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Identity Engine

Telephony inline hook reference

This page provides reference documentation for telephony inline hooks, a type of inline hook supported by Okta. You can use this content to understand how to structure the JSON objects sent and received by Okta when communicating with an external telephony provider.

See also


The Okta telephony inline hook allows you to integrate your own custom code into Okta flows that send SMS or voice call messages. You can integrate this hook with enrollment, authentication, and recovery flows that involve the phone authenticator. Okta uses your external provider to deliver the one-time passcode (OTP) to the Requester. The provider can respond with commands that indicate if the delivery was successful or not.

You can have only one active telephony inline hook per org.

When you create a telephony inline hook, you must include the authScheme parameter. See Create inline hook and the authScheme object.

Objects in the request from Okta

For the telephony inline hook, the outbound call from Okta to your external service includes the following objects in its JSON payload:


OTP request or event for which this transaction is being requested: authentication, enrollment, recovery

Acceptable values for requestType

Enum Value Associated Okta Event
com.okta.user.telephony.pre-enrollment Enrollment
com.okta.user.telephony.mfa-verification Authentication
com.okta.user.telephony.account-unlock Account unlock
com.okta.user.telephony.password-reset Password reset


Provides information on the OTP Requester

Property Description Data Type
firstName First name of the OTP Requester String
lastName Family name of the OTP Requester String
userId Okta user ID of the OTP Requester String
login Okta sign in of the OTP Requester String


Provides information on the properties of the message being sent to the OTP Requester.

Property Description Data Type
msgTemplate SMS message template. Not applicable for voice call authentication. String
phoneNumber Phone number enrolled for the Phone authenticator by the OTP Requester String
otpExpires Timestamp when the OTP expires String
deliveryChannel OTP delivery method. Possible values: SMS or voice call String
otpCode OTP code String
locale Location of the OTP Requester String

Objects in the response that you send

For the telephony inline hook, the commands and error objects that you can return in the JSON payload of your response are defined in the following sections.

Note: The size of your response payload must be less than 256 KB.


The commands object is where you can provide commands to Okta. It’s where you can tell Okta whether your attempt to send the OTP using your own telephony provider was successful.

The commands object is an array, allowing you to send multiple commands. In each array element, there needs to be a type property and value property. The value property is where you specify the status of your telephony transaction and other relevant transaction metadata.

The value property is itself a nested object in which you specify a status, provider, transaction ID, and transaction metadata.

Property Description Data Type
type One of the supported commands String
value Result of the send OTP operation. Indicates if the external web service or provider sent the OTP. value

Supported commands

The following commands are supported for a telephony inline hook:

Command Description
com.okta.telephony.action Telephony operation action result


The value object specifies the result of the Send OTP operation and includes the following properties:

Property Description Data Type
status Whether the OTP was sent successfully using the customer's web service status
provider The provider used to send the OTP using the customer's web service String
transactionId Transaction ID that uniquely identifies an attempt to deliver the OTP to the Requester String
transactionMetadata Any relevant transaction metadata, such as duration String


Status Description
SUCCESSFUL External web service was able to deliver the OTP to the Requester
PENDING External web service wasn't able to confirm delivery of the OTP to the Requester
FAILED External web service was unable to deliver the OTP to the Requester


When you return an error object, it should have the following structure:

Property Description Data Type
errorSummary Human-readable summary of the error String

Returning an error object causes Okta to retry sending the OTP to the Requester using the Okta telephony providers.

Note: If the error object doesn't include a defined errorSummary property, the following default message is returned to the end user: The callback service returned an error.

Sample JSON payload of a request

  "eventId": "uS5871kJThSsU8qlA1LTcg",
  "eventTime": "2022-01-28T21:43:40.000Z",
  "eventType": "com.okta.telephony.provider",
  "eventTypeVersion": "1.0",
  "contentType": "application/json",
  "cloudEventVersion": "0.1",
  "source": "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/inlineHooks/calz6lVQA77AwFeEe0g3",
  "requestType": "com.okta.user.telephony.pre-enrollment",
  "data": {
    "context": {
      "request": {
        "id": "reqRgSk8IBBRhuo0YdlEDTmUw",
        "method": "POST",
        "url": {
          "value": "/api/internal/v1/inlineHooks/com.okta.telephony.provider/generatePreview"
        "ipAddress": ""
    "userProfile": {
      "firstName": "test",
      "lastName": "user",
      "login": "test.user@okta.com",
      "userId": "00uyxxSknGtK8022w0g3"
    "messageProfile": {
      "msgTemplate": "(HOOK)Your code is 11111",
      "phoneNumber": "9876543210",
      "otpExpires": "2022-01-28T21:48:34.321Z",
      "deliveryChannel": "SMS",
      "otpCode": "11111",
      "locale": "EN-US"

Sample JSON payloads of responses

This section provides example JSON payloads for the supported operations.

Sample response for successful OTP delivery


Sample response for failed OTP delivery

    "errorSummary":"Failed to deliver SMS OTP to test.user@okta.com",
        "errorSummary":"Provider could not deliver OTP",
        "reason":"The content of the message is not supported",
        "location":"South Africa"

Time-out behavior

If the provider response times out, Okta attempts to send the OTP using the Okta telephony providers. See Troubleshoot.

Note: The failover mechanism that uses the Okta telephony providers is heavily rate-limited.


This section explains several common causes of failure for telephony inline hooks.

Note: Administrators can use the Okta System Log to view errors. See the Troubleshooting section in the inline hooks topic for details on events captured by the Okta System Log.

Issue Impact Error Visibility
External service fails to communicate or times out Inline hook operation is skipped, OTP is sent to the Requester using an Okta telephony provider Administrators only
External service responds with any HTTP status code besides 200 Inline hook operation is skipped, OTP is sent to the Requester using an Okta telephony provider Administrators only
External service returns an error object Inline hook operation fails, OTP is sent to the Requester using an Okta telephony provider Administrators, developers, and end users
Hook response is malformed or can't be mapped to the expected API response Inline hook operation is skipped Administrators only
Request header doesn't include an authScheme Inline hook operation is skipped Administrators only
Response uses an invalid status Inline hook operation is skipped Administrators only
Operation adds an active telephony inline hook when a hook exists Inline hook operation is skipped Administrators only