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Find your Okta domain

This guide explains how you can find your Okta org domain.

Are you an end user?

If you require assistance to sign in or access your organization's Okta org, see the Okta end-user documentation (opens new window). For Okta Verify information, see Okta verify documentation (opens new window). In general, find your organization's Okta domain URL from your IT administrators.

Are you a developer?

If you're building an application by using one of our SDKs or client libraries, you may run into the following message:

Note: Your Okta URL is missing. Replace {yourOktaDomain} with your Okta domain. You can copy your domain from the Admin Console.

Orgs host pages on subdomains and each org is assigned a URL. The typical org URL is the tenant name (the subdomain), and then the domain name.

Find your Okta domain

To find your Okta URL (also called an Okta domain):

  1. Sign in to your Okta organization with your administrator account.

  2. Locate the Okta domain by clicking your username in the upper-right corner of the Admin Console. The domain appears in the dropdown menu.

Your Okta domain looks like:

  • example.oktapreview.com
  • example.okta.com
  • example.okta-emea.com

See Okta Organizations for more information on the types of Okta orgs.

Note: Alternatively, find the welcome email in your inbox that you received when you signed up. The email contains your Okta URL.