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Articles tagged dropwizard

Add Single Sign-on to Your Dropwizard Server in 15 Minutes

Dropwizard is recognized as the pioneer in turn-key Java API frameworks, and rivals Spring Boot for ease of adoption. Whether you’re interested in trying it out for the first time, or already have a mature platform built on top of Dropwizard, you can add secure authentication to your site in a matter of minutes. By combining Dropwizard’s production-ready essential libraries and Okta’s identity platform, you can construct a fully secured internet-facing web service with little...

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5 Tips for Building your Java API

Developers use APIs to for everything! You build APIs for your own apps to consume, or as a part of a microservices architecture. Bottom line, you’re building and using APIs to make your life easier. The ongoing effort to simplify development and work more efficiently, sometimes this also means looking for new libraries or processes (or more often less process). For many teams managing authentication and access control for their apps and APIs is more...

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