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Articles tagged user-management

Use Okta like a Rockstar

Use Okta like a Rockstar

Rockstar chrome extension is a third-party, Non-Okta Application (as defined in Okta’s Master Subscription Agreement). Okta is not involved in making this chrome extension available, and we have neither oversight nor input into its security features and functionality. For questions regarding this, or any other, Non-Okta Application(s) your organization uses in connection with the Okta Service, please contact the application provider directly for more information. Rockstar is a Chrome extension that adds features to the...

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Get Familiar with Android and Gradle

Get Familiar with Android and Gradle

Interested in Android development? Then you should get familiar with Gradle, the only Android development build system that Google officially supports. Gradle manages all aspects of the Android development process, making it easy to: Compile your code Solve dependency trees and conflicts between libraries Merge your code and resources with those of your libraries Cache resources for compilation performance Connect it all to the Android SDK Finally packaging it into the right format with the...

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User Migration: The Definitive Guide

User Migration: The Definitive Guide

Migrating sensitive user data from one system to another can be difficult (to say the least). While making incremental changes in your codebase to get rid of technical debt can be easy, replacing (or upgrading) something as critical and deeply-intertwined as your user management system can be a nightmare. In this guide, you’ll learn the best strategies and methods for migrating your user accounts from one backend to another in the simplest (and most secure)...

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Build and Understand a Simple Node.js Website with User Authentication

Building websites with user authentication and management (login, registration, password reset, etc.), can be a huge pain. As a developer there are a million little things you need to worry about: Storing the users in your database Making sure you have the right user attributes defined Forcing users to be logged in to view a page Building registration and login forms Creating password reset workflows that email users a link Verifying new users when they...

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Build a Simple CRUD App with Flask and Python

Today I’m going to walk you through building a simple Flask web app (a blog) complete with user management (login, registration, etc.), database models, and everything else that goes along with it. In this post I’ll walk you through the code piece-by-piece, explaining everything you need to know along the way. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to build simple Flask web apps and have a good understanding of how to create...

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Flask Tutorial: Simple User Registration and Login

Flask is my favorite Python web framework. It’s minimal, it’s fast, and most of all: it’s fun. I love almost everything about Flask development, with one exception: user management. User management in Flask, just like in many other web frameworks, is difficult. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve created user databases, set up groups and roles, integrated social login providers, handled password reset workflows, configured multi-factor authentication workflows, etc. Even awesome libraries like...

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Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Node.js

Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Node.js

Node.js is eating the world. Many of the largest companies are building more and more of their websites and API services with Node.js, and there’s no sign of a slowdown. I’ve been working with Node.js since 2012 and have been excited to see the community and tooling grow and evolve — there’s no better time to get started with Node.js development than right now. This tutorial will take you step-by-step through building a fully-functional Node.js...

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How to Securely Manage Users in Your Node App

If you’re building a non-trivial website, chances are you’ll want some way to keep track of users. This can be quite complex and require a good deal of infrastructure, but one of the most secure and scalable ways is also one of the easiest. Using an OAuth 2.0 provider allows you to offload these tasks to an external provider, making your life as a developer so much simpler. When using an OAuth provider, it’s simple...

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