Articles tagged paseto
Introducing JPaseto: Security Tokens For Java

PASETO is a new security token format designed to be easy to use and free from the issues inherent with JSON Web Token (JWT) related specifications. Platform Agnostic SEcurity TOkens (PASETO) is a draft RFC spec created by Scott Arciszewski. PASETO reduces the scope of the JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) family of specs (which JWT is a part of), while still providing the functions that secure applications need. PASETO is everything you love...
Create and Verify PASETO Tokens in Java

PASETO is the latest trend in security token formats. Its primary goal is to reduce the problems the JSON Web Token (JWT) related specifications introduce. In this post, I’ll give you a brief introduction to PASETO tokens and then jump into an example that creates and parses tokens using in Java using JPaseto. If you’d rather watch a video, I created a screencast too! What is PASETO? PASETO stands for Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens. The PASETO...
A Thorough Introduction to PASETO

Today I’m going to introduce you to one of my favorite pieces of security technology released in the last several years: PASETO (platform-agnostic security tokens). PASETO is a relatively new protocol, designed by Scott Arciszewski in early 2018 that is quickly gaining adoption in the security community. While PASETO is still a young technology, I thought it’d be interesting to take an in-depth look at it, since it’s both incredibly useful and solves a lot...