What's New with OAuth and OpenID Connect?

In this video you’ll learn about the latest developments in the OAuth and OpenID Connect specs from Aaron Parecki, a regular contributor to the OAuth working group. The latest additions to the specs enable richer experiences and better security for applications using OAuth.
In this video:
- 4:59 Mutual TLS
- 6:43 Resource Indicators
- 8:20 OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice
- 17:47 OAuth for Browser-Based Apps
- 19:52 JWT Profile for Access Tokens
- 20:39 Rich Authorization Requests (RAR)
- 22:22 Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR)
- 23:49 JWT Authorization Requests (JAR)
- 25:34 OAuth 2.1
- 29:12 OAuth 3 / TXAuth
Learn More About OAuth and OpenID Connect
Check out some of our other videos!
- OAuth in Five Minutes - Video series
- How to Hack OAuth
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