Class Org2OrgApplication

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T08:35:59.300824-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class Org2OrgApplication extends Object implements Serializable
Schema for the Okta Org2Org app (key name: `okta_org2org`) To create an Org2Org app, use the [Create an Application](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/Application/#tag/Application/operation/createApplication) request with the following parameters in the request body. > **Notes:** > * The Okta Org2Org (`okta_org2org`) app isn't available in Okta Developer Edition orgs. If you need to test this feature in your Developer Edition org, contact your Okta account team. > * The Okta Org2Org app supports `SAML_2_0` and `AUTO_LOGIN` sign-on modes.
See Also: