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How to Make a CRUD App with Entity Framework Core

How to Make a CRUD App with Entity Framework Core

ASP.NET Core is Microsoft’s latest iteration of its web framework, which boasts many upgrades over the .Net Framework versions of ASP.NET. ASP.NET Core is cross-platform—meaning you can finally deploy your ASP.NET apps on Linux. It’s open-source which is a massive departure from Microsoft’s previous line of thinking. Most of the new framework should be familiar to veteran ASP.NET developers however there are some new tweaks to get used to. One of the most popular tools...

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How to Authenticate an AWS Lambda Function in C#

How to Authenticate an AWS Lambda Function in C#

Serverless was only first coined as a concept 8 years ago in 2012 by Ken Fromm in The future of the world is serverless. Even with the rise of cloud computing, the world still revolves around servers. That won’t last, though. Cloud apps are moving into a serverless world, and that will bring big implications for the creation and distribution of software and applications. If you come from traditional service architecture roots of on-premises or...

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Build a Weight Tracker App with Node.js and PostgreSQL

Build a Weight Tracker App with Node.js and PostgreSQL

Did you make any resolutions this year? One resolution I seem to make every year is to lose weight and exercise. Sometimes I even stick to it. A good way I have found to keep on track with any resolution is to record progress. There’s something about visualizing progress that helps me stay motivated. In this tutorial, you are going to create a modern Node.js application to keep track of weight measurements. We’ll use technologies...

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Angular Deployment with a Side of Spring Boot

Angular Deployment with a Side of Spring Boot

One of the more popular combinations of frontend and backend frameworks is Angular + Spring Boot. I’ve written several tutorials about how to combine the two—from keeping them as separate apps to combining them into a single artifact. But, what about deployment? Developers ask me from time-to-time, "What’s the best way to do Angular deployment?" In this tutorial, I’ll show you several options. I’ll start by showing you how to deploy a Spring Boot app...

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Serverless Java with Amazon Web Services

Serverless Java with Amazon Web Services

Serverless is the next iteration in cloud management. First, we let go of having physical hardware servers and moved all of our servers into the cloud because, hey, why bother managing all that hardware? This created cloud infrastructure providers that resulted in behemoths like Amazon and Google. Now, they’re saying, why bother managing a server at all? What you really want to do is run code, right? Serverless is an architecture where code is run...

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Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Recently, a colleague pointed out that I was still configuring Travis-CI on new GitHub repos and suggested I used GitHub Actions instead. I had given Actions the ol' five-minute test when it was still in beta, but ran into a few problems and gave up. After all, I’ve been a fan of Travis-CI for a while and I had enough new things to learn at the time. Still, if GitHub Actions lives up to the...

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Vue Login and Access Control the Easy Way

Vue Login and Access Control the Easy Way

Vue lets you create complex and high-performance web applications. As a front-end JavaScript framework, it’s becoming more popular than ever. Vue Router is the official router for Vue. It facilitates routing in single-page applications, and provides a way to process user authentications and restrict page access. Combined with Okta, implementing secure login in a Vue app can be accomplished in a matter of minutes. User management is an important aspect of nearly all web applications,...

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Whiteboarding for Developers: Yes, You Have To

Whiteboarding for Developers: Yes, You Have To

I’ve always thought developers are a pretty rare collection of individuals. We all vary in our composition; from the quiet introverts to the boisterous extroverts, from button-downed professionals to aloof loose cannons – we run the full spectrum of human personalities. However, we are unique in that we share a set of common traits that are really only understood by us. Our parents might not really know what we do: “He works with computers” Our...

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Build a Secure Java Application with Apache Shiro and OAuth 2.0

Build a Secure Java Application with Apache Shiro and OAuth 2.0

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework that can perform authentication, authorization, session management, along with a host of other features for building secure applications. In this tutorial, you will build a simple Java REST application using JAX-RS. JAX-RS, like many Java APIs, is a set of interfaces, and you will need to pick an implementation. For this post, I’ll use Jersey (the reference implementation of JAX-RS), but you can use Apache CXF, RESTeasy, or...

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Grep for System Admins: Using Grep to Automate Daily Tasks

Grep for System Admins: Using Grep to Automate Daily Tasks

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash If you work with computers as a programmer or system administrator, you probably spend a lot of time staring into the command-line interface! And if you’re used to the command line, you have probably come across the grep command. So what exactly is grep? And how do I use it, and use it better? In this post, we’ll cover some of the most useful grep options and techniques to...

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