Articles tagged software
The Development Environment of the Future

Here’s a thought exercise for you: How will we develop software in the near future? Below, I’ll lay out what I think that looks like. Some of the things in this post exist in some form already. And some things don’t exist… yet. To begin, I’m going to start with a short story about someone using this futuristic development environment: A Story Imagine Viola. She is a software developer at Sunnyvale Systems, a logistics company....
Five Engineering Stories That Will Make Your Blood Curdle

If you’ve been an engineer for any considerable time, you’ve probably made some mistakes that made you want to crawl under your desk and hide. You may have even considered packing up your desk! In the spirit of the greatest holiday ever (Halloween), the Developer Advocacy group at Okta has shared some of their scariest engineering stories. Exploit Explorer Back when I still ran my own physical servers, 10 or more years ago, the word...
Software Development is a Creative Endeavor

Every time I tell someone I am a software developer, they almost inevitably reply with, “You must be super smart, then.” I don’t feel any smarter than most other people. Truthfully, I feel dumber than most people I meet. To be fair, I do meet a lot of software developers. The preconception is that I am some sort of technical wiz, especially good at math. I assure you I am not. While I have a...
Build a Secure Node.js App with SQL Server

I am a long-time relational database nerd, specifically SQL Server. At times in my career, I’ve focused on database design, deployments, migrations, administration, query optimization, and carefully crafting stored procedures, triggers, and views. I’ve written applications on top of SQL Server using Visual Basic, “Classic” ASP, ASP.NET, and, in recent years, Node.js. Yes, it’s true. You can build Node.js applications with SQL Server! In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of creating a Node.js...
If It Ain't TypeScript It Ain't Sexy

A few years ago I got “Jeep fever.” I began daydreaming about owning a Jeep, driving around with the top down, and going on trips into the mountains. That’s when it happened. Everywhere I went, I saw Jeeps. I passed countless Jeeps on the road. There were Jeeps in every parking lot. Practically everyone had a Jeep but me. Where did all these Jeeps come from?! Logically, I had to assume there was relatively the...
What's New in JavaScript for 2019

For the last several years, JavaScript has been evolving on a steady cadence with new language features. If you’re curious to see what’s in store for the next version of JavaScript, this post is for you! Before we talk about the latest features, it’s important to understand how new ideas become part of the JavaScript language. The Process for New JavaScript Language Features In a nutshell, the language specification that drives JavaScript is called ECMAScript....
Learn JavaScript in 2019

There’s never been a better time to be a programmer. Technology isn’t slowing down. Neither will the demand for innovative solutions to solve new challenges or take advantage of new opportunities. The key differentiation in the marketplace is often the one with the better technology. And companies are willing to pay big bucks for it. Not only are there new challenges and opportunities, but there are also better systems today to support programmers. Languages, code...