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Articles tagged web-api

Build a REST API with ASP.NET Web API

Build a REST API with ASP.NET Web API

Do you need to build a REST API with ASP.NET Web API? If you’re creating a new API, you should probably create it with .NET Core. But it’s not always possible to use the latest and greatest technologies. If you’re working in an existing ASP.NET 4.x app, or the organization you work for hasn’t approved the use of .NET Core yet, you may need to build an API in .NET Framework 4.x. That is what...

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Build a Simple CRUD App with ASP.NET Framework 4.x Web API and Vue

ASP.NET Web API was released in 2012. Today, it’s a mature framework for building ReST-ful APIs to back any modern app. It pairs nicely with the newcomer on the client-side block, Vue In this tutorial, you’ll use Vue with .NET Framework 4.7.1 Web API and Visual Studio 2017 to build a simple CRUD app to track your weight and achieve your fitness goals, but really you could use these technologies to do just about anything....

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