On this page

Deprecated JavaScript methods in the widget

Identity Engine

This guide covers the JavaScript method that is deprecated from the Okta Sign-In Widget and describes how to use showSignIn (and related methods) instead.

Learning outcomes

Understand the showSignIn methods that are used in the widget so that you can set the redirect URI based on the sign-in policies that the administrator defines.

What you need

Widget that is updated to the latest available release

Sample code

Code samples using showSignIn

JavaScript sign-in method changes

After you upgrade your org to Okta Identity Engine, the setCookieAndRedirect (opens new window) JavaScript method is deprecated from the widget. In Okta Classic Engine, your app integration calls the setCookieAndRedirect method, which means that your app integration sets the redirect URI. However, in Identity Engine, your app integration shouldn't assume that it sets the redirect URI as part of the flow. Administrators set the sign-on policies in the Admin Console (opens new window). Instead of the setCookieAndRedirect method, use the showSignIn method to resolve the returned promise or redirect it, based on the administrator's policy.

Note: In Classic Engine, the setCookieAndRedirect method is still available.

Note: For users of the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK (opens new window), the setCookieAndRedirect method is also deprecated. However, as part of the upgrade, you need to use the idx.authenticate method. See the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK migration doc (opens new window).

About showSignIn methods

There are three similar methods in the widget. showSignIn applies to most use cases, but you might want to use showSignInAndRedirect or showSignInAndGetTokens(). The following describes the methods and when to use them:

Code samples using showSignIn

Sample for a token flow

var oktaSignIn = new OktaSignIn({
   // Assumes there is an empty element on the page with an ID of 'osw-container'  el: `#osw-container`,
   el: '#osw-container',
   clientId: `{clientId of your OIDC app integration}`,
   redirectUri: `{redirectUri configured in your OIDC app integration}`,
   baseUrl: `https://{yourOktaDomain}`,
   authParams: {
      issuer: `https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default`

// Search for URL Parameters to see if a user is being routed to the app to recover password
var searchParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
oktaSignIn.otp = searchParams.get('otp');
oktaSignIn.state = searchParams.get('state');

   => {
.catch(function(error) {
   // This function causes errors from which the widget can't recover.
   console.log('login error', error);

Note: For response handling, use the handleLoginRedirect method. See Okta Auth API reference (opens new window).

Sample for a basic redirect callback

if (authClient.isLoginRedirect()) {
  const res = await authClient.token.parseFromUrl();

Sample for social authentication

if (authClient.isLoginRedirect()) {
  if (authClient.isInteractionRequired()) {
    return showWidget(); // render the widget to continue the flow
  const res = await authClient.token.parseFromUrl();