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Identity Providers API

The Identity Providers API reference is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Explore the Okta Public API Collections (opens new window) workspace to get started with the Identity Providers API Postman collection.

Identity Provider key store operations

The key store operations for the Identity Providers API are available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Generate new IdP signing Key Credential

The Generate new IdP signing Key Credential operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

List signing Key Credentials for IdP

The List signing Key Credentials for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Get signing Key Credential for IdP

The Get signing Key Credential for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Clone signing Key Credential for IdP

The Clone signing Key Credential for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Generate signing CSR for IdP

The Generate signing CSR for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Publish signing CSR for IdP

The Publish signing CSR for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Revoke signing CSR from IdP

The Revoke signing CSR for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

List signing CSRs for IdP

The List signing CSRs operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Get signing CSR for IdP

The Get signing CSR for IdP operation is available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).

Identity Provider User operations

The Identity Provider User operations for the Identity Providers API are available at the Okta API reference portal (opens new window).