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Articles tagged containerization

Build a Simple .NET Core App on Docker

Build a Simple .NET Core App on Docker

Wouldn’t it be great if stuff just worked? Especially in the ever-changing world of software. Chasing dependency issues and debugging arcane operating system errors - not a good use of time. One important aspect of “stuff just works” – reliability. Recently, the software community has made strides in test-driven development and continuous integration processes to drive up quality, and of course, that improves reliability. But it can only go so far. Operating systems perform many...

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A Developer's Guide To Docker - Docker Swarm

Redundancy is a big deal when scaling websites. However, deploying and managing clusters of containers can quickly become untenable. While there are a few container orchestration tools out there like Kubernetes and Mesosphere (DC/OS), Docker has its own called Docker Swarm Mode. Swarm Mode allows you to deploy, scale, and manage clusters of Docker containers from a single command window. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a swarm, create some virtual machines...

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