These endpoints allow you to customize the contents of various pages, including:
Note: Some of the curl code examples on this page include SSWS API token authentication. However, Okta recommends using scoped OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens to authenticate with Okta management APIs. OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens provide fine-grain control over the bearer's actions on specific endpoints. See Okta API authentication methods.
Retrieves the error page sub-resources. The expand
query parameter specifies which sub-resources to include in the response.
Successfully retrieved the error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "_embedded": {
- "default": {
- "pageContent": "string"
}, - "customized": {
- "pageContent": "string"
}, - "preview": {
- "pageContent": "string"
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- "hints": {
- "allow": [
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- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "default": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
}, - "href": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "customized": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
}, - "href": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "preview": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
}, - "href": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
Retrieves the customized error page. The customized error page appears in your live environment.
Successfully retrieved the customized error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
Replaces the customized error page. The customized error page appears in your live environment.
Successfully replaced the customized error page.
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
Deletes the customized error page. As a result, the default error page appears in your live environment.
Successfully deleted the customized error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]
Retrieves the default error page. The default error page appears when no customized error page exists.
Successfully retrieved the default error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
Retrieves the preview error page. The preview error page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/error/preview
Successfully retrieved the preview error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
Replaces the preview error page. The preview error page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/error/preview
Successfully replaced the preview error page.
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
Deletes the preview error page. The preview error page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/error/preview
Successfully deleted the preview error page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]
Retrieves the sign-in page sub-resources. The expand
query parameter specifies which sub-resources to include in the response.
Successfully retrieved the sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "_embedded": {
- "default": {
- "pageContent": "string"
}, - "customized": {
- "pageContent": "string"
}, - "preview": {
- "pageContent": "string"
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- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
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- "hints": {
- "allow": [
}, - "href": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "customized": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
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- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
}, - "preview": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
}, - "href": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "templated": true,
- "type": "string"
Retrieves the customized sign-in page. The customized sign-in page appears in your live environment.
Successfully retrieved the customized sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
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- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
Replaces the customized sign-in page. The customized sign-in page appears in your live environment.
pageContent | string The HTML for the page |
object (ContentSecurityPolicySetting) | |
object | |
widgetVersion | string (Version) ^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-... The version specified as a Semantic Version. |
Successfully replaced the customized sign-in page.
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
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- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
- "signInLabel": "string",
- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
Deletes the customized sign-in page. As a result, the default sign-in page appears in your live environment.
Successfully deleted the sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]
Retrieves the default sign-in page. The default sign-in page appears when no customized sign-in page exists.
Successfully retrieved the default sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
- "signInLabel": "string",
- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
Retrieves the preview sign-in page. The preview sign-in page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/login/preview
Successfully retrieved the preview sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
- "signInLabel": "string",
- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
Replaces the preview sign-in page. The preview sign-in page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/login/preview
pageContent | string The HTML for the page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
object (ContentSecurityPolicySetting) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
object | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
widgetVersion | string (Version) ^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-... The version specified as a Semantic Version. |
Successfully replaced the preview sign-in page.
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
- "signInLabel": "string",
- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
{- "pageContent": "string",
- "contentSecurityPolicySetting": {
- "mode": "enforced",
- "reportUri": "string",
- "srcList": [
- "string"
}, - "widgetCustomizations": {
- "signInLabel": "string",
- "usernameLabel": "string",
- "usernameInfoTip": "string",
- "passwordLabel": "string",
- "passwordInfoTip": "string",
- "showPasswordVisibilityToggle": true,
- "showUserIdentifier": true,
- "forgotPasswordLabel": "string",
- "forgotPasswordUrl": "string",
- "unlockAccountLabel": "string",
- "unlockAccountUrl": "string",
- "helpLabel": "string",
- "helpUrl": "string",
- "customLink1Label": "string",
- "customLink1Url": "string",
- "customLink2Label": "string",
- "customLink2Url": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkLabel": "string",
- "authenticatorPageCustomLinkUrl": "string",
- "classicRecoveryFlowEmailOrUsernameLabel": "string",
- "widgetGeneration": "G2",
- "postAuthKeepMeSignedInPrompt": {
- "acceptButtonText": "string",
- "rejectButtonText": "string",
- "subtitle": "string",
- "title": "string"
}, - "widgetVersion": "string"
Deletes the preview sign-in page. The preview sign-in page contains unpublished changes and isn't shown in your live environment. Preview it at ${yourOktaDomain}/login/preview
Successfully deleted the preview sign-in page.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]
Lists all sign-in widget versions supported by the current org
Successfully listed the sign-in widget versions.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
[- "string"
Retrieves the sign-out page settings
Successfully retrieved the sign-out page settings.
Not Found
Too Many Requests
- "url": "string"
Replaces the sign-out page settings
Successfully replaced the sign-out page settings.
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
- "url": "string"
- "url": "string"