Check out the free virtual workshops on how to take your SaaS app to the next level in the enterprise-ready identity journey!

avatar-gabi.jpg Gabi Dombrowski

Gabi spent her youth immersed in MS-DOS, server rooms, and Geocities fan page HTML. She transitioned to a development career in 2016 after life as a Systems Administrator and is active in her local tech community as a volunteer and as Mentor Director for a monthly coding session to help women break into the industry. Her other interests include ashtanga yoga, learning languages, and curating stellar playlists.

All Posts by Gabi Dombrowski

How to Build a Secure React and Fastify API App

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the US federal government, responsible for space exploration and research, with field facilities across the United States. In this tutorial, we’ll set up an app to keep track of what NASA facilities we’ve visited and which ones we still want to check out. Our app will be a monorepo with Okta authentication, using React for the frontend and Fastify for the backend. Fastify...

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Use Redux to Manage Authenticated State in a React App

There are a myriad of state management options available for React. React provides the option of using the built-in Context for when you have a nested tree of components that share a state. There is also a built-in useState hook that will allow you to set local state for a component. For more complex scenarios where you need a single source of truth that changes frequently and is shared across large sections of your application,...

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