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Manage groups with Terraform

Use Terraform to configure access to Okta apps and manage sign-in flows for groups of users.

Learning outcomes

  • Configure automatic group assignment for users in your org.
  • Use groups to manage user access to Okta apps.
  • Use groups to manage user sign-in flows.

What you need


Groups enable you to manage access to Okta apps for many users. Group settings automatically apply changes to all users within that group, which simplifies managing large numbers of users.

Use groups by assigning users, apps, and policies to them. Users who are assigned to a group can access the apps by following the sign-in flows that the policies control. Assigned apps appear on the Okta End-User Dashboard for all users in the group.

Automatically assign users to groups

Add an okta_group_rule resource to your Terraform configuration to assign new and existing users to groups based on their attributes. Use an IF condition in the group rule resource to select the users that Okta automatically assigns to a group.

Automatic assignment reduces the time required to manage users and helps with scaling the number of users in your org. It also reduces the number of resources in your configuration, which minimizes rate limit errors.

Create a “Business Technology” group and a group rule that automatically assigns users to that group:

  1. In your main.tf Terraform configuration file, add an okta_group resource to create a group called “Business Technology”:

    resource "okta_group" "business_technology_group" {
      name = "Business Technology"
  2. Add an okta_group_rule resource to create a group rule that automatically assigns users to the Business Technology group:

    • Set group_assignments to the Okta group ID of the Business Technology group.
    • Set expression_value to an IF condition to select users with the department attribute that contains the string “Business Technology”. Okta assigns all new and existing users that meet this condition to the Business Technology group.

    Note: Create an IF condition for the expression_value argument using the Okta Expression Language.

    • Set status to ACTIVE to apply the rule to all users.
    resource "okta_group_rule" "business_technology_group_rule" {
      name = "Business Technology Group Rule"
      status = "ACTIVE"
      group_assignments = [ okta_group.business_technology_group.id ]
      expression_value = "String.stringContains(user.department,\"Business Technology\")"
  3. Test the automatic assignment by adding an okta_user resource to create a user with a department value of Business Technology:

    resource "okta_user" "business_technology_test_user_1" {
      first_name = "BusinessTechnology"
      last_name = "TestUser1"
      department = "Business Technology"
      login = "business_technology_user_1@example.com"
      email = "business_technology_user_1@example.com"

Run the Terraform configuration to create the resources and test the group rule:

  1. In a terminal, go to the directory that contains your Terraform configuration.
  2. Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform configuration.
  3. Run terraform plan to preview the changes to your Okta org. Check the plan to confirm that Terraform creates the resources that you added to the configuration and doesn't change any existing resources.
  4. Run terraform apply to apply the changes to your org. Enter yes when prompted to confirm.
  5. Check your Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  6. Go to Directory > Groups in the Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  7. Select the Business Technology group.
  8. Check that BusinessTechnology TestUser1 is a member of the group. You can also check the Managed column to see that the Business Technology Group Rule manages the user group assignment.

Manually assign users to groups

When automatic assignment isn’t sufficient or required, you can assign individual users to groups in your Terraform configuration. For example, you can configure special access that applies to one user only.

There are two resources for manually assigning users:

  • okta_group_memberships manages user assignments for one group.
  • okta_user_group_memberships manages the assignment of one user to multiple groups.

Add an okta_group_memberships resource to the previous example to assign an example user to the Business Technology group:

  1. In your main.tf Terraform configuration file, add an okta_user resource to create a test user to manually assign to the Business Technology group. Don’t set the department attribute to Business Technology. Otherwise, Okta automatically assigns the user based on the group rule from the previous example.

    resource "okta_user" "business_technology_test_user_2" {
      first_name = "BusinessTechnology"
      last_name = "TestUser2"
      login = "business_technology_user_2@example.com"
      email = "business_technology_user_2@example.com"
  2. Add an okta_group_memberships resource to assign the user to the Business Technology group:

    resource "okta_group_memberships" "business_technology_group_membership" {
      group_id = okta_group.business_technology_group.id
      users = [ okta_user.business_technology_test_user_2.id ]

Run the Terraform configuration to create the resources:

  1. In a terminal, go to the directory that contains your Terraform configuration.
  2. Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform configuration.
  3. Run terraform plan to preview the changes to your Okta org. Check the plan to confirm that Terraform creates the resources that you added to the configuration and doesn't change any existing resources.
  4. Run terraform apply to apply the changes to your org. Enter yes when prompted to confirm.
  5. Check your Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  6. Go to Directory > Groups in the Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  7. Select the Business Technology group.
  8. Check that BusinessTechnology TestUser2 is a member of the group. You can also check the Managed column to see that the user is managed Manually.

Assign apps to groups

Use an okta_app_group_assignment resource to assign an Okta app to a group. Assigned apps appear on the Okta End-User Dashboard for all users in the group.

Assign an example Okta app to the Business Technology group:

  1. In your main.tf Terraform configuration file, add an okta_app_oauth resource to create an example app in your org.

    resource "okta_app_oauth" "example_app" {
      label = "Example App"
      type = "web"
      grant_types = ["authorization_code"]
      redirect_uris = ["https://example.com/"]
      response_types = ["code"]
  2. Add an okta_app_group_assignments resource to assign the example OAuth app to the Business Technology group.

  3. Set app_id to the ID of the example app that you created.

    resource "okta_app_group_assignments" "example_app_assignment" {
      app_id = okta_app_oauth.example_app.id
      group {
        id = okta_group.business_technology_group.id
        priority = 1

Run the Terraform configuration to create the resources:

  1. In a terminal, go to the directory that contains your Terraform configuration.
  2. Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform configuration.
  3. Run terraform plan to preview the changes to your Okta org. Check the plan to confirm that Terraform creates the resources that you added to the configuration and doesn't change any existing resources.
  4. Run terraform apply to apply the changes to your org. Enter yes when prompted to confirm.
  5. Check your Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  6. Go to Directory > Groups in the Admin Console to confirm that Terraform created the resources.
  7. Select the Business Technology group, and then select Applications.
  8. Check that your app is in the list of assigned apps.

Assign policies to groups

Policies control sign-in flows for users, including the type and number of required authentication factors. Include group IDs in policy resources in your Terraform configuration to assign policies to groups. For a given policy type, the assigned policy with the highest priority applies to users in the group. For example, if a group has two assigned global session policies, the policy with the higher priority applies.

For examples of assigning policies to groups, see Manage user access with Terraform.