Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Error |
ApiExceptionHelper.getError(ApiException e)
Translates an
ApiException to an Error |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends UserFactor> |
UserFactorApiHelper.activateFactorOfType(Class<T> classType,
String userId,
String factorId,
ActivateFactorRequest activateFactorRequest) |
<T extends Application> |
ApplicationApiHelper.createApplicationOfType(Class<T> classType,
Application application,
Boolean activate,
String oktaAccessGatewayAgent) |
<T extends Policy> |
PolicyApiHelper.createPolicyOfType(Class<T> classType,
Policy policy,
Boolean activate) |
<T extends PolicyRule> |
PolicyApiHelper.createPolicyRuleOfType(Class<T> classType,
String policyId,
PolicyRule policyRule) |
<T extends UserFactor> |
UserFactorApiHelper.enrollFactorOfType(Class<T> classType,
String userId,
UserFactor userFactor,
Boolean updatePhone,
String templateId,
Integer tokenLifetimeSeconds,
Boolean activate) |
<T extends Application> |
ApplicationApiHelper.replaceApplicationOfType(Class<T> classType,
String appId,
Application application) |
<T extends UserFactor> |
UserFactorApiHelper.resendEnrollFactorOfType(Class<T> classType,
String userId,
String factorId,
UserFactor userFactor,
String templateId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OpenIdConnectApplication |
DefaultOIDCApplicationBuilder.buildAndCreate(ApplicationApi client) |
Application |
DefaultApplicationBuilder.buildAndCreate(ApplicationApi client) |
Group |
DefaultGroupBuilder.buildAndCreate(GroupApi client) |
Policy |
DefaultPolicyBuilder.buildAndCreate(PolicyApi client) |
PasswordPolicy |
DefaultPasswordPolicyBuilder.buildAndCreate(PolicyApi client) |
OktaSignOnPolicy |
DefaultOktaSignOnPolicyBuilder.buildAndCreate(PolicyApi client) |
User |
DefaultUserBuilder.buildAndCreate(UserApi client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Application |
ApplicationBuilder.buildAndCreate(ApplicationApi client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Group |
GroupBuilder.buildAndCreate(GroupApi client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Policy |
PolicyBuilder.buildAndCreate(PolicyApi client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
User |
UserBuilder.buildAndCreate(UserApi client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> T |
ApiClient.deserialize(org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.CloseableHttpResponse response,
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<T> valueType)
Deserialize response body to Java object according to the Content-Type.
<T> T |
ApiClient.invokeAPI(String path,
String method,
List<Pair> queryParams,
List<Pair> collectionQueryParams,
String urlQueryDeepObject,
Object body,
Map<String,String> headerParams,
Map<String,String> cookieParams,
Map<String,Object> formParams,
String accept,
String contentType,
String[] authNames,
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<T> returnType)
Invoke API by sending HTTP request with the given options.
protected <T> T |
ApiClient.processResponse(org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.CloseableHttpResponse response,
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<T> returnType) |
org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpEntity |
ApiClient.serialize(Object obj,
Map<String,Object> formParams,
org.apache.hc.core5.http.ContentType contentType)
Serialize the given Java object into string according the given
Content-Type (only JSON is supported for now).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.activateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Activate an Agent Pool update
Activates scheduled Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.activateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Agent Pool update
Activates scheduled Agent pool update
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.activateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId)
Activate an API Service Integration instance Secret
Activates an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.activateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an API Service Integration instance Secret
Activates an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`
void |
ApplicationApi.activateApplication(String appId)
Activate an Application
Activates an inactive application
void |
ApplicationApi.activateApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Application
Activates an inactive application
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.activateAuthenticator(String authenticatorId)
Activate an Authenticator
Activates an authenticator by `authenticatorId`
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.activateAuthenticator(String authenticatorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Authenticator
Activates an authenticator by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.activateAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType)
Activate an Authenticator Method
Activates a Method for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId` and `methodType`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.activateAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Authenticator Method
Activates a Method for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId` and `methodType`
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServer(String authServerId)
Activate an Authorization Server
Activates an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Authorization Server
Activates an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId)
Activate a Policy
Activates an authorization server policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Policy
Activates an authorization server policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId)
Activate a Policy Rule
Activates an authorization server policy rule
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.activateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Policy Rule
Activates an authorization server policy rule
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.activateBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId)
Activate a Behavior Detection Rule
Activates a behavior detection rule
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.activateBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Behavior Detection Rule
Activates a behavior detection rule
void |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.activateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId)
Activate the default Provisioning Connection
Activates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
void |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.activateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate the default Provisioning Connection
Activates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
void |
DeviceApi.activateDevice(String deviceId)
Activate a Device
Activates a Device by setting its status to ACTIVE by `deviceId`.
void |
DeviceApi.activateDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Device
Activates a Device by setting its status to ACTIVE by `deviceId`.
EventHook |
EventHookApi.activateEventHook(String eventHookId)
Activate an Event Hook
Activates an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.activateEventHook(String eventHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Event Hook
Activates an event hook
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.activateFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
ActivateFactorRequest body)
Activate a Factor
Activates a factor.
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.activateFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
ActivateFactorRequest body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Factor
Activates a factor.
void |
GroupApi.activateGroupRule(String groupRuleId)
Activate a Group Rule
Activates a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
void |
GroupApi.activateGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Group Rule
Activates a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.activateIdentityProvider(String idpId)
Activate an Identity Provider
Activates an inactive IdP
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.activateIdentityProvider(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Identity Provider
Activates an inactive IdP
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.activateInlineHook(String inlineHookId)
Activate an Inline Hook
Activates the inline hook by `inlineHookId`
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.activateInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate an Inline Hook
Activates the inline hook by `inlineHookId`
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.activateLogStream(String logStreamId)
Activate a Log Stream
Activates a log stream by `logStreamId`
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.activateLogStream(String logStreamId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Log Stream
Activates a log stream by `logStreamId`
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.activateNetworkZone(String zoneId)
Activate a Network Zone
Activates a network zone by `zoneId`
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.activateNetworkZone(String zoneId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Network Zone
Activates a network zone by `zoneId`
void |
PolicyApi.activatePolicy(String policyId)
Activate a Policy
Activates a policy
void |
PolicyApi.activatePolicy(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Policy
Activates a policy
void |
PolicyApi.activatePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId)
Activate a Policy Rule
Activates a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
void |
PolicyApi.activatePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Policy Rule
Activates a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.activateTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId)
Activate a Trusted Origin
Activates a trusted origin
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.activateTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a Trusted Origin
Activates a trusted origin
UserActivationToken |
UserApi.activateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Activate a User
Activates a user.
UserActivationToken |
UserApi.activateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Activate a User
Activates a user.
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.addMembersToBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
ResourceSetBindingAddMembersRequest instance)
Add more Members to a binding
Adds more members to a Resource Set binding
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.addMembersToBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
ResourceSetBindingAddMembersRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Add more Members to a binding
Adds more members to a Resource Set binding
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.addResourceSetResource(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSetResourcePatchRequest instance)
Add more Resource to a Resource Set
Adds more resources to a Resource Set
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.addResourceSetResource(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSetResourcePatchRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Add more Resource to a Resource Set
Adds more resources to a Resource Set
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAllAppsAsTargetToRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId)
Assign all Apps as Target to Role
Assigns all Apps as Target to Role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAllAppsAsTargetToRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign all Apps as Target to Role
Assigns all Apps as Target to Role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId)
Assign an Application Instance Target to Application Administrator Role
Assigns App Instance Target to App Administrator Role given to a Group
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign an Application Instance Target to Application Administrator Role
Assigns App Instance Target to App Administrator Role given to a Group
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId)
Assign an Application Instance Target to an Application Administrator Role
Assigns anapplication instance target to appplication administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign an Application Instance Target to an Application Administrator Role
Assigns anapplication instance target to appplication administrator role
void |
ApplicationPoliciesApi.assignApplicationPolicy(String appId,
String policyId)
Assign an application to a Policy
Assigns an application to an [authentication policy](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Policy/), identified by `policyId`.
void |
ApplicationPoliciesApi.assignApplicationPolicy(String appId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign an application to a Policy
Assigns an application to an [authentication policy](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Policy/), identified by `policyId`.
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName)
Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role
Assigns an application target to administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role
Assigns an application target to administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppTargetToAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName)
Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role
Assigns an application target to administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignAppTargetToAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role
Assigns an application target to administrator role
GroupOwner |
GroupApi.assignGroupOwner(String groupId,
AssignGroupOwnerRequestBody assignGroupOwnerRequestBody)
Assign a Group Owner
Assigns a group owner
GroupOwner |
GroupApi.assignGroupOwner(String groupId,
AssignGroupOwnerRequestBody assignGroupOwnerRequestBody,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Group Owner
Assigns a group owner
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignGroupTargetToGroupAdminRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String targetGroupId)
Assign a Group Target to a Group Role
Assigns a group target to a group role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignGroupTargetToGroupAdminRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String targetGroupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Group Target to a Group Role
Assigns a group target to a group role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignGroupTargetToUserRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String groupId)
Assign a Group Target to Role
Assigns a Group Target to Role
void |
RoleTargetApi.assignGroupTargetToUserRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String groupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Group Target to Role
Assigns a Group Target to Role
ApplicationGroupAssignment |
ApplicationGroupsApi.assignGroupToApplication(String appId,
String groupId,
ApplicationGroupAssignment applicationGroupAssignment)
Assign a Group
Assigns a group to an application
ApplicationGroupAssignment |
ApplicationGroupsApi.assignGroupToApplication(String appId,
String groupId,
ApplicationGroupAssignment applicationGroupAssignment,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Group
Assigns a group to an application
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.assignRoleToGroup(String groupId,
AssignRoleRequest assignRoleRequest,
Boolean disableNotifications)
Assign a Role to a Group
Assigns a role to a group
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.assignRoleToGroup(String groupId,
AssignRoleRequest assignRoleRequest,
Boolean disableNotifications,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Role to a Group
Assigns a role to a group
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.assignRoleToUser(String userId,
AssignRoleRequest assignRoleRequest,
Boolean disableNotifications)
Assign a Role to a User
Assigns a role to a user identified by `userId`
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.assignRoleToUser(String userId,
AssignRoleRequest assignRoleRequest,
Boolean disableNotifications,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a Role to a User
Assigns a role to a user identified by `userId`
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.assignUserToApplication(String appId,
AppUser appUser)
Assign a User
Assigns a user to an app with credentials and an app-specific [profile](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Application/#tag/Application/operation/assignUserToApplication!c=200&path=profile&t=response).
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.assignUserToApplication(String appId,
AppUser appUser,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a User
Assigns a user to an app with credentials and an app-specific [profile](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Application/#tag/Application/operation/assignUserToApplication!c=200&path=profile&t=response).
void |
GroupApi.assignUserToGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
Assign a User
Assigns a user to a group with 'OKTA_GROUP' type
void |
GroupApi.assignUserToGroup(String groupId,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Assign a User
Assigns a user to a group with 'OKTA_GROUP' type
BouncesRemoveListResult |
OrgSettingApi.bulkRemoveEmailAddressBounces(BouncesRemoveListObj bouncesRemoveListObj)
Remove Emails from Email Provider Bounce List
Removes a list of email addresses to be removed from the set of email addresses that are bounced
BouncesRemoveListResult |
OrgSettingApi.bulkRemoveEmailAddressBounces(BouncesRemoveListObj bouncesRemoveListObj,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Remove Emails from Email Provider Bounce List
Removes a list of email addresses to be removed from the set of email addresses that are bounced
UserCredentials |
UserApi.changePassword(String userId,
ChangePasswordRequest changePasswordRequest,
Boolean strict)
Change Password
Changes a user's password by validating the user's current password.
UserCredentials |
UserApi.changePassword(String userId,
ChangePasswordRequest changePasswordRequest,
Boolean strict,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Change Password
Changes a user's password by validating the user's current password.
UserCredentials |
UserApi.changeRecoveryQuestion(String userId,
UserCredentials userCredentials)
Change Recovery Question
Changes a user's recovery question & answer credential by validating the user's current password.
UserCredentials |
UserApi.changeRecoveryQuestion(String userId,
UserCredentials userCredentials,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Change Recovery Question
Changes a user's recovery question & answer credential by validating the user's current password.
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.cloneApplicationKey(String appId,
String keyId,
String targetAid)
Clone a Key Credential
Clones a X.509 certificate for an application key credential from a source application to target application.
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.cloneApplicationKey(String appId,
String keyId,
String targetAid,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Clone a Key Credential
Clones a X.509 certificate for an application key credential from a source application to target application.
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.cloneIdentityProviderKey(String idpId,
String idpKeyId,
String targetIdpId)
Clone a Signing Credential Key
Clones a X.509 certificate for an IdP signing key credential from a source IdP to target IdP
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.cloneIdentityProviderKey(String idpId,
String idpKeyId,
String targetIdpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Clone a Signing Credential Key
Clones a X.509 certificate for an IdP signing key credential from a source IdP to target IdP
Policy |
PolicyApi.clonePolicy(String policyId)
Clone an existing Policy
Clones an existing policy
Policy |
PolicyApi.clonePolicy(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Clone an existing Policy
Clones an existing policy
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.createAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
AgentPoolUpdate agentPoolUpdate)
Create an Agent Pool update
Creates an Agent pool update \\n For user flow 2 manual update, starts the update immediately.
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.createAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
AgentPoolUpdate agentPoolUpdate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Agent Pool update
Creates an Agent pool update \\n For user flow 2 manual update, starts the update immediately.
PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.createApiServiceIntegrationInstance(PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceRequest postAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceRequest)
Create an API Service Integration instance
Creates and authorizes an API Service Integration instance
PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.createApiServiceIntegrationInstance(PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceRequest postAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an API Service Integration instance
Creates and authorizes an API Service Integration instance
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.createApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId)
Create an API Service Integration instance Secret
Creates an API Service Integration instance Secret object with a new active client secret.
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.createApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an API Service Integration instance Secret
Creates an API Service Integration instance Secret object with a new active client secret.
Application |
ApplicationApi.createApplication(Application application,
Boolean activate,
String oktaAccessGatewayAgent)
Create an Application
Creates a new application to your Okta organization
Application |
ApplicationApi.createApplication(Application application,
Boolean activate,
String oktaAccessGatewayAgent,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Application
Creates a new application to your Okta organization
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAssociatedServers(String authServerId,
AssociatedServerMediated associatedServerMediated)
Create the Associated Authorization Servers
Creates the trusted relationships between the given authorization server and other authorization servers
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAssociatedServers(String authServerId,
AssociatedServerMediated associatedServerMediated,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create the Associated Authorization Servers
Creates the trusted relationships between the given authorization server and other authorization servers
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.createAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator,
Boolean activate)
Create an Authenticator
Creates an authenticator
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.createAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator,
Boolean activate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Authenticator
Creates an authenticator
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServer(AuthorizationServer authorizationServer)
Create an Authorization Server
Creates an authorization server
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServer(AuthorizationServer authorizationServer,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Authorization Server
Creates an authorization server
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
AuthorizationServerPolicy policy)
Create a Policy
Creates a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
AuthorizationServerPolicy policy,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Policy
Creates a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule policyRule)
Create a Policy Rule
Creates a policy rule for the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.createAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule policyRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Policy Rule
Creates a policy rule for the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.createBehaviorDetectionRule(BehaviorRule rule)
Create a Behavior Detection Rule
Creates a new behavior detection rule
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.createBehaviorDetectionRule(BehaviorRule rule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Behavior Detection Rule
Creates a new behavior detection rule
Brand |
CustomizationApi.createBrand(List<String> expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
String q,
CreateBrandRequest createBrandRequest)
Create a Brand
Creates a new brand in your org
Brand |
CustomizationApi.createBrand(List<String> expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
String q,
CreateBrandRequest createBrandRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Brand
Creates a new brand in your org
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.createCaptchaInstance(CAPTCHAInstance instance)
Create a CAPTCHA instance
Creates a new CAPTCHA instance.
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.createCaptchaInstance(CAPTCHAInstance instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a CAPTCHA instance
Creates a new CAPTCHA instance.
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.createCustomDomain(DomainRequest domain)
Create a Custom Domain
Creates your custom domain
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.createCustomDomain(DomainRequest domain,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Custom Domain
Creates your custom domain
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.createDeviceAssurancePolicy(DeviceAssurance deviceAssurance)
Create a Device Assurance Policy
Creates a new Device Assurance Policy
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.createDeviceAssurancePolicy(DeviceAssurance deviceAssurance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Device Assurance Policy
Creates a new Device Assurance Policy
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.createEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
EmailCustomization instance)
Create an Email Customization
Creates a new email customization
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.createEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
EmailCustomization instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Email Customization
Creates a new email customization
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.createEmailDomain(EmailDomain emailDomain,
List<String> expand)
Create an Email Domain
Creates an Email Domain in your org
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.createEmailDomain(EmailDomain emailDomain,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Email Domain
Creates an Email Domain in your org
EmailServerResponse |
EmailServerApi.createEmailServer(EmailServerPost emailServerPost)
Create a custom SMTP server
Creates a custom email SMTP server configuration for your organization
EmailServerResponse |
EmailServerApi.createEmailServer(EmailServerPost emailServerPost,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a custom SMTP server
Creates a custom email SMTP server configuration for your organization
EventHook |
EventHookApi.createEventHook(EventHook eventHook)
Create an Event Hook
Creates an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.createEventHook(EventHook eventHook,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Event Hook
Creates an event hook
Group |
GroupApi.createGroup(Group group)
Create a Group
Creates a new group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
Group |
GroupApi.createGroup(Group group,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Group
Creates a new group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
GroupRule |
GroupApi.createGroupRule(GroupRule groupRule)
Create a Group Rule
Creates a group rule to dynamically add users to the specified group if they match the condition
GroupRule |
GroupApi.createGroupRule(GroupRule groupRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Group Rule
Creates a group rule to dynamically add users to the specified group if they match the condition
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.createHookKey(KeyRequest keyRequest)
Create a key
Creates a key for use with other parts of the application, such as inline hooks Use the key name to access this key for inline hook operations.
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.createHookKey(KeyRequest keyRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a key
Creates a key for use with other parts of the application, such as inline hooks Use the key name to access this key for inline hook operations.
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.createIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider identityProvider)
Create an Identity Provider
Creates a new identity provider integration
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.createIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider identityProvider,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Identity Provider
Creates a new identity provider integration
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.createIdentityProviderKey(JsonWebKey jsonWebKey)
Create an X.509 Certificate Public Key
Creates a new X.509 certificate credential to the IdP key store.
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.createIdentityProviderKey(JsonWebKey jsonWebKey,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an X.509 Certificate Public Key
Creates a new X.509 certificate credential to the IdP key store.
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.createIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId)
Create an Identity Source Session
Creates an identity source session for the given identity source instance
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.createIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Identity Source Session
Creates an identity source session for the given identity source instance
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.createInlineHook(InlineHook inlineHook)
Create an Inline Hook
Creates an inline hook
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.createInlineHook(InlineHook inlineHook,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an Inline Hook
Creates an inline hook
LinkedObject |
LinkedObjectApi.createLinkedObjectDefinition(LinkedObject linkedObject)
Create a Linked Object Definition
Creates a linked object definition
LinkedObject |
LinkedObjectApi.createLinkedObjectDefinition(LinkedObject linkedObject,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Linked Object Definition
Creates a linked object definition
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.createLogStream(LogStream instance)
Create a Log Stream
Creates a new Log Stream object
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.createLogStream(LogStream instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Log Stream
Creates a new Log Stream object
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.createNetworkZone(NetworkZone zone)
Create a Network Zone
Creates a new network zone.
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.createNetworkZone(NetworkZone zone,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Network Zone
Creates a new network zone.
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.createOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
OAuth2Claim oAuth2Claim)
Create a Custom Token Claim
Creates a custom token claim
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.createOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
OAuth2Claim oAuth2Claim,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Custom Token Claim
Creates a custom token claim
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.createOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
OAuth2Scope oAuth2Scope)
Create a Custom Token Scope
Creates a custom token scope
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.createOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
OAuth2Scope oAuth2Scope,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Custom Token Scope
Creates a custom token scope
Policy |
PolicyApi.createPolicy(Policy policy,
Boolean activate)
Create a Policy
Creates a policy
Policy |
PolicyApi.createPolicy(Policy policy,
Boolean activate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Policy
Creates a policy
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.createPolicyRule(String policyId,
PolicyRule policyRule)
Create a Policy Rule
Creates a policy rule
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.createPolicyRule(String policyId,
PolicyRule policyRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Policy Rule
Creates a policy rule
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.createPrincipalRateLimitEntity(PrincipalRateLimitEntity entity)
Create a Principal Rate Limit
Creates a new Principal Rate Limit entity.
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.createPrincipalRateLimitEntity(PrincipalRateLimitEntity entity,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Principal Rate Limit
Creates a new Principal Rate Limit entity.
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.createPushProvider(PushProvider pushProvider)
Create a Push Provider
Creates a new push provider
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.createPushProvider(PushProvider pushProvider,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Push Provider
Creates a new push provider
Realm |
RealmApi.createRealm(Realm body)
Create a Realm
Creates a new Realm
Realm |
RealmApi.createRealm(Realm body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Realm
Creates a new Realm
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.createResourceSet(CreateResourceSetRequest instance)
Create a Resource Set
Creates a new Resource Set
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.createResourceSet(CreateResourceSetRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Resource Set
Creates a new Resource Set
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.createResourceSetBinding(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSetBindingCreateRequest instance)
Create a Resource Set Binding
Creates a new Resource Set binding
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.createResourceSetBinding(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSetBindingCreateRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Resource Set Binding
Creates a new Resource Set binding
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.createRiskProvider(RiskProvider instance)
Create a Risk Provider
Creates a Risk Provider object.
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.createRiskProvider(RiskProvider instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Risk Provider
Creates a Risk Provider object.
IamRole |
RoleApi.createRole(CreateIamRoleRequest instance)
Create a Role
Creates a new role
IamRole |
RoleApi.createRole(CreateIamRoleRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Role
Creates a new role
void |
RoleApi.createRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
CreateUpdateIamRolePermissionRequest instance)
Create a Permission
Creates a permission specified by `permissionType` to the role
void |
RoleApi.createRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
CreateUpdateIamRolePermissionRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Permission
Creates a permission specified by `permissionType` to the role
Session |
SessionApi.createSession(CreateSessionRequest createSessionRequest)
Create a Session with session token
Creates a new Session for a user with a valid session token.
Session |
SessionApi.createSession(CreateSessionRequest createSessionRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Session with session token
Creates a new Session for a user with a valid session token.
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.createSmsTemplate(SmsTemplate smsTemplate)
Create an SMS Template
Creates a new custom SMS template
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.createSmsTemplate(SmsTemplate smsTemplate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create an SMS Template
Creates a new custom SMS template
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.createTrustedOrigin(TrustedOrigin trustedOrigin)
Create a Trusted Origin
Creates a trusted origin
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.createTrustedOrigin(TrustedOrigin trustedOrigin,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Trusted Origin
Creates a trusted origin
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.createUISchema(CreateUISchema uischemabody)
Create a UI Schema
Creates an input for an enrollment form
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.createUISchema(CreateUISchema uischemabody,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a UI Schema
Creates an input for an enrollment form
User |
UserApi.createUser(CreateUserRequest body,
Boolean activate,
Boolean provider,
UserNextLogin nextLogin)
Create a User
Creates a new user in your Okta organization with or without credentials<br> > **Legal Disclaimer**<br> After a user is added to the Okta directory, they receive an activation email.
User |
UserApi.createUser(CreateUserRequest body,
Boolean activate,
Boolean provider,
UserNextLogin nextLogin,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a User
Creates a new user in your Okta organization with or without credentials<br> > **Legal Disclaimer**<br> After a user is added to the Okta directory, they receive an activation email.
UserType |
UserTypeApi.createUserType(UserType userType)
Create a User Type
Creates a new User Type.
UserType |
UserTypeApi.createUserType(UserType userType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a User Type
Creates a new User Type.
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.deactivateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Deactivate an Agent Pool update
Deactivates scheduled Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.deactivateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Agent Pool update
Deactivates scheduled Agent pool update
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deactivateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId)
Deactivate an API Service Integration instance Secret
Deactivates an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`
APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deactivateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an API Service Integration instance Secret
Deactivates an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`
void |
ApplicationApi.deactivateApplication(String appId)
Deactivate an Application
Deactivates an active application
void |
ApplicationApi.deactivateApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Application
Deactivates an active application
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.deactivateAuthenticator(String authenticatorId)
Deactivate an Authenticator
Deactivates an authenticator by `authenticatorId`
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.deactivateAuthenticator(String authenticatorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Authenticator
Deactivates an authenticator by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.deactivateAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType)
Deactivate an Authenticator Method
Deactivates a Method for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId` and `methodType`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.deactivateAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Authenticator Method
Deactivates a Method for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId` and `methodType`
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServer(String authServerId)
Deactivate an Authorization Server
Deactivates an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Authorization Server
Deactivates an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId)
Deactivate a Policy
Deactivates an authorization server policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Policy
Deactivates an authorization server policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId)
Deactivate a Policy Rule
Deactivates an authorization server policy rule
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deactivateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Policy Rule
Deactivates an authorization server policy rule
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.deactivateBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId)
Deactivate a Behavior Detection Rule
Deactivates a behavior detection rule
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.deactivateBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Behavior Detection Rule
Deactivates a behavior detection rule
void |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.deactivateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId)
Deactivate the default Provisioning Connection
Deactivates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
void |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.deactivateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate the default Provisioning Connection
Deactivates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
void |
DeviceApi.deactivateDevice(String deviceId)
Deactivate a Device
Deactivates a Device by setting its status to DEACTIVATED by `deviceId`.
void |
DeviceApi.deactivateDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Device
Deactivates a Device by setting its status to DEACTIVATED by `deviceId`.
EventHook |
EventHookApi.deactivateEventHook(String eventHookId)
Deactivate an Event Hook
Deactivates an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.deactivateEventHook(String eventHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Event Hook
Deactivates an event hook
void |
GroupApi.deactivateGroupRule(String groupRuleId)
Deactivate a Group Rule
Deactivates a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
void |
GroupApi.deactivateGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Group Rule
Deactivates a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.deactivateIdentityProvider(String idpId)
Deactivate an Identity Provider
Deactivates an active IdP
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.deactivateIdentityProvider(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Identity Provider
Deactivates an active IdP
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.deactivateInlineHook(String inlineHookId)
Deactivate an Inline Hook
Deactivates the inline hook by `inlineHookId`
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.deactivateInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate an Inline Hook
Deactivates the inline hook by `inlineHookId`
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.deactivateLogStream(String logStreamId)
Deactivate a Log Stream
Deactivates a log stream by `logStreamId`
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.deactivateLogStream(String logStreamId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Log Stream
Deactivates a log stream by `logStreamId`
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.deactivateNetworkZone(String zoneId)
Deactivate a Network Zone
Deactivates a network zone by `zoneId`
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.deactivateNetworkZone(String zoneId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Network Zone
Deactivates a network zone by `zoneId`
void |
PolicyApi.deactivatePolicy(String policyId)
Deactivate a Policy
Deactivates a policy
void |
PolicyApi.deactivatePolicy(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Policy
Deactivates a policy
void |
PolicyApi.deactivatePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId)
Deactivate a Policy Rule
Deactivates a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
void |
PolicyApi.deactivatePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Policy Rule
Deactivates a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.deactivateTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId)
Deactivate a Trusted Origin
Deactivates a trusted origin
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.deactivateTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a Trusted Origin
Deactivates a trusted origin
void |
UserApi.deactivateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Deactivate a User
Deactivates a user.
void |
UserApi.deactivateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Deactivate a User
Deactivates a user.
void |
AgentPoolsApi.deleteAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Delete an Agent Pool update
Deletes Agent pool update
void |
AgentPoolsApi.deleteAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Agent Pool update
Deletes Agent pool update
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteAllCustomizations(String brandId,
String templateName)
Delete all Email Customizations
Deletes all customizations for an email template
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteAllCustomizations(String brandId,
String templateName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete all Email Customizations
Deletes all customizations for an email template
void |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deleteApiServiceIntegrationInstance(String apiServiceId)
Delete an API Service Integration instance
Deletes an API Service Integration instance by `id`.
void |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deleteApiServiceIntegrationInstance(String apiServiceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an API Service Integration instance
Deletes an API Service Integration instance by `id`.
void |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deleteApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId)
Delete an API Service Integration instance Secret
Deletes an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`.
void |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.deleteApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret(String apiServiceId,
String secretId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an API Service Integration instance Secret
Deletes an API Service Integration instance Secret by `secretId`.
void |
ApplicationApi.deleteApplication(String appId)
Delete an Application
Deletes an inactive application
void |
ApplicationApi.deleteApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Application
Deletes an inactive application
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAssociatedServer(String authServerId,
String associatedServerId)
Delete an Associated Authorization Server
Deletes an associated authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAssociatedServer(String authServerId,
String associatedServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Associated Authorization Server
Deletes an associated authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServer(String authServerId)
Delete an Authorization Server
Deletes an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Authorization Server
Deletes an authorization server
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId)
Delete a Policy
Deletes a policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Policy
Deletes a policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId)
Delete a Policy Rule
Deletes a Policy Rule defined in the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Policy Rule
Deletes a Policy Rule defined in the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
void |
BehaviorApi.deleteBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId)
Delete a Behavior Detection Rule
Deletes a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
void |
BehaviorApi.deleteBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Behavior Detection Rule
Deletes a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel)
Delete a Binding
Deletes a Resource Set binding by `resourceSetId` and `roleIdOrLabel`
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Binding
Deletes a Resource Set binding by `resourceSetId` and `roleIdOrLabel`
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrand(String brandId,
List<String> expand)
Delete a brand
Deletes a brand by `brandId`
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrand(String brandId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a brand
Deletes a brand by `brandId`
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage(String brandId,
String themeId)
Delete the Background Image
Deletes a Theme background image
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage(String brandId,
String themeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Background Image
Deletes a Theme background image
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeFavicon(String brandId,
String themeId)
Delete the Favicon
Deletes a Theme favicon.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeFavicon(String brandId,
String themeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Favicon
Deletes a Theme favicon.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeLogo(String brandId,
String themeId)
Delete the Logo
Deletes a Theme logo.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteBrandThemeLogo(String brandId,
String themeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Logo
Deletes a Theme logo.
void |
CaptchaApi.deleteCaptchaInstance(String captchaId)
Delete a CAPTCHA Instance
Deletes a specified CAPTCHA instance > **Note:** If your CAPTCHA instance is still associated with your org, the request fails.
void |
CaptchaApi.deleteCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a CAPTCHA Instance
Deletes a specified CAPTCHA instance > **Note:** If your CAPTCHA instance is still associated with your org, the request fails.
void |
CustomDomainApi.deleteCustomDomain(String domainId)
Delete a Custom Domain
Deletes a custom domain by `domainId`
void |
CustomDomainApi.deleteCustomDomain(String domainId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Custom Domain
Deletes a custom domain by `domainId`
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId)
Delete the Customized Error Page
Deletes the customized error page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Customized Error Page
Deletes the customized error page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId)
Delete the Customized Sign-in Page
Deletes the customized sign-in page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Customized Sign-in Page
Deletes the customized sign-in page.
void |
DeviceApi.deleteDevice(String deviceId)
Delete a Device
Deletes (permanently) a device by `deviceId` if it has a status of `DEACTIVATED`.
void |
DeviceApi.deleteDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Device
Deletes (permanently) a device by `deviceId` if it has a status of `DEACTIVATED`.
void |
DeviceAssuranceApi.deleteDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId)
Delete a Device Assurance Policy
Deletes a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`.
void |
DeviceAssuranceApi.deleteDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Device Assurance Policy
Deletes a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`.
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId)
Delete an Email Customization
Deletes an email customization by its unique identifier
void |
CustomizationApi.deleteEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Email Customization
Deletes an email customization by its unique identifier
void |
EmailDomainApi.deleteEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
List<String> expand)
Delete an Email Domain
Deletes an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
void |
EmailDomainApi.deleteEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Email Domain
Deletes an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
void |
EmailServerApi.deleteEmailServer(String emailServerId)
Delete an SMTP Server configuration
Deletes your organization's custom SMTP server with the given ID
void |
EmailServerApi.deleteEmailServer(String emailServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an SMTP Server configuration
Deletes your organization's custom SMTP server with the given ID
void |
EventHookApi.deleteEventHook(String eventHookId)
Delete an Event Hook
Deletes an event hook
void |
EventHookApi.deleteEventHook(String eventHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Event Hook
Deletes an event hook
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroup(String groupId)
Delete a Group
Deletes a group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroup(String groupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Group
Deletes a group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroupOwner(String groupId,
String ownerId)
Delete a Group Owner
Deletes a group owner from a specific group
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroupOwner(String groupId,
String ownerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Group Owner
Deletes a group owner from a specific group
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
Boolean removeUsers)
Delete a group Rule
Deletes a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
void |
GroupApi.deleteGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
Boolean removeUsers,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a group Rule
Deletes a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
void |
HookKeyApi.deleteHookKey(String hookKeyId)
Delete a key
Deletes a key by `hookKeyId`.
void |
HookKeyApi.deleteHookKey(String hookKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a key
Deletes a key by `hookKeyId`.
void |
IdentityProviderApi.deleteIdentityProvider(String idpId)
Delete an Identity Provider
Deletes an identity provider integration by `idpId`
void |
IdentityProviderApi.deleteIdentityProvider(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Identity Provider
Deletes an identity provider integration by `idpId`
void |
IdentityProviderApi.deleteIdentityProviderKey(String idpKeyId)
Delete a Signing Credential Key
Deletes a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid` if it is not currently being used by an Active or Inactive IdP
void |
IdentityProviderApi.deleteIdentityProviderKey(String idpKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Signing Credential Key
Deletes a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid` if it is not currently being used by an Active or Inactive IdP
void |
IdentitySourceApi.deleteIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId)
Delete an Identity Source Session
Deletes an identity source session for a given `identitySourceId` and `sessionId`
void |
IdentitySourceApi.deleteIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Identity Source Session
Deletes an identity source session for a given `identitySourceId` and `sessionId`
void |
InlineHookApi.deleteInlineHook(String inlineHookId)
Delete an Inline Hook
Deletes an inline hook by `inlineHookId`.
void |
InlineHookApi.deleteInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an Inline Hook
Deletes an inline hook by `inlineHookId`.
void |
LinkedObjectApi.deleteLinkedObjectDefinition(String linkedObjectName)
Delete a Linked Object Definition
Deletes a linked object definition
void |
LinkedObjectApi.deleteLinkedObjectDefinition(String linkedObjectName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Linked Object Definition
Deletes a linked object definition
void |
UserApi.deleteLinkedObjectForUser(String userId,
String relationshipName)
Delete a Linked Object
Deletes linked objects for a user, relationshipName can be ONLY a primary relationship name
void |
UserApi.deleteLinkedObjectForUser(String userId,
String relationshipName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Linked Object
Deletes linked objects for a user, relationshipName can be ONLY a primary relationship name
void |
LogStreamApi.deleteLogStream(String logStreamId)
Delete a Log Stream
Deletes a Log Stream object from your org by ID
void |
LogStreamApi.deleteLogStream(String logStreamId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Log Stream
Deletes a Log Stream object from your org by ID
void |
NetworkZoneApi.deleteNetworkZone(String zoneId)
Delete a Network Zone
Deletes network zone by `zoneId`
void |
NetworkZoneApi.deleteNetworkZone(String zoneId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Network Zone
Deletes network zone by `zoneId`
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId)
Delete a Custom Token Claim
Deletes a custom token claim
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Custom Token Claim
Deletes a custom token claim
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId)
Delete a Custom Token Scope
Deletes a custom token scope
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.deleteOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Custom Token Scope
Deletes a custom token scope
void |
Delete the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Deletes the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization
void |
CaptchaApi.deleteOrgCaptchaSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Deletes the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicy(String policyId)
Delete a Policy
Deletes a policy
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicy(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Policy
Deletes a policy
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicyResourceMapping(String policyId,
String mappingId)
Delete a policy resource Mapping
Deletes the resource Mapping for a Policy identified by `policyId` and `mappingId`
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicyResourceMapping(String policyId,
String mappingId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a policy resource Mapping
Deletes the resource Mapping for a Policy identified by `policyId` and `mappingId`
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId)
Delete a Policy Rule
Deletes a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
void |
PolicyApi.deletePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Policy Rule
Deletes a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
void |
CustomizationApi.deletePreviewErrorPage(String brandId)
Delete the Preview Error Page
Deletes the preview error page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deletePreviewErrorPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Preview Error Page
Deletes the preview error page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deletePreviewSignInPage(String brandId)
Delete the Preview Sign-in Page
Deletes the preview sign-in page.
void |
CustomizationApi.deletePreviewSignInPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete the Preview Sign-in Page
Deletes the preview sign-in page.
void |
PushProviderApi.deletePushProvider(String pushProviderId)
Delete a Push Provider
Deletes a push provider by `pushProviderId`.
void |
PushProviderApi.deletePushProvider(String pushProviderId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Push Provider
Deletes a push provider by `pushProviderId`.
void |
RealmApi.deleteRealm(String realmId)
Delete a Realm
Deletes a Realm permanently.
void |
RealmApi.deleteRealm(String realmId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Realm
Deletes a Realm permanently.
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteResourceSet(String resourceSetId)
Delete a Resource Set
Deletes a role by `resourceSetId`
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteResourceSet(String resourceSetId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Resource Set
Deletes a role by `resourceSetId`
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteResourceSetResource(String resourceSetId,
String resourceId)
Delete a Resource from a Resource Set
Deletes a resource identified by `resourceId` from a Resource Set
void |
ResourceSetApi.deleteResourceSetResource(String resourceSetId,
String resourceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Resource from a Resource Set
Deletes a resource identified by `resourceId` from a Resource Set
void |
RiskProviderApi.deleteRiskProvider(String riskProviderId)
Delete a Risk Provider
Deletes a Risk Provider object by its ID
void |
RiskProviderApi.deleteRiskProvider(String riskProviderId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Risk Provider
Deletes a Risk Provider object by its ID
void |
RoleApi.deleteRole(String roleIdOrLabel)
Delete a Role
Deletes a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
void |
RoleApi.deleteRole(String roleIdOrLabel,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Role
Deletes a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
void |
RoleApi.deleteRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType)
Delete a Permission
Deletes a permission from a role by `permissionType`
void |
RoleApi.deleteRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Permission
Deletes a permission from a role by `permissionType`
void |
TemplateApi.deleteSmsTemplate(String templateId)
Delete an SMS Template
Deletes an SMS template
void |
TemplateApi.deleteSmsTemplate(String templateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete an SMS Template
Deletes an SMS template
void |
TrustedOriginApi.deleteTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId)
Delete a Trusted Origin
Deletes a trusted origin
void |
TrustedOriginApi.deleteTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a Trusted Origin
Deletes a trusted origin
void |
UiSchemaApi.deleteUISchemas(String id)
Delete a UI Schema
Deletes a UI Schema by `id`
void |
UiSchemaApi.deleteUISchemas(String id,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a UI Schema
Deletes a UI Schema by `id`
void |
UserApi.deleteUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Delete a User
Deletes a user permanently.
void |
UserApi.deleteUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a User
Deletes a user permanently.
void |
UserTypeApi.deleteUserType(String typeId)
Delete a User Type
Deletes a User Type permanently.
void |
UserTypeApi.deleteUserType(String typeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Delete a User Type
Deletes a User Type permanently.
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.enrollFactor(String userId,
UserFactor body,
Boolean updatePhone,
String templateId,
Integer tokenLifetimeSeconds,
Boolean activate)
Enroll a Factor
Enrolls a user with a supported factor
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.enrollFactor(String userId,
UserFactor body,
Boolean updatePhone,
String templateId,
Integer tokenLifetimeSeconds,
Boolean activate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Enroll a Factor
Enrolls a user with a supported factor
InlineHookResponse |
InlineHookApi.executeInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Object payloadData)
Execute an Inline Hook
Executes the inline hook by `inlineHookId` using the request body as the input.
InlineHookResponse |
InlineHookApi.executeInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Object payloadData,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Execute an Inline Hook
Executes the inline hook by `inlineHookId` using the request body as the input.
User |
UserApi.expirePassword(String userId)
Expire Password
Expires a user's password and transitions the user to the status of `PASSWORD_EXPIRED` so that the user is required to change their password at their next login
User |
UserApi.expirePassword(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Expire Password
Expires a user's password and transitions the user to the status of `PASSWORD_EXPIRED` so that the user is required to change their password at their next login
TempPassword |
UserApi.expirePasswordAndGetTemporaryPassword(String userId,
Boolean revokeSessions)
Expire Password and Set Temporary Password
Expires a user's password and transitions the user to the status of `PASSWORD_EXPIRED` so that the user is required to change their password at their next login, and also sets the user's password to a temporary password returned in the response
TempPassword |
UserApi.expirePasswordAndGetTemporaryPassword(String userId,
Boolean revokeSessions,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Expire Password and Set Temporary Password
Expires a user's password and transitions the user to the status of `PASSWORD_EXPIRED` so that the user is required to change their password at their next login, and also sets the user's password to a temporary password returned in the response
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
Extend Okta Support Access
Extends the length of time that Okta Support can access your org by 24 hours.
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
OrgSettingApi.extendOktaSupport(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Extend Okta Support Access
Extends the length of time that Okta Support can access your org by 24 hours.
ForgotPasswordResponse |
UserApi.forgotPassword(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Initiate Forgot Password
Initiates the forgot password flow.
ForgotPasswordResponse |
UserApi.forgotPassword(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Initiate Forgot Password
Initiates the forgot password flow.
UserCredentials |
UserApi.forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(String userId,
UserCredentials userCredentials,
Boolean sendEmail)
Reset Password with Recovery Question
Resets the user's password to the specified password if the provided answer to the recovery question is correct
UserCredentials |
UserApi.forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(String userId,
UserCredentials userCredentials,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Reset Password with Recovery Question
Resets the user's password to the specified password if the provided answer to the recovery question is correct
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.generateApplicationKey(String appId,
Integer validityYears)
Generate a Key Credential
Generates a new X.509 certificate for an application key credential
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.generateApplicationKey(String appId,
Integer validityYears,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Generate a Key Credential
Generates a new X.509 certificate for an application key credential
Csr |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.generateCsrForApplication(String appId,
CsrMetadata metadata)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
Generates a new key pair and returns the Certificate Signing Request for it
Csr |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.generateCsrForApplication(String appId,
CsrMetadata metadata,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
Generates a new key pair and returns the Certificate Signing Request for it
Csr |
IdentityProviderApi.generateCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
CsrMetadata metadata)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
Generates a new key pair and returns a Certificate Signing Request for it
Csr |
IdentityProviderApi.generateCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
CsrMetadata metadata,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
Generates a new key pair and returns a Certificate Signing Request for it
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.generateIdentityProviderSigningKey(String idpId,
Integer validityYears)
Generate a new Signing Credential Key
Generates a new X.509 certificate for an IdP signing key credential to be used for signing assertions sent to the IdP
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.generateIdentityProviderSigningKey(String idpId,
Integer validityYears,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Generate a new Signing Credential Key
Generates a new X.509 certificate for an IdP signing key credential to be used for signing assertions sent to the IdP
ResetPasswordToken |
UserApi.generateResetPasswordToken(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Boolean revokeSessions)
Generate a Reset Password Token
Generates a one-time token (OTT) that can be used to reset a user's password.
ResetPasswordToken |
UserApi.generateResetPasswordToken(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Boolean revokeSessions,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Generate a Reset Password Token
Generates a one-time token (OTT) that can be used to reset a user's password.
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.getAgentPoolsUpdateInstance(String poolId,
String updateId)
Retrieve an Agent Pool update by id
Retrieves Agent pool update from updateId
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.getAgentPoolsUpdateInstance(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Agent Pool update by id
Retrieves Agent pool update from updateId
AgentPoolUpdateSetting |
AgentPoolsApi.getAgentPoolsUpdateSettings(String poolId)
Retrieve an Agent Pool update's settings
Retrieves the current state of the agent pool update instance settings
AgentPoolUpdateSetting |
AgentPoolsApi.getAgentPoolsUpdateSettings(String poolId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Agent Pool update's settings
Retrieves the current state of the agent pool update instance settings
APIServiceIntegrationInstance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.getApiServiceIntegrationInstance(String apiServiceId)
Retrieve an API Service Integration instance
Retrieves an API Service Integration instance by `id`
APIServiceIntegrationInstance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.getApiServiceIntegrationInstance(String apiServiceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an API Service Integration instance
Retrieves an API Service Integration instance by `id`
ApiToken |
ApiTokenApi.getApiToken(String apiTokenId)
Retrieve an API Token's Metadata
Retrieves the metadata for an active API token by id
ApiToken |
ApiTokenApi.getApiToken(String apiTokenId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an API Token's Metadata
Retrieves the metadata for an active API token by id
Application |
ApplicationApi.getApplication(String appId,
String expand)
Retrieve an Application
Retrieves an application from your Okta organization by `id`
Application |
ApplicationApi.getApplication(String appId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Application
Retrieves an application from your Okta organization by `id`
ApplicationGroupAssignment |
ApplicationGroupsApi.getApplicationGroupAssignment(String appId,
String groupId,
String expand)
Retrieve an Assigned Group
Retrieves an application group assignment
ApplicationGroupAssignment |
ApplicationGroupsApi.getApplicationGroupAssignment(String appId,
String groupId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Assigned Group
Retrieves an application group assignment
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.getApplicationKey(String appId,
String keyId)
Retrieve a Key Credential
Retrieves a specific application key credential by kid
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.getApplicationKey(String appId,
String keyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Key Credential
Retrieves a specific application key credential by kid
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.getApplicationUser(String appId,
String userId,
String expand)
Retrieve an assigned User
Retrieves a specific user assignment for app by `id`
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.getApplicationUser(String appId,
String userId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an assigned User
Retrieves a specific user assignment for app by `id`
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.getApplicationUserSchema(String appId)
Retrieve the default Application User Schema for an Application
Retrieves the Schema for an App User
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.getApplicationUserSchema(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the default Application User Schema for an Application
Retrieves the Schema for an App User
ApplicationLayout |
SchemaApi.getAppUISchema(String appName,
String section,
String operation)
Retrieve the UI schema for a section
Retrieves the UI schema for an Application given `appName`, `section` and `operation`
ApplicationLayout |
SchemaApi.getAppUISchema(String appName,
String section,
String operation,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the UI schema for a section
Retrieves the UI schema for an Application given `appName`, `section` and `operation`
ApplicationLayouts |
SchemaApi.getAppUISchemaLinks(String appName)
Retrieve the links for UI schemas for an Application
Retrieves the links for UI schemas for an Application given `appName`
ApplicationLayouts |
SchemaApi.getAppUISchemaLinks(String appName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the links for UI schemas for an Application
Retrieves the links for UI schemas for an Application given `appName`
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.getAuthenticator(String authenticatorId)
Retrieve an Authenticator
Retrieves an authenticator from your Okta organization by `authenticatorId`
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.getAuthenticator(String authenticatorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Authenticator
Retrieves an authenticator from your Okta organization by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.getAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType)
Retrieve a Method
Retrieves a Method identified by `methodType` of an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.getAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Method
Retrieves a Method identified by `methodType` of an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServer(String authServerId)
Retrieve an Authorization Server
Retrieves an authorization server
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Authorization Server
Retrieves an authorization server
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId)
Retrieve a Policy
Retrieves a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Policy
Retrieves a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId)
Retrieve a Policy Rule
Retrieves a policy rule by `ruleId`
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.getAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Policy Rule
Retrieves a policy rule by `ruleId`
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.getBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId)
Retrieve a Behavior Detection Rule
Retrieves a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.getBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Behavior Detection Rule
Retrieves a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.getBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel)
Retrieve a Binding
Retrieves a Resource Set binding by `resourceSetId` and `roleIdOrLabel`
ResourceSetBindingResponse |
ResourceSetApi.getBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Binding
Retrieves a Resource Set binding by `resourceSetId` and `roleIdOrLabel`
BrandWithEmbedded |
CustomizationApi.getBrand(String brandId,
List<String> expand)
Retrieve a Brand
Retrieves a brand by `brandId`
BrandWithEmbedded |
CustomizationApi.getBrand(String brandId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Brand
Retrieves a brand by `brandId`
ThemeResponse |
CustomizationApi.getBrandTheme(String brandId,
String themeId)
Retrieve a Theme
Retrieves a theme for a brand
ThemeResponse |
CustomizationApi.getBrandTheme(String brandId,
String themeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Theme
Retrieves a theme for a brand
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.getCaptchaInstance(String captchaId)
Retrieve a CAPTCHA Instance
Retrieves the properties of a specified CAPTCHA instance
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.getCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a CAPTCHA Instance
Retrieves the properties of a specified CAPTCHA instance
Csr |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.getCsrForApplication(String appId,
String csrId)
Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request
Retrieves a certificate signing request for the app by `id`
Csr |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.getCsrForApplication(String appId,
String csrId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request
Retrieves a certificate signing request for the app by `id`
Csr |
IdentityProviderApi.getCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId)
Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request
Retrieves a specific Certificate Signing Request model by id
Csr |
IdentityProviderApi.getCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request
Retrieves a specific Certificate Signing Request model by id
ThreatInsightConfiguration |
Retrieve the ThreatInsight Configuration
Retrieves the ThreatInsight configuration for the org
ThreatInsightConfiguration |
ThreatInsightApi.getCurrentConfiguration(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the ThreatInsight Configuration
Retrieves the ThreatInsight configuration for the org
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.getCustomDomain(String domainId)
Retrieve a Custom Domain
Retrieves a custom domain by `domainId`
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.getCustomDomain(String domainId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Custom Domain
Retrieves a custom domain by `domainId`
EmailPreview |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizationPreview(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId)
Retrieve a Preview of an Email Customization
Retrieves a preview of an email customization.
EmailPreview |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizationPreview(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Preview of an Email Customization
Retrieves a preview of an email customization.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Customized Error Page
Retrieves the customized error page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Customized Error Page
Retrieves the customized error page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Customized Sign-in Page
Retrieves the customized sign-in page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Customized Sign-in Page
Retrieves the customized sign-in page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getDefaultErrorPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Default Error Page
Retrieves the default error page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getDefaultErrorPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Default Error Page
Retrieves the default error page.
ProvisioningConnection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.getDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId)
Retrieve the default Provisioning Connection
Retrieves the default Provisioning Connection for an app
ProvisioningConnection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.getDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the default Provisioning Connection
Retrieves the default Provisioning Connection for an app
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getDefaultSignInPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Default Sign-in Page
Retrieves the default sign-in page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getDefaultSignInPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Default Sign-in Page
Retrieves the default sign-in page.
Device |
DeviceApi.getDevice(String deviceId)
Retrieve a Device
Retrieves a device by `deviceId`
Device |
DeviceApi.getDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Device
Retrieves a device by `deviceId`
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.getDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId)
Retrieve a Device Assurance Policy
Retrieves a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.getDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Device Assurance Policy
Retrieves a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.getEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId)
Retrieve an Email Customization
Retrieves an email customization by its unique identifier
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.getEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Email Customization
Retrieves an email customization by its unique identifier
EmailDefaultContent |
CustomizationApi.getEmailDefaultContent(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language)
Retrieve an Email Template Default Content
Retrieves an email template's default content
EmailDefaultContent |
CustomizationApi.getEmailDefaultContent(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Email Template Default Content
Retrieves an email template's default content
EmailPreview |
CustomizationApi.getEmailDefaultPreview(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language)
Retrieve a Preview of the Email Template Default Content
Retrieves a preview of an email template's default content.
EmailPreview |
CustomizationApi.getEmailDefaultPreview(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Preview of the Email Template Default Content
Retrieves a preview of an email template's default content.
EmailDomainResponseWithEmbedded |
EmailDomainApi.getEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
List<String> expand)
Retrieve an Email Domain
Retrieves an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
EmailDomainResponseWithEmbedded |
EmailDomainApi.getEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Email Domain
Retrieves an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
EmailServerListResponse |
EmailServerApi.getEmailServer(String emailServerId)
Retrieve an SMTP Server configuration
Retrieves a configuration of your organization's custom SMTP server with the given ID
EmailServerListResponse |
EmailServerApi.getEmailServer(String emailServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an SMTP Server configuration
Retrieves a configuration of your organization's custom SMTP server with the given ID
EmailSettings |
CustomizationApi.getEmailSettings(String brandId,
String templateName)
Retrieve the Email Template Settings
Retrieves an email template's settings
EmailSettings |
CustomizationApi.getEmailSettings(String brandId,
String templateName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Email Template Settings
Retrieves an email template's settings
EmailTemplate |
CustomizationApi.getEmailTemplate(String brandId,
String templateName,
List<String> expand)
Retrieve an Email Template
Retrieves the details of an email template by name
EmailTemplate |
CustomizationApi.getEmailTemplate(String brandId,
String templateName,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Email Template
Retrieves the details of an email template by name
PageRoot |
CustomizationApi.getErrorPage(String brandId,
List<String> expand)
Retrieve the Error Page Sub-Resources
Retrieves the error page sub-resources.
PageRoot |
CustomizationApi.getErrorPage(String brandId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Error Page Sub-Resources
Retrieves the error page sub-resources.
EventHook |
EventHookApi.getEventHook(String eventHookId)
Retrieve an Event Hook
Retrieves an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.getEventHook(String eventHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Event Hook
Retrieves an event hook
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.getFactor(String userId,
String factorId)
Retrieve a Factor
Retrieves a factor for the specified user
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.getFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Factor
Retrieves a factor for the specified user
VerifyUserFactorResponse |
UserFactorApi.getFactorTransactionStatus(String userId,
String factorId,
String transactionId)
Retrieve a Factor Transaction Status
Retrieves the factors verification transaction status
VerifyUserFactorResponse |
UserFactorApi.getFactorTransactionStatus(String userId,
String factorId,
String transactionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Factor Transaction Status
Retrieves the factors verification transaction status
Feature |
FeatureApi.getFeature(String featureId)
Retrieve a Feature
Retrieves a feature
Feature |
FeatureApi.getFeature(String featureId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Feature
Retrieves a feature
ApplicationFeature |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.getFeatureForApplication(String appId,
String featureName)
Retrieve a Feature
Retrieves a Feature object for an application
ApplicationFeature |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.getFeatureForApplication(String appId,
String featureName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Feature
Retrieves a Feature object for an application
Group |
GroupApi.getGroup(String groupId)
Retrieve a Group
Retrieves a group by `groupId`
Group |
GroupApi.getGroup(String groupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Group
Retrieves a group by `groupId`
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.getGroupAssignedRole(String groupId,
String roleId)
Retrieve a Role assigned to Group
Retrieves a role identified by `roleId` assigned to group identified by `groupId`
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.getGroupAssignedRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Role assigned to Group
Retrieves a role identified by `roleId` assigned to group identified by `groupId`
GroupRule |
GroupApi.getGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
String expand)
Retrieve a Group Rule
Retrieves a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
GroupRule |
GroupApi.getGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Group Rule
Retrieves a specific group rule by `groupRuleId`
GroupSchema |
Retrieve the default Group Schema
Retrieves the group schema
GroupSchema |
SchemaApi.getGroupSchema(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the default Group Schema
Retrieves the group schema
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.getHookKey(String hookKeyId)
Retrieve a key
Retrieves a key by `hookKeyId`
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.getHookKey(String hookKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a key
Retrieves a key by `hookKeyId`
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProvider(String idpId)
Retrieve an Identity Provider
Retrieves an identity provider integration by `idpId`
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProvider(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Identity Provider
Retrieves an identity provider integration by `idpId`
IdentityProviderApplicationUser |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderApplicationUser(String idpId,
String userId)
Retrieve a User
Retrieves a linked IdP user by ID
IdentityProviderApplicationUser |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderApplicationUser(String idpId,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a User
Retrieves a linked IdP user by ID
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderKey(String idpKeyId)
Retrieve an Credential Key
Retrieves a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid`
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderKey(String idpKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Credential Key
Retrieves a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid`
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderSigningKey(String idpId,
String idpKeyId)
Retrieve a Signing Credential Key
Retrieves a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid`
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.getIdentityProviderSigningKey(String idpId,
String idpKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Signing Credential Key
Retrieves a specific IdP Key Credential by `kid`
IdentitySourceSession |
IdentitySourceApi.getIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId)
Retrieve an Identity Source Session
Retrieves an identity source session for a given identity source id and session id
IdentitySourceSession |
IdentitySourceApi.getIdentitySourceSession(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Identity Source Session
Retrieves an identity source session for a given identity source id and session id
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.getInlineHook(String inlineHookId)
Retrieve an Inline Hook
Retrieves an inline hook by `inlineHookId`
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.getInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an Inline Hook
Retrieves an inline hook by `inlineHookId`
LinkedObject |
LinkedObjectApi.getLinkedObjectDefinition(String linkedObjectName)
Retrieve a Linked Object Definition
Retrieves a linked object definition
LinkedObject |
LinkedObjectApi.getLinkedObjectDefinition(String linkedObjectName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Linked Object Definition
Retrieves a linked object definition
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.getLogStream(String logStreamId)
Retrieve a Log Stream
Retrieves a Log Stream object by ID
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.getLogStream(String logStreamId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Log Stream
Retrieves a Log Stream object by ID
LogStreamSchema |
SchemaApi.getLogStreamSchema(LogStreamType logStreamType)
Retrieve the Log Stream Schema for the schema type
Retrieves the schema for a Log Stream type.
LogStreamSchema |
SchemaApi.getLogStreamSchema(LogStreamType logStreamType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Log Stream Schema for the schema type
Retrieves the schema for a Log Stream type.
ResourceSetBindingMember |
ResourceSetApi.getMemberOfBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String memberId)
Retrieve a Member of a binding
Retrieves a member identified by `memberId` for a binding
ResourceSetBindingMember |
ResourceSetApi.getMemberOfBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String memberId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Member of a binding
Retrieves a member identified by `memberId` for a binding
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.getNetworkZone(String zoneId)
Retrieve a Network Zone
Retrieves a network zone by `zoneId`
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.getNetworkZone(String zoneId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Network Zone
Retrieves a network zone by `zoneId`
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.getOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId)
Retrieve a Custom Token Claim
Retrieves a custom token claim
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.getOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Custom Token Claim
Retrieves a custom token claim
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.getOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId)
Retrieve a Custom Token Scope
Retrieves a custom token scope
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.getOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Custom Token Scope
Retrieves a custom token scope
OAuth2Token |
ApplicationTokensApi.getOAuth2TokenForApplication(String appId,
String tokenId,
String expand)
Retrieve an OAuth 2.0 Token
Retrieves a token for the specified application
OAuth2Token |
ApplicationTokensApi.getOAuth2TokenForApplication(String appId,
String tokenId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an OAuth 2.0 Token
Retrieves a token for the specified application
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
Retrieve the Okta Communication Settings
Retrieves Okta Communication Settings of your organization
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
OrgSettingApi.getOktaCommunicationSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Okta Communication Settings
Retrieves Okta Communication Settings of your organization
OrgCAPTCHASettings |
Retrieve the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Retrieves the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization.
OrgCAPTCHASettings |
CaptchaApi.getOrgCaptchaSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Retrieves the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization.
List<OrgContactTypeObj> |
Retrieve the Org Contact Types
Retrieves Contact Types of your organization
List<OrgContactTypeObj> |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgContactTypes(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Org Contact Types
Retrieves Contact Types of your organization
OrgContactUser |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgContactUser(String contactType)
Retrieve the User of the Contact Type
Retrieves the URL of the User associated with the specified Contact Type
OrgContactUser |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgContactUser(String contactType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the User of the Contact Type
Retrieves the URL of the User associated with the specified Contact Type
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
Retrieve the Okta Support Settings
Retrieves Okta Support Settings of your organization
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgOktaSupportSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Okta Support Settings
Retrieves Okta Support Settings of your organization
OrgPreferences |
Retrieve the Org Preferences
Retrieves preferences of your organization
OrgPreferences |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgPreferences(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Org Preferences
Retrieves preferences of your organization
OrgSetting |
Retrieve the Org Settings
Retrieves the org settings
OrgSetting |
OrgSettingApi.getOrgSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Org Settings
Retrieves the org settings
Policy |
PolicyApi.getPolicy(String policyId,
String expand)
Retrieve a Policy
Retrieves a policy
Policy |
PolicyApi.getPolicy(String policyId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Policy
Retrieves a policy
PolicyMapping |
PolicyApi.getPolicyMapping(String policyId,
String mappingId)
Retrieve a policy resource Mapping
Retrieves a resource Mapping for a Policy identified by `policyId` and `mappingId`
PolicyMapping |
PolicyApi.getPolicyMapping(String policyId,
String mappingId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a policy resource Mapping
Retrieves a resource Mapping for a Policy identified by `policyId` and `mappingId`
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.getPolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId)
Retrieve a Policy Rule
Retrieves a policy rule
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.getPolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Policy Rule
Retrieves a policy rule
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getPreviewErrorPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Preview Error Page Preview
Retrieves the preview error page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.getPreviewErrorPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Preview Error Page Preview
Retrieves the preview error page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getPreviewSignInPage(String brandId)
Retrieve the Preview Sign-in Page Preview
Retrieves the preview sign-in page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.getPreviewSignInPage(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Preview Sign-in Page Preview
Retrieves the preview sign-in page.
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.getPrincipalRateLimitEntity(String principalRateLimitId)
Retrieve a Principal Rate Limit
Retrieves a Principal Rate Limit entity by `principalRateLimitId`
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.getPrincipalRateLimitEntity(String principalRateLimitId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Principal Rate Limit
Retrieves a Principal Rate Limit entity by `principalRateLimitId`
ProfileMapping |
ProfileMappingApi.getProfileMapping(String mappingId)
Retrieve a Profile Mapping
Retrieves a single Profile Mapping referenced by its ID
ProfileMapping |
ProfileMappingApi.getProfileMapping(String mappingId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Profile Mapping
Retrieves a single Profile Mapping referenced by its ID
JsonWebKey |
HookKeyApi.getPublicKey(String publicKeyId)
Retrieve a public key
Retrieves a public key by `keyId`
JsonWebKey |
HookKeyApi.getPublicKey(String publicKeyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a public key
Retrieves a public key by `keyId`
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.getPushProvider(String pushProviderId)
Retrieve a Push Provider
Retrieves a push provider by `pushProviderId`
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.getPushProvider(String pushProviderId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Push Provider
Retrieves a push provider by `pushProviderId`
RateLimitAdminNotifications |
Retrieve the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
Retrieves the currently configured Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
RateLimitAdminNotifications |
RateLimitSettingsApi.getRateLimitSettingsAdminNotifications(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
Retrieves the currently configured Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
PerClientRateLimitSettings |
Retrieve the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
Retrieves the currently configured Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
PerClientRateLimitSettings |
RateLimitSettingsApi.getRateLimitSettingsPerClient(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
Retrieves the currently configured Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
RateLimitWarningThresholdResponse |
Retrieve the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage
Retrieves the currently configured threshold for warning notifications when the API's rate limit is exceeded
RateLimitWarningThresholdResponse |
RateLimitSettingsApi.getRateLimitSettingsWarningThreshold(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage
Retrieves the currently configured threshold for warning notifications when the API's rate limit is exceeded
Realm |
RealmApi.getRealm(String realmId)
Retrieve a Realm
Retrieves a Realm
Realm |
RealmApi.getRealm(String realmId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Realm
Retrieves a Realm
OAuth2RefreshToken |
AuthorizationServerApi.getRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
String expand)
Retrieve a Refresh Token for a Client
Retrieves a refresh token for a client
OAuth2RefreshToken |
AuthorizationServerApi.getRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Refresh Token for a Client
Retrieves a refresh token for a client
OAuth2RefreshToken |
UserApi.getRefreshTokenForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
String expand,
Integer limit,
String after)
Retrieve a Refresh Token for a Client
Retrieves a refresh token issued for the specified User and Client
OAuth2RefreshToken |
UserApi.getRefreshTokenForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
String expand,
Integer limit,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Refresh Token for a Client
Retrieves a refresh token issued for the specified User and Client
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.getResourceSet(String resourceSetId)
Retrieve a Resource Set
Retrieves a Resource Set by `resourceSetId`
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.getResourceSet(String resourceSetId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Resource Set
Retrieves a Resource Set by `resourceSetId`
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.getRiskProvider(String riskProviderId)
Retrieve a Risk Provider
Retrieves a Risk Provider object by ID
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.getRiskProvider(String riskProviderId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Risk Provider
Retrieves a Risk Provider object by ID
IamRole |
RoleApi.getRole(String roleIdOrLabel)
Retrieve a Role
Retrieves a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
IamRole |
RoleApi.getRole(String roleIdOrLabel,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Role
Retrieves a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
Permission |
RoleApi.getRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType)
Retrieve a Permission
Retrieves a permission by `permissionType`
Permission |
RoleApi.getRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Permission
Retrieves a permission by `permissionType`
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
ApplicationGrantsApi.getScopeConsentGrant(String appId,
String grantId,
String expand)
Retrieve a Scope Consent Grant
Retrieves a single scope consent grant for the application
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
ApplicationGrantsApi.getScopeConsentGrant(String appId,
String grantId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Scope Consent Grant
Retrieves a single scope consent grant for the application
Session |
SessionApi.getSession(String sessionId)
Retrieve a Session
Retrieves information about the Session specified by the given session ID
Session |
SessionApi.getSession(String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Session
Retrieves information about the Session specified by the given session ID
PageRoot |
CustomizationApi.getSignInPage(String brandId,
List<String> expand)
Retrieve the Sign-in Page Sub-Resources
Retrieves the sign-in page sub-resources.
PageRoot |
CustomizationApi.getSignInPage(String brandId,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Sign-in Page Sub-Resources
Retrieves the sign-in page sub-resources.
HostedPage |
CustomizationApi.getSignOutPageSettings(String brandId)
Retrieve the Sign-out Page Settings
Retrieves the sign-out page settings
HostedPage |
CustomizationApi.getSignOutPageSettings(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Sign-out Page Settings
Retrieves the sign-out page settings
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.getSmsTemplate(String templateId)
Retrieve an SMS Template
Retrieves a specific template by `id`
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.getSmsTemplate(String templateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve an SMS Template
Retrieves a specific template by `id`
Subscription |
SubscriptionApi.getSubscriptionsNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType)
Retrieve a Subscription for a Role
Retrieves a subscription by `notificationType` for a specified Role
Subscription |
SubscriptionApi.getSubscriptionsNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Subscription for a Role
Retrieves a subscription by `notificationType` for a specified Role
Subscription |
SubscriptionApi.getSubscriptionsNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId)
Retrieve a Subscription for a User
Retrieves a subscription by `notificationType` for a specified User.
Subscription |
SubscriptionApi.getSubscriptionsNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Subscription for a User
Retrieves a subscription by `notificationType` for a specified User.
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.getTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId)
Retrieve a Trusted Origin
Retrieves a trusted origin
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.getTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Trusted Origin
Retrieves a trusted origin
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.getUISchema(String id)
Retrieve a UI Schema
Retrieves a UI Schema by `id`
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.getUISchema(String id,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a UI Schema
Retrieves a UI Schema by `id`
User |
UserApi.getUser(String userId)
Retrieve a User
Retrieves a user from your Okta organization
User |
UserApi.getUser(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a User
Retrieves a user from your Okta organization
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.getUserAssignedRole(String userId,
String roleId)
Retrieve a Role assigned to a User
Retrieves a role identified by `roleId` assigned to a user identified by `userId`
Role |
RoleAssignmentApi.getUserAssignedRole(String userId,
String roleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a Role assigned to a User
Retrieves a role identified by `roleId` assigned to a user identified by `userId`
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
UserApi.getUserGrant(String userId,
String grantId,
String expand)
Retrieve a User Grant
Retrieves a grant for the specified user
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
UserApi.getUserGrant(String userId,
String grantId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a User Grant
Retrieves a grant for the specified user
List<UserLockoutSettings> |
Retrieve the User Lockout Settings
Retrieves the User Lockout Settings for an org
List<UserLockoutSettings> |
AttackProtectionApi.getUserLockoutSettings(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the User Lockout Settings
Retrieves the User Lockout Settings for an org
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.getUserSchema(String schemaId)
Retrieve a User Schema
Retrieves the schema for a Schema Id
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.getUserSchema(String schemaId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a User Schema
Retrieves the schema for a Schema Id
UserType |
UserTypeApi.getUserType(String typeId)
Retrieve a User Type
Retrieves a User Type by ID.
UserType |
UserTypeApi.getUserType(String typeId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve a User Type
Retrieves a User Type by ID.
List<WellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration> |
AuthenticatorApi.getWellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration(String oauthClientId)
Retrieve the Well-Known App Authenticator Configuration
Retrieves the well-known app authenticator configuration, which includes an app authenticator's settings, supported methods and various other configuration details
List<WellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration> |
AuthenticatorApi.getWellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration(String oauthClientId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Well-Known App Authenticator Configuration
Retrieves the well-known app authenticator configuration, which includes an app authenticator's settings, supported methods and various other configuration details
WellKnownOrgMetadata |
Retrieve the Well-Known Org Metadata
Retrieves the well-known org metadata, which includes the id, configured custom domains, authentication pipeline, and various other org settings
WellKnownOrgMetadata |
OrgSettingApi.getWellknownOrgMetadata(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retrieve the Well-Known Org Metadata
Retrieves the well-known org metadata, which includes the id, configured custom domains, authentication pipeline, and various other org settings
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
ApplicationGrantsApi.grantConsentToScope(String appId,
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant oAuth2ScopeConsentGrant)
Grant Consent to Scope
Grants consent for the application to request an OAuth 2.0 Okta scope
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant |
ApplicationGrantsApi.grantConsentToScope(String appId,
OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant oAuth2ScopeConsentGrant,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Grant Consent to Scope
Grants consent for the application to request an OAuth 2.0 Okta scope
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
Grant Okta Support Access to your Org
Grants Okta Support temporary access your org as an administrator for eight hours
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
OrgSettingApi.grantOktaSupport(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Grant Okta Support Access to your Org
Grants Okta Support temporary access your org as an administrator for eight hours
IdentityProviderApplicationUser |
IdentityProviderApi.linkUserToIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String userId,
UserIdentityProviderLinkRequest userIdentityProviderLinkRequest)
Link a User to a Social IdP
Links an Okta user to an existing Social Identity Provider.
IdentityProviderApplicationUser |
IdentityProviderApi.linkUserToIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String userId,
UserIdentityProviderLinkRequest userIdentityProviderLinkRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Link a User to a Social IdP
Links an Okta user to an existing Social Identity Provider.
List<AgentPool> |
AgentPoolsApi.listAgentPools(Integer limitPerPoolType,
AgentType poolType,
String after)
List all Agent Pools
Lists all agent pools with pagination support
List<AgentPool> |
AgentPoolsApi.listAgentPools(Integer limitPerPoolType,
AgentType poolType,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Agent Pools
Lists all agent pools with pagination support
List<AgentPoolUpdate> |
AgentPoolsApi.listAgentPoolsUpdates(String poolId,
Boolean scheduled)
List all Agent Pool updates
Lists all agent pool updates
List<AgentPoolUpdate> |
AgentPoolsApi.listAgentPoolsUpdates(String poolId,
Boolean scheduled,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Agent Pool updates
Lists all agent pool updates
List<String> |
CustomizationApi.listAllSignInWidgetVersions(String brandId)
List all Sign-in Widget Versions
Lists all sign-in widget versions supported by the current org
List<String> |
CustomizationApi.listAllSignInWidgetVersions(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Sign-in Widget Versions
Lists all sign-in widget versions supported by the current org
List<APIServiceIntegrationInstance> |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.listApiServiceIntegrationInstances(String after)
List all API Service Integration instances
Lists all API Service Integration instances with a pagination option
List<APIServiceIntegrationInstance> |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.listApiServiceIntegrationInstances(String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all API Service Integration instances
Lists all API Service Integration instances with a pagination option
List<APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret> |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.listApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecrets(String apiServiceId)
List all API Service Integration instance Secrets
Lists all client secrets for an API Service Integration instance by `apiServiceId`
List<APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret> |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi.listApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecrets(String apiServiceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all API Service Integration instance Secrets
Lists all client secrets for an API Service Integration instance by `apiServiceId`
List<ApiToken> |
ApiTokenApi.listApiTokens(String after,
Integer limit,
String q)
List all API Token Metadata
Lists all the metadata of the active API tokens
List<ApiToken> |
ApiTokenApi.listApiTokens(String after,
Integer limit,
String q,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all API Token Metadata
Lists all the metadata of the active API tokens
List<ApplicationGroupAssignment> |
ApplicationGroupsApi.listApplicationGroupAssignments(String appId,
String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String expand)
List all Assigned Groups
Lists all group assignments for an application
List<ApplicationGroupAssignment> |
ApplicationGroupsApi.listApplicationGroupAssignments(String appId,
String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Assigned Groups
Lists all group assignments for an application
List<JsonWebKey> |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.listApplicationKeys(String appId)
List all Key Credentials
Lists all key credentials for an application
List<JsonWebKey> |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.listApplicationKeys(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Key Credentials
Lists all key credentials for an application
List<Application> |
ApplicationApi.listApplications(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String expand,
Boolean includeNonDeleted)
List all Applications
Lists all applications with pagination.
List<Application> |
ApplicationApi.listApplications(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String expand,
Boolean includeNonDeleted,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Applications
Lists all applications with pagination.
List<CatalogApplication> |
RoleTargetApi.listApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Application Targets for an Application Administrator Role
Lists all App targets for an `APP_ADMIN` Role assigned to a Group.
List<CatalogApplication> |
RoleTargetApi.listApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Application Targets for an Application Administrator Role
Lists all App targets for an `APP_ADMIN` Role assigned to a Group.
List<CatalogApplication> |
RoleTargetApi.listApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Application Targets for Application Administrator Role
Lists all App targets for an `APP_ADMIN` Role assigned to a User.
List<CatalogApplication> |
RoleTargetApi.listApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Application Targets for Application Administrator Role
Lists all App targets for an `APP_ADMIN` Role assigned to a User.
List<AppUser> |
ApplicationUsersApi.listApplicationUsers(String appId,
String q,
String queryScope,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String expand)
List all assigned Users
Lists all assigned users for an app
List<AppUser> |
ApplicationUsersApi.listApplicationUsers(String appId,
String q,
String queryScope,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all assigned Users
Lists all assigned users for an app
List<AppLink> |
UserApi.listAppLinks(String userId)
List all Assigned Application Links
Lists all appLinks for all direct or indirect (via group membership) assigned applications
List<AppLink> |
UserApi.listAppLinks(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Assigned Application Links
Lists all appLinks for all direct or indirect (via group membership) assigned applications
List<Application> |
GroupApi.listAssignedApplicationsForGroup(String groupId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Assigned Applications
Lists all applications that are assigned to a group
List<Application> |
GroupApi.listAssignedApplicationsForGroup(String groupId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Assigned Applications
Lists all applications that are assigned to a group
List<Role> |
RoleAssignmentApi.listAssignedRolesForUser(String userId,
String expand)
List all Roles assigned to a User
Lists all roles assigned to a user identified by `userId`
List<Role> |
RoleAssignmentApi.listAssignedRolesForUser(String userId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Roles assigned to a User
Lists all roles assigned to a user identified by `userId`
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAssociatedServersByTrustedType(String authServerId,
Boolean trusted,
String q,
Integer limit,
String after)
List all Associated Authorization Servers
Lists all associated authorization servers by trusted type for the given `authServerId`
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAssociatedServersByTrustedType(String authServerId,
Boolean trusted,
String q,
Integer limit,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Associated Authorization Servers
Lists all associated authorization servers by trusted type for the given `authServerId`
List<AuthenticatorMethodBase> |
AuthenticatorApi.listAuthenticatorMethods(String authenticatorId)
List all Methods of an Authenticator
Lists all Methods of an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
List<AuthenticatorMethodBase> |
AuthenticatorApi.listAuthenticatorMethods(String authenticatorId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Methods of an Authenticator
Lists all Methods of an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
List<Authenticator> |
List all Authenticators
Lists all authenticators
List<Authenticator> |
AuthenticatorApi.listAuthenticators(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Authenticators
Lists all authenticators
List<JsonWebKey> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerKeys(String authServerId)
List all Credential Keys
Lists all credential keys
List<JsonWebKey> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerKeys(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Credential Keys
Lists all credential keys
List<AuthorizationServerPolicy> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerPolicies(String authServerId)
List all Policies
Lists all policies
List<AuthorizationServerPolicy> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerPolicies(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Policies
Lists all policies
List<AuthorizationServerPolicyRule> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerPolicyRules(String authServerId,
String policyId)
List all Policy Rules
Lists all policy rules for the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
List<AuthorizationServerPolicyRule> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServerPolicyRules(String authServerId,
String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Policy Rules
Lists all policy rules for the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServers(String q,
Integer limit,
String after)
List all Authorization Servers
Lists all authorization servers
List<AuthorizationServer> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listAuthorizationServers(String q,
Integer limit,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Authorization Servers
Lists all authorization servers
List<BehaviorRule> |
List all Behavior Detection Rules
Lists all behavior detection rules with pagination support
List<BehaviorRule> |
BehaviorApi.listBehaviorDetectionRules(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Behavior Detection Rules
Lists all behavior detection rules with pagination support
ResourceSetBindings |
ResourceSetApi.listBindings(String resourceSetId,
String after)
List all Bindings
Lists all Resource Set bindings with pagination support
ResourceSetBindings |
ResourceSetApi.listBindings(String resourceSetId,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Bindings
Lists all Resource Set bindings with pagination support
List<DomainResponse> |
CustomizationApi.listBrandDomains(String brandId)
List all Domains associated with a Brand
Lists all domains associated with a brand by `brandId`
List<DomainResponse> |
CustomizationApi.listBrandDomains(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Domains associated with a Brand
Lists all domains associated with a brand by `brandId`
List<BrandWithEmbedded> |
CustomizationApi.listBrands(List<String> expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
String q)
List all Brands
Lists all the brands in your org
List<BrandWithEmbedded> |
CustomizationApi.listBrands(List<String> expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
String q,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Brands
Lists all the brands in your org
List<ThemeResponse> |
CustomizationApi.listBrandThemes(String brandId)
List all Themes
Lists all the themes in your brand
List<ThemeResponse> |
CustomizationApi.listBrandThemes(String brandId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Themes
Lists all the themes in your brand
List<CAPTCHAInstance> |
List all CAPTCHA Instances
Lists all CAPTCHA instances with pagination support.
List<CAPTCHAInstance> |
CaptchaApi.listCaptchaInstances(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all CAPTCHA Instances
Lists all CAPTCHA instances with pagination support.
List<Csr> |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.listCsrsForApplication(String appId)
List all Certificate Signing Requests
Lists all Certificate Signing Requests for an application
List<Csr> |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.listCsrsForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Certificate Signing Requests
Lists all Certificate Signing Requests for an application
List<Csr> |
IdentityProviderApi.listCsrsForIdentityProvider(String idpId)
List all Certificate Signing Requests
Lists all Certificate Signing Requests for an IdP
List<Csr> |
IdentityProviderApi.listCsrsForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Certificate Signing Requests
Lists all Certificate Signing Requests for an IdP
DomainListResponse |
List all Custom Domains
Lists all verified custom domains for the org
DomainListResponse |
CustomDomainApi.listCustomDomains(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Custom Domains
Lists all verified custom domains for the org
List<DeviceAssurance> |
List all Device Assurance Policies
Lists all device assurance policies
List<DeviceAssurance> |
DeviceAssuranceApi.listDeviceAssurancePolicies(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Device Assurance Policies
Lists all device assurance policies
List<Device> |
DeviceApi.listDevices(String after,
Integer limit,
String search,
String expand)
List all Devices
Lists all devices with pagination support.
List<Device> |
DeviceApi.listDevices(String after,
Integer limit,
String search,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Devices
Lists all devices with pagination support.
List<DeviceUser> |
DeviceApi.listDeviceUsers(String deviceId)
List all Users for a Device
Lists all Users for a Device by `deviceId`
List<DeviceUser> |
DeviceApi.listDeviceUsers(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Users for a Device
Lists all Users for a Device by `deviceId`
List<EmailCustomization> |
CustomizationApi.listEmailCustomizations(String brandId,
String templateName,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Email Customizations
Lists all customizations of an email template
List<EmailCustomization> |
CustomizationApi.listEmailCustomizations(String brandId,
String templateName,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Email Customizations
Lists all customizations of an email template
List<EmailDomainResponseWithEmbedded> |
EmailDomainApi.listEmailDomains(List<String> expand)
List all Email Domains
Lists all the Email Domains in your org
List<EmailDomainResponseWithEmbedded> |
EmailDomainApi.listEmailDomains(List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Email Domains
Lists all the Email Domains in your org
EmailServerListResponse |
List all enrolled SMTP servers
Lists all the enrolled custom email SMTP servers
EmailServerListResponse |
EmailServerApi.listEmailServers(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all enrolled SMTP servers
Lists all the enrolled custom email SMTP servers
List<EmailTemplate> |
CustomizationApi.listEmailTemplates(String brandId,
String after,
Integer limit,
List<String> expand)
List all Email Templates
Lists all email templates
List<EmailTemplate> |
CustomizationApi.listEmailTemplates(String brandId,
String after,
Integer limit,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Email Templates
Lists all email templates
List<EventHook> |
List all Event Hooks
Lists all event hooks
List<EventHook> |
EventHookApi.listEventHooks(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Event Hooks
Lists all event hooks
List<UserFactor> |
UserFactorApi.listFactors(String userId)
List all Factors
Lists all the enrolled factors for the specified user
List<UserFactor> |
UserFactorApi.listFactors(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Factors
Lists all the enrolled factors for the specified user
List<Feature> |
FeatureApi.listFeatureDependencies(String featureId)
List all Dependencies
Lists all dependencies
List<Feature> |
FeatureApi.listFeatureDependencies(String featureId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Dependencies
Lists all dependencies
List<Feature> |
FeatureApi.listFeatureDependents(String featureId)
List all Dependents
Lists all dependents
List<Feature> |
FeatureApi.listFeatureDependents(String featureId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Dependents
Lists all dependents
List<Feature> |
List all Features
Lists all features
List<Feature> |
FeatureApi.listFeatures(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Features
Lists all features
List<ApplicationFeature> |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.listFeaturesForApplication(String appId)
List all Features
Lists all features for an application > **Note:** The only application feature currently supported is `USER_PROVISIONING`.
List<ApplicationFeature> |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.listFeaturesForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Features
Lists all features for an application > **Note:** The only application feature currently supported is `USER_PROVISIONING`.
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
UserApi.listGrantsForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Grants for a Client
Lists all grants for a specified user and client
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
UserApi.listGrantsForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Grants for a Client
Lists all grants for a specified user and client
List<Role> |
RoleAssignmentApi.listGroupAssignedRoles(String groupId,
String expand)
List all Assigned Roles of Group
Lists all assigned roles of group identified by `groupId`
List<Role> |
RoleAssignmentApi.listGroupAssignedRoles(String groupId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Assigned Roles of Group
Lists all assigned roles of group identified by `groupId`
List<GroupOwner> |
GroupApi.listGroupOwners(String groupId,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Group Owners
Lists all owners for a specific group
List<GroupOwner> |
GroupApi.listGroupOwners(String groupId,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Group Owners
Lists all owners for a specific group
List<GroupRule> |
GroupApi.listGroupRules(Integer limit,
String after,
String search,
String expand)
List all Group Rules
Lists all group rules
List<GroupRule> |
GroupApi.listGroupRules(Integer limit,
String after,
String search,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Group Rules
Lists all group rules
List<Group> |
GroupApi.listGroups(String q,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit,
String expand,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder)
List all Groups
Lists all groups with pagination support.
List<Group> |
GroupApi.listGroups(String q,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit,
String expand,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Groups
Lists all groups with pagination support.
List<Group> |
RoleTargetApi.listGroupTargetsForGroupRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Group Targets for a Group Role
Lists all group targets for a group role
List<Group> |
RoleTargetApi.listGroupTargetsForGroupRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Group Targets for a Group Role
Lists all group targets for a group role
List<Group> |
RoleTargetApi.listGroupTargetsForRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Group Targets for Role
Lists all group targets for role
List<Group> |
RoleTargetApi.listGroupTargetsForRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Group Targets for Role
Lists all group targets for role
List<User> |
GroupApi.listGroupUsers(String groupId,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Member Users
Lists all users that are a member of a group
List<User> |
GroupApi.listGroupUsers(String groupId,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Member Users
Lists all users that are a member of a group
List<HookKey> |
List all keys
Lists all keys
List<HookKey> |
HookKeyApi.listHookKeys(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all keys
Lists all keys
List<IdentityProviderApplicationUser> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderApplicationUsers(String idpId)
List all Users
Lists all users linked to the identity provider
List<IdentityProviderApplicationUser> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderApplicationUsers(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Users
Lists all users linked to the identity provider
List<JsonWebKey> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderKeys(String after,
Integer limit)
List all Credential Keys
Lists all IdP key credentials
List<JsonWebKey> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderKeys(String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Credential Keys
Lists all IdP key credentials
List<IdentityProvider> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviders(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String type)
List all Identity Providers
Lists all identity provider integrations with pagination.
List<IdentityProvider> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviders(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String type,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Identity Providers
Lists all identity provider integrations with pagination.
List<JsonWebKey> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderSigningKeys(String idpId)
List all Signing Credential Keys
Lists all signing key credentials for an IdP
List<JsonWebKey> |
IdentityProviderApi.listIdentityProviderSigningKeys(String idpId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Signing Credential Keys
Lists all signing key credentials for an IdP
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.listIdentitySourceSessions(String identitySourceId)
List all Identity Source Sessions
Lists all identity source sessions for the given identity source instance
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.listIdentitySourceSessions(String identitySourceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Identity Source Sessions
Lists all identity source sessions for the given identity source instance
List<InlineHook> |
InlineHookApi.listInlineHooks(String type)
List all Inline Hooks
Lists all inline hooks
List<InlineHook> |
InlineHookApi.listInlineHooks(String type,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Inline Hooks
Lists all inline hooks
List<LinkedObject> |
List all Linked Object Definitions
Lists all linked object definitions
List<LinkedObject> |
LinkedObjectApi.listLinkedObjectDefinitions(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Linked Object Definitions
Lists all linked object definitions
List<Object> |
UserApi.listLinkedObjectsForUser(String userId,
String relationshipName,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Linked Objects
Lists all linked objects for a user, relationshipName can be a primary or associated relationship name
List<Object> |
UserApi.listLinkedObjectsForUser(String userId,
String relationshipName,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Linked Objects
Lists all linked objects for a user, relationshipName can be a primary or associated relationship name
List<LogEvent> |
SystemLogApi.listLogEvents(OffsetDateTime since,
OffsetDateTime until,
String filter,
String q,
Integer limit,
String sortOrder,
String after)
List all System Log Events
Lists all system log events.
List<LogEvent> |
SystemLogApi.listLogEvents(OffsetDateTime since,
OffsetDateTime until,
String filter,
String q,
Integer limit,
String sortOrder,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all System Log Events
Lists all system log events.
List<LogStream> |
LogStreamApi.listLogStreams(String after,
Integer limit,
String filter)
List all Log Streams
Lists all Log Stream objects in your org.
List<LogStream> |
LogStreamApi.listLogStreams(String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Log Streams
Lists all Log Stream objects in your org.
List<LogStreamSchema> |
List the Log Stream Schemas
Lists the schema for all log stream types visible for this org
List<LogStreamSchema> |
SchemaApi.listLogStreamSchemas(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List the Log Stream Schemas
Lists the schema for all log stream types visible for this org
ResourceSetBindingMembers |
ResourceSetApi.listMembersOfBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String after)
List all Members of a binding
Lists all members of a Resource Set binding with pagination support
ResourceSetBindingMembers |
ResourceSetApi.listMembersOfBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Members of a binding
Lists all members of a Resource Set binding with pagination support
List<NetworkZone> |
NetworkZoneApi.listNetworkZones(String after,
Integer limit,
String filter)
List all Network Zones
Lists all network zones with pagination.
List<NetworkZone> |
NetworkZoneApi.listNetworkZones(String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Network Zones
Lists all network zones with pagination.
List<OAuth2Claim> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2Claims(String authServerId)
List all Custom Token Claims
Lists all custom token claims
List<OAuth2Claim> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2Claims(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Custom Token Claims
Lists all custom token claims
List<OAuth2Client> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2ClientsForAuthorizationServer(String authServerId)
List all Clients
Lists all clients
List<OAuth2Client> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2ClientsForAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Clients
Lists all clients
List<OAuth2Scope> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2Scopes(String authServerId,
String q,
String filter,
String cursor,
Integer limit)
List all Custom Token Scopes
Lists all custom token scopes
List<OAuth2Scope> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listOAuth2Scopes(String authServerId,
String q,
String filter,
String cursor,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Custom Token Scopes
Lists all custom token scopes
List<OAuth2Token> |
ApplicationTokensApi.listOAuth2TokensForApplication(String appId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all OAuth 2.0 Tokens
Lists all tokens for the application
List<OAuth2Token> |
ApplicationTokensApi.listOAuth2TokensForApplication(String appId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all OAuth 2.0 Tokens
Lists all tokens for the application
List<Policy> |
PolicyApi.listPolicies(String type,
String status,
String expand)
List all Policies
Lists all policies with the specified type
List<Policy> |
PolicyApi.listPolicies(String type,
String status,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Policies
Lists all policies with the specified type
List<Application> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyApps(String policyId)
List<Application> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyApps(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List<PolicyMapping> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyMappings(String policyId)
List all resources mapped to a Policy
Lists all resources mapped to a Policy identified by `policyId`
List<PolicyMapping> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyMappings(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all resources mapped to a Policy
Lists all resources mapped to a Policy identified by `policyId`
List<PolicyRule> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyRules(String policyId)
List all Policy Rules
Lists all policy rules
List<PolicyRule> |
PolicyApi.listPolicyRules(String policyId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Policy Rules
Lists all policy rules
List<PrincipalRateLimitEntity> |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.listPrincipalRateLimitEntities(String filter,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Principal Rate Limits
Lists all Principal Rate Limit entities considering the provided parameters
List<PrincipalRateLimitEntity> |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.listPrincipalRateLimitEntities(String filter,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Principal Rate Limits
Lists all Principal Rate Limit entities considering the provided parameters
List<ListProfileMappings> |
ProfileMappingApi.listProfileMappings(String after,
Integer limit,
String sourceId,
String targetId)
List all Profile Mappings
Lists all profile mappings in your organization with [pagination](
List<ListProfileMappings> |
ProfileMappingApi.listProfileMappings(String after,
Integer limit,
String sourceId,
String targetId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Profile Mappings
Lists all profile mappings in your organization with [pagination](
List<PushProvider> |
PushProviderApi.listPushProviders(ProviderType type)
List all Push Providers
Lists all push providers
List<PushProvider> |
PushProviderApi.listPushProviders(ProviderType type,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Push Providers
Lists all push providers
List<Realm> |
RealmApi.listRealms(Integer limit,
String after,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder)
List all Realms
Lists all Realms
List<Realm> |
RealmApi.listRealms(Integer limit,
String after,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Realms
Lists all Realms
List<OAuth2RefreshToken> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Lists all refresh tokens for a client
List<OAuth2RefreshToken> |
AuthorizationServerApi.listRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Lists all refresh tokens for a client
List<OAuth2RefreshToken> |
UserApi.listRefreshTokensForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Lists all refresh tokens issued for the specified User and Client
List<OAuth2RefreshToken> |
UserApi.listRefreshTokensForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Lists all refresh tokens issued for the specified User and Client
ResourceSetResources |
ResourceSetApi.listResourceSetResources(String resourceSetId)
List all Resources of a Resource Set
Lists all resources that make up the Resource Set
ResourceSetResources |
ResourceSetApi.listResourceSetResources(String resourceSetId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Resources of a Resource Set
Lists all resources that make up the Resource Set
ResourceSets |
ResourceSetApi.listResourceSets(String after)
List all Resource Sets
Lists all Resource Sets with pagination support
ResourceSets |
ResourceSetApi.listResourceSets(String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Resource Sets
Lists all Resource Sets with pagination support
List<RiskProvider> |
List all Risk Providers
Lists all Risk Provider objects
List<RiskProvider> |
RiskProviderApi.listRiskProviders(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Risk Providers
Lists all Risk Provider objects
Permissions |
RoleApi.listRolePermissions(String roleIdOrLabel)
List all Permissions
Lists all permissions of the role by `roleIdOrLabel`
Permissions |
RoleApi.listRolePermissions(String roleIdOrLabel,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Permissions
Lists all permissions of the role by `roleIdOrLabel`
IamRoles |
RoleApi.listRoles(String after)
List all Roles
Lists all roles with pagination support
IamRoles |
RoleApi.listRoles(String after,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Roles
Lists all roles with pagination support
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
ApplicationGrantsApi.listScopeConsentGrants(String appId,
String expand)
List all Scope Consent Grants
Lists all scope consent grants for the application
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
ApplicationGrantsApi.listScopeConsentGrants(String appId,
String expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Scope Consent Grants
Lists all scope consent grants for the application
List<SmsTemplate> |
TemplateApi.listSmsTemplates(SmsTemplateType templateType)
List all SMS Templates
Lists all custom SMS templates.
List<SmsTemplate> |
TemplateApi.listSmsTemplates(SmsTemplateType templateType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all SMS Templates
Lists all custom SMS templates.
List<SocialAuthToken> |
IdentityProviderApi.listSocialAuthTokens(String idpId,
String userId)
List all Tokens from a OIDC Identity Provider
Lists the tokens minted by the Social Authentication Provider when the user authenticates with Okta via Social Auth
List<SocialAuthToken> |
IdentityProviderApi.listSocialAuthTokens(String idpId,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Tokens from a OIDC Identity Provider
Lists the tokens minted by the Social Authentication Provider when the user authenticates with Okta via Social Auth
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionApi.listSubscriptionsRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef)
List all Subscriptions for a Role
Lists all subscriptions available to a specified Role
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionApi.listSubscriptionsRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Subscriptions for a Role
Lists all subscriptions available to a specified Role
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionApi.listSubscriptionsUser(String userId)
List all Subscriptions for a User
Lists all subscriptions available to a specified User.
List<Subscription> |
SubscriptionApi.listSubscriptionsUser(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Subscriptions for a User
Lists all subscriptions available to a specified User.
List<UserFactor> |
UserFactorApi.listSupportedFactors(String userId)
List all Supported Factors
Lists all the supported factors that can be enrolled for the specified user
List<UserFactor> |
UserFactorApi.listSupportedFactors(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Supported Factors
Lists all the supported factors that can be enrolled for the specified user
List<SecurityQuestion> |
UserFactorApi.listSupportedSecurityQuestions(String userId)
List all Supported Security Questions
Lists all available security questions for a user's `question` factor
List<SecurityQuestion> |
UserFactorApi.listSupportedSecurityQuestions(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Supported Security Questions
Lists all available security questions for a user's `question` factor
List<TrustedOrigin> |
TrustedOriginApi.listTrustedOrigins(String q,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all Trusted Origins
Lists all trusted origins
List<TrustedOrigin> |
TrustedOriginApi.listTrustedOrigins(String q,
String filter,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Trusted Origins
Lists all trusted origins
List<UISchemasResponseObject> |
List all UI Schemas
Lists all UI Schemas in your org
List<UISchemasResponseObject> |
UiSchemaApi.listUISchemas(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all UI Schemas
Lists all UI Schemas in your org
List<UserBlock> |
UserApi.listUserBlocks(String userId)
List all User Blocks
Lists information about how the user is blocked from accessing their account
List<UserBlock> |
UserApi.listUserBlocks(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all User Blocks
Lists information about how the user is blocked from accessing their account
List<OAuth2Client> |
UserApi.listUserClients(String userId)
List all Clients
Lists all client resources for which the specified user has grants or tokens
List<OAuth2Client> |
UserApi.listUserClients(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Clients
Lists all client resources for which the specified user has grants or tokens
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
UserApi.listUserGrants(String userId,
String scopeId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit)
List all User Grants
Lists all grants for the specified user
List<OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant> |
UserApi.listUserGrants(String userId,
String scopeId,
String expand,
String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all User Grants
Lists all grants for the specified user
List<Group> |
UserApi.listUserGroups(String userId)
List all Groups
Lists all groups of which the user is a member
List<Group> |
UserApi.listUserGroups(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Groups
Lists all groups of which the user is a member
List<IdentityProvider> |
UserApi.listUserIdentityProviders(String userId)
List all Identity Providers
Lists the IdPs associated with the user
List<IdentityProvider> |
UserApi.listUserIdentityProviders(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Identity Providers
Lists the IdPs associated with the user
List<User> |
UserApi.listUsers(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder)
List all Users
Lists all users that do not have a status of 'DEPROVISIONED' (by default), up to the maximum (200 for most orgs), with pagination.
List<User> |
UserApi.listUsers(String q,
String after,
Integer limit,
String filter,
String search,
String sortBy,
String sortOrder,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Users
Lists all users that do not have a status of 'DEPROVISIONED' (by default), up to the maximum (200 for most orgs), with pagination.
RoleAssignedUsers |
RoleAssignmentApi.listUsersWithRoleAssignments(String after,
Integer limit)
List all Users with Role Assignments
Lists all users with Role Assignments
RoleAssignedUsers |
RoleAssignmentApi.listUsersWithRoleAssignments(String after,
Integer limit,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all Users with Role Assignments
Lists all users with Role Assignments
List<UserType> |
List all User Types
Lists all User Types in your org
List<UserType> |
UserTypeApi.listUserTypes(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
List all User Types
Lists all User Types in your org
PolicyMapping |
PolicyApi.mapResourceToPolicy(String policyId,
PolicyMappingRequest policyMappingRequest)
Map a resource to a Policy
Maps a resource to a Policy identified by `policyId`
PolicyMapping |
PolicyApi.mapResourceToPolicy(String policyId,
PolicyMappingRequest policyMappingRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Map a resource to a Policy
Maps a resource to a Policy identified by `policyId`
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
Opt in all Users to Okta Communication emails
Opts in all users of this org to Okta Communication emails
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
OrgSettingApi.optInUsersToOktaCommunicationEmails(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Opt in all Users to Okta Communication emails
Opts in all users of this org to Okta Communication emails
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
Opt out all Users from Okta Communication emails
Opts out all users of this org from Okta Communication emails
OrgOktaCommunicationSetting |
OrgSettingApi.optOutUsersFromOktaCommunicationEmails(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Opt out all Users from Okta Communication emails
Opts out all users of this org from Okta Communication emails
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.pauseAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Pause an Agent Pool update
Pauses running or queued Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.pauseAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Pause an Agent Pool update
Pauses running or queued Agent pool update
String |
ApplicationSsoApi.previewSAMLmetadataForApplication(String appId)
Preview the application SAML metadata
Previews the SSO SAML metadata for an application
String |
ApplicationSsoApi.previewSAMLmetadataForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Preview the application SAML metadata
Previews the SSO SAML metadata for an application
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.publishCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId,
File body)
Publish a Certificate Signing Request
Publishes a certificate signing request with a signed X.509 certificate and adds it into the signing key credentials for the IdP
JsonWebKey |
IdentityProviderApi.publishCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId,
File body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Publish a Certificate Signing Request
Publishes a certificate signing request with a signed X.509 certificate and adds it into the signing key credentials for the IdP
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.publishCsrFromApplication(String appId,
String csrId,
File body)
Publish a Certificate Signing Request
Publishes a certificate signing request for the app with a signed X.509 certificate and adds it into the application key credentials
JsonWebKey |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.publishCsrFromApplication(String appId,
String csrId,
File body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Publish a Certificate Signing Request
Publishes a certificate signing request for the app with a signed X.509 certificate and adds it into the application key credentials
UserActivationToken |
UserApi.reactivateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Reactivate a User
Reactivates a user.
UserActivationToken |
UserApi.reactivateUser(String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Reactivate a User
Reactivates a user.
Session |
SessionApi.refreshSession(String sessionId)
Refresh a Session
Refreshes an existing Session using the `id` for that Session.
Session |
SessionApi.refreshSession(String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Refresh a Session
Refreshes an existing Session using the `id` for that Session.
Application |
ApplicationApi.replaceApplication(String appId,
Application application)
Replace an Application
Replaces an application
Application |
ApplicationApi.replaceApplication(String appId,
Application application,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Application
Replaces an application
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.replaceAuthenticator(String authenticatorId,
Authenticator authenticator)
Replace an Authenticator
Replaces the properties for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi.replaceAuthenticator(String authenticatorId,
Authenticator authenticator,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Authenticator
Replaces the properties for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.replaceAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType,
AuthenticatorMethodBase authenticatorMethodBase)
Replace a Method
Replaces a Method of `methodType` for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
AuthenticatorMethodBase |
AuthenticatorApi.replaceAuthenticatorMethod(String authenticatorId,
AuthenticatorMethodType methodType,
AuthenticatorMethodBase authenticatorMethodBase,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Method
Replaces a Method of `methodType` for an Authenticator identified by `authenticatorId`
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
AuthorizationServer authorizationServer)
Replace an Authorization Server
Replaces an authorization server
AuthorizationServer |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServer(String authServerId,
AuthorizationServer authorizationServer,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Authorization Server
Replaces an authorization server
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
AuthorizationServerPolicy policy)
Replace a Policy
Replaces a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicy |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServerPolicy(String authServerId,
String policyId,
AuthorizationServerPolicy policy,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Policy
Replaces a policy
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule policyRule)
Replace a Policy Rule
Replaces the configuration of the Policy Rule defined in the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceAuthorizationServerPolicyRule(String authServerId,
String policyId,
String ruleId,
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule policyRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Policy Rule
Replaces the configuration of the Policy Rule defined in the specified Custom Authorization Server and Policy
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.replaceBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
BehaviorRule rule)
Replace a Behavior Detection Rule
Replaces a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
BehaviorRule |
BehaviorApi.replaceBehaviorDetectionRule(String behaviorId,
BehaviorRule rule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Behavior Detection Rule
Replaces a Behavior Detection Rule by `behaviorId`
Brand |
CustomizationApi.replaceBrand(String brandId,
BrandRequest brand,
List<String> expand)
Replace a Brand
Replaces a brand by `brandId`
Brand |
CustomizationApi.replaceBrand(String brandId,
BrandRequest brand,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Brand
Replaces a brand by `brandId`
ThemeResponse |
CustomizationApi.replaceBrandTheme(String brandId,
String themeId,
Theme theme)
Replace a Theme
Replaces a theme for a brand
ThemeResponse |
CustomizationApi.replaceBrandTheme(String brandId,
String themeId,
Theme theme,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Theme
Replaces a theme for a brand
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.replaceCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
CAPTCHAInstance instance)
Replace a CAPTCHA Instance
Replaces the properties for a specified CAPTCHA instance
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.replaceCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
CAPTCHAInstance instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a CAPTCHA Instance
Replaces the properties for a specified CAPTCHA instance
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.replaceCustomDomain(String domainId,
UpdateDomain updateDomain)
Replace a Custom Domain's Brand
Replaces a custom domain's brand
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.replaceCustomDomain(String domainId,
UpdateDomain updateDomain,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Custom Domain's Brand
Replaces a custom domain's brand
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId,
ErrorPage errorPage)
Replace the Customized Error Page
Replaces the customized error page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceCustomizedErrorPage(String brandId,
ErrorPage errorPage,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Customized Error Page
Replaces the customized error page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId,
SignInPage signInPage)
Replace the Customized Sign-in Page
Replaces the customized sign-in page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceCustomizedSignInPage(String brandId,
SignInPage signInPage,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Customized Sign-in Page
Replaces the customized sign-in page.
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.replaceDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId,
DeviceAssurance deviceAssurance)
Replace a Device Assurance Policy
Replaces a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`
DeviceAssurance |
DeviceAssuranceApi.replaceDeviceAssurancePolicy(String deviceAssuranceId,
DeviceAssurance deviceAssurance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Device Assurance Policy
Replaces a Device Assurance Policy by `deviceAssuranceId`
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.replaceEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId,
EmailCustomization instance)
Replace an Email Customization
Replaces an existing email customization using the property values provided
EmailCustomization |
CustomizationApi.replaceEmailCustomization(String brandId,
String templateName,
String customizationId,
EmailCustomization instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Email Customization
Replaces an existing email customization using the property values provided
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.replaceEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
UpdateEmailDomain updateEmailDomain,
List<String> expand)
Replace an Email Domain
Replaces associated username and sender display name by `emailDomainId`
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.replaceEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
UpdateEmailDomain updateEmailDomain,
List<String> expand,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Email Domain
Replaces associated username and sender display name by `emailDomainId`
void |
CustomizationApi.replaceEmailSettings(String brandId,
String templateName,
EmailSettings emailSettings)
Replace the Email Template Settings
Replaces an email template's settings
void |
CustomizationApi.replaceEmailSettings(String brandId,
String templateName,
EmailSettings emailSettings,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Email Template Settings
Replaces an email template's settings
EventHook |
EventHookApi.replaceEventHook(String eventHookId,
EventHook eventHook)
Replace an Event Hook
Replaces an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.replaceEventHook(String eventHookId,
EventHook eventHook,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Event Hook
Replaces an event hook
Group |
GroupApi.replaceGroup(String groupId,
Group group)
Replace a Group
Replaces the profile for a group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
Group |
GroupApi.replaceGroup(String groupId,
Group group,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Group
Replaces the profile for a group with `OKTA_GROUP` type
GroupRule |
GroupApi.replaceGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
GroupRule groupRule)
Replace a Group Rule
Replaces a group rule.
GroupRule |
GroupApi.replaceGroupRule(String groupRuleId,
GroupRule groupRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Group Rule
Replaces a group rule.
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.replaceHookKey(String hookKeyId,
KeyRequest keyRequest)
Replace a key
Replaces a key by `hookKeyId` This request replaces existing properties after passing validation.
HookKey |
HookKeyApi.replaceHookKey(String hookKeyId,
KeyRequest keyRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a key
Replaces a key by `hookKeyId` This request replaces existing properties after passing validation.
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.replaceIdentityProvider(String idpId,
IdentityProvider identityProvider)
Replace an Identity Provider
Replaces an identity provider integration by `idpId`
IdentityProvider |
IdentityProviderApi.replaceIdentityProvider(String idpId,
IdentityProvider identityProvider,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Identity Provider
Replaces an identity provider integration by `idpId`
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.replaceInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
InlineHook inlineHook)
Replace an Inline Hook
Replaces an inline hook by `inlineHookId`
InlineHook |
InlineHookApi.replaceInlineHook(String inlineHookId,
InlineHook inlineHook,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an Inline Hook
Replaces an inline hook by `inlineHookId`
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.replaceLogStream(String logStreamId,
LogStreamPutSchema instance)
Replace a Log Stream
Replaces the Log Stream object properties for a given ID.
LogStream |
LogStreamApi.replaceLogStream(String logStreamId,
LogStreamPutSchema instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Log Stream
Replaces the Log Stream object properties for a given ID.
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.replaceNetworkZone(String zoneId,
NetworkZone zone)
Replace a Network Zone
Replaces a network zone by `zoneId`.
NetworkZone |
NetworkZoneApi.replaceNetworkZone(String zoneId,
NetworkZone zone,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Network Zone
Replaces a network zone by `zoneId`.
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId,
OAuth2Claim oAuth2Claim)
Replace a Custom Token Claim
Replaces a custom token claim
OAuth2Claim |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceOAuth2Claim(String authServerId,
String claimId,
OAuth2Claim oAuth2Claim,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Custom Token Claim
Replaces a custom token claim
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId,
OAuth2Scope oAuth2Scope)
Replace a Custom Token Scope
Replaces a custom token scope
OAuth2Scope |
AuthorizationServerApi.replaceOAuth2Scope(String authServerId,
String scopeId,
OAuth2Scope oAuth2Scope,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Custom Token Scope
Replaces a custom token scope
OrgContactUser |
OrgSettingApi.replaceOrgContactUser(String contactType,
OrgContactUser orgContactUser)
Replace the User of the Contact Type
Replaces the User associated with the specified Contact Type
OrgContactUser |
OrgSettingApi.replaceOrgContactUser(String contactType,
OrgContactUser orgContactUser,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the User of the Contact Type
Replaces the User associated with the specified Contact Type
OrgSetting |
OrgSettingApi.replaceOrgSettings(OrgSetting orgSetting)
Replace the Org Settings
Replaces the settings of your organization
OrgSetting |
OrgSettingApi.replaceOrgSettings(OrgSetting orgSetting,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Org Settings
Replaces the settings of your organization
Policy |
PolicyApi.replacePolicy(String policyId,
Policy policy)
Replace a Policy
Replaces the properties of a Policy identified by `policyId`
Policy |
PolicyApi.replacePolicy(String policyId,
Policy policy,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Policy
Replaces the properties of a Policy identified by `policyId`
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.replacePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
PolicyRule policyRule)
Replace a Policy Rule
Replaces the properties for a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
PolicyRule |
PolicyApi.replacePolicyRule(String policyId,
String ruleId,
PolicyRule policyRule,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Policy Rule
Replaces the properties for a Policy Rule identified by `policyId` and `ruleId`
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.replacePreviewErrorPage(String brandId,
ErrorPage errorPage)
Replace the Preview Error Page
Replaces the preview error page.
ErrorPage |
CustomizationApi.replacePreviewErrorPage(String brandId,
ErrorPage errorPage,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Preview Error Page
Replaces the preview error page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.replacePreviewSignInPage(String brandId,
SignInPage signInPage)
Replace the Preview Sign-in Page
Replaces the preview sign-in page.
SignInPage |
CustomizationApi.replacePreviewSignInPage(String brandId,
SignInPage signInPage,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Preview Sign-in Page
Replaces the preview sign-in page.
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.replacePrincipalRateLimitEntity(String principalRateLimitId,
PrincipalRateLimitEntity entity)
Replace a Principal Rate Limit
Replaces a principal rate limit entity by `principalRateLimitId`
PrincipalRateLimitEntity |
PrincipalRateLimitApi.replacePrincipalRateLimitEntity(String principalRateLimitId,
PrincipalRateLimitEntity entity,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Principal Rate Limit
Replaces a principal rate limit entity by `principalRateLimitId`
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.replacePushProvider(String pushProviderId,
PushProvider pushProvider)
Replace a Push Provider
Replaces a push provider by `pushProviderId`
PushProvider |
PushProviderApi.replacePushProvider(String pushProviderId,
PushProvider pushProvider,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Push Provider
Replaces a push provider by `pushProviderId`
RateLimitAdminNotifications |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsAdminNotifications(RateLimitAdminNotifications rateLimitAdminNotifications)
Replace the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
Replaces the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings and returns the configured properties
RateLimitAdminNotifications |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsAdminNotifications(RateLimitAdminNotifications rateLimitAdminNotifications,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings
Replaces the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings and returns the configured properties
PerClientRateLimitSettings |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsPerClient(PerClientRateLimitSettings perClientRateLimitSettings)
Replace the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
Replaces the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings and returns the configured properties
PerClientRateLimitSettings |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsPerClient(PerClientRateLimitSettings perClientRateLimitSettings,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings
Replaces the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings and returns the configured properties
RateLimitWarningThresholdResponse |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsWarningThreshold(RateLimitWarningThresholdRequest rateLimitWarningThreshold)
Replace the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage
Replaces the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage and returns the configured property
RateLimitWarningThresholdResponse |
RateLimitSettingsApi.replaceRateLimitSettingsWarningThreshold(RateLimitWarningThresholdRequest rateLimitWarningThreshold,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage
Replaces the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage and returns the configured property
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.replaceResourceSet(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSet instance)
Replace a Resource Set
Replaces a Resource Set by `resourceSetId`
ResourceSet |
ResourceSetApi.replaceResourceSet(String resourceSetId,
ResourceSet instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Resource Set
Replaces a Resource Set by `resourceSetId`
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.replaceRiskProvider(String riskProviderId,
RiskProvider instance)
Replace a Risk Provider
Replaces the properties for a given Risk Provider object ID
RiskProvider |
RiskProviderApi.replaceRiskProvider(String riskProviderId,
RiskProvider instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Risk Provider
Replaces the properties for a given Risk Provider object ID
IamRole |
RoleApi.replaceRole(String roleIdOrLabel,
UpdateIamRoleRequest instance)
Replace a Role
Replaces a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
IamRole |
RoleApi.replaceRole(String roleIdOrLabel,
UpdateIamRoleRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Role
Replaces a role by `roleIdOrLabel`
Permission |
RoleApi.replaceRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
CreateUpdateIamRolePermissionRequest instance)
Replace a Permission
Replaces a permission specified by `permissionType` in the role
Permission |
RoleApi.replaceRolePermission(String roleIdOrLabel,
String permissionType,
CreateUpdateIamRolePermissionRequest instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Permission
Replaces a permission specified by `permissionType` in the role
HostedPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceSignOutPageSettings(String brandId,
HostedPage hostedPage)
Replace the Sign-out Page Settings
Replaces the sign-out page settings
HostedPage |
CustomizationApi.replaceSignOutPageSettings(String brandId,
HostedPage hostedPage,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Sign-out Page Settings
Replaces the sign-out page settings
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.replaceSmsTemplate(String templateId,
SmsTemplate smsTemplate)
Replace an SMS Template
Replaces the SMS template
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.replaceSmsTemplate(String templateId,
SmsTemplate smsTemplate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace an SMS Template
Replaces the SMS template
OrgCAPTCHASettings |
CaptchaApi.replacesOrgCaptchaSettings(OrgCAPTCHASettings orgCAPTCHASettings)
Replace the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Replaces the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization.
OrgCAPTCHASettings |
CaptchaApi.replacesOrgCaptchaSettings(OrgCAPTCHASettings orgCAPTCHASettings,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings
Replaces the CAPTCHA settings object for your organization.
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.replaceTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
TrustedOrigin trustedOrigin)
Replace a Trusted Origin
Replaces a trusted origin
TrustedOrigin |
TrustedOriginApi.replaceTrustedOrigin(String trustedOriginId,
TrustedOrigin trustedOrigin,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a Trusted Origin
Replaces a trusted origin
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.replaceUISchemas(String id,
UpdateUISchema updateUISchemaBody)
Replace a UI Schema
Replaces a UI Schema by `id`
UISchemasResponseObject |
UiSchemaApi.replaceUISchemas(String id,
UpdateUISchema updateUISchemaBody,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a UI Schema
Replaces a UI Schema by `id`
User |
UserApi.replaceUser(String userId,
User user,
Boolean strict)
Replace a User
Replaces a user's profile and/or credentials using strict-update semantics
User |
UserApi.replaceUser(String userId,
User user,
Boolean strict,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a User
Replaces a user's profile and/or credentials using strict-update semantics
UserLockoutSettings |
AttackProtectionApi.replaceUserLockoutSettings(UserLockoutSettings lockoutSettings)
Replace the User Lockout Settings
Replaces the User Lockout Settings for an org
UserLockoutSettings |
AttackProtectionApi.replaceUserLockoutSettings(UserLockoutSettings lockoutSettings,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace the User Lockout Settings
Replaces the User Lockout Settings for an org
UserType |
UserTypeApi.replaceUserType(String typeId,
UserTypePutRequest userType)
Replace a User Type
Replaces an existing User Type.
UserType |
UserTypeApi.replaceUserType(String typeId,
UserTypePutRequest userType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Replace a User Type
Replaces an existing User Type.
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.resendEnrollFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
UserFactor userFactor,
String templateId)
Resend a factor enrollment
Resends a factor challenge (SMS/call/email OTP) as part of an enrollment flow.
UserFactor |
UserFactorApi.resendEnrollFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
UserFactor userFactor,
String templateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Resend a factor enrollment
Resends a factor challenge (SMS/call/email OTP) as part of an enrollment flow.
void |
UserApi.resetFactors(String userId)
Reset all Factors
Resets all factors for the specified user.
void |
UserApi.resetFactors(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Reset all Factors
Resets all factors for the specified user.
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.resumeAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Resume an Agent Pool update
Resumes running or queued Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.resumeAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Resume an Agent Pool update
Resumes running or queued Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.retryAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Retry an Agent Pool update
Retries Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.retryAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Retry an Agent Pool update
Retries Agent pool update
void |
ApiTokenApi.revokeApiToken(String apiTokenId)
Revoke an API Token
Revokes an API token by `apiTokenId`
void |
ApiTokenApi.revokeApiToken(String apiTokenId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke an API Token
Revokes an API token by `apiTokenId`
void |
IdentityProviderApi.revokeCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId)
Revoke a Certificate Signing Request
Revokes a certificate signing request and deletes the key pair from the IdP
void |
IdentityProviderApi.revokeCsrForIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String idpCsrId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Certificate Signing Request
Revokes a certificate signing request and deletes the key pair from the IdP
void |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.revokeCsrFromApplication(String appId,
String csrId)
Revoke a Certificate Signing Request
Revokes a certificate signing request and deletes the key pair from the application
void |
ApplicationCredentialsApi.revokeCsrFromApplication(String appId,
String csrId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Certificate Signing Request
Revokes a certificate signing request and deletes the key pair from the application
void |
Revoke the Current API Token
Revokes the API token provided in the Authorization header
void |
ApiTokenApi.revokeCurrentApiToken(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke the Current API Token
Revokes the API token provided in the Authorization header
void |
UserApi.revokeGrantsForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId)
Revoke all Grants for a Client
Revokes all grants for the specified user and client
void |
UserApi.revokeGrantsForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all Grants for a Client
Revokes all grants for the specified user and client
void |
ApplicationTokensApi.revokeOAuth2TokenForApplication(String appId,
String tokenId)
Revoke an OAuth 2.0 Token
Revokes the specified token for the specified application
void |
ApplicationTokensApi.revokeOAuth2TokenForApplication(String appId,
String tokenId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke an OAuth 2.0 Token
Revokes the specified token for the specified application
void |
ApplicationTokensApi.revokeOAuth2TokensForApplication(String appId)
Revoke all OAuth 2.0 Tokens
Revokes all tokens for the specified application
void |
ApplicationTokensApi.revokeOAuth2TokensForApplication(String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all OAuth 2.0 Tokens
Revokes all tokens for the specified application
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
Revoke Okta Support Access
Revokes Okta Support access to your organization
OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj |
OrgSettingApi.revokeOktaSupport(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke Okta Support Access
Revokes Okta Support access to your organization
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.revokeRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String tokenId)
Revoke a Refresh Token for a Client
Revokes a refresh token for a client
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.revokeRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Refresh Token for a Client
Revokes a refresh token for a client
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.revokeRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId)
Revoke all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Revokes all refresh tokens for a client
void |
AuthorizationServerApi.revokeRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient(String authServerId,
String clientId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Revokes all refresh tokens for a client
void |
ApplicationGrantsApi.revokeScopeConsentGrant(String appId,
String grantId)
Revoke a Scope Consent Grant
Revokes permission for the application to request the given scope
void |
ApplicationGrantsApi.revokeScopeConsentGrant(String appId,
String grantId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Scope Consent Grant
Revokes permission for the application to request the given scope
void |
SessionApi.revokeSession(String sessionId)
Revoke a Session
Revokes the specified Session
void |
SessionApi.revokeSession(String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Session
Revokes the specified Session
void |
UserApi.revokeTokenForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String tokenId)
Revoke a Token for a Client
Revokes the specified refresh token
void |
UserApi.revokeTokenForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
String tokenId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a Token for a Client
Revokes the specified refresh token
void |
UserApi.revokeTokensForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId)
Revoke all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Revokes all refresh tokens issued for the specified User and Client
void |
UserApi.revokeTokensForUserAndClient(String userId,
String clientId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all Refresh Tokens for a Client
Revokes all refresh tokens issued for the specified User and Client
void |
UserApi.revokeUserGrant(String userId,
String grantId)
Revoke a User Grant
Revokes one grant for a specified user
void |
UserApi.revokeUserGrant(String userId,
String grantId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke a User Grant
Revokes one grant for a specified user
void |
UserApi.revokeUserGrants(String userId)
Revoke all User Grants
Revokes all grants for a specified user
void |
UserApi.revokeUserGrants(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all User Grants
Revokes all grants for a specified user
void |
UserApi.revokeUserSessions(String userId,
Boolean oauthTokens)
Revoke all User Sessions
Revokes all active identity provider sessions of the user.
void |
UserApi.revokeUserSessions(String userId,
Boolean oauthTokens,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Revoke all User Sessions
Revokes all active identity provider sessions of the user.
List<JsonWebKey> |
AuthorizationServerApi.rotateAuthorizationServerKeys(String authServerId,
JwkUse use)
Rotate all Credential Keys
Rotates all credential keys
List<JsonWebKey> |
AuthorizationServerApi.rotateAuthorizationServerKeys(String authServerId,
JwkUse use,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Rotate all Credential Keys
Rotates all credential keys
void |
RiskEventApi.sendRiskEvents(List<RiskEvent> instance)
Send multiple Risk Events
Sends multiple IP risk events to Okta.
void |
RiskEventApi.sendRiskEvents(List<RiskEvent> instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Send multiple Risk Events
Sends multiple IP risk events to Okta.
void |
CustomizationApi.sendTestEmail(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language)
Send a Test Email
Sends a test email to the current user’s primary and secondary email addresses.
void |
CustomizationApi.sendTestEmail(String brandId,
String templateName,
String language,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Send a Test Email
Sends a test email to the current user’s primary and secondary email addresses.
void |
UserApi.setLinkedObjectForUser(String userId,
String primaryRelationshipName,
String primaryUserId)
Create a Linked Object for two Users
Creates a Linked Object for two users
void |
UserApi.setLinkedObjectForUser(String userId,
String primaryRelationshipName,
String primaryUserId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Create a Linked Object for two Users
Creates a Linked Object for two users
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.startImportFromIdentitySource(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId)
Start the import from the Identity Source
Starts the import from the identity source described by the uploaded bulk operations
List<IdentitySourceSession> |
IdentitySourceApi.startImportFromIdentitySource(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Start the import from the Identity Source
Starts the import from the identity source described by the uploaded bulk operations
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.stopAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId)
Stop an Agent Pool update
Stops Agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.stopAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Stop an Agent Pool update
Stops Agent pool update
void |
SubscriptionApi.subscribeByNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType)
Subscribe a Role to a Specific Notification Type
Subscribes a Role to a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.subscribeByNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Subscribe a Role to a Specific Notification Type
Subscribes a Role to a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.subscribeByNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId)
Subscribe a User to a Specific Notification Type
Subscribes the current user to a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.subscribeByNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Subscribe a User to a Specific Notification Type
Subscribes the current user to a specified notification type.
void |
DeviceApi.suspendDevice(String deviceId)
Suspend a Device
Suspends a Device by setting its status to ACTIVE.
void |
DeviceApi.suspendDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Suspend a Device
Suspends a Device by setting its status to ACTIVE.
void |
UserApi.suspendUser(String userId)
Suspend a User
Suspends a user.
void |
UserApi.suspendUser(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Suspend a User
Suspends a user.
void |
EmailServerApi.testEmailServer(String emailServerId,
EmailTestAddresses emailTestAddresses)
Test an SMTP Server configuration
Tests your organization's custom SMTP Server with the given ID
void |
EmailServerApi.testEmailServer(String emailServerId,
EmailTestAddresses emailTestAddresses,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Test an SMTP Server configuration
Tests your organization's custom SMTP Server with the given ID
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppInstanceTargetFromAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId)
Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application instance target from an application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppInstanceTargetFromAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application instance target from an application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId)
Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application instance target from application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
String appId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application instance target from application administrator role
void |
ApplicationGroupsApi.unassignApplicationFromGroup(String appId,
String groupId)
Unassign a Group
Unassigns a group from an application
void |
ApplicationGroupsApi.unassignApplicationFromGroup(String appId,
String groupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Group
Unassigns a group from an application
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppTargetFromAppAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName)
Unassign an Application Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application target from application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppTargetFromAppAdminRoleForUser(String userId,
String roleId,
String appName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign an Application Target from an Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application target from application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName)
Unassign an Application Target from Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application target from application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
String appName,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign an Application Target from Application Administrator Role
Unassigns an application target from application administrator role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignGroupTargetFromGroupAdminRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String targetGroupId)
Unassign a Group Target from a Group Role
Unassigns a group target from a group role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignGroupTargetFromGroupAdminRole(String groupId,
String roleId,
String targetGroupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Group Target from a Group Role
Unassigns a group target from a group role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignGroupTargetFromUserAdminRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String groupId)
Unassign a Group Target from Role
Unassigns a Group Target from Role
void |
RoleTargetApi.unassignGroupTargetFromUserAdminRole(String userId,
String roleId,
String groupId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Group Target from Role
Unassigns a Group Target from Role
void |
ResourceSetApi.unassignMemberFromBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String memberId)
Unassign a Member from a binding
Unassigns a member identified by `memberId` from a binding
void |
ResourceSetApi.unassignMemberFromBinding(String resourceSetId,
String roleIdOrLabel,
String memberId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Member from a binding
Unassigns a member identified by `memberId` from a binding
void |
RoleAssignmentApi.unassignRoleFromGroup(String groupId,
String roleId)
Unassign a Role from a Group
Unassigns a role identified by `roleId` assigned to group identified by `groupId`
void |
RoleAssignmentApi.unassignRoleFromGroup(String groupId,
String roleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Role from a Group
Unassigns a role identified by `roleId` assigned to group identified by `groupId`
void |
RoleAssignmentApi.unassignRoleFromUser(String userId,
String roleId)
Unassign a Role from a User
Unassigns a role identified by `roleId` from a user identified by `userId`
void |
RoleAssignmentApi.unassignRoleFromUser(String userId,
String roleId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a Role from a User
Unassigns a role identified by `roleId` from a user identified by `userId`
void |
ApplicationUsersApi.unassignUserFromApplication(String appId,
String userId,
Boolean sendEmail)
Unassign an App User
Unassigns a user from an application
void |
ApplicationUsersApi.unassignUserFromApplication(String appId,
String userId,
Boolean sendEmail,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign an App User
Unassigns a user from an application
void |
GroupApi.unassignUserFromGroup(String groupId,
String userId)
Unassign a User
Unassigns a user from a group with 'OKTA_GROUP' type
void |
GroupApi.unassignUserFromGroup(String groupId,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unassign a User
Unassigns a user from a group with 'OKTA_GROUP' type
void |
UserFactorApi.unenrollFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
Boolean removeRecoveryEnrollment)
Unenroll a Factor
Unenrolls an existing factor for the specified user, allowing the user to enroll a new factor
void |
UserFactorApi.unenrollFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
Boolean removeRecoveryEnrollment,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unenroll a Factor
Unenrolls an existing factor for the specified user, allowing the user to enroll a new factor
void |
IdentityProviderApi.unlinkUserFromIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String userId)
Unlink a User from IdP
Unlinks the link between the Okta user and the IdP user
void |
IdentityProviderApi.unlinkUserFromIdentityProvider(String idpId,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unlink a User from IdP
Unlinks the link between the Okta user and the IdP user
void |
UserApi.unlockUser(String userId)
Unlock a User
Unlocks a user with a `LOCKED_OUT` status or unlocks a user with an `ACTIVE` status that is blocked from unknown devices.
void |
UserApi.unlockUser(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unlock a User
Unlocks a user with a `LOCKED_OUT` status or unlocks a user with an `ACTIVE` status that is blocked from unknown devices.
void |
SubscriptionApi.unsubscribeByNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType)
Unsubscribe a Role from a Specific Notification Type
Unsubscribes a Role from a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.unsubscribeByNotificationTypeRole(ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter roleRef,
NotificationType notificationType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unsubscribe a Role from a Specific Notification Type
Unsubscribes a Role from a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.unsubscribeByNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId)
Unsubscribe a User from a Specific Notification Type
Unsubscribes the current user from a specified notification type.
void |
SubscriptionApi.unsubscribeByNotificationTypeUser(NotificationType notificationType,
String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unsubscribe a User from a Specific Notification Type
Unsubscribes the current user from a specified notification type.
void |
DeviceApi.unsuspendDevice(String deviceId)
Unsuspend a Device
Unsuspends a Device by returning its `status` to ACTIVE.
void |
DeviceApi.unsuspendDevice(String deviceId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unsuspend a Device
Unsuspends a Device by returning its `status` to ACTIVE.
void |
UserApi.unsuspendUser(String userId)
Unsuspend a User
Unsuspends a user and returns them to the `ACTIVE` state.
void |
UserApi.unsuspendUser(String userId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Unsuspend a User
Unsuspends a user and returns them to the `ACTIVE` state.
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.updateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
AgentPoolUpdate agentPoolUpdate)
Update an Agent Pool update by id
Updates Agent pool update and return latest agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdate |
AgentPoolsApi.updateAgentPoolsUpdate(String poolId,
String updateId,
AgentPoolUpdate agentPoolUpdate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update an Agent Pool update by id
Updates Agent pool update and return latest agent pool update
AgentPoolUpdateSetting |
AgentPoolsApi.updateAgentPoolsUpdateSettings(String poolId,
AgentPoolUpdateSetting agentPoolUpdateSetting)
Update an Agent Pool update settings
Updates an agent pool update settings
AgentPoolUpdateSetting |
AgentPoolsApi.updateAgentPoolsUpdateSettings(String poolId,
AgentPoolUpdateSetting agentPoolUpdateSetting,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update an Agent Pool update settings
Updates an agent pool update settings
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.updateApplicationUser(String appId,
String userId,
AppUser appUser)
Update an App Profile for an assigned User
Updates a user's profile for an application
AppUser |
ApplicationUsersApi.updateApplicationUser(String appId,
String userId,
AppUser appUser,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update an App Profile for an assigned User
Updates a user's profile for an application
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.updateApplicationUserProfile(String appId,
UserSchema body)
Update the default Application User Schema for an Application
Partially updates on the User Profile properties of the Application User Schema
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.updateApplicationUserProfile(String appId,
UserSchema body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the default Application User Schema for an Application
Partially updates on the User Profile properties of the Application User Schema
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.updateCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
CAPTCHAInstance instance)
Update a CAPTCHA Instance
Partially updates the properties of a specified CAPTCHA instance
CAPTCHAInstance |
CaptchaApi.updateCaptchaInstance(String captchaId,
CAPTCHAInstance instance,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a CAPTCHA Instance
Partially updates the properties of a specified CAPTCHA instance
ThreatInsightConfiguration |
ThreatInsightApi.updateConfiguration(ThreatInsightConfiguration threatInsightConfiguration)
Update the ThreatInsight Configuration
Updates the ThreatInsight configuration for the org
ThreatInsightConfiguration |
ThreatInsightApi.updateConfiguration(ThreatInsightConfiguration threatInsightConfiguration,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the ThreatInsight Configuration
Updates the ThreatInsight configuration for the org
ProvisioningConnection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.updateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId,
ProvisioningConnectionRequest provisioningConnectionRequest,
Boolean activate)
Update the default Provisioning Connection
Updates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
ProvisioningConnection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi.updateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication(String appId,
ProvisioningConnectionRequest provisioningConnectionRequest,
Boolean activate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the default Provisioning Connection
Updates the default Provisioning Connection for an app
EmailServerResponse |
EmailServerApi.updateEmailServer(String emailServerId,
EmailServerRequest emailServerRequest)
Update an SMTP Server configuration
Updates one or more fields of your organization's custom SMTP Server configuration
EmailServerResponse |
EmailServerApi.updateEmailServer(String emailServerId,
EmailServerRequest emailServerRequest,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update an SMTP Server configuration
Updates one or more fields of your organization's custom SMTP Server configuration
ApplicationFeature |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.updateFeatureForApplication(String appId,
String featureName,
CapabilitiesObject capabilitiesObject)
Update a Feature
Updates a Feature object for an application > **Note:** This endpoint supports partial updates.
ApplicationFeature |
ApplicationFeaturesApi.updateFeatureForApplication(String appId,
String featureName,
CapabilitiesObject capabilitiesObject,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a Feature
Updates a Feature object for an application > **Note:** This endpoint supports partial updates.
Feature |
FeatureApi.updateFeatureLifecycle(String featureId,
FeatureLifecycle lifecycle,
String mode)
Update a Feature Lifecycle
Updates a feature lifecycle
Feature |
FeatureApi.updateFeatureLifecycle(String featureId,
FeatureLifecycle lifecycle,
String mode,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a Feature Lifecycle
Updates a feature lifecycle
GroupSchema |
SchemaApi.updateGroupSchema(GroupSchema groupSchema)
Update the default Group Schema
Updates the default group schema.
GroupSchema |
SchemaApi.updateGroupSchema(GroupSchema groupSchema,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the default Group Schema
Updates the default group schema.
OrgPreferences |
Update the Preference to Hide the Okta Dashboard Footer
Updates the preference hide the Okta UI footer for all end users of your organization
OrgPreferences |
OrgSettingApi.updateOrgHideOktaUIFooter(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the Preference to Hide the Okta Dashboard Footer
Updates the preference hide the Okta UI footer for all end users of your organization
OrgSetting |
OrgSettingApi.updateOrgSettings(OrgSetting orgSetting)
Update the Org Settings
Partially updates the org settings depending on provided fields
OrgSetting |
OrgSettingApi.updateOrgSettings(OrgSetting orgSetting,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the Org Settings
Partially updates the org settings depending on provided fields
OrgPreferences |
Update the Preference to Show the Okta Dashboard Footer
Updates the preference to show the Okta UI footer for all end users of your organization
OrgPreferences |
OrgSettingApi.updateOrgShowOktaUIFooter(Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update the Preference to Show the Okta Dashboard Footer
Updates the preference to show the Okta UI footer for all end users of your organization
ProfileMapping |
ProfileMappingApi.updateProfileMapping(String mappingId,
ProfileMappingRequest profileMapping)
Update a Profile Mapping
Updates an existing profile mapping by adding, updating, or removing one or many property mappings
ProfileMapping |
ProfileMappingApi.updateProfileMapping(String mappingId,
ProfileMappingRequest profileMapping,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a Profile Mapping
Updates an existing profile mapping by adding, updating, or removing one or many property mappings
Realm |
RealmApi.updateRealm(String realmId,
Realm body)
Update a Realm
Updates a Realm
Realm |
RealmApi.updateRealm(String realmId,
Realm body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a Realm
Updates a Realm
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.updateSmsTemplate(String templateId,
SmsTemplate smsTemplate)
Update an SMS Template
Updates an SMS template
SmsTemplate |
TemplateApi.updateSmsTemplate(String templateId,
SmsTemplate smsTemplate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update an SMS Template
Updates an SMS template
User |
UserApi.updateUser(String userId,
UpdateUserRequest user,
Boolean strict)
Update a User
Updates a user partially determined by the request parameters
User |
UserApi.updateUser(String userId,
UpdateUserRequest user,
Boolean strict,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a User
Updates a user partially determined by the request parameters
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.updateUserProfile(String schemaId,
UserSchema userSchema)
Update a User Schema
Partially updates on the User Profile properties of the user schema
UserSchema |
SchemaApi.updateUserProfile(String schemaId,
UserSchema userSchema,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a User Schema
Partially updates on the User Profile properties of the user schema
UserType |
UserTypeApi.updateUserType(String typeId,
UserTypePostRequest userType)
Update a User Type
Updates an existing User Type.
UserType |
UserTypeApi.updateUserType(String typeId,
UserTypePostRequest userType,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Update a User Type
Updates an existing User Type.
void |
ApplicationLogosApi.uploadApplicationLogo(String appId,
File _file)
Upload an application Logo
Uploads a logo for the app instance.
void |
ApplicationLogosApi.uploadApplicationLogo(String appId,
File _file,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload an application Logo
Uploads a logo for the app instance.
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file)
Upload the Background Image
Uploads and replaces the background image for the theme.
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the Background Image
Uploads and replaces the background image for the theme.
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeFavicon(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file)
Upload the Favicon
Uploads and replaces the favicon for the theme
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeFavicon(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the Favicon
Uploads and replaces the favicon for the theme
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeLogo(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file)
Upload the Logo
Uploads and replaces the logo for the theme.
ImageUploadResponse |
CustomizationApi.uploadBrandThemeLogo(String brandId,
String themeId,
File _file,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the Logo
Uploads and replaces the logo for the theme.
void |
IdentitySourceApi.uploadIdentitySourceDataForDelete(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
BulkDeleteRequestBody bulkDeleteRequestBody)
Upload the data to be deleted in Okta
Uploads entities that need to be deleted in Okta from the identity source for the given session
void |
IdentitySourceApi.uploadIdentitySourceDataForDelete(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
BulkDeleteRequestBody bulkDeleteRequestBody,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the data to be deleted in Okta
Uploads entities that need to be deleted in Okta from the identity source for the given session
void |
IdentitySourceApi.uploadIdentitySourceDataForUpsert(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
BulkUpsertRequestBody bulkUpsertRequestBody)
Upload the data to be upserted in Okta
Uploads entities that need to be upserted in Okta from the identity source for the given session
void |
IdentitySourceApi.uploadIdentitySourceDataForUpsert(String identitySourceId,
String sessionId,
BulkUpsertRequestBody bulkUpsertRequestBody,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the data to be upserted in Okta
Uploads entities that need to be upserted in Okta from the identity source for the given session
void |
OrgSettingApi.uploadOrgLogo(File _file)
Upload the Org Logo
Uploads and replaces the logo for your organization.
void |
OrgSettingApi.uploadOrgLogo(File _file,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upload the Org Logo
Uploads and replaces the logo for your organization.
void |
CustomDomainApi.upsertCertificate(String domainId,
DomainCertificate certificate)
Upsert the Custom Domain's Certificate
Upserts (creates or renews) the `MANUAL` certificate for the custom domain.
void |
CustomDomainApi.upsertCertificate(String domainId,
DomainCertificate certificate,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Upsert the Custom Domain's Certificate
Upserts (creates or renews) the `MANUAL` certificate for the custom domain.
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.verifyDomain(String domainId)
Verify a Custom Domain
Verifies the custom domain and validity of DNS records by `domainId`.
DomainResponse |
CustomDomainApi.verifyDomain(String domainId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Verify a Custom Domain
Verifies the custom domain and validity of DNS records by `domainId`.
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.verifyEmailDomain(String emailDomainId)
Verify an Email Domain
Verifies an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
EmailDomainResponse |
EmailDomainApi.verifyEmailDomain(String emailDomainId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Verify an Email Domain
Verifies an Email Domain by `emailDomainId`
EventHook |
EventHookApi.verifyEventHook(String eventHookId)
Verify an Event Hook
Verifies an event hook
EventHook |
EventHookApi.verifyEventHook(String eventHookId,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Verify an Event Hook
Verifies an event hook
VerifyUserFactorResponse |
UserFactorApi.verifyFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
String templateId,
Integer tokenLifetimeSeconds,
String xForwardedFor,
String userAgent,
String acceptLanguage,
VerifyFactorRequest body)
Verify an MFA Factor
Verifies an OTP for a `token` or `token:hardware` factor
VerifyUserFactorResponse |
UserFactorApi.verifyFactor(String userId,
String factorId,
String templateId,
Integer tokenLifetimeSeconds,
String xForwardedFor,
String userAgent,
String acceptLanguage,
VerifyFactorRequest body,
Map<String,String> additionalHeaders)
Verify an MFA Factor
Verifies an OTP for a `token` or `token:hardware` factor
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
Quickstart.main(String[] args) |
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