The Group Owners API provides operations to manage owners of Okta groups in your org.
Note: This API is only available if you're subscribed to Okta Identity Governance. Contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive for more information.
Lists all owners for a specific group
Not Found
Too Many Requests
[- {
- "id": "00g1gae1k0znUcLuU0h8",
- "type": "GROUP",
- "resolved": true,
- "originId": "null",
- "originType": "OKTA_DIRECTORY",
- "displayName": "Product & Engineering",
- "lastUpdated": "2023-03-29 18:18:37.0"
Assigns a group owner
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "id": "00u1cmc03xjzePoWD0h8",
- "type": "USER"
{- "id": "00u1cmc03xjzePoWD0h8",
- "type": "USER",
- "resolved": true,
- "originId": null,
- "originType": "OKTA_DIRECTORY",
- "displayName": "Oliver Putnam",
- "lastUpdated": "Wed Mar 29 18:34:31 UTC 2023"
Deletes a group owner from a specific group
No Content
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]