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Articles tagged nodejs

Angular Authentication with JWT

Angular Authentication with JWT

User registration and authentication are one of the features that almost no web application can do without. Authentication usually consists of a user entering using a username and a password and then being granted access to various resources or services. Authentication, by its very nature, relies on keeping the state of the user. This seems to contradict a fundamental property of HTTP, which is a stateless protocol. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) provide one way to...

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Simple Multi-Factor Authentication in Node

Simple Multi-Factor Authentication in Node

If you’re building a web application, chances are you’re going to want to serve different content depending on the user. Authenticating users can be complex for many reasons. The most straightforward route is to allow users to sign in with a username and password. The problem with this is, no matter how strongly you hash passwords, there’s no stopping someone from guessing that your user’s password is hunter2, letmein, or correct horse battery staple. Maybe...

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