OAuth 2.0 Scopes

Okta OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0

Scope Description
address Requests access to the address claim
device_sso Requests a device secret used to obtain a new set of tokens without re-prompting the user for authentication. See Native SSO
email Requests access to the email and email_verified claims
groups Requests access to the groups claim
offline_access Requests a refresh token used to obtain more access tokens without re-prompting the user for authentication
okta.clients.manage Allows the app to manage clients in your Okta organization
okta.clients.read Allows the app to read information about clients in your Okta organization
okta.clients.register Allows the app to register new clients in your Okta organization
okta.universalLogout.manage Allows an admin or a service to initiate Universal Logout and revoke all tokens and sessions associated with a specific user.
okta.workflows.invoke.manage Allows the app to trigger an OAuth 2.0 protected flow
openid Identifies the request as an OpenID Connect request
phone Requests access to the phone_number and phone_number_verified claims
profile Requests access to the end user's default profile claims

Okta Admin Management

Scope Description
okta.agentPools.manage Allows the app to create and manage agent pools in your Okta organization
okta.agentPools.read Allows the app to read agent pools in your Okta organization
okta.apiTokens.manage Allows the app to manage API Tokens in your Okta organization
okta.apiTokens.read Allows the app to read API Tokens in your Okta organization
okta.appGrants.manage Allows the app to create and manage grants in your Okta organization
okta.appGrants.read Allows the app to read grants in your Okta organization
okta.apps.manage Allows the app to create and manage Apps in your Okta organization
okta.apps.read Allows the app to read information about Apps in your Okta organization
okta.authenticators.manage Allows the app to manage all authenticators. For example, enrollments or resets.
okta.authenticators.manage.self Allows the app to manage a user's own authenticators. For example, enrollments or resets.
okta.authenticators.read Allows the app to read org authenticators information
okta.authorizationServers.manage Allows the app to create and manage Authorization Servers in your Okta organization
okta.authorizationServers.read Allows the app to read information about Authorization Servers in your Okta organization
okta.behaviors.manage Allows the app to create and manage behavior detection rules in your Okta organization
okta.behaviors.read Allows the app to read behavior detection rules in your Okta organization
okta.brands.manage Allows the app to create and manage Brands and Themes in your Okta organization
okta.brands.read Allows the app to read information about Brands and Themes in your Okta organization
okta.captchas.manage Allows the app to create and manage CAPTCHAs in your Okta organization
okta.captchas.read Allows the app to read information about CAPTCHAs in your Okta organization
okta.deviceAssurance.manage Allows the app to manage device assurances
okta.deviceAssurance.read Allows the app to read device assurances
okta.devicePostureChecks.manage Allows the app to manage device posture checks
okta.devicePostureChecks.read Allows the app to read device posture checks
okta.devices.manage Allows the app to manage device status transitions and delete a device
okta.devices.read Allows the app to read the existing device's profile and search devices
okta.directories.groups.manage Allows the app to manage AD/LDAP groups for your Okta organization
okta.domains.manage Allows the app to manage custom Domains for your Okta organization
okta.domains.read Allows the app to read information about custom Domains for your Okta organization
okta.dr.manage Allows the app to manage disaster recovery
okta.dr.read Allows the app to read the disaster recovery status
okta.emailDomains.manage Allows the app to manage Email Domains for your Okta organization
okta.emailDomains.read Allows the app to read information about Email Domains for your Okta organization
okta.emailServers.manage Allows the app to manage Email Servers for your Okta organization
okta.emailServers.read Allows the app to read information about Email Servers for your Okta organization
okta.eventHooks.manage Allows the app to create and manage Event Hooks in your Okta organization
okta.eventHooks.read Allows the app to read information about Event Hooks in your Okta organization
okta.features.manage Allows the app to create and manage Features in your Okta organization
okta.features.read Allows the app to read information about Features in your Okta organization
okta.groups.manage Allows the app to manage existing groups in your Okta organization
okta.groups.read Allows the app to read information about groups and their members in your Okta organization
okta.identitySources.manage Allows the custom identity sources to manage user entities in your Okta organization
okta.identitySources.read Allows to read session information for custom identity sources in your Okta organization
okta.idps.manage Allows the app to create and manage Identity Providers in your Okta organization
okta.idps.read Allows the app to read information about Identity Providers in your Okta organization
okta.inlineHooks.manage Allows the app to create and manage Inline Hooks in your Okta organization
okta.inlineHooks.read Allows the app to read information about Inline Hooks in your Okta organization
okta.linkedObjects.manage Allows the app to manage linked object definitions in your Okta organization
okta.linkedObjects.read Allows the app to read linked object definitions in your Okta organization
okta.logStreams.manage Allows the app to create and manage log streams in your Okta organization
okta.logStreams.read Allows the app to read information about log streams in your Okta organization
okta.logs.read Allows the app to read information about System Log entries in your Okta organization
okta.manifests.manage Allows the app to manage OIN submissions in your Okta organization
okta.manifests.read Allows the app to read OIN submissions in your Okta organization
okta.networkZones.manage Allows the app to create and manage Network Zones in your Okta organization
okta.networkZones.read Allows the app to read Network Zones in your Okta organization
okta.oauthIntegrations.manage Allows the app to create and manage API service Integration instances in your Okta organization
okta.oauthIntegrations.read Allows the app to read API service Integration instances in your Okta organization
okta.orgs.manage Allows the app to manage organization-specific details for your Okta organization
okta.orgs.read Allows the app to read organization-specific details about your Okta organization
okta.personal.adminSettings.manage Allows the app to manage the personal admin settings for the signed-in user
okta.personal.adminSettings.read Allows the app to read the personal admin settings for the signed-in user
okta.policies.manage Allows the app to manage policies in your Okta organization
okta.policies.read Allows the app to read information about policies in your Okta organization
okta.principalRateLimits.manage Allows the app to create and manage Principal Rate Limits in your Okta organization
okta.principalRateLimits.read Allows the app to read information about Principal Rate Limits in your Okta organization
okta.privilegedResources.manage Allows the app to create privileged resources and manage their details
okta.privilegedResources.read Allows the app to read the details of existing privileged resources
okta.profileMappings.manage Allows the app to manage user profile mappings in your Okta organization
okta.profileMappings.read Allows the app to read user profile mappings in your Okta organization
okta.pushProviders.manage Allows the app to create and manage push notification providers such as APNs and FCM
okta.pushProviders.read Allows the app to read push notification providers such as APNs and FCM
okta.rateLimits.manage Allows the app to create and manage rate limits in your Okta organization
okta.rateLimits.read Allows the app to read information about rate limits in your Okta organization
okta.realmAssignments.manage Allows a user to manage realm assignments
okta.realmAssignments.read Allows a user to read realm assignments
okta.realms.manage Allows the app to create new realms and to manage their details
okta.realms.read Allows the app to read the existing realms and their details
okta.riskEvents.manage Allows the app to publish risk events to your Okta organization
okta.riskProviders.manage Allows the app to create and manage risk provider integrations in your Okta organization
okta.riskProviders.read Allows the app to read all risk provider integrations in your Okta organization
okta.roles.manage Allows the app to manage administrative role assignments for users in your Okta organization. Delegated admins with this permission can only manage user credential fields and not the credential values themselves.
okta.roles.read Allows the app to read administrative role assignments for users in your Okta organization. Delegated admins with this permission can only manage user credential fields and not the credential values themselves.
okta.schemas.manage Allows the app to create and manage Schemas in your Okta organization
okta.schemas.read Allows the app to read information about Schemas in your Okta organization
okta.securityEventsProviders.manage Allows the app to create and manage Security Events Providers in your Okta organization
okta.securityEventsProviders.read Allows the app to read information about Security Events Providers in your Okta organization
okta.serviceAccounts.manage Allows the app to manage service accounts in your Okta organization
okta.serviceAccounts.read Allows the app to read service accounts in your Okta organization
okta.sessions.manage Allows the app to manage all sessions in your Okta organization
okta.sessions.read Allows the app to read all sessions in your Okta organization
okta.templates.manage Allows the app to manage all custom templates in your Okta organization
okta.templates.read Allows the app to read all custom templates in your Okta organization
okta.threatInsights.manage Allows the app to manage all ThreatInsight configurations in your Okta organization
okta.threatInsights.read Allows the app to read all ThreatInsight configurations in your Okta organization
okta.trustedOrigins.manage Allows the app to manage all Trusted Origins in your Okta organization
okta.trustedOrigins.read Allows the app to read all Trusted Origins in your Okta organization
okta.uischemas.manage Allows the app to manage all the UI Schemas in your Okta organization
okta.uischemas.read Allows the app to read all the UI Schemas in your Okta organization
okta.userRisk.manage Allows the app to manage a user's risk in your Okta org
okta.userRisk.read Allows the app to read a user's risk in your Okta org
okta.userTypes.manage Allows the app to manage user types in your Okta org
okta.userTypes.read Allows the app to read user types in your Okta org
okta.users.manage Allows the app to create new users and to manage all users' profile and credentials information
okta.users.manage.self Allows the app to manage the signed-in user's profile and credentials
okta.users.read Allows the app to read the existing users' profiles and credentials
okta.users.read.self Allows the app to read the signed-in user's profile and credentials
ssf.manage Allows the app to create and manage Shared Signals Framework (SSF) in your Okta organization
ssf.read Allows the app to read information about Shared Signals Framework (SSF) in your Okta organization

MyAccount Management

Scope Description
okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.maintenance.manage Write access to non-sensitive attributes of user app authenticator enrollments
okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.maintenance.read Read access to non-sensitive attributes of user app authenticator enrollments
okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.manage Write access to user app authenticator enrollments
okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.read Read access to user app authenticator enrollments
okta.myAccount.authenticators.manage Write access to user authenticator enrollments
okta.myAccount.authenticators.read Read access to user authenticator configurations and enrollments
okta.myAccount.email.manage Write access to user emails
okta.myAccount.email.read Read access to user emails
okta.myAccount.oktaApplications.read Read access to the Okta apps list
okta.myAccount.organization.read Read access to org details
okta.myAccount.password.manage Write access to user password
okta.myAccount.password.read Read access to user password metadata
okta.myAccount.phone.manage Write access to user phones
okta.myAccount.phone.read Read access to user phones
okta.myAccount.profile.manage Write access to user profile and schema
okta.myAccount.profile.read Read access to user profile and schema
okta.myAccount.sessions.manage Write access to user sessions

Okta Aerial

Scope Description
okta.accounts.manage Grants full access to Aerial operations
okta.accounts.read Grants read access to Aerial operations