Get Started with Spring Boot, OAuth 2.0, and Okta

If you’re building a Spring Boot application, you’ll eventually need to add user authentication. You can do this with OAuth 2.0 (henceforth: OAuth). OAuth is a standard that applications can use to provide client applications with “secure delegated access”. It works over HTTP and authorizes devices, APIs, servers, and applications with access tokens rather than credentials.

Very simply, OAuth is a protocol that supports authorization workflows. It gives you a way to ensure that a specific user has specific permission.

OAuth doesn’t validate a user’s identity — that’s taken care of by an authentication service like Okta. Authentication is when you validate a user’s identity (like asking for a username / password to log in), whereas authorization is when you check to see what permissions an existing user already has.

In this tutorial you’ll build an OAuth client for a Spring Boot application, plus add authentication with the Okta API. You can sign up for a forever-free Okta developer account here.

If you don’t want to code along, feel free to grab the source code from GitHub! You can also watch a video of this tutorial below.

Get Started with Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud Security is a project from the good folks at Pivotal that “offers a set of primitives for building secure applications and services with minimum fuss”. Not only is it easy to use in platforms like Cloud Foundry, but it builds on Spring Boot, Spring Security, and OAuth. Because it builds on OAuth, it’s easy to integrate it with an authentication API like Okta’s.

The Spring Cloud Security project includes a great quickstart that will help you get started with very few lines of code.

Create a Secure Spring Boot App

Creating a Spring Boot application is dirt simple if you use the Spring CLI. It allows you to write Groovy scripts that get rid of the boilerplate Java and build file configuration. This allows you, the developer, to focus on the necessary code. Refer to the project’s official documentation for installation instructions. To install Spring CLI, I recommend using SDKMAN!:

sdk install springboot

Or Homebrew if you’re on a Mac.

brew tap pivotal/tap
brew install springboot

Create a helloWorld.groovy file that has a Controller in it.

class Application {

  String home() {
    'Hello World'

The @Grab annotation invokes Grape to download dependencies and having Spring Security in the classpath causes its default security rules to be used. That is, protect everything, allow a user with the username user, and generate a random password on startup for said user.

Run this app with the following command:

spring run helloWorld.groovy

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and you’ll be prompted to login with your browser’s basic authentication dialog. Enter user for the username and copy/paste the generated password from your console. If you copied and pasted the password successfully, you’ll see Hello World in your browser.

Hello World

Get Your Authorization Server Settings

Log in to your Okta account and navigate to API > Authorization Servers in the top menu. There should be a “default” server listed with an audience and issuer URI specified.

Default AS

The Metadata URI you see in this screenshot will come in handy later when you need to specify accessTokenUri and userAuthorizationUri values.

Create an OpenID Connect App in Okta

To get a client id and secret, you need to create a new OpenID Connect (OIDC) app. Navigate to Applications and click on Add Application. Select Web and click Next. Give the application a name (e.g. “My OIDC App”) and specify http://localhost:8080/login as a Login redirect URI. Click Done and admire your handiwork!


Your clientId and clientSecret values for this app will be just below the fold.

Create a Spring Boot OAuth Client

Create a helloOAuth.groovy file that uses Spring Security and its OAuth 2.0 support.



class Application {

  String home() {
    'Hello World'

Adding the @EnableOAuth2Sso annotation causes Spring Security to look for a number of properties. Create application.yml in the same directory and specify the following key/value pairs.

      # From OIDC app
      clientId: {clientId}
      clientSecret: {clientSecret}
      # From Authorization Server's metadata
      accessTokenUri: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/token
      userAuthorizationUri: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/authorize
      clientAuthenticationScheme: form
      scope: openid profile email
      # from your Auth Server's metadata, check .well-known/openid-configuration if not in .well-known/oauth-authorization-server
      userInfoUri: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/userinfo

Start your app with spring run helloOAuth.groovy and navigate to http://localhost:8080. You’ll be redirected to Okta to login.

Okta Login

If you’re already logged in, you should be redirected back to your app. If it works - congrats!

You can make one additional change to the helloOAuth.groovy file to prove it’s really working: change the home() method to return Hello $name where $name is from

String home( user) {
  'Hello ' +

This should result in your app showing a result like the following.


Get the Source Code

The source code for this tutorial and the examples in it are available on GitHub.


This tutorial showed you how to use Spring CLI, Groovy, Spring Boot, Spring Security, and Okta to quickly prototype an OAuth client. This information is useful for those that are developing a Spring MVC application with traditional server-rendered pages. However, these days, lots of developers are using JavaScript frameworks and mobile applications to build their UIs.

In a future tutorial, I’ll show you how to develop one of these fancy UIs in Angular and use the access token retrieved to talk to a Spring Boot API that’s secured by Spring Security and does JWT validation.


  • May 24, 2018: Added spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure as a dependency, which is necessary for Spring Boot 2.0. You can see the changes in this article in this pull request, and changes in the example app in okta-spring-boot-oauth-example#4.
  • Feb 2, 2018: Added more information to application.yml so it’s easier to copy and paste.
  • Oct 20, 2017: Added missing scope: openid profile email to application.yaml.
  • Oct 11, 2017: Updated instructions for the Okta Developer Console.

Matt Raible is a well-known figure in the Java community and has been building web applications for most of his adult life. For over 20 years, he has helped developers learn and adopt open source frameworks and use them effectively. He's a web developer, Java Champion, and Developer Advocate at Okta. Matt has been a speaker at many conferences worldwide, including Devnexus, Devoxx Belgium, Devoxx France, Jfokus, and JavaOne. He is the author of The Angular Mini-Book, The JHipster Mini-Book, Spring Live, and contributed to Pro JSP. He is a frequent contributor to open source and a member of the JHipster development team. You can find him online @mraible and

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