails.js provides. The team at Sails. js has done an excellent job of abstracting the MVC portion of the codebase away from the...

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Build a Basic CRUD App with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and MongoDB

Build a Basic CRUD App with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and MongoDB

Document databases have become increasingly popular due to their speed and ability to store huge amounts of data or semi-structured data. MongoDB has emerged as a leader in the document database space and, as a consequence, it may be necessary for developers to learn how to interact with MongoDB from .NET applications. This post strips away all the arguments that obscure how document databases can easily serve as a datastore for .NET applications. The app...

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Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin

Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin

Much like React or Angular, Vue.js is a JavaScript view library. When coupled with a state management library like MobX, Vue.js becomes a full-featured application framework. Vue.js is designed to be incrementally adoptable, so you can use as much or as little of it as you like. Like React, Vue.js utilizes a virtual DOM to streamline processing so that it renders as little as possible on each state update. In my experience, Vue is far...

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Heroku + Docker with Secure React in 10 Minutes

Heroku + Docker with Secure React in 10 Minutes

You’ve built a React app, but now you need to deploy it. What do you do? First, it’s probably best to choose a cloud provider as they’re typically low-cost and easy to deploy to. Most cloud providers offer a way to deploy a static site. Heroku supports static sites, easily deploys apps with Git, and provides a CLI that developers love. A built React app is just JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. They’re static files that...

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Deploy a .NET Container with AWS Fargate

Deploy a .NET Container with AWS Fargate

In the last article I wrote, I showed you how to host a serverless .NET application using AWS Lambda. In the article, we talked about the history of serverless and how companies are using these types of technology to simplify the process of delivering APIs and functionality faster than traditional methods. There are some problems that will start to arise in this type of application when you need more capability than your standard HTTP protocols...

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Angular + Docker with a Big Hug from Spring Boot

Angular + Docker with a Big Hug from Spring Boot

Building modern apps with Angular and Spring Boot is a common practice these days. In fact, if I use Google’s Keyword Planner to look up popular search terms, it’s one of the most popular combinations. The results in the list below are average monthly searches and not limited by location. This tutorial is the fourth and final in a series on Angular and Spring Boot in 2020. In the first one, I showed how to...

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Node.js Login with Express and OIDC

Node.js Login with Express and OIDC

Node.js just celebrated its 11th birthday on May 27! With the state of things nows, it’s pretty crazy to think back to the massive JavaScript Renaissance boost of 2009. In case you’re not aware, the JavaScript Renaissance began in around 2004 with Ajax, increased exponentially with jQuery in the mid-2000s, and then really took off with Node.js and a plethora of early JavaScript web frameworks; including Backbone.js, Ember.js, and AngularJS. Today, I’d like to show...

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SQL Injection in PHP: Practices to Avoid

SQL Injection in PHP: Practices to Avoid

SQL injections are one of the most common vulnerabilities found in web applications. Today, I’m going to explain what a SQL injection attack is and take a look at an example of a simple vulnerable PHP application accessing a SQLite or MySQL database. After that, we’ll look at several methods to prevent this attack, fixing the problem. Prerequisites Make sure you have the following software installed and enabled on your system: PHP 7 Composer PHP...

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