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Articles tagged unity

Unity WebGL + PlayFab Authorization in 20 Minutes

As game creators, we hold a fundamental responsibility to protect and secure any and all data that our players entrust to us. Historically, security in games has not been high on the priority list because games were enjoyed anonymously and offline. But with our society becoming ever more connected, demand for social gaming experiences and online gaming features has increased exponentially. This has led to the development of cloud-based gaming platforms, such as PlayFab, that...

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Identity Security for Games in C# with Unity

Identity Security for Games in C# with Unity

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies. The engine is able to create three-dimensional, two-dimensional, virtual reality, and augmented reality games, as well as simulations and other experiences. The engine has been adopted by industries outside video gaming such as film, automotive, architecture, engineering, and construction. Identity security is a key concept that is mostly missing in Unity. In fact, most engines today do not provide solutions for securing identity, authenticating users,...

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