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The Okta Org API provides operations to manage your org account settings such as contact information, granting Okta Support access, and more.

Note: Some of the curl code examples on this page include SSWS API token authentication. However, Okta recommends using scoped OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens to authenticate with Okta management APIs. OAuth 2.0 and OIDC access tokens provide fine-grain control over the bearer's actions on specific endpoints. See Okta API authentication methods.

Getting Started

Explore the Org API: Run in Postman (opens new window)

Org operations

The Org Setting API has the following CRUD operations:

Get Org Settings

GET /api/v1/org

Gets your Org's Settings

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

The Org Setting

Usage examples

The following request returns the Org Setting object.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "id": "00ou8s5wploBwX4710g3",
    "subdomain": "okta",
    "companyName": "Okta",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "expiresAt": null,
    "created": "2020-10-26T15:03:08.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2021-01-20T21:02:28.000Z",
    "website": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+1-555-415-1337",
    "endUserSupportHelpURL": "",
    "supportPhoneNumber": "+1-555-514-1337",
    "address1": "301 Brannan St.",
    "address2": "Unit 100",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "country": "United States of America",
    "postalCode": "94107",
    "_links": {
        "preferences": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences"
        "uploadLogo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/logo",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "oktaCommunication": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication"
        "logo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/bc/image/fileStoreRecord?id=fs02ju1ejvy2Cv2Yx0g4"
        "oktaSupport": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts"

Update Org Settings

Note: Use the POST method to make a partial update and the PUT method to make a full update.

PUT /api/v1/org

POST /api/v1/org

Updates your organization's current settings

You must specify all Org Setting properties when you update an org's profile with a PUT method. Any property not specified in the request is deleted.

Note:: Don't use the PUT method for partial updates.

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body

The desired Org Setting

Response body

The applied Org Setting

Usage examples

The following request updates the org with the requested settings.

curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
    "companyName": "Okta",
    "website": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+1-555-415-1337",
    "endUserSupportHelpURL": "",
    "supportPhoneNumber": "+1-555-514-1337",
    "address1": "301 Brannan St.",
    "address2": "Unit 100",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "country": "United States of America",
    "postalCode": "94107"
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org"


    "id": "00ou8s5wploBwX4710g3",
    "subdomain": "okta",
    "companyName": "Okta",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "expiresAt": null,
    "created": "2020-10-26T15:03:08.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2021-01-20T21:02:28.000Z",
    "website": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+1-555-415-1337",
    "endUserSupportHelpURL": "",
    "supportPhoneNumber": "+1-555-514-1337",
    "address1": "301 Brannan St.",
    "address2": "Unit 100",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "country": "United States of America",
    "postalCode": "94107",
    "_links": {
        "preferences": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences"
        "uploadLogo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/logo",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "oktaCommunication": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication"
        "logo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/bc/image/fileStoreRecord?id=fs02ju1ejvy2Cv2Yx0g4"
        "oktaSupport": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts"

Org Contact operations

The Org Contact API has the following CRUD operations:

Get Contact Types

GET /api/v1/org/contacts

Gets your org's Contact Types

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

The Contact Type

Usage examples

The following request retrieves the supported Org Contact Types.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
        "contactType": "BILLING",
        "_links": {
            "billing": {
                "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts/billing"
        "contactType": "TECHNICAL",
        "_links": {
            "technical": {
                "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts/technical"

Get User of Contact Type

GET /api/v1/org/contacts/${contactType}

Retrieves the URL of the User associated with the specified Contact Type

Request path parameters

Parameter Type Description
contactType String Type of Contact. Accepted values: BILLING, TECHNICAL

Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

The Contact User

Usage examples

The following request retrieves the User associated with the given ${contactType}.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "userId": "00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g3",
    "_links": {
        "user": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g3"

Update User of Contact Type

PUT /api/v1/org/contacts/${contactType}

Updates the User associated with the specified Contact Type

Request path parameters

Parameter Type Description
contactType String Type of Contact. Accepted values: BILLING, TECHNICAL

Request query parameters


Request body

Property Type Description
userId String A User's ID

Response body

The Contact Type

An invalid userId returns a 404 Not Found status code.

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

    "errorCode": "E0000007",
    "errorSummary": "Not found: Resource not found: 00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g4 (User)",
    "errorLink": "E0000007",
    "errorId": "oaehhZVvfglR-GnSbcOQDCm6g",
    "errorCauses": []

Usage examples

The following request updates the User associated with the given ${contactType}.

curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
    "userId": "00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g3
}' "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts/${contactType}"
    "userId": "00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g3",
    "_links": {
        "user": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/users/00uuibMot2FBByTbs0g3"

Org Logo operations

The Org Logo API has the following CRUD operations:

Upload Logo for org

POST /api/v1/org/logo


Updates the logo for your org

Note: This endpoint is deprecated. Use the Upload the Logo (opens new window) endpoint instead.

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body

Property Type Description
file File The file must be in PNG, JPG, or GIF format and less than 1 MB in size. For best results use landscape orientation, a transparent background, and a minimum size of 420px by 120px to prevent upscaling.

Response body

Returns 201 Created

Usage examples

The following request updates the Org Logo with the uploaded file.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-F 'file=@/path/to/file' \


HTTP/1.1 201 Content Created
Location: https://{yourOktaDomain}/bc/image/fileStoreRecord?id=fs01hfslJH2m3qUOe0g4

Okta Support operations

The Org Support API has the following CRUD operations:

Get Okta Support Settings

GET /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport

Gets your org's Okta Support Settings

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Support Setting

Usage examples

The following request retrieves the org's Support Setting.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "support": "ENABLED",
    "expiration": "2021-01-24T11:13:14.000Z",
    "_links": {
        "extend": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "revoke": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Grant Okta Support

POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/grant

Enables you to temporarily allow Okta Support to access your org as an administrator for eight hours

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Support Setting

Usage examples

The following request grants Okta Support to the org.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "support": "ENABLED",
    "expiration": "2021-01-24T11:13:14.000Z",
    "_links": {
        "extend": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "revoke": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Extend Okta Support

POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend

Extends the length of time that Okta Support can access your org by 24 hours. This means that 24 hours are added to the remaining access time.

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Support Setting

Usage examples

The following request extends Okta Support to the org for 24 hours.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
    "support": "ENABLED",
    "expiration": "2021-01-25T11:13:14.000Z",
    "_links": {
        "extend": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "revoke": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Revoke Okta Support

POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke

Revokes Okta Support access to your org

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Support Setting

Usage examples

The following request revokes Okta Support to the org.

Request example
curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
Response example
    "support": "DISABLED",
    "expiration": null,
    "_links": {
        "grant": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/grant",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Okta Communication operations

The Org Communication API has the following CRUD operations:

Get Okta Communication Settings

GET /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication

Gets your organization's Okta Communication Settings.

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Communication Setting

Usage examples

The following request retrieves the org's Okta Communication Setting.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "optOutEmailUsers": true,
    "_links": {
        "optIn": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optIn",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Opt out of Okta Communications

POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optOut

Opts out all users of this org from Okta Communication emails

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Communication Setting

Usage examples

The following request opts the org's users out of Okta Communication emails.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "optOutEmailUsers": true,
    "_links": {
        "optIn": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optIn",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Opt in to Okta Communications

POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optIn

Opts in all of the org's users to Okta Communication emails.

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Okta Communication Setting

Usage examples

The following request opts in all of the org's users to Okta Communication emails.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "optOutEmailUsers": false,
    "_links": {
        "optOut": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optOut",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Org Preference operations

The Org Preference API has the following CRUD operations:

Get Org Preferences

GET /api/v1/org/preferences

Gets your Organization's Preferences

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Org Preferences

Usage examples

The following request retrieves the Org Preferences.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "showEndUserFooter": true,
    "_links": {
        "hideEndUserFooter": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences/hideEndUserFooter",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

POST /api/v1/org/preferences/showEndUserFooter

Makes the Okta UI footer visible for all of your org's end users

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Org Preferences

Usage examples

The following request shows the footer for the end-user page.

curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "showEndUserFooter": true,
    "_links": {
        "hideEndUserFooter": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences/hideEndUserFooter",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

POST /api/v1/org/preferences/hideEndUserFooter

Hides the Okta UI footer for all of your org's end users

Request path parameters


Request query parameters


Request body


Response body

Fetched Org Preferences

Usage examples

The following request hides the footer for the end-user page.


curl -v -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \


    "showEndUserFooter": false,
    "_links": {
        "hideEndUserFooter": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences/showEndUserFooter",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Email Address Bounces operations

The Email Address Bounces API has the following CRUD operation:

Create Remove List

POST /api/v1/org/email/bounces/remove-list

Creates a Remove List object that specifies a list of email addresses to be removed from the set of email addresses that are bounced from an email service. Email addresses in this list are later removed from the bounce list by an asynchronous job. Any email address that passes validation is accepted for the removal process, even if there are other email addresses in the request that failed validation. If there are validation errors for all email addresses, a 200 OK HTTP status is still returned.

Request body

A Remove List

Response body

Property Type Description
errors List of Objects A list of emailAddress that wasn't added to the email bounced Remove List and the error reason
emailAddress String An email address that encountered an error
reason String The reason the email address encountered an error

Use example

This request creates a Remove List object:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/email/bounces/remove-list \
  --header 'Authorization: ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "emailAddresses": [
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "errors": []

Use example with errors

curl --request POST \
  --url https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/email/bounces/remove-list \
  --header 'Authorization: ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "emailAddresses": [
Error response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "errors": [
      "emailAddress": "",
      "reason": "This email address does not belong to any user in your organization."
      "emailAddress": "name@okta@com",
      "reason": "Invalid email address. The provided email address failed validation against RFC 3696."
Error response example
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Retry-After: 600
Error response example
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Retry-After: 600
Error response example
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    "errorSummary": "Invalid request data format",
    "errorLink": "E0000001",
    "errorId": "invalid_request",
    "errorCauses": ["emailAddresses: The field cannot have more than 1,000 elements"]

Org Third-Party Admin setting operations

The Third-Party Admin setting API has the following CRUD operations:

Get the Third-Party Admin setting

GET /api/v1/org/orgSettings/thirdPartyAdminSetting

Gets the Third-Party Admin setting. The default value is false.

Response body

Property Type Description
thirdPartyAdmin boolean The third-party admin setting

Use example

This request returns the third-party admin setting.

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
    "thirdPartyAdmin": false,

Update the Third-Party Admin setting

POST /api/v1/org/orgSettings/thirdPartyAdminSetting

Updates the Third-Party Admin setting

Response body

Property Type Description
thirdPartyAdmin boolean The third-party admin setting

Use example

This request updates the third-party admin setting.

curl --request POST \
  --url https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/orgSettings/thirdPartyAdminSetting \
  --header 'Authorization: ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "thirdPartyAdmin": true,
    "thirdPartyAdmin": true,

Org API objects

Org Setting object

Org Setting properties

The Org Setting object defines several properties:

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
address1 String Primary address of org
address2 String Secondary address of org
city String City of org
country String County of org
created String (ISO-8601) When org was created (read-only)
endUserSupportHelpURL String Support link of org
expiresAt String (ISO-8601) Expiration of org (read-only)
id String ID of org (read-only)
lastUpdated String (ISO-8601) When org was last updated (read-only)
name String Name of org
phoneNumber String Phone number of org
postalCode String Postal code of org
state String State of org
status String Status of org. Accepted values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE (read-only)
subdomain String Subdomain of org (read-only)
supportPhoneNumber String Support help phone of org
website String The org's website

Org Setting example

    "id": "00ou8s5wploBwX4710g3",
    "subdomain": "okta",
    "companyName": "Okta",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "expiresAt": null,
    "created": "2020-10-26T15:03:08.000Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2021-01-20T21:02:28.000Z",
    "website": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+1-555-415-1337",
    "endUserSupportHelpURL": "",
    "supportPhoneNumber": "+1-555-514-1337",
    "address1": "301 Brannan St.",
    "address2": "Unit 100",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "California",
    "country": "United States of America",
    "postalCode": "94107",
    "_links": {
        "preferences": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences"
        "uploadLogo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/logo",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "oktaCommunication": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication"
        "logo": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/bc/image/fileStoreRecord?id=fs02ju1ejvy2Cv2Yx0g4"
        "oktaSupport": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts"

Contact Type object

Contact Type properties

The Contact Type object defines several properties:

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
contactType String Type of contact. Accepted values: BILLING, TECHNICAL

Contact Type example

        "contactType": "TECHNICAL",
        "_links": {
            "technical": {
                "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts/technical"

Contact User object

The Contact User object defines several properties:

Contact User properties

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
userId String ID of associated User

Contact Type example

        "userId": "TECHNICAL",
        "_links": {
            "technical": {
                "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/contacts/technical"

Okta Support Setting object

The Okta Support Setting object defines several properties:

Okta Support Setting properties

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
expiration String (ISO-8601) Expiration of Okta Support (nullable)
support String Status of Okta Support Setting. Accepted values: ENABLED, DISABLED

Okta Support Setting example

    "support": "ENABLED",
    "expiration": "2021-01-24T11:13:14.000Z",
    "_links": {
        "extend": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [
        "revoke": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Okta Communication Setting object

The Okta Communication Setting object defines several properties:

Okta Communication Setting properties

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
optOutEmailUsers Boolean Indicates whether the org's users receive Okta Communication emails

Okta Communication Setting example

    "optOutEmailUsers": true,
    "_links": {
        "optIn": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optIn",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Org Preferences object

The Org Preferences object defines several properties:

Org Preferences Properties

Property Type Description
_links JSON HAL (opens new window) Link relations for this object
showEndUserFooter Boolean Show footer on end-user page

Org Preferences example

    "showEndUserFooter": true,
    "_links": {
        "hideEndUserFooter": {
            "href": "https://{yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/org/preferences/hideEndUserFooter",
            "hints": {
                "allow": [

Remove List object

Remove List properties

The Remove List object has one property:

Property Type Description
emailAddresses List of Strings A list of email addresses to be removed from the set of email addresses that are bounced

Remove List example2

  "emailAddresses": [