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All Posts by Jimena Garbarino

Secure Secrets with Spring Cloud Config and Vault

In 2013, GitHub released a search feature that allows users to scan code in all public repositories. A day after the release, however, they had to partially shut it down. It was speculated that the shutdown was because the feature allowed any user to search for all kinds of secrets stored in GitHub repositories. Later, in 2014, data on 50,000 Uber drivers was stolen. It seems someone got access to the company’s database using login...

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Communicate Between Microservices with Apache Kafka

One of the traditional approaches for communicating between microservices is through their REST APIs. However, as your system evolves and the number of microservices grows, communication becomes more complex, and the architecture might start resembling our old friend the spaghetti anti-pattern, with services depending on each other or tightly coupled, slowing down development teams. This model can exhibit low latency but only works if services are made highly available. To overcome this design disadvantage, new...

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CI/CD Java Microservices with CircleCI and Spinnaker

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) are essential practices for modern software development. In this post we cover the basics of how to add CI/CD for a JHipster microservices architecture and Kubernetes as the target cloud deployment environment. Briefly, continuous integration is the practice of integrating code into the main branch of a shared repository early and often. Instead of integrating features at the end of a development cycle, code is integrated with the shared repository...

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Run Microservices on DigitalOcean with Kubernetes

Cloud adoption continues to increase rapidly worldwide, and not only in the software industry. Every year more and more companies move their applications to the cloud. In the last JHipster community survey, from December 2021, participants valued JHipster’s ability to get them to production faster, and requested more tutorials on deployment to cloud platforms. DigitalOcean is among the most popular “other” cloud vendors, according to some surveys. This post is a quick walk-through of the...

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Use Thymeleaf Templates with Spring WebFlux to Secure Your Apps

The Thymeleaf library has been around at least for 10 years and it is still actively maintained as of today. It is designed to allow stronger collaboration between design and developer teams for some use cases, as Thymeleaf templates look like HTML and can be displayed in the browser as static prototypes. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple Spring WebFlux application with Thymeleaf and Okta OIDC authentication, addressing the security...

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A Quick Guide to Elasticsearch with Spring Data and Spring Boot

You’ve probably heard of Elasticsearch or the Elastic Stack. The project started as a search engine based on Lucene, an open-source search engine library built by Shay Banon to index his wife’s cooking recipes. Since its early days, Elasticsearch has come a long way and has evolved into the Elastic Stack, a great suite for taking data from any source, in order to search, analyze, and visualize it in near real-time. Elasticsearch is a distributed...

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Java Records: A WebFlux and Spring Data Example

When defining classes for a simple aggregation of values, Java developers have traditionally relied on constructors, accessors, equals(), hashCode() and toString(), an error-prone practice that has low value and shifts the focus away from modeling immutable data. Java records were introduced as a first preview in JDK 14 in order to simplify how we write data carrier classes. The second preview came in JDK 15 and the finalized feature arrived in JDK 16. A summary...

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How to Prevent Reactive Java Applications from Stalling

Modern applications must work smoothly on high loads and with a high number of concurrent users. Traditional Java applications run blocking code and a common approach for scaling is to increase the number of available threads. When latency comes into the picture, many of these additional threads sit idle, wasting resources. A different approach increases efficiency by writing asynchronous non-blocking code that lets the execution switch to another task while the asynchronous process completes. Project...

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Spring WebClient for Easy Access to OAuth 2.0 Protected Resources

Spring ẀebClient was added as part of the reactive web stack WebFlux in Spring Framework 5.0. WebClient allows performing HTTP requests in reactive applications, providing a functional and fluent API based on Reactor, and enabling a declarative composition of asynchronous non-blocking requests without the need to deal with concurrency. One of its features is support for filter registration, allowing to intercept and modify requests, which can be used for cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, as...

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Better Testing with Spring Security Test

Integration testing in modern Spring Boot microservices has become easier since the release of Spring Framework 5 and Spring Security 5. Spring Framework’s WebTestClient for reactive web, and MockMvc for servlet web, allow for testing controllers in a lightweight fashion without running a server. Both frameworks leverage Spring Test mock implementations of requests and responses, allowing you to verify most of the application functionality using targeted tests. With Spring Security 5, security test support provides...

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Scaling Secure Applications with Spring Session and Redis

Spring Boot and Spring Security have delighted developers with their APIs for quite some time now. Spring Security has done an excellent job of implementing OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) standards for the last few years. If you’re using Spring Security’s default authorization code flow with OIDC, it’ll establish a session on the server and serve up old fashion session cookies. If you want to scale your services, you’ll need to share session information. This...

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Easy Session Sharing in Spring Boot with Spring Session and MySQL

Session management in multi-node applications presents multiple challenges. When the architecture includes a load balancer, client requests might be routed to different servers each time, and the HTTP session might be lost. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the configuration of session sharing in a multi-node Spring Boot application. Prerequisites: Java 8+ Docker Docker Compose Table of Contents Session Persistence Session Sharing with Spring Session Learn More about Spring Session and OAuth 2.0 Session...

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OAuth 2.0 Patterns with Spring Cloud Gateway

Spring Cloud Gateway is the Reactive API Gateway of the Spring Ecosystem, built on Spring Boot, WebFlux, and Project Reactor. Its job is to proxy and route requests to services and to provide cross-cutting concerns such as security, monitoring, and resilience. As Reactive models gain popularity, there is a chance that your microservices architecture becomes a mix of Spring MVC blocking applications and Spring WebFlux non-blocking applications. In this tutorial, you will use Spring Cloud...

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Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Java

Continuous Integration (CI) is a popular development practice that helps to ensure software is high-quality and deployable, as you validate (compile and test) the software as soon as you check in changes to the Source Control Management System (SCM). You must have some key elements in place to adopt CI: A SCM system like Git, and a shared repository A CI server like Jenkins Automated tests Teamwork CI practices that allow you to keep build...

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Kotlin: A Beginner's Guide and Tutorial

Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language within the JVM. Kotlin is a cross-platform, multi-purpose, free and open-source language developed by JetBrains under the Apache 2.0 license and has constructs for both Object Oriented and Functional programming styles, which can be mixed. It can be used for web development, server and client, and mobile development, using most Java IDEs. Kotlin is an awesome option for Java developers because it is concise, expressive, and safe. According...

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Tutorial: Develop Apps with Secure WebSockets in Java

WebSockets is a modern transport layer technology that establishes a two-way communication channel between a client and a server, perfect for low-latency, high-frequency interactions. WebSockets tend to be used in collaborative, real-time or event-driven applications, where traditional client-server request-response architecture or long polling would not satisfy requirements. Use cases include stock trading and shared dashboard applications. In this tutorial, I’ll give you a quick overview of the WebSockets protocol and how it handles messages with...

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Get Started with the ELK Stack

Good design principles require that microservices architectures are observable, and provide a centralized monitoring tool. This tool allows development teams to verify the overall system health, inspect logs and errors, and get feedback after deployments. So what is the Elastic (or ELK) Stack and why it is an excellent option to meet this need? In this tutorial post, you will learn how to … Set up and run the ELK stack in Docker containers Set...

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Monitor Your Java Apps with Spring Boot Actuator

Have you worked with Spring Boot Actuator yet? It’s an immensely helpful library that helps you monitor app health and interactions with the app - perfect for going to production! Spring Boot Actuator includes a built-in endpoint for tracing HTTP calls to your application - very useful for monitoring OpenID Connect (OIDC) requests - but unfortunately the default implementation does not trace body contents. In this post, I’ll show you how to extend the httptrace...

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