Associated authorization servers allow you to designate a trusted authorization server that you associate with another authorization server. This type of association provides a way to configure token exchange between other authorization servers under the same Okta tenant.
Lists all associated Authorization Servers by trusted type for the given authServerId
Not Found
Too Many Requests
[- {
- "id": "{authorizationServerId}",
- "name": "Sample Authorization Server",
- "description": "Sample Authorization Server description",
- "issuerMode": "CUSTOM_URL",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "credentials": {
- "signing": {
- "rotationMode": "DYNAMIC",
- "lastRotated": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "nextRotation": "2023-08-15T22:25:57.000Z",
- "kid": "WYQxoK4XAwGFn5Zw5AzLxFvqEKLP79BbsKmWeuc5TB4",
- "use": "sig"
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
Creates trusted relationships between the given authorization server and other authorization servers
Bad Request
Not Found
Too Many Requests
[- {
- "trusted": "{authorizationServerId}"
[- {
- "id": "{authorizationServerId}",
- "name": "Sample Authorization Server",
- "description": "Sample Authorization Server description",
- "issuerMode": "CUSTOM_URL",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "credentials": {
- "signing": {
- "rotationMode": "AUTO",
- "lastRotated": "2023-05-17T22:25:57.000Z",
- "nextRotation": "2023-08-15T22:25:57.000Z",
- "kid": "WYQxoK4XAwGFn5Zw5AzLxFvqEKLP79BbsKmWeuc5TB4",
- "use": "sig"
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
- "hints": {
- "allow": [
Deletes an associated Authorization Server
No Content
Not Found
Too Many Requests
{- "errorCode": "E0000006",
- "errorSummary": "You do not have permission to perform the requested action",
- "errorLink": "E0000006",
- "errorId": "sampleNUSD_8fdkFd8fs8SDBK",
- "errorCauses": [ ]