Articles tagged koa
Build A Secure Node.js API with KoaJS

Koa is a web framework from the makers of Express. Koa is designed to be middleware-driven and extremely lightweight. It is so lightweight that it comes without any middleware on its own. But not to fear, there are plenty of packages available for basic functionality such as routing, authentication, body parsing, and more. You can also write your own custom middleware— I’ll show you how in this tutorial. Koa prides itself on using async functions...
Get Started with Koa.js for Node Applications

Ever since JavaScript made its giant leap from frontend to backend more than 10 years ago, Express has been the go-to library for writing server-side javascript and virtually synonymous with Node.js. It was (and in many aspects it still is) a modern and simple approach backend APIs. Declarative tree-like structure of routes, native support for middleware, asynchronous request processing and a miniature memory footprint all make Express very robust for a backend. As good as...