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Okta Expression Language in Okta Identity Engine

Identity Engine


This document details the features and syntax of Expression Language used for the following:

Expressions used outside of these areas should continue using the features and syntax of Expression Language. This document is updated as new capabilities are added to the language. Expression Language is based on a subset of SpEL functionality (opens new window).

Note: In this reference, $placeholder denotes a value that you need to replace with an appropriate variable. For example, in user.profile.$profile_property, $profile_property can be replaced with firstName, lastName, email, and other valid values.

Unsupported features

The following operators and functionalities offered by SpEL aren't supported in Expression Language:

Reference attributes

Application entitlements

When you create an Okta expression, you can specify entitlements within the appuser context.

Note: Entitlements within the appuser context are only supported with federated claims. You can't use these entitlements in authentication policies.

Syntax Definitions Examples
appuser.entitlements.$attribute appuser - implicit reference to in-context app entitlements
$attribute - the attribute variable name

Okta user profile

When you create an Okta expression, you can reference any property that exists in an Okta user profile in addition to some top-level user properties.

Note: You can't use the user.status expression with group rules. See Group Rules operations (opens new window) and Create Group Rule (opens new window).

Syntax Definitions Examples
user.$property user - references the Okta user
property - top-level property variable name
Values: id, status, created, lastUpdated, passwordChanged, lastLogin
user.profile.$profile_property profile_property - references the user profile property, including custom-defined properties user.profile.firstName

Okta device profile

When you create an Okta expression, you can reference EDR attributes and any property that exists in an Okta device profile.

Syntax Definitions Examples
device.profile.$profile_property profile_property - references a device profile property device.profile.managed
device.provider.$vendor.$signal vendor - references a vendor, such as wsc for Windows Security Center or zta for CrowdStrike
signal - references the supported EDR signal by the vendor

See Integrate with Endpoint Detection and Response solutions (opens new window) and Available EDR signals by vendor (opens new window) for details about vendor and signal.

Security context

You can specify certain rule conditions (opens new window) in authentication policies (opens new window). Use expressions based on the security context of the app sign-on request. Security context is made up of the risk level (opens new window) and the matching User behaviors (opens new window) for the request.

Syntax Definitions Type Examples Usage
security.risk.level security references the security context of the request
risk references the risk (opens new window) context of the request
level is the risk level associated with the request
String 'LOW'
security.risk.level == 'HIGH'
security.risk.level != 'LOW'
security.behaviors security references the security context of the request
behaviors is the list of matching User behaviors (opens new window) for the request, by name.
Array of Strings {'New IP', 'New Device'} security.behaviors.contains('New IP') && security.behaviors.contains('New Device')

Login context

Early Access

You can specify the dynamic IdP (opens new window). Use expressions based on the login context that holds the user's username as the identifier.

Syntax Definitions Type
login.identifier login references the login context of the request. identifier references the user's username. String

Okta account management

You can specify certain Expression Language conditions (opens new window) in Okta account management policies.

Syntax Definitions Type
accessRequest.$operation accessRequest references the access context of the request. operation references the account management operation: enroll, unenroll, recover, or unlockAccount. String
accessRequest.authenticator.$id accessRequest references the access context of the request. authenticator.id references an optional authenticator id, for example, the id of a custom authenticator. String
accessRequest.authenticator.$key accessRequest references the access context of the request. authenticator.key references the authenticator key (opens new window). String


Okta offers various functions to manipulate properties to generate a desired output. You can combine and nest functions inside a single expression.

Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the following properties exist in Okta and that the user has the associated values.

Attribute Type Data
user.created ZonedDateTime 2015-07-30T23:58:32.000Z
user.firstName String "John"
user.lastName String "Doe"
user.email String "john.doe@okta.com"
user.strArray Array {"one", "two"}
user.intArray Array {1, 2, 3}
user.stringDouble String "1.1"
user.country String "United States"
user.countryAlpha2 String "US"
user.countryAlpha3 String "USA"
user.isContractor Boolean False

String functions

Function Input parameter signature Return type Example Output
$string_object.toUpperCase - String 'test'.toUpperCase() "TEST"
user.profile.firstName.toUpperCase() "JOHN"
$string_object.toLowerCase - String 'TEST'.toLowerCase() "test"
$string_object.substring (int startIndex) String 'test.substring(1)' "est"
$string_object.substring (int startIndex, int endIndex) String user.profile.firstName.substring(1,3) "oh"
$string_object.replace (String match, String replacement) String 'hello'.replace('l', 'p') "heppo"
user.profile.firstName.replace('ohn', 'ames') "James"
$string_object.replaceFirst (String match, String replacement) String 'hello'.replaceFirst('l', 'p') "heplo"
$string_object.length - Integer 'test'.length() 4
$string_object.removeSpaces - String 'This is a test'.removeSpaces() "Thisisatest"
$string_object.contains (String searchString) Boolean 'This is a test'.contains('test') True
'This is a test'.contains('Test') False
$string_object.substringBefore (String searchString) String user.profile.email.substringBefore('@') "john.doe"
$string_object.substringAfter (String searchString) String user.profile.email.substringAfter('@') "okta.com"
user.profile.email.substringAfter('.') "doe@okta.com"

Note: In the substring function, startIndex is inclusive and endIndex is exclusive.

Array functions

Function Input parameter Signature Return type Example Output
$array_object.contains (Object searchItem) Boolean user.profile.intArray.contains(3) True
{1, 2, 3}.contains('one') False
$array_object.size - Integer user.profile.strArray.size() 2
$array_object.isEmpty - Boolean {}.isEmpty() True
$array_object.add (Object itemToAdd) Array user.profile.strArray.add('zero') {"one", "two", "zero"}
{'one', 'two'}.add('two') {"one", "two", "two"}
$array_object.remove (Object itemToRemove) Array user.profile.intArray.remove(1) {2, 3}
{2, 3}.remove(1) {2, 3}
$array_object.flatten - Array {\\{1}, {2, 3}\\}.flatten() {1, 2, 3}
user.profile.intArray.flatten() {1, 2, 3}

Conversion functions

Data conversion functions
Function Return type Example Output
$string_object.toInteger Integer user.profile.stringDouble.toInteger() 1
user.profile.email.toInteger() An exception is thrown
'-2147483649'.toInteger() 2147483647
$string_object.toNumber Double user.profile.stringDouble.toNumber() 1.1
'1.7'.toNumber() 1.7
'123This is a test'.toNumber() An exception is thrown
$number_object.toInteger Integer 1.1.toInteger() 1
-1.6.toInteger() -2
2147483647.7.toInteger() -2147483648 (Integer overflow)

Note: The toInteger functions round the passed numeric value (or the string representation of the numeric value) either up or down to the nearest integer. Make sure to consider the range limitations of the integer type when you convert to an integer with these functions.

Country code conversion functions

These functions convert between ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), numeric country codes, and full ISO country names.

Function Return type Example Output
$string_object.parseCountryCode CountryCode user.profile.country.parseCountryCode() US (CountryCode object)
user.profile.countryAlpha2.parseCountryCode() US (CountryCode object)
user.profile.countryAlpha3.parseCountryCode() US (CountryCode object)
'840'.parseCountryCode() US (CountryCode object)
$country_code_object.toAlpha2 String 'USA'.parseCountryCode().toAlpha2() "US"
$country_code_object.toAlpha3 String '840'.parseCountryCode().toAlpha3() "USA"
$country_code_object.toNumeric String 'United States'.parseCountryCode().toNumeric() "840"
$country_code_object.toName String 'US'.parseCountryCode().toName() "United States"

Note: You can call the parseCountryCode function on the string representations of ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), numeric country codes, and country names. You can call the other four functions on country code objects and return the output in the format specified by the function names.

See the ISO 3166-1 online lookup tool (opens new window).

Group functions

Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the user is a member of the following groups:

Group ID Group name Group type Group source ID
00gak46y5hydV6NdM0g4 Everyone BUILT_IN 0oazmqPIbHiVJBG4C0g3
00g1emaKYZTWRYYRRTSK West Coast Users OKTA_GROUP 0a81509410bdf807f680
00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4 West Coast Admins OKTA_GROUP 0a03d062d3918fd34742
00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3 Engineering Users APP_GROUP 0aae4be2456eb62f7c3d
00gnftmgQxC2L19j6I9c Engineering Users APP_GROUP 0a61c8dacb58b3c0716e

Group functions take in a list of search criteria as input. Each search criterion is a key-value pair:
Key: Specifies the matching property. Currently supported keys are: group.id, group.source.id, group.type, and group.profile.name.
Value: Specifies a list of matching values.

The group.id, group.source.id, and group.type keys can match values that are exact.

The group.profile.name key supports the operators EXACT and STARTS_WITH to identify exact matches or matches that include the value. If no operator is specified, the expression uses STARTS_WITH. You can't use these operators with group.id, group.source.id, or group.type.

Use group.source.id when you need to disambiguate between groups that have the same group name. For example, if you're searching for app groups that start with "Admin" from a given app instance then you can use group.source.id to filter multiple groups across the different app group sources.

Function Return type Example Output explanation Example Output
user.getGroups Array user.getGroups({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}}, {'group.profile.name': 'West Coast.*'}) A list of groups with group ID 00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3 and a group name that starts with West Coast {}
user.getGroups({'group.type': {'OKTA_GROUP'}}, {'group.profile.name': {'Everyone', 'West Coast Admins'}}) A list of groups that are of the type OKTA_GROUP and the group name starts with Everyone or West Coast Admins A list of user groups that contains groups with ID 00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4
user.getGroups({'group.profile.name': 'East Coast.*'}) A list of groups that start with the name East Coast {}
user.getGroups({'group.type': {'OKTA_GROUP', 'APP_GROUP'}}) A list of groups that are of the type OKTA_GROUP or APP_GROUP A list of user groups that contains groups with IDs 00g1emaKYZTWRYYRRTSK, 00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4, 00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3, and 00gnftmgQxC2L19j6I9c
user.getGroups({'group.source.id': '0aae4be2456eb62f7c3d'} , {'group.profile.name': {'Engineering Users'}} ) A filtered list of user groups that contains groups that start with the name Engineering Users and that has the source ID 0aae4be2456eb62f7c3d A list of user groups that contains groups with ID 00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3
user.isMemberOf Boolean user.isMemberOf({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}, {'group.type': 'APP_GROUP'}) Whether the user is a member of one of the groups with ID 00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3 or 00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4 and the group type is APP_GROUP True
user.isMemberOf({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}, {'group.type': 'BUILT_IN'}) Whether the user is a member of one of the groups with ID 00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3 or 00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4 and the group type is BUILT_IN False
user.isMemberOf({'group.profile.name': 'West Coast', 'operator': 'STARTS_WITH' }) Whether the user is a member of a group whose name starts with West Coast True
user.isMemberOf({'group.profile.name': 'West Coast', 'operator': 'EXACT' }) Whether the user is a member of a group whose exact name is West Coast False
user.isMemberOf({'group.source.id': '0aae4be2456eb62f7c3d'} , {'group.profile.name': {'Engineering Users'}} ) Whether the user is a member of a group whose source ID is 0aae4be2456eb62f7c3d and the group name starts with Engineering Users True

Linked object function

Use this function to retrieve the user who's identified with the specified primary relationship. You can then access the properties of that user.

  • Function: user.getLinkedObject($primaryName)
    • Parameter: (String primaryName)
    • Return Type: User
    • Example: user.getLinkedObject("manager").lastName
    • Example Result: Gates

Time functions

Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the current date and time is 2015-07-31T17:18:37.979Z.

Function Input parameter signature Return type Example Output
DateTime.now - ZonedDateTime DateTime.now() 2015-07-31T17:18:37.979Z (The current date-time in the UTC time-zone)
$string_object.parseWindowsTime - ZonedDateTime '130828367179790000'.parseWindowsTime() 2015-07-31T17:18:37.979Z
$string_object.parseUnixTime - ZonedDateTime '1438377580979'.parseUnixTime() 2015-07-31T21:19:40.979Z
$string_object.parseStringTime - ZonedDateTime '2015-06-17T00:23:19.676Z'.parseStringTime() 2015-06-17T00:23:19.676Z
$string_object.parseStringTime (String dateTimeFormat) ZonedDateTime '17 June 2015 00:23:19'.parseStringTime('dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss') 2015-06-17T00:23:19Z
$zoned_date_time_object.toWindows - String user.created.toWindows() "130827743120000000"
$zoned_date_time_object.toUnix - String DateTime.now().toUnix() "1438363117979"
$zoned_date_time_object.toString - String user.created.toString() "2015-07-30T23:58:32Z"
$zoned_date_time_object.toString (String dateTimeFormat) String user.created.toString('MM/dd/yyyy') "07/30/2015"
$zoned_date_time_object.toZone (String zoneId) ZonedDateTime Time.now().toZone('Asia/Tokyo') 2015-08-01T02:18:37.979+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
$zoned_date_time_object.plusDays (int days) ZonedDateTime user.created.plusDays(2) 2015-08-01T23:58:32.000Z
$zoned_date_time_object.plusHours (int hours) ZonedDateTime user.created.plusHours(-1) 2015-07-30T22:58:32.000Z
$zoned_date_time_object.plusMinutes (int minutes) ZonedDateTime user.created.plusMinutes(0) 2015-07-30T23:58:32.000Z
$zoned_date_time_object.plusSeconds (int seconds) ZonedDateTime user.created.plusSeconds(0) 2015-07-30T23:58:32.000Z
$zoned_date_time_object.minusDays (int days) ZonedDateTime Time.now().minusDays(3) 2015-07-28T17:18:37.979Z
$zoned_date_time_object.minusHours (int hours) ZonedDateTime Time.now().minusHours(100) 2015-07-27T13:18:37.979Z
$zoned_date_time_object.minusMinutes (int minutes) ZonedDateTime Time.now().minusMinutes(-1) 2015-07-31T17:19:37.979Z
$zoned_date_time_object.minusSeconds (int seconds) ZonedDateTime Time.now().minusSeconds(2) 2015-07-31T17:18:35.979Z
$zoned_date_time_object.withinDays (int days) Boolean user.created.withinDays(1) True
$zoned_date_time_object.withinHours (int hours) Boolean user.created.withinHours(100) True
$zoned_date_time_object.withinMinutes (int minutes) Boolean user.created.withinMinutes(2) False
$zoned_date_time_object.withinSeconds (int seconds) Boolean user.created.withinSeconds(100) False

Note: Okta supports the use of the time zone IDs and aliases listed in the Time Zone Codes table.

Constants and operators

Common Action Example
Refer to a String constant 'Hello world'
Refer to a Integer constant 1234
Refer to a Number constant 3.141
Refer to a Boolean constant true
Concatenate two strings user.profile.firstName + user.profile.lastName

Conditional expressions

The following rules apply to conditional expressions:

  • Expressions must have valid syntax.
  • Expressions must evaluate to Boolean.
  • Expressions can't contain an assignment operator, such as =.
  • User properties referenced in an expression must exist.

The following functions are supported in conditional expressions:

  • Any Expression Language function
  • The && operator to designate AND
  • The || operator to designate OR
  • The ! operator to designate NOT
  • Standard relational operators including <, >, <=, and >=

Note: Use the double equals sign == to check for equality and != for inequality.


Expression Output
user.profile.country == "United States" True
user.profile.intArray.contains(0) False
user.profile.isContractor || user.created.withinSeconds(0) False

You can use the ternary operator for performing IF, THEN, ELSE conditional logic inside the expression.

The format for a ternary conditional expression is: [Condition] ? [Value if TRUE] : [Value if FALSE]


If the middle initial isn't empty, include it as part of the full name using just the first character and appending a period.
user.profile.firstName + " " + (user.profile.middleInitial.length() == 0 ? "" : (user.profile.middleInitial.substring(0, 1) + ". ")) + user.profile.lastName

If the user is a contractor and is a member of the "West Coast Users" user group, output "West coast contractors", else output "Others".
user.profile.isContractor && user.isMemberOf({'group.profile.name': 'West Coast Users'}) ? "West coast contractors" : "Others"