Articles tagged travis-ci
Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Recently, a colleague pointed out that I was still configuring Travis-CI on new GitHub repos and suggested I used GitHub Actions instead. I had given Actions the ol' five-minute test when it was still in beta, but ran into a few problems and gave up. After all, I’ve been a fan of Travis-CI for a while and I had enough new things to learn at the time. Still, if GitHub Actions lives up to the...
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Testing Spring Boot APIs and Angular Components with WireMock, Jest, Protractor, and Travis CI
Writing apps with Spring Boot and Ionic (which is built on Angular) can be fun because both frameworks offer a good developer experience (DX). You change a file, save it, and the app automatically reloads with your changes. This feature is often called hot-reload and it’s a blissful way to develop. It’s so nice, it can cause you to forget about automating your tests. I’ll admit, writing tests is difficult to do. Writing the test...