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Auth JS fundamentals

Identity Engine

Note: This document is only for Okta Identity Engine. If you’re using Okta Classic Engine, see Auth JS fundamentals. See Identify your Okta solution (opens new window) to determine your Okta version.

This guide explains authentication fundamentals using Auth JS, known more formally as the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK, and provides a simple, single-page application (SPA) to demonstrate a sign-in use case.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how to implement basic sign-in using Auth JS.
  • Understand basic installation and code configurations using AuthJS.
  • Implement the sample SPA use case and sign a user in to the application.

What you need

Sample code

About the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK

The Okta Auth JS SDK builds on top of the Authentication API and OpenID Connect API. The SDK also builds on top of the Identity Engine interaction code flow. This enables you to create a fully branded sign-in experience using JavaScript.

The Okta Auth JS SDK is used by the Okta Sign-In Widget (opens new window), which powers the default Okta sign-in page. If you're building a JavaScript front-end or single-page application (SPA), the Auth JS SDK provides added control and customization beyond what is possible with the widget.

In this guide you learn how to use the Auth JS SDK with a simple static page application to authenticate and store an OpenID Connect (OIDC) token (idToken) and access token (accessToken).

If you'd like to explore the entire Auth JS SDK, see Okta Auth JS JavaScript SDK (opens new window).


Install Auth JS by linking out to the Okta CDN, or installing locally through npm or another package manager.


To use the CDN, include this script in your target HTML page:

<!-- Latest CDN production Auth JS SDK-->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

More information is available in the Okta Auth JS SDK (opens new window).

Package manager

Run the appropriate installation command for your package manager in your project root folder:

# yarn
yarn add @okta/okta-auth-js

# npm
npm install @okta/okta-auth-js

More information is available in the Okta Auth JS SDK (opens new window).

Add code to reference the SDK

The following sections display basic code snippets that you use when accessing Auth JS.

Initialize the SDK

To initialize the SDK, create an instance of the OktaAuth object. The apps.js file of the static-spa sample uses the function createAuthClient():

 function createAuthClient() {
  // The `OktaAuth` constructor can throw if the config is malformed
  try {
    authClient = new OktaAuth({
      issuer: config.issuer,
      clientId: config.clientId,
      redirectUri: config.redirectUri,
      scopes: config.scopes,
      useInteractionCodeFlow: true,
      tokenManager: {
    if (config.startService) {
  } catch (error) {
    return showError(error);

The object is initialized with the configurations from your Okta org app integration: issuer, clientId, and redirectUri. These values are referenced in the sample application's config variable and loadConfig function.

Create a sign-in page

Build a sign-in page that captures both the username and password. As an example, from the index.html page of the static-spa sample:

<!-- authMethod: form -->
        <!-- static signin form (authn and oie)-->
        <div id="static-signin-form" style="display: none" class="panel pure-form pure-form-aligned">
          <div class="pure-control-group">
            <label for="username">Username</label>
            <input name="username" type="email" autocomplete="username">
          <div class="pure-control-group">
            <label for="password">Password</label>
            <input name="password" type="password" autocomplete="password">
          <div class="pure-controls">
            <p><a href="/" data-se="recover-password" onclick="_showRecoverPassword(event)">Forgot your password?</a></p>
            <a class="pure-button pure-button-primary" href="/" data-se="submit" onclick="_submitStaticSigninForm(event)">Signin</a>

Authenticate user credentials

After the user enters a username and password and clicks Signin, the function submitStaticSigninform is called and sends the credentials for authentication to the Okta org for verification using the idx.authenticate method.

See idx.authenticate (opens new window).

function submitStaticSigninForm() {
  const username = document.querySelector('#static-signin-form input[name=username]').value;
  const password = document.querySelector('#static-signin-form input[name=password]').value;

  if (!config.useInteractionCodeFlow) {
    // Authn
    return authClient.signIn({ username, password })

  return authClient.idx.authenticate({ username, password })


Handle responses

For a successful sign-in, the response from Okta includes a status field value of SUCCESS and includes the access and ID tokens. The handleTransaction function in the static-spa sample processes this state, and other values of the status field. The endAuthFlow function stores the tokens.

function handleTransaction(transaction) {
  if (!config.useInteractionCodeFlow) {
    // Authn
    return handleTransactionAuthn(transaction);

  // IDX
  if (transaction.messages) {

  switch (transaction.status) {
    case 'PENDING':
      if ( === 'identify') {
      updateAppState({ transaction });
    case 'FAILURE':
    case 'SUCCESS':
      throw new Error(transaction.status + ' status');

See status (opens new window).

Get the user profile information

The static-spa sample application renders user and access token information after a successful sign in. The function getUserInfo retrieves the user details:

function getUserInfo() {
  return authClient.token.getUserInfo()
    .then(function(value) {
      updateAppState({ userInfo: value });
    .catch(function (error) {
      // This is expected when Okta SSO does not exist

And the accessToken information is rendered using the renderAuthenticated and renderUserInfo functions.

See token.getUserInfo (opens new window).

Run the sample application

Run the static-spa sample application to see a functional example of the authentication flow using the Auth JS SDK. To run the Auth JS SDK static-spa sample application:

  • Create an app integration on your Okta org.
  • Download and install the sample application.
  • Run the sample application.

Create an app integration

Create an app integration in the Okta org that represents the application you want to add authentication to:

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications.

  2. Click Create App Integration.

  3. Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method.

  4. Select Single-Page Application for the Application Type.

  5. On the New Single-Page App Integration page:

    • Enter an application name.

    • Select Refresh Token as a Grant type.

    • Click Advanced, and then select Interaction Code in the Other grants section.

      Note: If the Interaction Code checkbox doesn’t appear, the Interaction Code grant type isn’t enabled for your org. To enable it, go to Settings > Account > Embedded widget sign-in support. See Verify that the Interaction Code grant type is enabled.

    • Set Sign-in redirect URIs to http://localhost:8080/login/callback.

  6. In the Assignments section, select Allow everyone in your organization to access.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Select the Sign On tab and scroll down to the User authentication section. New apps are automatically assigned the shared default authentication policy (opens new window). This policy has a catch-all rule that allows a user access to the app using either one or two factors, depending on your org setup.

  9. For this use case, Okta wants to use only the password factor. Click Edit and select the Password only preset policy (opens new window) to assign it to your app.

    Note: Be sure to also update the password authenticator policy rule to not require any additional verification.

  10. Click Save.

  11. In the Security > API > Authorization Servers section, verify that the custom authorization server uses the Interaction Code grant type by selecting the default server, clicking Access Policies, and editing the Default Policy Rule.

  12. Click Advanced in the IF Grant type is section.

  13. Locate the Other grants section and ensure that Interaction Code is selected.

    Note: If the Interaction Code checkbox doesn’t appear, the Interaction Code grant type isn’t enabled for your org. To enable it, go to Settings > Account > Embedded widget sign-in support. See Verify that the Interaction Code grant type is enabled.

  14. In the Security > API > Trusted Origins page, ensure that there's an entry for your sign in redirect URI (http://localhost:8080). See Enable CORS.

Note: From the General tab of your app integration, save the generated Client ID value, which is used in the next section.

Download and install the sample app

The sample app, static-spa resides in the okta-auth-js repository. Clone the repository and install the project dependencies:

  1. Clone the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK repository to your local project directory and go to the static-spa directory:
git clone
cd okta-auth-js/samples/generated/static-spa
  1. Install the dependencies with a package manager:
# yarn

# npm
npm install
  1. In the apps.js file, update your Okta org configurations (issuer and clientId) for the static-spa application in the config variable:
var config = {
  issuer: `https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default`, //For example, `""`
  clientId: `{yourClientId}`, // for example, `0oa2am3kk1CraJ8xO1d7`
  scopes: ['openid','email'],
  storage: 'sessionStorage',
  useInteractionCodeFlow: true,
  requireUserSession: 'true',
  authMethod: 'form',
  startService: false,
  useDynamicForm: false,
  uniq: + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000), // to guarantee a unique state
  idps: '',

Note: You can also set these configurations when you run the sample app.

Run the sample app

  1. In the static-spa directory, run the sample application:

    # yarn
    yarn dev
    # npm
    npm start
  2. Go to http://localhost:8080. The static-spa application page appears with a custom login form. Application status details appear to the right of the page.

  3. Sign in with a user from your org assigned to the app integration. The static-spa application page appears and displays the user's info and access token details.

Note: You can also configure an embedded Sign-In Widget use-case or a redirect use-case by updating the configuration details in the application. Click Edit Config to make those changes. For more information, see the static-spa sample (opens new window).

See also