Check out the free virtual workshops on how to take your SaaS app to the next level in the enterprise-ready identity journey!

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All Posts by Silas Brazil

Add Single Sign-on to Your Dropwizard Server in 15 Minutes

Dropwizard is recognized as the pioneer in turn-key Java API frameworks, and rivals Spring Boot for ease of adoption. Whether you’re interested in trying it out for the first time, or already have a mature platform built on top of Dropwizard, you can add secure authentication to your site in a matter of minutes. By combining Dropwizard’s production-ready essential libraries and Okta’s identity platform, you can construct a fully secured internet-facing web service with little...

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Add Single Sign-On to Your Vert.x Server with Okta

Vert.x has continued to gain traction as a contender to the Spring ecosystem, largely due to improved performance and its polyglot accessibility. Fortunately, securing a Vert.x server with industry-leading authentication and authorization is almost as quick and easy as it is in Spring! In just a few minutes, you can have secure single sign-on guarding your server and giving you access to a wealth of information about your users. This tutorial will walk you through...

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Add Single Sign-On to Your Spring Boot Web App in 15 Minutes

Need a secure web server right now? With Spring Boot and Okta, you can spin up an enterprise-quality REST server with complete user identity and authorization management in less than 20 minutes. Out of the box, Spring Boot and its Starter packages supply a near instant production-ready Tomcat server, and Okta hardens your APIs with a variety of OAuth flows just as fast. This tutorial will walk you through the complete process. The cherry on...

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