Instructions for

On this page

Token inline hook

This guide provides an example of an Okta token inline hook. It uses the website (opens new window) as an external service to receive and respond to token inline hook calls.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the Okta token inline hook calls and responses.
  • Implement a simple example of a token inline hook with a external service.
  • Test the token inline hook.

What you need

Sample code

About token inline hook implementation

The token inline hook can be used to customize the Authorization Code flow that occurs between an app and the Okta org used for authentication.

This guide provides example code for an external service to respond to calls from a token inline hook. It provides an end-to-end scenario using a local app, an Okta org, and an external service.

The Scenario

In the following token inline hook scenario, the external service code parses a request from Okta, evaluates the username against a data store, and responds to Okta with a command to add a claim to the token. If the user isn't part of the data store, no action is taken. The token is returned to the local app for authentication.

At a high-level, the following workflow occurs:

  • A user signs in to an Okta-hosted Login sample app.
  • The Okta org authenticates a user and mints an authentication token.
  • The Okta token inline hook triggers and sends a request to an external service.
  • The external service evaluates the request, and if the user is a patient, adds a patient ID claim to the token.
  • The authentication token is directed back to the Okta-hosted Login app where the user is signed in.

Tip: For another in-depth look at a token inline hook implementation, see the following developer experience blog example by Micah Silverman, Use Okta Token Hooks to Supercharge OpenID Connect (opens new window).

Set up the sample Express app

The sample Node.js Express app is designed to demonstrate the Authorization Code flow, and includes an Okta-hosted Login sample used in this token inline hook guide. Access the code from the following GitHub repository and use the following instructions to set up your sample app.

Install the app locally

  1. Clone the repo locally: git clone

  2. Change to the app folder: cd samples-nodejs-express-4/

  3. Install the dependencies: npm install

Create an Okta app integration

An Okta app integration represents your app in your Okta org. The integration configures how your app integrates with the Okta services including which users and groups have access, authentication policies, token refresh requirements, redirect URLs, and more. The integration includes configuration information required by the app to access Okta.

  1. Sign in to your Okta organization (opens new window) with your administrator account.
  2. Click Admin in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Open the Applications configuration pane by selecting Applications > Applications.
  4. Click Create App Integration.
  5. Select a Sign-in method of OIDC - OpenID Connect.
  6. Select an Application type of Web Application, then click Next.
  7. Enter an App integration name.
  8. Ensure that the Authorization Code grant type is selected.
  9. Enter the Sign-in redirect URIs for local development. For this sample, use the default value http://localhost:8080/authorization-code/callback.
  10. Enter the Sign-out redirect URIs for local development. For this sample, use the default value http://localhost:8080.
  11. In the Assignments section, define the type of Controlled access for your app. Select Allow everyone in your organization to access. See Assign app integrations (opens new window).
  12. Clear the Enable immediate access with Federation Broker Mode checkbox.
  13. Click Save to create the app integration. The General tab for your integration opens after it's saved. Keep this pane open as you need to copy the Client ID, Client Secret, and your org domain name when configuring your app.

Add the integration credentials to your local app

  1. Open the Express sample app in your editor of choice.

  2. In the root folder of your local app (samples-nodejs-express-4), add an environment variable file called dotenv. There's no extension to this file.

  3. Add the following variables and values to the dotenv file. The CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET values are available on the General tab of your app integration.

    • ISSUER=https://${}/oauth2/default
    • CLIENT_ID=${yourClientId}
    • CLIENT_SECRET:${yourClientSecret}

Your dotenvfile appears as follows:


Run your local app

  1. To start your local application web server: npm run okta-hosted-login-server

  2. Go to the page http://localhost:8080 in your browser. If you see a home page that prompts you to sign in, the app is working. Click Log in to redirect to the Okta hosted sign-in page and to authenticate a user.

Create the external service code

You can now create the external service code that resides on your third-party site (in this example, the site). The third-party site receives and responds to the token inline hook call from Okta. The responses to the token inline hook call can modify or remove an existing custom claim or an OIDC standard profile claim. You can also update how long an access token or an ID token is valid. In this example, a new claim is added to the identity token. For further information on the token inline hook commands object, see the Token inline hook reference documentation.

Copy (re-mix) the project code, Okta Token Inline Hook (opens new window) andCustomize the external service for your org to run the scenario right away. Skip to the Activate and enable the token inline hook section to configure the token inline hook.

If you'd like to create the external service yourself, use the following sections that detail the portion of code that parses the token inline hook call, checks the data store, and then responds to Okta.

Note: Make sure to have the required default code and packages in your project. See Common Hook Set-up Steps.

Parse the token inline hook request

From the token inline hook request, the following code retrieves the value of the username from the data.identity object.

Check against the data store

In this scenario, a pre-populated static array of patient names and patient IDs (patients) is used to simulate a real-world data store. The username included with the Okta request is checked against this array. If the username in the request matches a value in the patients array, the associated patient ID is stored as a variable, patientID.

Note: Modify this data store to make sure it contains one or more usernames that are assigned to your app in your Okta org. See Customize the external service for your org.

Send a response to Okta

The variable, patientID, can now be returned to Okta as an additional token claim using the commands object. For further information on the token commands object, see the token inline hook reference documentation.

Customize the external service for your org

  1. In the server.js file, modify the project code's data store with a user that belongs to your org.

        username: '',
        ExternalServicePatientID: '1235',
  2. Click the .env file in the left-hand panel, to update the external app's environment variables to the following values:

    • USER=admin
    • PASSWORD=supersecret

These are the HTTP Basic Authentication credentials that validate the inline token request from Okta.

Activate and enable the token inline hook

The token inline hook must be activated and enabled within your Admin Console.

  • Activating the token inline hook registers the hook with the Okta org and associates it with your external service.
  • Enabling the token inline hook associates the hook with your Okta custom authorization server, which authenticates the Okta-hosted Login sample app.

Note: Okta's Developer Edition makes most key developer features available by default for testing purposes. Okta's API Access Management product — a requirement to use Custom Authorization Servers — is an optional add-on in production environments.

Activate the token inline hook

  1. Go to the Workflow > Inline Hooks page.

  2. Click Add Inline Hook and select Token from the dropdown menu.

  3. Add a name for the hook (in this example, "Patient token hook").

  4. Add your external service URL, including the endpoint. For example, use your Glitch project name with the endpoint:

  5. Add the Authentication field and Authentication secret values. This example uses HTTP Basic Authentication.

    • Authentication field = authorization
    • Authentication secret = Basic YWRtaW46c3VwZXJzZWNyZXQ=

    Note: If you want to use OAuth 2.0 to secure your inline hooks, see OAuth 2.0: Client Secret or OAuth 2.0: Private Key.

  6. Click Save.

The token inline hook is now set up with a status of active.

Enable the token inline hook

  1. Go to Security > API > Authorization Servers.

  2. Select a custom authorization server from the list (usually default).

  3. Select the Access Policies tab. Go to the rule table and click the edit icon next to the policy rule that will use the inline hook. Usually, edit the Default Policy Rule of the Default Policy.

  4. Select the token inline hook you activated ("Patient token hook") from the Use this inline hook dropdown menu.

  5. Click Update rule.

The token inline hook is now ready for triggering when the default policy rule is invoked from an authentication request.

Extend the sample Express app

The following code extends the local sample Node.js Express app to display the results of the token inline hook claim addition. This step is optional. The token inline hook is functional. The implementation results appear in the external service logs and in the System Logs on your Okta org. But this extension is a nice way to display the added claim.

To extend the local sample Node.js Express app, you need to update the sample-web-server.js file.

Update the web server page

  1. Go to your project folder samples-nodejs-express-4 and continue to the common folder (samples-nodejs-express-4/common).
  2. In an editor, open the sample-web-server.js page.
  3. Locate the routing function app.get('/profile' and modify the function as in the code below. The inline token hook code extension appears after the const declarations and before the res.render function.

This extension renders the ID token, and if it contains the claim added by the token inline hook, adds this claim to the attributes array. This array displays claims on the user's My Profile page.

Preview and test the token inline hook

The token inline hook is ready for preview and testing. You now have the following apps configured:

  • The Okta-Hosted Login sample app (samples-nodejs-express-4) is ready to authenticate users from your Okta org.
  • The external service ( project) is ready with code to receive and respond to an Okta token inline hook call.
  • The Okta org is set up to call the external service when an app sign in triggers the token inline hook.

Note: Make sure that you have users assigned to your app and at least one user is part of the Patients data store in your Glitch app.

Preview the token inline hook

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Workflow > Inline Hooks.

  2. Click the token inline hook name (in this example, "Patient token hook").

  3. Click Preview.

  4. From the Configure Inline Hook request block, complete the following fields:

    • Select a user: A user in your org associated with your app.
    • Select an application: Your OIDC sample app name.
    • Select an authorization server: Your authorization server name. In this example, use default.
    • Select a grant type: Your app's grant type. In this example, use Authorization Code.
    • Select scopes: The granted scopes. This example didn't require a scope. Add any scope to move to the next step, for example,

    Note: Based on your grant type selection, preview fields may vary.

  5. From the Preview example Inline Hook request block, click Generate Request. You should see the user's request information in JSON format that is sent to the external service.

  6. You can also click Edit to modify this call for development or testing purposes. For this example, click Edit to add an identity object required by the external service code. Place the following JSON code before the access object:

    "identity": {
        "claims": {
            "preferred_username": ""}
  7. From the View service's response block, click View Response. A response appears from your external service in JSON format, which either adds a claim to the token or doesn't based on your external service's logic and the email value you sent as part of the preferred_username parameter.

Test your hook

  1. Go to your sample app project folder (samples-nodejs-express-4).

  2. Start your Okta-Hosted-Login server (npm run okta-hosted-login-server).

  3. Go to your sample app (http://localhost:8080).

  4. Go to your project and open the console Logs window (Tools > Logs).

  5. Return to your sample app and sign in with an Okta user who isn't in the patients' data store.

    • The user signs in as normal. Only the username displays in the Glitch log window.
    • If you extended the sample app, click My Profile in the left-hand navigation pane. The user info claims are included in the table.
  6. Sign out of the sample app, and then sign in with an Okta user who is in the patients' data store.

    • The user signs in as normal, but now has a patient ID displayed in the Glitch console output. A successful implementation record of the token inline hook is also available for review in your Okta org System Log (Reports > System Log).
    • If you extended the sample app, click My Profile in the left-hand navigation pane. The patient ID is added as part of the claims table.

Note: Review the Token inline hooks troubleshooting content or the Troubleshooting hook implementations section for information on any difficulties.

Next steps

Review the following guides to implement other inline or event hook examples:

See also

For further reference data on the token inline hook, see the token inline hook reference.