Articles tagged appsec
A Beginner's Guide to Application Security

Over the past decade, and even more swiftly since the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation of the workplace has primarily been driven by applications. Apps have become an integral part of everyday life for many organizations. Modern applications are complex. Their functionality frequently relies on APIs and third-party integrations, leading to an increased attack surface and more security vulnerabilities. A data breach or an attacker exploiting a security weakness can permanently damage your...
Combat Side-Channel Attacks with Cross-Origin Read Blocking

As if developers didn’t have a big enough task securing web applications from software-layer attacks, they now have to contend with another threat: hardware-layer vulnerabilities. These complex cybersecurity flaws were introduced long before many modern developers began coding and extend from the inner workings of a computer’s silicon to a web application’s code. If exploited, hardware-layer vulnerabilities can result in leaked information from the web browser to an attacker. Luckily, Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) is...