Articles tagged postgresql
Build a Weight Tracker App with Node.js and PostgreSQL

Did you make any resolutions this year? One resolution I seem to make every year is to lose weight and exercise. Sometimes I even stick to it. A good way I have found to keep on track with any resolution is to record progress. There’s something about visualizing progress that helps me stay motivated. In this tutorial, you are going to create a modern Node.js application to keep track of weight measurements. We’ll use technologies...
Build A Simple Web App with Node and Postgres

Node.js boasts high performance and scalability for web, mobile, or desktop applications. It is one of the fastest-growing and best-supported javascript frameworks available today, and its microservice patterns has made it a hit for modern enterprise applications. PostgreSQL has also risen in popularity, to compete with MySql. The two technologies partner well as a foundation for modern, microservices-based applications. In this post, we will build a small application that keeps track of a To-Do List...
Get to Know Entity Framework and PostgreSQL

Entity Framework is one of the most pervasive Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) for ASP.NET. An ORM maps an application’s object entities to relational entities in a database, and allows developers to build and edit the database schema from the code. Furthermore, Entity Framework’s design makes it particularly friendly for PostgreSQL developers. Entity Framework (EFCore) Core is a lighter weight and more flexible version that specifically enables .NET objects. It reduces the amount of data access code...
Building Scalable Laravel Apps with PostgreSQL

Laravel is one of the hottest frameworks for backend and full-stack development of Web applications today. It boasts a large number of quality features out-of-the-box, but it’s still easy to learn the basics. The community is vast, and there are tons of free resources available on the Internet. This sample application will use Postgres as the backend database system, Okta for user authentication, and Heroku for quick deployment to a scalable platform. Heroku is a...
MySQL vs PostgreSQL -- Choose the Right Database for Your Project

The choice of a database management system is usually an afterthought when starting a new project, especially on the Web. Most frameworks come with some object-relational mapping tool (ORM) which more or less hides the differences between the different platforms and makes them all equally slow. Using the default option (MySQL in most cases) is rarely wrong, but it’s worth considering. Don’t fall into the trap of familiarity and comfort – a good developer must...
Build a REST API with Node and Postgres

If you haven’t heard of PostgreSQL (often called Postgres), today’s your lucky day. It’s a robust, open source relational database that powers some of the world’s largest applications. In this post, I’ll show you how to create a REST API in Node that uses Postgres as a data store. I’ll walk you through setting everything up, so if you’re not familiar with Postgres, don’t worry. Specifically, I’m going to walk you through building an API...
Spring Boot with PostgreSQL, Flyway, and JSONB

In this tutorial, you are going to learn more about PostgreSQL and how to integrate it with a Spring Boot application. You will learn how to install a simple PostgreSQL instance using Docker and how to connect a Spring Boot application to it. After that, you’ll create a simple database schema and add some data to it. Next, I’ll show you how to create SQL files to deliver database changes, which are more suitable for...
NoSQL Options for Java Developers, Part II
Last month, I wrote about NoSQL Options for Java Developers. I analyzed the data available from a variety of sources (Indeed jobs, GitHub stars, Stack Overflow tags) to pick the top five options: MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Neo4j, and PostgreSQL. After writing this article, I shared it with a few experts I know in the Java and NoSQL communities and asked them the following questions: Do you agree with my choices of the top 5 NoSQL...
NoSQL Options for Java Developers
The Java community is one I know and love, so even though a NoSQL database is rarely tied to a language I’m writing this article for you, Java developers around the world. In this article, I’ll show you several options for NoSQL databases. After exploring all the options, I’ll narrow the choices down to the top five based on Indeed Jobs, GitHub stars, and Stack Overflow tags. Then I’ll let you know if they’re supported...