The MyAccount Password API provides operations to enroll, update, and delete passwords.
Note: Super admins can enable the IDP MyAccount API password feature. See Enable self-service features.
A valid API version in the Accept
header is required to access the API. Current version: 1.0.0
Accept: application/json; okta-version=1.0.0
Retrieves the current user's password status
Note: This request only returns information about the password, not the password itself.
Example response
Not Acceptable (missing header)
{- "id": "00T196qTp3LIMZQ0L0g3",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
- "GET",
- "PUT"
Creates and enrolls a password for the current user
Example response
Bad Request
Not Acceptable (missing header)
{- "profile": {
- "password": "Abcd1234"
{- "id": "00T196qTp3LIMZQ0L0g3",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
- "GET",
- "PUT"
Replaces the password for the current user by resetting it. A password reset doesn't require the user to know the existing password.
Example response
Bad Request
Not Acceptable (missing header)
{- "profile": {
- "password": "Abcd1234"
{- "id": "00T196qTp3LIMZQ0L0g3",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2020-01-14T20:05:32.000Z",
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
- "GET",
- "PUT"
Deletes the current user's enrolled password
No Content
Not Found
Not Acceptable (missing header)
{- "errorCode": "E0000015",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to access the feature you are requesting",
- "errorLink": "E0000015",
- "errorId": "oaeStOuPPxDRUm3PJhf-tL7bQ",
- "errorCauses": [ ]
Updates a password. The user needs to know the current password to change it.
No Content
Bad Request
{- "oldPassword": "Abcd1234",
- "newPassword": "Abcd12345"
{- "errorCode": "E0000001",
- "errorSummary": "Api validation failed: Password",
- "errorLink": "E0000001",
- "errorId": "oaejUwz8U5FQ_SyggQwz1kC3w",
- "errorCauses": [
- {
- "errorSummary": "password: Password requirements were not met. Password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username. Your password cannot be any of your last 4 password(s)."
Retrieves the password complexity requirements for the current user
Example response
{- "description": "Password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username. Your password cannot be any of your last 4 password(s).",
- "complexity": {
- "minLength": 8,
- "minLowerCase": 1,
- "minUpperCase": 1,
- "minNumber": 1,
- "minSymbol": 0,
- "excludeUsername": true,
- "excludeAttributes": [ ]
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
- "GET"