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Oktanaut Tanay, Reporting for Duty

Oktanaut Tanay, Reporting for Duty

Greetings Oktaverse! I’m Tanay 🖖

I have been following Okta for many years, and I am very excited to finally join you all and get a chance to serve this wonderful community.

First things first, here’s a picture of me so that you can recognize me and say hi the next time we meet. 👇

My face

Who I am and what I’ve done so far

I started my journey into the world of tech communities and open source back in college when I came across Mozilla. I got the chance to participate in a lot of their projects and regional community-building initiatives. Over time, I fell in love with writing and have published books on Firefox OS, virtual assistants with Raspberry Pi, and WebVR.

During my last years in college, I got the chance to join the Tech Speakers program by Mozilla, and I dove head-first into the realm of public speaking. After wrapping up my studies, I moved to Berlin and worked with start-ups like ResearchGate,, and n8n.

Tech Speakers in Amsterdam Image from Mozilla’s blog

Before joining Okta, I have been responsible for building a developer relations team from scratch and managing the various facets of developer relations like docs, user on-boarding, support, partnerships, certifications, and community building.

I love geeking out about space exploration, submarines, science, and Lego models. Next on my reading list are:

  • Letters from an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
  • The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups by Daniel Coyle

Do you have any book recommendations for me? 🤓

What I’ll be doing at Okta

I am fortunate to have worked with some of the most vibrant developer communities and individuals across the globe. I hope to use all the skills and knowledge I have acquired to help you get started and succeed with Okta.

As a result of my experiences, my operating style in developer relations is motivated by the urge to:

  • Share fascinating things that I have recently learned
  • Serve my communities by empathetically understanding their pain points
  • Enable my communities to be their best selves and become successful

You’ll be hearing a lot more from me on topics around security and identity. I am also very excited to work on educational resources for you all in my favorite languages: JavaScript and Python.

Is there anything you’d like me to create or focus on first? 🧑‍🚀

How to get in touch

You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub. You can also write to me via my email

Please do reach out and let me know how I can enable you and support you with being the best at what you do! 🙌

Tanay is a Senior Developer Advocate at Okta. He loves writing and has published books on topics like Firefox OS, virtual assistants with Raspberry Pi, and WebVR.

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