Instructions for

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Sign users in to your mobile app using the redirect model

Add authentication using the Okta redirect model (opens new window) to your mobile app. This example uses Okta as the user store.

Learning outcomes

  • Create an integration that represents your app in your Okta org.
  • Add dependencies and configure your mobile app to use Okta.
  • Add a browser-based sign-in flow that is handled by Okta (redirect authentication).
  • Load details for the signed in user.
  • Check for an existing authenticated session at app startup.
  • Refresh tokens to keep the user signed in.
  • Make server calls using an access token for the session.
  • Validate the integration by signing in as a user.

Sample code

Set up Okta

Set up your Okta org. The Okta command-line interface (CLI) is the quickest way to do this. If you don't want to install the CLI, you can manually sign up for an org (opens new window) instead.

  1. Install Okta CLI (opens new window).

  2. If you don't already have a free Okta developer account:

    1. Open your terminal.

    2. Run okta register, and enter your first name, last name, email address, and country.

    3. Tap Activate in the account activation email that is sent to the email address that you gave.

      Tip: If you don't receive the confirmation email sent as part of the creation process, check your spam filters for an email from

    4. Find your new domain and a link to set your password in the email:

      Your Okta Domain:
      To set your password open this link:
    5. Set the password for your org by opening the link and following the instructions. Your Okta domain is returned, similar to the following:

      New Okta Account created!
      Your Okta Domain:
    6. Make a note of your Okta domain. Use it wherever ${yourOktaDomain} appears in this guide.

  3. Run okta login to connect to your org if you didn't create one in the previous step (successfully creating an Okta org also signs you in). You need the URL of your org, which is https:// followed by your Okta domain, and an API/access token.

Note: If you're using an existing org, verify that API Access Management is enabled: Open your Admin Console, go to Security > API, and verify that an Authorization Servers tab is present. If not, choose one of the following:

  • Create a developer account and org with Okta CLI.
  • Contact your support team to enable the feature in your org.
  • Use the Admin Console to create your app integrations instead of the CLI.

All accounts created with Okta CLI are developer accounts.

Create an Okta integration for your app

An app integration represents your app in your Okta org. The integration configures how your app integrates with the Okta services. This includes which users and groups have access, authentication policies, token refresh requirements, redirect URLs, and more. The integration includes configuration information required by the app to access Okta.

To create your app integration in Okta using the CLI:

  1. Create the app integration by running:

    okta apps create native

    Tip: If Okta CLI returns the error "Your Okta Org is missing a feature required to use the Okta CLI: API Access Management," you're not using an Okta developer account. To resolve this, see Set up Okta.

  2. Enter Quickstart when prompted for the app name.

  3. Specify the required redirect URI values:

  4. Make note of the redirect URI, post logout redirect URI, and the app configuration printed to the terminal. You'll need these to configure your mobile app.

At this point, you can move to the next step: Creating your app. If you want to set up the integration manually, complete the following steps:

Note: These steps are the steps that the CLI performs when you create your app integration in Okta using the CLI.

  1. Sign in to your Okta organization (opens new window) with your administrator account.
  2. Click the Admin button on the top right of the page.
  3. Open the Applications configuration pane by selecting Applications > Applications.
  4. Click Create App Integration.
  5. Select a Sign-in method of OIDC - OpenID Connect.
  6. Select an Application type of Native Application, then click Next.

    Note: If you choose an inappropriate app type, it can break the sign-in or sign-out flows by requiring the verification of a client secret, which is something that public clients don't have.

  7. Enter an App integration name.
  8. Enter the callback route for the Sign-in redirect URIs. This is the full redirect URI for your mobile app (for example, com.okta.example:/callback).
  9. Enter your callback route for the Sign-out redirect URIs. This is the full redirect URI for your mobile app (for example, com.okta.example:/logout).
  10. Click Save to update the Okta app settings.

Create an app

In this section you create a sample mobile app and add redirect authentication using your new Okta app integration.

Create a project

Add packages

Add the required dependencies for using the Okta SDK with your app.

Configure your app

The app uses information from the Okta integration that you created earlier to configure communication with the API: Redirect URI, Post Logout Redirect URI, Client ID, and Issuer.

Find your config values

If you don't have your configuration values handy, you can find them in the Admin Console (choose Applications > Applications and find your app integration that you created earlier):

  • Sign-in redirect URI: Found on the General tab in the Login section.
  • Sign-out redirect URI: Found on the General tab in the Login section.
  • Client ID: Found on the General tab in the Client Credentials section.
  • Issuer: Found in the Issuer URI field for the authorization server that appears by selecting Security > API from the left navigation pane.

Define a callback route

To sign users in, your app will open a browser and display an Okta-hosted sign-in page. Okta then redirects back to your app with information about the user.

To achieve this you need to define how Okta can redirect back to your app. This is called a callback route or redirect URI. In mobile apps, use a custom scheme similar to your-app:/callback so that your app can switch back into the foreground after the user is done signing in through the browser. This should be the same value that you used for the Sign-in and Sign-out redirect URIs when you created an app integration in the previous steps.

Your mobile app is responsible for parsing the information Okta sends to the callback route. The Okta SDKs can help you with this task (covered later in the Open the sign-in page section). For now, define the route itself.

Open the sign-in page

The SDK signs in the user by opening an Okta-hosted web page. The app may send the SDK sign-in request when a user visits a protected route or when they tap a button.

Get info about the user

The ID token returned by Okta contains user information or claims that are based on the scopes requested by the app (see Configure your app).

This app includes the profile scope that includes the user's email address, name, and preferred username. You can use this information to update your UI, such as showing the customer's name.

Use the Okta user information endpoints for items that aren't available in the ID token. For general information on requesting user info, see the userinfo response example (opens new window).

Sign in a user

Test your integration by signing in a user using your mobile app.

Check for a session at startup

Okta issues an access token when the user signs in. This token allows the user to access the services for a set amount of time. Check for an existing unexpired token when the app launches to find out if the user is still signed in.

Keep the user signed in

Access tokens are short-lived, but for some types of apps users expect to remain signed in for a long time. Granting a refresh token in your app integration enables the client to request an updated access token.

Enable a refresh token in your app integration by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Admin Console for your Okta org.
  2. Choose Applications > Applications to show the app integrations.
  3. Click the name of your integration to open the configuration manager.
  4. Click Edit in the General Settings section.
  5. Select Refresh Token in the Application section.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the General Settings section.

Use the access token

Your own server API (a resource server in OAuth 2.0) uses the Okta-generated access token for both authenticating that the user is signed in and ensuring that the user is authorized to perform the action or access the information.

Use the access token by adding it to the HTTP Authorization header of outgoing requests in your mobile or other client using this format:

Authorization: Bearer ${token}

Your API then checks incoming requests for valid tokens. To learn how to protect your API endpoints and require token authentication, see Protect your API endpoints.

Next steps

This guide showed you how to sign users in with their username and password using an Okta themed sign-in page. Here are some ways to extend that functionality: