Articles tagged spring-cloud-config
Spring Cloud Config for Shared Microservice Configuration

The microservice architecture pattern, in which business functionality is distributed among many small atomic applications as opposed to one or two monolithic chunks, is very powerful and in wide use across large and small tech companies. Each piece has a narrow, well-defined task and communicates with other services via a shared channel (usually REST APIs). The benefits of adopting a microservice architecture include: Easier maintenance and development of applications: developers and teams can focus on...
Java Microservices with Spring Cloud Config and JHipster

Developing a microservice architecture with Java and Spring Boot is quite popular these days. It’s definitely one of the most popular combinations in the Java ecosystem. If you need any proof, just look at all of the similar frameworks that have cropped up in the last few years: MicroProfile, Micronaut, and Quarkus, just to name a few. Spring Boot provided a much-needed spark to the Spring ecosystem when it was first released in 2014. Instead...
Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Java is a great language to use when developing a microservice architecture. In fact, some of the biggest names in our industry use it. Have you ever heard of Netflix, Amazon, or Google? What about eBay, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Yes, major companies handling incredible traffic are doing it with Java. Implementing a microservices architecture in Java isn’t for everyone. For that matter, implementing microservices, in general, isn’t often needed. Most companies do it to scale...