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Articles tagged integration-testing

Spring WebClient for Easy Access to OAuth 2.0 Protected Resources

Spring WebClient for Easy Access to OAuth 2.0 Protected Resources

Spring ẀebClient was added as part of the reactive web stack WebFlux in Spring Framework 5.0. WebClient allows performing HTTP requests in reactive applications, providing a functional and fluent API based on Reactor, and enabling a declarative composition of asynchronous non-blocking requests without the need to deal with concurrency. One of its features is support for filter registration, allowing to intercept and modify requests, which can be used for cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, as...

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Faster Spring Boot Testing with Test Slices

Faster Spring Boot Testing with Test Slices

We know unit testing is a vital part of the software development process. We also know us developers love to debate techniques, frameworks, strategies, and how different layers and components need testing. Unit tests are the most valuable when they are stable, fast, and reproducible. Spring Boot is known to reduce boilerplate code and make development extremely efficient, but it can come with a cost when it comes down to the testing. Without prior optimization,...

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