Android Login Made Easy with OIDC

Android Login Made Easy with OIDC

Having a dedicated part of a mobile app for authorized users is a must for a modern-day app. Users want to have a personalized experience with the apps they love. They expect to seamlessly use services on different devices and platforms. And, most of all, they want to be sure that their personal data is secure. Implementing a secure login process on Android can be challenging to achieve since many different moving parts need to...

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Offline JWT Validation with Go

Offline JWT Validation with Go

Modern authentication systems use and generate JSON Web Tokens (JWT). There are many different ways that JWTs are used but, in this post, we will concentrate on JWTs that are used as OIDC access tokens. When a user successfully logs in to an application using a service like Okta, an OIDC access token is generated in the form of a JWT. That token can be passed in requests to the backend. The backend can then...

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How to Write Secure SQL Common Table Expressions

How to Write Secure SQL Common Table Expressions

Common table expressions are a powerful feature of Microsoft SQL Server. They allow you to store a temporary result and execute a statement afterward using that result set. These can be helpful when trying to accomplish a complicated process that SQL Server isn’t well suited to handle. CTEs allow you to perform difficult operations in two distinct steps that make the challenge easier to solve. In this article, you will learn how to write common...

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How to Docker with Spring Boot

How to Docker with Spring Boot

Those of you reading this have certainly heard of Docker. After years of hype, it has become the somewhat standard technology for everyday DevOps operations. It greatly helped to simplify deployments and testing by creating efficient, immutable images of the applications which are working in their own silo. More efficient placement of applications has made this technology central for cloud applications which is why it has gotten so much attention in recent years. Docker has...

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One Identity Across and Mulesoft

One Identity Across and Mulesoft

Today, I’m going to show you how to plug Okta into a application (along with Mulesoft’s API gateway) using the OpenID Connect protocol (aka ‘OIDC’). By the end of this tutorial, your application will have user authentication backed by Okta and will be able to securely call your backend APIs through Mulesoft’s API gateway. Sound good? Let’s get to it! What’s is Salesforce’s Platform-as-a-Service (aka ‘PaaS’) which allows you to develop...

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A Beginner's Guide to JWTs

A Beginner's Guide to JWTs

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used everywhere (even places they shouldn’t be). This post will cover the basics of what you need to know about JWT and the related specifications in the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) family. JWT is pronounced "jot". Table of Contents What is a JWT? How JWTs Are Used JWT Structure JWT Claims JWT Header JWT Signature Problems with JWTs Learn More About JWT What is a JWT? A JWT...

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How to Use WebAuthn in C#

How to Use WebAuthn in C#

Nowadays, using a password for authentication is becoming less and less secure. Password attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and data breaches occur more frequently. Have I Been Pwned, the website where you can check if your account has been compromised in a data breach, contains more than 10 billion accounts and more than 600 million passwords. With 62% of users reusing passwords, a successful attack on one of the websites gives the attacker access to...

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Build and Secure an API in Python with FastAPI

Build and Secure an API in Python with FastAPI

As Python grows in popularity, the variety of high-quality frameworks available to developers has blossomed. In addition to steadfast options like Django and Flask, there are many new options including FastAPI. First released in late 2018, FastAPI differentiates itself from other Python frameworks by offering a modern, fast, and succinct developer experience for building reliable REST APIs. While one of the newer open-source Python frameworks available, FastAPI has quickly gained a following with over 22,000...

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A Quick Guide to React Login Options

A Quick Guide to React Login Options

Almost any web app needs some sort of access control, usually implemented by user login. Choosing how user authentication is implemented depends on the type of application and its audience. In this post, I want to show you a few different ways of creating a login feature in a single-page React application using Okta. I will start with a login redirect. This is the easiest option to implement and is a good choice for some...

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How to Support .NET Core SameSite + OAuth Apps on Linux

How to Support .NET Core SameSite + OAuth Apps on Linux

Google’s recent approach to SameSite cookie attributes caused a bit of confusion among developers. Especially in cases where handling redirects is necessary. After doing some research in the topic I’d like this article to be a guide on how to handle SameSite cookie attributes properly in production. This guide can serve as the basis for deploying an application to any Linux based environment—such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google Cloud App Engine—or any VPS Linux deployment....

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