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Event Types
Event types are the primary method of categorization within the Okta eventing platform. They allow consumers to easily group notable system occurrences based on behavior. This resource contains the complete event type catalog of this platform.
The following is a full list of event types used in the System Log API (opens new window) with associated descriptions and related metadata.
Download a CSV file with all event types: Okta Event Types.
Note: Certain tags on the event type indicate the specific behavior of the associated System Log events:
: This event type is only available in Okta Identity Engine enabled orgsevent-hook-eligible
: This event type is eligible for use with an event hookchangeDetails
: This event type may include thechangeDetails
object within an associated target
Access request canceled. Can be used to audit access to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on request cancellation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the canceled request.
Access request condition activated. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition activation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the activated access request condition.
Access request condition created. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition creation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the created access request condition.
Access request condition deactivated. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition deactivation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the deactivated access request condition.
Access request condition deleted. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition deletion. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the deleted access request condition.
Access request condition invalidated. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition invalidation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the invalidated access request condition.
Access request condition updated. Can be used to audit access request condition to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request condition update. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the updated access request condition.
Access request created. Can be used to audit access to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on request creation. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the created request.
Access request rejected. Can be used to audit access to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on request rejection. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the rejected request.
Access request resolved. Can be used to audit access to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on request resolution. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the resolved request.
Access request sequence created. Can be used to audit the approval sequence and when it was created and what was defined within the sequence to verify the approvals required. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the created access request sequence.
Access request sequence deleted. Can be used to audit the approval sequence and when it was deleted and what was defined within the sequence to verify the approvals required. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the deleted access request sequence.
Access request sequence updated. Can be used to audit the approval sequence and when it was updated and what was defined within the sequence to verify the approvals required. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the updated access request sequence.
Access request settings updated. Can be used to audit access request settings to an Okta resource or to trigger downstream automation that depends on access request settings update. Okta Identity Governance API can be used to get more details about the updated access request settings.
Org is added to an Aerial account. Triggered when an org is added to an Aerial account. This event is fired in both the Aerial org and the added target org.
Org deletion request is cancelled. Triggered when the deletion request is cancelled. This event is fired in the Aerial org. The recovered org will be in the target.
Org is requested to be deleted. Triggered when a org is requested to be deleted. This event is fired in the Aerial org. The user or API client who requested the delete will be the actor and the org to be deleted will be in the target.
Products are updated on an org. Triggered when Products are updated on an org. This event is fired only in the Aerial org.
Org status is updated. Triggered when the status of an org is updated. This event is fired only in the Aerial org.
An admin has provided feedback on a detection Okta provided which indicated a change in user or session risk. This can be used to monitor feedback provided by admins in response to Okta determined changes in risk. This event is fired when an admin chooses to provide feedback on a detection event in the admin console.
A user has downloaded an export file that Okta has generated for a report available in the admin console. This event may be used to identify access by a user to a report data set from Okta. This may be useful to audit access to report data for security investigations, compliance audits, and evaluation of the utility of a report within the Org. This event only indicates that a user has downloaded the export file. The user that downloaded it may not be the user that requested generation of the export file. See analytics.reports.export.request and analytics.reports.export.generate for related actions.
Okta has generated an export file for a report available in the admin console. This event may be used to identify whether Okta successfully generated the export file that a user requested for a report. This event is primarily useful for troubleshooting if a report fails to generate. This event does not indicate whether a user downloaded the report file. See analytics.reports.export.request and analytics.reports.export.download for related actions.
A user has requested that Okta generate an export file for a report available in the admin console. This event may be used to identify a request by a user to export a report data set from Okta. This may be useful to audit access to report data for security investigations, compliance audits, and evaluation of the utility of a report within the Org. This event only indicates that a user requested the export. It does not indicate that an export file was successfully generated by Okta nor that the export file was accessed by a user. See analytics.reports.export.generate and analytics.reports.export.download for those actions.
Request to access an app was approved by an administrator-defined approver.
Request to access an app was denied by an administrator-defined approver.
Request to access an app was deleted by an administrator.
Request to access an app was denied after at least one approver denied the request.
Request to access an app expired by the system due to lack of approver action.
Request to access an app was granted after all approvers approved the request.
Request to access an app was performed by a user.
Active Directory user account set to locked following profile update: user is locked in active directory.
Skipping import of contact due to invalid attribute. Please consult with your Active Directory admin if you believe this contact should be imported.
Skipping import of user due to an invalid AD attribute.
Skipping import of user due to a required AD attribute being null.
Certificate signing request (CSR) generated.
Certificate signing request (CSR) published.
Certificate signing request (CSR) revoked.
Fired when a provision sync job has successfully completed. This can be used to confirm that a provision sync job has finished running and is no longer processing users. When fired, this event contains details about number of users processed in the job. Related events include app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.started and app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.failed.
Fired when a provision sync job has failed. This can be used to identify when a provision sync job has failed. When fired, this event contains information about the reason the provision sync job failed. Related events include app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.started and app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.completed.
Fired when a provision sync job has successfully started. This can be used to confirm that a provision sync job has successfully started. Related events include app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.completed and app.app_instance.provision_sync_job.failed.
Application access report downloaded.
Application access report downloaded.
Recent unassignments report downloaded.
Rogue report downloaded.
User attempted unauthorized access to app.
Successful inbound delegated authentication request for user.
Kerberos based rich client authentication failed: Could not find Office 365 app user for the AD user with principal id.
Kerberos based rich client authentication failed: Unknown app instance id.
Kerberos based rich client authentication failed: Multiple users with username found.
Kerberos based rich client authentication successful for Office 365 user.
Application signing key cloned.
New signing key generated.
Application signing key rotated.
Password change failed.
Administrator consent granted for scope. This event can be used to track when an administrator grants consent to a client to request a specific scope. This event is fired when an admin grants consent.
Administrator consent revoked for scope. This event can be used to track when an administrator revokes consent to a client to request a specific scope. This event is fired when an admin revokes consent.
OAuth2 API Resource is created. Manage and audit lifecycle events of API resources. Administrators are made aware that a new API resource is getting created under Authorization servers.
OAuth2 API Resource is deleted. Manage and audit lifecycle events of API resources. Administrators are made aware that a new API resource is getting deleted under Authorization servers.
OAuth2 API Resource is updated. Manage and audit lifecycle events of API resources. Administrators are made aware that a new API resource is getting updated under Authorization servers.
OAuth2 authorization request.
OAuth2 authorization code request.
OAuth2 authorization implicit access token request.
OAuth2 authorization implicit ID token request.
Some of the requested scopes were denied by the policy.
User granted consent to app.
Consent revoked.
All consent revoked for authorization server.
All consent revoked for client.
All consent revoked for scope.
Consent for all scopes revoked for user.
All consent revoked for user.
User consent revoked for client.
Claim evaluation for OAuth 2.0 token. This event is triggered when the OAuth 2.0 authorization server's claim evaluation process can't be completed and fails. This event is useful when detecting misconfigured claims. Recorded details include the requester's ID, the client ID, the user ID, and the claims that couldn't be evaluated. This verification ensures that access tokens are granted only to requests that fully comply with established security policies, thus safeguarding access to protected resources.
Fired when interaction code is generated by OIE. This event can be used by administrators to audit interaction_code generation, and troubleshoot why the IdX transaction has failed. When fired, this event contains hashed values of the interaction_code and interaction_handle, as well as information about the client to which they were issued.
Fired when interaction handle is generated by OIE. This event can be used by administrators to detect if additional interaction is required and an interaction handle has been issued. When fired this event contains interaction handle hash and the client to which it was issued.
Custom Authorization Server token signing key rolled over.
Detect one-time refresh token attempted reuse. This event can be used by administrators to detect and audit attempted reuse of one-time refresh tokens. When fired this event contains information about the user, client to which the refresh token was minted, and the hash of the refresh tokens.
OAuth2 token request.
OAuth 2.0 access token is granted. This event is triggered within OAuth 2.0 frameworks when an app successfully grants an access token to a user or service. The event occurs post-authentication and authorization, marking the final step in accessing protected resources. Use this event as a comprehensive audit trail for issued tokens. The event captures details such as the client ID, subject ID, token attributes (for example: scope, validity period), and the grant type used. This information helps with security audits, ensuring compliance with access policies and troubleshooting authorization flows. Specifically, variations in token attributes and grant type offer insights into the security posture and operational efficiency of OAuth 2.0 implementations. While this event primarily signifies successfully issued tokens, the event details are helpful in many areas. They help flag potential misuse of token grants or anomalies in token attributes. The event details also help facilitate a prompt response to deviations from established security practices.
Grant an OAuth2 device_secret for the Native SSO flow. This event adds tracking to let admins know when Native SSO is being used to protect desktop or mobile apps. When fired this event contains the device secret id which administrators can use to correlate with single logout events across native desktop apps.
OAuth 2.0 ID token is granted. This event occurs when an OAuth 2.0 authorization server grants an ID token to a client after successful authentication. The ID token, which encapsulates the user's identity information, verifies the user's identity to the client app. Recorded details include the client ID, user ID, token issuance time, and claims associated with the user's identity. You can use this data for security audits, enabling precise tracking of user identity verification across apps. The issuance of an ID token follows established protocols for secure authentication. This ensures that sensitive user information is transmitted securely between the authorization server and the client.
OAuth2 refresh token is granted.
OAuth2 token revocation request.
OIDC authorization request.
OIDC authorization code request.
OIDC authorization implicit access token request.
OIDC authorization implicit ID token request.
Activate OAuth client.
Create OAuth client.
Deactivate OAuth client.
Delete OAuth client.
Update OAuth client.
An OAuth 2.0 client app's admin privileges changed. This can be used to audit the provisioning of admin privileges for OAuth 2.0 client apps. When fired, this event contains information about the type of admin privileges the OAuth 2.0 client app currently has. Related events include: APP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_PRIVILEGE_REVOKE.
All privileges for OAuth 2.0 client app were revoked. This can be used to audit the deprovisioning of admin privileges from OAuth 2.0 client apps. When fired, this event indicates the OAuth 2.0 client app has no more admin privileges. All of OAuth 2.0 client app's privileges were revoked. Related events include: APP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_PRIVILEGE_GRANT.
Read OAuth client's secret(s). Use this event to verify that an OAuth client's secret(s) have been read when the client is returned in certain API responses. For example, an admin might use this event to audit if a client's secrets were read when using the client credentials management API. When fired, this event indicates that an OAuth client's secrets were read. The targets array may include references to multiple client secrets.
Fired when requests from a single client id has consumed majority of an org's rate limit on the OAuth2 endpoint. This event can be used by admins to discover and deactivate a rogue client. The admin is able to manage the client via the Syslog UI. When fired, this event contains information about the responsible client id. As of release, this event is fired when a single client id consumes 90% of an org's OAuth2 rate limit; this threshold is subject to change.
User granted consent to app. This event can be used to identify the org AS consent grant. When fired, the event contains information about the successful consent grant by org AS.
OAuth client credentials (either client secret or JWK) is added for an application. Use this event to find out if an application has a new client secret or private/public key that has been added. This could be used to audit changes made to client credentials.
OAuth client credentials (either client secret or JWK) is activated for an application. Use this event to find out if an application has activated a new client secret or private/public key. This could be used to audit changes made to client credentials.
OAuth client credentials (either client secret or JWK) is deactivated for an application. Use this event to find out if an application has an existing client secret or private/public key that has been deactivated. This could be used to audit changes made to client credentials.
OAuth client credentials (either client secret or JWK) is deleted for an application. Use this event to find out if an application has an existing client secret or private/public key that has been deleted. This could be used to audit changes made to client credentials.
Fired when interaction code is generated by OIE. This event can be used by administrators to audit interaction_code generation, and troubleshoot why the IdX transaction has failed. When fired, this event contains hashed values of the interaction_code and interaction_handle, as well as information about the client to which they were issued.
Fired when interaction handle is generated by OIE. This event can be used by administrators to detect if additional interaction is required and an interaction handle has been issued. When fired this event contains interaction handle hash and the client to which it was issued.
Multiple requests with invalid client credentials for client id.
Org Authorization Server token signing key rolled over.
User performed OIDC single sign on to app.
Detect one-time refresh token attempted reuse. This event can be used by administrators to detect and audit attempted reuse of one-time refresh tokens. When fired this event contains information about the user, client to which the refresh token was minted, and the hash of the refresh tokens.
OIDC token request.
OIDC access token is granted.
OIDC id token is granted.
OIDC refresh token is granted.
OIDC token revocation request.
Tokens revoked for authorization server.
Tokens revoked for client.
Tokens revoked for user.
Trusted authorization server is added. Administrators can use this event to debug and audit trusted authorization server operations. When fired, this event contains the authorization server IDs of the servers involved.
Trusted authorization server is removed. Administrators can use this event to debug and audit trusted authorization server operations. When fired, this event contains the authorization server IDs of the servers involved.
Successfully updated the domain federation from old settings to new settings.
User is assigned to more than one instance of Active Directory, could not set Immutable ID.
Could not determine status of Office 365 user, received error.
Could not create user in Office 365, received error.
Could not deactivate Office 365 user, received error.
Could not download group/role/license data for your Office 365 instance, received error.
Could not download all groups from your Office 365 instance, received error.
Could not download all users from your Office 365 instance, received error.
Unable to reach the Office 365 endpoint.
Unable to read Office 365 directory sync for the company, received error.
Unable to provision user to Office 365, because 'Directory Sync' value in Azure Active Directory is unsupported. Please visit the Azure Active Directory portal and set 'Directory Sync' state to Activated and retry.
Unable to provision user to Office 365, because 'Directory Sync' value in Azure Active Directory not yet in Activated state. This may take up to 72 hours. Please visit the Azure Active Directory portal and retry when in Activated state.
Could not get users by group id from your Office 365 instance, received error.
Could not create Office 365 group, received error.
Could not create Office 365 group because the name is already in use, received error.
Could not delete Office 365 group, received error.
Could not update the Office 365 group membership because of an error assigning a user to the group, received error.
Could not update the Office 365 group membership, received error.
Could not update the Office 365 group membership because the group could not be found, received error.
Could not update the Office 365 group membership because of an error removing a user from the group, received error.
Could not update Office 365 group, received error.
Could not update Office 365 group because it was not found, received error.
Could not import profile for Office 365 user, received error.
No Office 365 endpoint found to send our request.
Could not push password for Office 365 user, received error.
Could not push profile for Office 365 user, received error.
Could not reactivate Office 365 user, received error.
Unable to remove the domain federation, received error.
Unable to remove the domain federation because the admin user is not authorized to perform the task.
Unable to remove the domain federation because the specified domain was not found.
Failed to revoke refresh tokens for user.
Unable to enable Office 365 directory sync for the company, received error.
Unable to enable Office 365 directory sync for the company, because 'Directory Sync' value in Azure Active Directory is unsupported. Please visit the Azure Active Directory portal and set 'Directory Sync' state to Activated.
Unable to setup the domain federation, received error.
Unable to setup the domain federation because the admin user is not authorized to perform the task.
Unable to setup the domain federation because the specified domain is the default domain.
Unable to setup the domain federation because the specified domain was not found.
Failed to sync contact, received error.
Failed to finalize export to Office 365, received error.
Failed to sync group, received error.
Sync could not execute because Office 365 directory sync for the company not yet Activated. Sync will retry after a period of time.
Failed to set attribute, received error.
Failed to sync user, received error.
An error occurred while creating the Azure Active Directory Graph API client. Please try the last operation again. If this error persists, please contact Okta support.
User does not have the Company Administrator role. Please try again with a user which has this role.
Could not validate your Office 365 credentials, received error.
Could not communicate with Office 365 to validate your credentials, received error.
X-MS-Forwarded-Client-IP header either empty or not found in the request.
Successfully removed the domain federation.
Successfully set up the domain federation with new settings.
User sync completed.
Heartbeat sent to Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
Sync job completed.
Sync job completed.
Sync job completed.
Sync job completed.
Begin processing client access conversion for app instance.
Skipping migration of client access rules for app instance.
Skipping sync of conflict object.
Skipping sync of critical system object.
Skipping sync of non security object with invalid mail.
Skipping sync of object with reserved attribute value.
Skipping sync of system mailbox object.
Skipping sync of non security object without name and display name.
An error occurred while importing user.
No MailBox found for Office 365 user.
Rate limit exceeded for Microsoft Graph.
Failure while trying to create service principal.
Failure while trying to create service principal due to a Mircrosoft Graph authentication issue.
End processing Office 365 service principal cleanup.
The admin username or password is invalid. Please use the Azure Active Directory cmdlets to execute the command 'Remove-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId' to manually cleanup the service principal.
Begin performing Office 365 service principal cleanup.
Skipping app instance during Office 365 service principal cleanup as it does not contain Office 365 admin user credentials. Please use the Azure Active Directory cmdlets to execute the command 'Remove-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId' to manually cleanup the service principal.
Skipping app instance during Office 365 service principal cleanup as it does not have a service principal.
Unable to automatically delete the Office 365 service principal. Please use the Azure Active Directory cmdlets to execute the command 'Remove-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId' to manually cleanup the service principal.
Successfully deleted the Office 365 user.
Unable to complete app user lifecycle action for AppUser.
Successfully removed all the licenses for the Office 365 user.
Update app sign on policy. This event is used to audit when an app sign on policy is updated. This event is fired when an admin updates an app's sign on policy and logs what was changed.
Radius agent listener failed.
Radius agent listener succeeded.
Radius agent failed to listen on port.
Radius agent was able to listen on port again.
No permission accessing any Radius app info. This event can be used to monitor and notify admins when some users who access radius app info have no permission. Fired when users who access radius app info have no permission.
No permission accessing info for part of Radius apps. This event can be used to monitor and notify admins when some users who access radius app info have only partial permission. Fired when users who access radius app info have partial permission.
Real time sync added new User.
Real time sync removed existing User.
Fired when a real time import includes an update to an existing user. This can be used to see details about the user updates included in a real time sync import. When fired, this event contains information about the type of update made, including whether or not a user was suspend or unsuspended. Related events include: app.realtimesync.import.details_add_user and app.realtimesync.import.details_delete_user.
A user sent an application request. Used to notify admins that a user made an application request from the Enduser Dashboard. The application request attempts to send an email to an admin with the user's request. This event only indicates that the request was made, not necessarily that the email was successfully delivered.
Error validating instance configuration. Can be used to identify configuration issues with remote user management.
RUM API account is not configured or empty. Can be used to identify RUM API account configuration issues.
Errors during execution. Can be used to identify any errors during execution of remote user management.
Error during package validation. Can be used to identify validation issues with remote user management packages.
Fired when a SAML assertion contains a sensitive attribute, and that sensitive attribute has been updated (modified/added/deleted). This event does not fire when non-sensitive SAML attributes are updated. This can be used to audit that a sensitive attribute attached to an outbound SAML assertion has been correctly modified, added, or deleted. When fired, this event contains the specific attributes that have been modified, added, or deleted to/from the SAML assertion. Related events include: application.lifecycle.update.
Imported new or deleted existing member of an application group.
A Group Push mapping to the group has been created from the rule.
A Group Push mapping to the group did not get created from rule because an existing mapping already existed.
A Group Push mapping to the group did not get created from rule because of the validation error.
A Group Push mapping to the group did not get created from rule.
Okta users ignored while pushing group to AppInstance.
Error reading line from CSV.
Successfully pushed new user account to app.
Could not apply import.
Failed to create group from app.
Deleted the group from app.
Failed to update group from app.
Failed to import the group from app. This event helps identify when a group is failed to be imported. Fired when we skip processing an import of a group.
Imported the group from app.
App user property mapping has invalid expressions. Can be used to identify invalid expressions. Note that a single event is fired for all invalid expressions.
Event fired when a app list cache is invalidated because a new app is created. Can be used to make sure App List cache is invalidated after a new app is created.
Application configuration error detected.
Disable delegated authentication for app.
Disable Federation Broker Mode for app.
Enable delegated authentication for app.
Enable Federation Broker Mode for app.
Okta couldn't download application configuration. Can be used to identify when an app schema couldn't be downloaded from a remote application. Event fired when Okta couldn't download application-specific data from a remote app. This may happen when admin updates provisioning details.
A client secret in an MFA-only app has been read. Verify that a client secret in an MFA-only app has been read. This events indicates that a client secret in an MFA-only app has been read.
Reset app logo.
Okta couldn't verify api credentials. Can be used when Okta couldn't check the credentials by execution some custom, application dependent, set of requests. Okta fires this event to notify issues with credentials validation. Could be issues with proper permissions as well.
Update API credentials due to user updating password.
Change app logo.
Update rate limits for an OAuth App. This can be used to track the updates to rate limits for an OAuth application. When fired, this event contains details about the actor, who triggered the event, the OAuth app, for which the rate limit was updated, etc. Actual value change details can be found in debug data such as the old and new values.
Unable to query remote API. Can be used to determine when okta fails to query remote application. Okta fires this event for unspecified events which include remote api response processing.
Error authenticating. Can be used when Okta couldn't authenticate with the provided credentials to a remote api. Okta fires this event when it couldn't access a remote api with provided credentials.
Generic error occured. Can be used when there is some uncategorized error occurs. Okta fires this event for different unhandled exceptions.
API rate limit exceeded. Can be used when Okta reaches api calls/minute rate limit. Okta fires this event when there are too many requests for a specific customer.
Unable to transfer files. Can be used when Okta fails to transfer files from one user to another. Okta fires this event when it fails to process user-to-user file transfers.
Activate application.
Create application.
Deactivate application.
Delete application.
Update application.
Deny user access due to app sign on policy. When fired due to app assurance being evaluated as unsatisfiable (the policy requirements could not be satisfied by the users' current set of available authenticator enrollments), this event contains information about the user and the app that the user is trying to authenticate into.
Create rule for app sign on policy.
Delete rule from app sign on policy.
Update app sign on policy.
Event fired when field mapping rules modified. Can be used to make sure when custom mapping rules are modified.
Fired when Okta provisions a new group on a remote application. Can be used to identify when Okta provisions a group on a remote application. Event fired when the group provisioning failed for any reason.
Fired when Okta downloads a remote group. Can be used to identify when Okta tries to download remote group details. Event fired when Okta fails to reach the group detail from a remote application.
Fired when Okta removes a remote group. Can be used to identify when a group has been unassigned. Event fired when Okta failed to delete group from remote application.
Fired when Okta updates the user group. Can be used to identify when a group has been updated. Event fired when Okta fails to update a remote group for any reason.
Fired when group no longer exists on a remote application. Can be used to identify when a group no longer exists on a remote application. Event fired when group push enhancement enabled and there is no group found on update or delete.
Failed to assign a user to a group. Can be used when Okta failed to assign user to a group on remote application. Okta fires this event if there are any issues while provision a membership to a remote application.
Error while downloading memberships. Can be used when Okta failed to download users and groups relationships. Okta fires this event if there are any issues while importing a membership from a remote application.
Fired when there is an error while removing user(s) from group. Can be used when Okta failed to unassign user from a group on remote application. Okta fires this event when there are any issues while provision a membership to a remote application.
Fired when there is an error while updating user group membership for group. Can be used when Okta failed to push updated memberships to a remote application. Okta fires this event when couldn't update memberships on a remote application. Could be user removal/addition.
Group push activated mappings.
Group push deactivated mappings. Can be used to audit when a group push mapping is deactivated or to trigger downstream automation. The corresponding event type for activating a group push mapping is application.provision.group_push.activate_mapping.
Group push deleted application group.
An existing mapping and its target groups have been deleted because a mapping rule was deleted.
A mapped app group has been renamed because the source group was renamed.
A mapped app group couldn't be renamed when the source group was renamed.
A new mapping has been created.
A new mapping from a rule was not created due to a duplicate group name.
A new mapping from a rule was not created due to another mapping will be created that has the same user group name.
An upsert to a group caused group push rule re-evaluation. A new mapping from a rule was not created due to a duplicate group name.
An existing mapping has been deactivated because the source group was renamed.
An existing mapping couldn't be deactivated when the source group was renamed.
Group push mapping change failed and will be retried. Can be used to identify transient errors that may temporarily impact the group push mapping but likely do not require admin intervention. This event typically requires no action as the corresponding operation will be retried. Refer to application.provision.group_push.mapping.update.or.delete.failed for events that may require intervention.
Group push mapping change failed and cannot be retried. Can be used to identify group push mapping errors which may require admin intervention to address. Unlike the similarly named event, application.provision.group_push.mapping.update.or.delete.failed, when this event is fired the corresponding action that triggered it will not be retried by Okta and may indicate a configuration problem. For example, invalid authorization credentials with the target application due to an expired password or invalid access token.
Group push pushed memberships.
A group was pushed to an app.
A group was removed from an app.
A group was updated in an app.
Application integration API called.
Activate user's application membership.
Push user deactivation to external application.
Deprovision user from external application.
Deactivate user from external application.
Import profile from external application.
Issue pushing user password to external application.
Push new user to external application.
Push user's Okta password to application.
Push user's password to application.
Push user's profile to external application.
Push user reactivation in external application.
Sync user in external application.
Verify user exists in external application.
Create registration policy.
Update registration policy.
Add user to application membership.
User approved for application (assigned by not provisioned).
Change application password for user.
Change user's application username.
User deprovisioned from application (was previously revoked).
User provisioned to application (was previously approved).
Remove user's application membership.
Restore user assignment to an application.
Restore user's password for an application.
User revoked from application (unassigned but not yet deprovisioned).
Show user's password for application.
Updated user application property.
Triggered when a campaign is closed. This event can be used by admins to audit Access Certification Review activity to understand when a Campaign Instance has transitioned into the closed state. This event is triggered when a Campaign is closed either by an admin or on the configured campaign end date.
Triggered when the customizable context settings are updated at org level. Can be used to audit customizable context settings changes in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered when the customizable context settings are updated at the org level.
Triggered when a new campaign is created. Can be used to audit campaign activity in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered by creating a new campaign.
Triggered when a campaign is deleted. Can be used to audit campaign activity in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered by deleting a campaign.
Triggered when a decision on the access to a resource is made. Can be used to audit the decision activity related to an item in a certification campaign, such as the access of a user to an application. The outcome.result field will be SUCCESS for a decision to approve or revoke and will be SKIPPED for a decision to delegate. This is triggered when a reviewer makes a decision on a campaign item, or at the end of a campaign if an item has not been reviewed. The result of the decision is included in the debugData (APPROVE, REVOKE, DELEGATE, NORESPONSE).
Triggered when the remediation is performed on the campaign item. Can be used to audit remediation activity in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered when the remediation is acted upon by reviewer.
Triggered when a campaign is launched. This event can be used by admins to audit Access Certification Review activity to understand when a Campaign Instance has transitioned into the Active state. This event is triggered when a Campaign starts and moves from scheduled to active.
Triggered when a campaign is updated. Can be used to audit campaign activity in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered by updating a campaign.
Triggered when the remediation state is open. Can be used to audit remediation activity in the system log as well as reports. This is triggered when the remediation state is open.
Too many requests in flight.
Evaluate Expression Language.
Failed to download CRL from the endpoint.
Fired when a credential is registered. This event fires when the registration of a credential is successful or fails. This can be used to audit that a credential has been successfully registered, and troubleshoot why a credential registration attempt has failed.
Fired when a credential is revoked. This event fires when the revocation of a credential is successful or fails. This can be used to audit that a credential has been successfully revoked, and troubleshoot why a credential revocation attempt has failed.
Add device assurance policy. Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is created. The name and platform of the new policy are included in the event.
Delete device assurance policy. Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is deleted. The name of the deleted policy is included in the event.
Update device assurance policy. Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is updated, and what changed. The details of what is changed in the policy are included in the event.
Fired when a Push notification sent to a device for custom app. Used to log success and failure for the push notifications with relevant information to allow org developers to troubleshoot push configurations for custom push authenticator. Note that this event is fired whenever a Push is sent.
Fired when a Desktop MFA configuration is updated by an admin. Admin can monitor who update the Desktop MFA configuration value. More details of configuration update in Target.changeDetails.
Fired when a device completes a user logout operation and sends the result to Okta. Admin can monitor whether if the user is logged out from a device successfully. You can correlate this event with the device.desktop_mfa.device_logout.started event using trace_id.
Fired when device logout process is started for a user. The user will be logged out from devices protected by Desktop MFA. Admin can monitor when device logout process is started and what triggers it. If the logout is triggered by Universal Logout flow, you can correlate this event with the user.authentication.universal_logout event using trace_id.
Fired when a Desktop MFA enrollment is registered to Okta Server. Admin can monitor which Okta user and device has enrolled with Desktop MFA. The registration happens after a user logs in a device with an online factor.
Fired when a device recovery PIN is generated by an admin. Admin can monitor who generates a device recovery PIN for which user and device. The event is fired even when the generation fails.
Fired when a device rotates the device recovery PIN secret for Desktop MFA to Okta server. Admin can monitor if a rotation happens for the device recovery PIN secret of a user on a device. The rotation is supposed to happen every 7 days for each user on each device.
Enroll new device. This can be used by any admin to monitor when a new device is registered successfully for Okta Verify. The user must have below the max allowed devices and a valid device status (not suspended or deactivated).The targets field contains key details of the enrolled device including name, status, serialNumber, imei, meid, osVersion, osPlatform. which may be useful for identifying the device, tracking which device platforms and OS versions that enrolled in Okta Device Authenticator.
Triggered when an admin adds an endpoint security device integration configuration. You can use the event to audit endpoint security device integration configuration status change. When triggered, the endpoint security device integration configuration has been activated for a device platform and the endpoint security device integration signals will be requested from devices.
Triggered when an admin deactivates an endpoint security device integration configuration. You can use the event to audit endpoint security device integration configuration status change. When triggered, the endpoint security device integration configuration has been deactivated for a device platform and the endpoint security device integration signals will be not be requested from devices.
Activate device. You can use the event to audit device status change. When triggered, the device can be suspended or deactivated. Also, a user can access protected resources from an active device if permitted by the App Sign-On policies applied to the resources.
Deactivate device. You can use the event to audit device status change. When a device is deactivated, it can not be associated with any Okta Verify factor in the future.
Delete device. You can use the event to audit device status change. When triggered, the device no longer appears in the Admin Console.
Suspend device. You can use the event to audit device status change. When triggered, access to the device is temporarily paused for users such as contractors or employees who take a leave of absence. Only active devices can be suspended. If a device suspension fails, the cause may be that the device was not active and therefore cannot be suspended.
Unsuspend device. You can use the event to audit device status change. When triggered, all Okta Verify factors associated with the device are unsuspended, and users can access protected resources from the device.
Created a local OS account on the device by validating and using Okta credentials. This event can be used to identify a device and corresponding user for which Okta has created a local OS account with the Just-in-Time (JIT) local account creation feature. If this action succeeds, an event of type device.user_os_account.sync will be subsequently fired. This event contains more information about the specific OS characteristics of the account. Note that the event is fired even when the account creation is unsuccessful.
Fired when the OS tries to sync a local account password with an Okta password. Can be used to audit that a credential has been successfully registered, and troubleshoot why a credential registration attempt has failed. Note that the event is fired even when the password sync is unsuccessful.
This event fires when Desktop Password Sync enrollment is successful or fails. Can be used to audit which users enrolled in Desktop Password Sync or troubleshoot why enrollment failed. Note that the event is fired even when the enrollment is unsuccessful.
Triggered when an admin adds a device management platform. You can use the event to audit device management platform status change. When triggered, the device management platform will be available to the org.
Triggered when an admin deletes a device management platform. You can use the event to audit device management platform status change. When triggered, the device management platform no longer appears in the Admin Console.
Triggered when a component of the device management platform is renewed, such as a registration authority used during SCEP flows. You can use the event to audit device management platform renewals. For example, auditing if and when a registration authority was renewed in order to continue being used during SCEP flows. This can be triggered automatically by our automated renewal systems when the device management platform component is within the renewal period. The renewed component will appear in the Admin Console.
Triggered when an admin resets the secret key for a device management platform. You can use the event to audit device management platform secret key change. When triggered, the previous device management platform secret key is no longer valid.
Triggered when an admin updates a device management platform configuration. Also triggered when anRA configuration or SCEP challenge is updated in the CA Renewal Activation framework (triggered by admin or automated job). You can use the event to audit device management platform configuration change. An admin can update some fields in the device management platform configuration. Additionally the CA Renewalactivation framework can update RA Configurations or SCEP Challenges.
A device registered public keys for Platform Single Sign-On (SSO). May be useful to troubleshoot failed PlatformSSO authentications or to identify unexpected key rotations. This event typically occurs as the result of an action in taken in an MDM profile. When new Device PlatformSSO keys are registered, a user must re-enroll into PlatformSSO.
Add device posture check. Use this event to monitor when a custom device posture check is created. The platform, name, variable name, description, and query of the new device posture check are included in the event.
Delete device posture check. Use this event to monitor when a device posture check is deleted. The name of the deleted device posture check is included in the event.
Update device posture check. Use this event to monitor when a device posture check is updated, and what changed. The details of what is changed in the device posture check are included in the event.
Indicates that a new push notification service has been successfully created. The notification service enables push notification as an authentication option through Okta to a push provider such as the Apple Push Notification service or the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service. You can use this event to verify when a notification service was created for a custom app. When triggered, a new push notification service appears in the Admin Console.
Indicates that a push notification service has been deleted. The notification service enables push notification as an authentication option through Okta to a push provider such as the Apple Push Notification service or the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service. You can use this event to verify when a notification service was deleted for a custom app. When triggered, a push notification service is removed from the Admin Console.
Indicates that a push notification service has been updated. The notification service enables push notification as an authentication option through Okta to a push provider such as the Apple Push Notification service or the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service. You can use this event to verify when a notification service was updated for a custom app. When triggered, a push notification service is updated in the Admin Console.
A registered device associated with at least one user session hasn't communicated with Okta within the required time interval. Use this event to find registered devices that have lost communication with Okta. This event contains the device unique identifier in the System Log actor object. You can use this information to find other related events.
Okta Verify device enrollment token created with existing Okta Verify enrollment. Identifies an Okta verify device enrollment token which allows a user to enroll a new Okta Verify client on a different device. May be useful to evaluate the context under which an Okta Verify enrollment was authorized for the purpose of security investigation or analysis of user preference. The target specifies the existing Okta Verify enrollment which was used to authorize token creation. It does not specify whether the token was actually used to enroll a new device. Refer to the event type device.enrollment.create to identify newly enrolled Okta Verify clients.
Add device to user. You can use the event to audit device user association activity. The event is triggered when a user adds a new account in Okta Verify.
Remove device from user. You can use the event to audit device user association activity. The device remains in the Universal Directory after the user is removed.
Fired when an OS User Account data is recorded in Okta's backend system. Will allow an admin to identify and audit which OS User Accounts from Okta registered devices are captured in Okta's backend system. The collected data can subsequently be used to identify which OS accounts are enrolled with Okta Device Agents, such as DesktopMFA, Desktop Password Sync etc. After the initial record is created, this event is triggered only when subsequent sync detects changes to the account information.
Bootstrap application user profile.
Update application user profile.
External API call to add user group membership in a directory. This event audits the directory integration API when it adds a user to a group in a directory. Note that the event is fired even when the API call is unsuccessful.
External API call to remove user group membership in a directory. This event audits the directory integration API when it removes a user from a group in a directory. Note that the event is fired even when the API call is unsuccessful.
An admin can create a linked object that is related to user profiles. This event may be used to identify when a linked object is created, and who created the linked object. This may be useful for admins to validate why a change in the user profile has happened. While linked object creation does not trigger or happen as a result of another event, it is overall related to custom property update, creation and deletion. This event only indicates the creation of a linked object. See directory.linked_object.delete for deletion of linked objects.
An admin can delete a linked object that is related to user profiles. This event may be used to identify when a linked object is deleted, and who deleted the linked object. This may be useful for admins to validate why a change in the user profile has happened. While linked object creation does not trigger or happen as a result of another event, it is overall related to custom property update, creation and deletion. This event only indicates the deletion of a linked object. See directory.linked_object.create for creation of linked objects.
Update universal directory mappings.
Create non-default universal directory user profile. This can be used to audit that a new non-default universal directory user profile has been created. When fired, this event contains the name and id of the newly created user profile.
Bootstrap universal directory user profile.
Update universal directory user profile directory.user_profile.update.
Triggered when an event hook has been activated. Used to notify admins that an event hook has been activated. When triggered, this events contains information about the activated event hook.
Triggered when an event hook has been created. Used to notify admins that an event hook has been created. When triggered, this events contains information about the created event hook.
Triggered when an event hook has been deactivated. Used to notify admins that an event hook has been deactivated. When triggered, this events contains information about the deactivated event hook.
Triggered when an event hook has been deleted. Used to notify admins that an event hook has been deleted. When triggered, this events contains information about the deleted event hook.
Triggered when an event hook delivery fails. Used to identify when an event hook from Okta is not successfully delivered to the configured endpoint. Note that the event is triggered only when the delivery is unsuccessful.
Triggered when an event hook has been updated. Used to notify admins that an event hook has been updated. When triggered, this events contains information about the updated event hook.
Triggered when attempting to verify an event hook. Used to notify admins about the outcome of event hook endpoint URL verification. Note that the event is fired even when the verification is unsuccessful.
Add assigned application to group.
Remove assigned application from group.
No Description
Update assigned application in group.
Create Okta group. This can be used to make sure an Okta group is successfully created. Event fired when an Okta group is successfully created.
Delete Okta group. This can be used to make sure an Okta group is successfully deleted. Event fired when an Okta group is successfully deleted.
Group's admin privilege granted. This can be used to audit the provisioning of admin privileges for groups. When fired, this event contains information about the type of admin privileges the group currently has, and what entity sources the group. The group granted privileges can be an Okta sourced group, and AD-sourced group, or an LDAP-sourced group Related events include: GROUP_PRIVILEGE_REVOKE.
Group's admin privilege revoked. This can be used to audit the deprovisioning of admin privileges from groups. When fired, this event indicates the group has no more admin privileges. All of group's privileges were revoked. Related events include: GROUP_PRIVILEGE_GRANT.
Okta group profile updated. Events of this type can be used by an IT administrator who wants to trigger an Okta Workflow to provision groups into downstream systems. The utility of the Event type is for Provisioning use cases to downstream systems.A classic example of this is a customer who uses Okta for Office 365 LCM, and wants to push a distribution list from Okta to Office 365.
Add user to group membership.
Remove user from group membership.
Add user to group membership exclusion rule.
No Description
group membership rule is in error state.
No Description
Invalidate group membership rule.
Trigger group membership rule.
IAM policy configuration update. Use this event to track and audit updates to IAM policy configuration for the org. This event contains information about the IAM policy configuration updates for an org.
Admin role assignment is created. This event can be used to track and audit when a new admin role assignment is created. When fired this event contains information about the new user or group admin assignments for roles associated with the resource set.
Admin assignment is deleted. This event can be used to track and audit when an admin role assignment is deleted. When fired this event contains information about the deleted user or group admin assignments for roles associated with the resource set.
Resource set is created. This event can be used to track and audit when a resource set is created. When fired this event contains information about the resources contained in the resource set that is created.
Resource set is deleted. This event can be used to track and audit when a resource set is deleted. When fired this event contains information about the resources contained in the resource set that is deleted.
Resources are added to a resource set. This event can be used to audit the resources added to a resource set. When fired this event contains information about the resources added to the resource set.
Resources are deleted from a resource set. This event can be used to audit the resources deleted from a resource set. When fired this event contains information about the resources deleted from the resource set.
Resources updated in a resource set. Used this event to audit resources updated in a resource set. This event contains information about resources that were updated in a resource set.
Resource set update. Use this event to track and audit when a resource set was updated. This event contains information about the updated name and description of the resource set.
Custom admin role is created. This event can be used to track and audit when a custom admin role is created. When fired this event contains information about the permissions contained in the role that is created.
Custom admin role is deleted. This event can be used to track and audit when a custom admin role is deleted. When fired this event contains information about the permissions contained in the role that is deleted.
Conditions added to a permission in Okta. Use this event to evaluate impact on admin privileges as their scope might be impacted. This event is triggered when a condition is added to a role-based permission in Okta. A condition on a permission allows super admins to implement finer grained authorizations for stricter security postures. The event can be accompanied with other events for permissions such as iam.role.permissions.add.
Conditions deleted from a permission in Okta. Use this event to evaluate impact on admin privileges as their scope might be impacted. This event is triggered when a condition is deleted from a role-based permission in Okta. A condition on a permission allows super admins to implement finer grained authorizations for stricter security postures. The event can be accompanied with other events for permissions such as iam.role.permissions.delete.
Permissions are added to a custom admin role. This event can be used to audit the permissions added to a custom admin role. When fired this event contains information about the permissions added to the role.
Permissions are deleted from a custom admin role. This event can be used to audit the permissions deleted from a custom admin role. When fired this event contains information about the permissions deleted from the role.
Custom admin role update. Use this event to track and audit when a custom admin role was updated. This event contains information about the updated name and description of the role.
Triggered when an inline hook in activated. Used to identify when an inline hook lifecycle status was changed to activated. When triggered, this events contains information about the activated inline hook.
Triggered when an inline hook has been created. Used to notify admins that an inline hook has been created. When triggered, this events contains information about the created inline hook.
Triggered when an inline hook is deactivated. Used to identify when an inline hook lifecycle status was changed to deactivated. When triggered, this events contains information about the deactivated inline hook.
Triggered when an inline hook has been deleted. Used to notify admins that an inline hook has been deleted. When triggered, this events contains information about the deleted inline hook.
Triggered when an inline hook has been executed. Used to notify admins about the outcome of execution of an inline hook. Note that the event is fired when the execution is unsuccessful.
Triggered after Okta has finished processing response from an inline hook. Used to notify admins about the outcome of processing response from an inline hook. Note that the event is fired even when the processing is unsuccessful.
Triggered when an inline hook has been modified. Used to notify admins that an inline hook has been updated. When triggered, this events contains information about the updated inline hook.
Triggered when attempting to verify an inline hook. Used to notify admins about the outcome of inline hook endpoint URL verification. Note that the event is fired even when the verification is unsuccessful.
Authorize API service integration. This event is triggered when an admin authorized an OAuth 2.0 service app from the Okta Integration Network (OIN) to access the Okta org (tenant) using Okta management APIs. An API service integration is an integration to an OAuth 2.0 service app available from the Okta Integration Network (OIN).
Revoke API service integration. This event is triggered when an admin revoked API access from an OAuth 2.0 service app to the Okta org. An API service integration is an integration to an OAuth 2.0 service app available from the Okta Integration Network (OIN).
User provisioned to app.
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
No Description
Authorization server is activated.
Authorization server is created.
Authorization server is deactivated.
Authorization server is deleted.
Authorization server is updated.
OAuth2 claim is created.
OAuth2 claim is deleted.
OAuth2 claim is updated.
OAuth2 scope is created.
OAuth2 scope is deleted.
OAuth2 scope is updated.
Using untrusted origin for redirection.
The periodic Active Directory account discovery process has completed in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to determine when the periodic account discovery job of for an Active Directory connection has completed. This event will be fired on success or failure.
Update the Active Directory account assignment rule in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to determine when an Active Directory account assignment rule has been updated in Okta Privileged Access. This event will be sent when individual rules for an account are created, deleted, or their priority ororder is changed.
Update an Active Directory connection status in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to determine when an Active Directory connection has been updated in Okta Privileged Access. Status values are CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED, or INACTIVE.
This event is triggered after an Active Directory Connection is created for discovering servers in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after an Active Directory Connection is deleted in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after an Active Directory Connection is updated in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after settings that are related to discovering servers in an Active Directory connection are created in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after settings that are related to discovering servers in an Active Directory connection are deleted in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after settings that are related to discovering servers in an Active Directory connection are updated in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after the schedule for discovering Active Directory servers is updated in Advanced Server Access.
This event is triggered after the settings for discovering Active Directory users in an Active Directory connection is activated. Use this event to monitor activation of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after settings that are related to discovering users in an Active Directory connection are created. Use this event to monitor creation of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after the settings for discovering Active Directory users in an Active Directory connection is deactivated. Use this event to monitor deactivation of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after the settings for discovering Active Directory users in an Active Directory connection is deleted. Use this event to monitor deletion of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after settings that are related to discovering users in an Active Directory connection are updated. Use this event to monitor update of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after the schedule for discovering Active Directory users in an Active Directory connection is updated. Use this event to monitor schedule update of AD User Sync Task Settings objects. This event contains reference to an AD User Sync Task Settings object.
This event is triggered after a service user's API key is deleted.
This event is triggered after a service user's API key is rotated.
This event is triggered when an ASA client has been authenticated and is issued an authentication token with elevated capabilities.
This event is triggered after a billing contact is created for an ASA team. This event is only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after an ASA client is assigned to an ASA user.
This event is triggered after an ASA client is enrolled with ASA.
This event is triggered after an ASA client is removed from a team.
This event is triggered after the state of an ASA client is updated.
This event is triggered after an ASA client enrollment policy is created.
This event is triggered after an ASA client enrollment policy is deleted.
This event is triggered after an ASA client enrollment policy is updated.
This event is triggered after an ASA client enrollment token is deleted.
This event is triggered after an ASA client enrollment token is rotated.
This event is triggered after a project cloud account is created for importing servers into ASA.
This event is triggered after a cloud account has been removed from a project.
This event is triggered after a cloud account, which is used for importing servers into ASA, is updated.
This event is triggered after a sudo entitlement object is added to a project.
This event is triggered after a sudo entitlement object is created.
This event is triggered after a sudo entitlement object is removed.
This event is triggered after a sudo entitlement object is removed from a project.
This event is triggered after a sudo entitlement object is updated.
This event is triggered after an ASA gateway is created.
This event is triggered after an ASA gateway is deleted.
This event is triggered after a gateway setup token is created.
This event is triggered after a gateway setup token is deleted.
This event is triggered after a gateway setup token is updated.
This event is triggered after settings are updated on an ASA gateway.
This event is triggered after the gateway issues credentials for a server.
This event is triggered after the members belonging to an ASA group were updated in bulk by a SCIM driver.
This event is triggered after an ASA group is created.
This event is triggered after an ASA group is deleted.
This event is triggered when an ASA team admin from another team has approved a request to federate identities identities from their team to this team. Only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after an ASA team admin submits a request to federate identities from a different team to their team. This event is only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after a user is added to an ASA group.
This event is triggered after a user is removed from an ASA group.
This event is triggered after disconnected mode is disabled for a group.
This event is triggered after disconnected mode is enabled for a group.
This event is triggered after disconnected mode credentials are rotated for a group.
This event is triggered when an ASA team admin from this team has approved a request to federate identities from this team to another team. Only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after a user password changed. This event is only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after a user password reset request is submitted. This event is only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after group permissions are updated.
This event is triggered after a preauthorization is created.
This event is triggered after a preauthorization is updated.
This event is triggered after a group is added to a project.
This event is triggered after a Project is created. For ASA, this event only contains the Project name. For Okta Privileged Access, this event contains the Project name and the associated Resource Group.
This event is triggered after a Project is deleted. For ASA, this event only contains the Project name. For Okta Privileged Access, this event contains the Project name and the associated Resource Group.
This event is triggered after a group is removed from a project.
This event is triggered after a Project is updated. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the Project name and the associated Resource Group.
This event is triggered after server selectors for a group assigned to a project are updated.
This event is triggered when a resource's checkin process completes or fails to complete. Monitor 'FAILED' outcomes of this event to identify resources that may be unavailable for checkout due to an incomplete checkin. This event contains details of the original checkout and, if a failure occurred, the reason why the checkin failed.
This event is triggered when a previously checked out resource has its checkin process started. Use this event to identify when a user's exclusive access to a resource has ended. This event contains details of the original checkout and the user who checked it in.
This event is triggered when a resource is checked out. Use this event to identify the exclusive access to resources. This event contains details of the resource and the user who checked it out.
This event is triggered after a Resource Group is created. Monitor this event to be notified when new teams in your Okta org begin using Okta Privileged Access. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator has created a new Resource Group to manage resources.
This event is triggered after a Resource Group is deleted. Monitor this event to be notified when a team in your Okta org stops managing access to a resource. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator deleted a Resource Group.
This event is triggered after a Resource Group is updated. Monitor this event to be notified when Resource Group settings change. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator has modified the settings for a Resource Group.
This event is triggered when a Secret, such as a password, stored in the Okta Privileged Access Vault is created. Use this event to identify the creation of a Secret. For example, creating a Secret at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret and an Actor. The Actor is the User that created the Secret.
This event is triggered when a Secret, such as a password, stored in the Okta Privileged Access Vault is deleted. Use this event to identify the deletion of an existing Secret. For example, deleting a Secret at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret and an Actor. The Actor is the User that deleted the Secret.
This event is triggered when the contents of a Secret, such as a password, is revealed to a user. Use this event to identify the access of a Secret. For example, accessing a Secret at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret and an Actor. The Actor is the User that revealed the Secret.
This event is triggered when a Secret, such as a password, stored in the Okta Privileged Access Vault is updated. Use this event to identify an update to an existing Secret. For example, updating a Secret at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret and an Actor. The Actor is the User that updated the Secret.
This event is triggered after a Secret Folder is created. Secret Folders are containers used to organize and store Secrets. Use this event to identify the creation of a Secret Folder. For example, creating a Secret Folder at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret Folder and an Actor. The Actor is the User that created the Secret Folder.
This event is triggered after a Secret Folder is deleted. Secret Folders are containers used to organize and store Secrets. Use this event to identify the deletion of an existing Secret Folder. For example, deleting a Secret Folder at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret Folder and an Actor. The Actor is the User that deleted the Secret Folder.
This event is triggered after a Secret Folder is updated. Secret Folders are containers used to organize and store Secrets. Use this event to identify an update to an existing Secret Folder. For example, updating a Secret Folder at an unusual time or outside of a standard process may be of interest to security analysts. Each event of this type references the name of the related Secret Folder and an Actor. The Actor is the User that updated the Secret Folder.
This event is triggered after a Security Policy is created. Use this event to determine when Security Administrators create new Security Policies. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the Principals associated with the Security Policy and the number of rules in the policy.
This event is triggered after a Security Policy is deleted. Use this event to indicate that a policy that was previously in place is no longer active and end user access to resources may be changed. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the Principals associated with the Security Policy and the number of rules in the policy.
This event is triggered when an operation requires a Security Policy evaluation. Use this event to understand how Security Policies are utilized to control access to resources. Currently, this event is only triggered when a user isn't authorized to perform an operation due to existing Security Policies.
This event is triggered after a Security Policy is updated. Use this event to determine when Security Administrators update Security Policies and to identify important changes made to policies. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the Principals associated with the Security Policy and the number of rules in the policy.
This event is triggered after a server running the Okta ASA agent has enrolled with ASA.
This event is triggered after a server is reassigned from one project to another.
This event is triggered after a server is removed from the ASA inventory.
This event is triggered after a user performs an SSH login to a server.
This event is triggered after a server account is first discovered by the Server Agent. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the name of the discovered account and the associated server.
This event is triggered after a password rotation is requested for a local server account. Use this event to verify that the password settings are being correctly applied to your servers. This event contains the name of the local server account being modified and the associated server.
This event is triggered after a server account password is altered via a method other than scheduled rotation. You MUST monitor this event to ensure that unauthorized users are not attempting to reset local server account passwords in an attempt to gain access to servers. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the modified server account and the associated server.
This event is triggered after a server reports an attempt to perform a password rotation. The outcome.result field contains either 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILURE' and should be monitored to detect any password rotation errors. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the name of the local server account, the associated server, and indicates if the rotation was successful.
This event is triggered after a discovered server account is updated. Use this event to observe how often the system updates server accounts. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the name of the updated account and the associated server.
This event is triggered after server labels are updated.
This event is triggered after a service bound to a service user is created on a server.
This event is triggered after a service is removed from a server.
Assign a service account to a resource group project. Use this event to determine when a service account has been brought under active management in Okta Privileged Access. This event contains the resource group and project IDs to which the service account was assigned.
Create a service account in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to verify when a service account has successfully created in Okta Privileged Access. The creation request can only be initiated via Universal Directory. For Universal Directory accounts, the outcome result can be SUCCESS or FAILURE. For third-party app service accounts, the outcome result can be SUCCESS, FAILURE, or DEFERRED.
Delete a service account in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to verify when a service account has successfully deleted in Okta Privileged Access. The deletion request can only be initiated via Universal Directory. The outcome result can be SUCCESS or FAILURE.
Reveal password for a service account in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to identify for which account the Okta Privileged Access user revealed the password. Contains the details on the user access method the user used to reveal the password.
Update password for a service account in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to identify for which account the Okta Privileged Access user updated the password. Contains the details on the user access method the user used to update the password.
Indicates password rotation completion event. Use this event to determine the final status of a password rotation for a given service account. The outcome result can be SUCCESS, FAILURE or DEFERRED, based on settings and retry mechanisms in Okta Privileged Access.
Initiate password rotation for a service account. Use this event to determine when password rotation for a given service account has begun. The outcome result can be SUCCESS or FAILURE. The outcome reason can be ASSIGNMENT, FORCED, CHECKIN or SCHEDULED, based on the password rotation trigger.
Update a service account's details in Okta Privileged Access. Use this event to verify when a service account has successfully updated in Okta Privileged Access. The update request can only be initiated via Universal Directory. The outcome result can be SUCCESS or FAILURE.
This event is triggered after a sudo command bundle is created. Use this event to determine when Resource Administrators create a new Sudo Command Bundle. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator has created a new sudo command bundle.
This event is triggered after a sudo command bundle is deleted. Use this event to determine when Resource Administrators delete an existing Sudo Command Bundle. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator has deleted a sudo command bundle.
This event is triggered after a sudo command bundle is updated. Use this event to determine when Resource Administrators update an existing Sudo Command Bundle. Only applicable for Okta Privileged Access. This event defines when a Resource Administrator has updated a new sudo command bundle.
This event is triggered after a team is created in ASA.
This event is triggered after team-level group attributes are created.
This event is triggered after team-level group attributes are deleted.
This event is triggered after team-level group attributes are updated.
This event is triggered after an invitation to join a team is sent. This event is only applicable to legacy ASA customers.
This event is triggered after project-level group attribute overrides are created.
This event is triggered after project-level group attribute overrides are deleted.
This event is triggered after project-level group attribute overrides are updated.
This event is triggered after project-level user attribute overrides are created.
This event is triggered after project-level user attribute overrides are deleted.
This event is triggered after project-level user attribute overrides are updated.
This event is triggered after team settings are updated.
This event is triggered after team-level user attributes are created.
This event is triggered after team-level user attributes are deleted.
This event is triggered after team-level user attributes are updated.
This event is triggered after an ASA client is enrolled by using the 'sft fleet enroll' command.
This event is triggered after a server is created in ASA directly through the API and not by an ASA agent installation.
This event is triggered after a user is created in ASA.
This event is triggered after a user is removed from ASA.
This event is triggered after a user is updated in ASA.
This event is triggered when an Okta user is authorized and initiates a connection to a server protected by Okta.
Okta personal app migration flag is updated. Triggered when app migration is updated on an Org. This event is fired when admin toggle app migration in org.
Personal apps exported from workforce org to personal org. Triggered when personal apps exported from workforce org. This event is fired when user export apps to personal org.
Triggered when an admin creates an Okta CA (ROOT or Intermediate certs) or uploads a 3rd party certificate chain. You can use the event to audit the Okta CA or 3rd party certificate authority status change. When triggered, the Okta CA or 3rd party certificate authority will appear in the Admin Console.
Triggered when an admin deletes a 3rd party certificate chain. You can use the event to audit the 3rd party certificate authority status change. When triggered, the 3rd party certificate authority is no longer available to the org.
Triggered when one or more certificates that belong to a certificate authority are renewed. Use to audit certificate renewals that belong to a certificate authority. You can also use it as a notification to download the renewed certificates. When triggered, this event includes the old certificates and the new certificate replacements.
Triggered when a certificate is bound to a device. You can use the event to audit certificate device binding relationship. When triggered, the device appears in the Admin Console as managed device.
A failure outcome indicates that there was an issue downloading the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the URL specified in the certificate and may require action to address it. When an administrator observes a pki.cert.lifecycle.crl_download_failure event with a failure outcome they should ensure that the CRL endpoint is up and running properly and has not been changed by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA). When fired, this event will include the URL of the CRL that is having an issue along with a corresponding HTTP error code.
Device Trust certificate issuance.
Triggered when a certificate marked as hold is removed from the CRL or when renewed Okta CA certificates marked as inactive are activated. You can use the event to audit certificate lifecycle change. When an admin activates/unsuspends a device, the certificate associated with the device is activated when used in the next Okta Verify flow. Additionally when an admin or activation job activates an inactive certificate it can then be used to issue client certificates in SCEP.
Triggered when a certificate is deleted as a result of an admin deleting the binding device. You can use the event to audit certificate lifecycle change. When triggered, the certificate no longer appears in the Admin Console.
Triggered when a certificate is temporarily on hold and appears on CRL. You can use the event to audit certificate lifecycle change. A certificate on hold can be activated after it is removed from CRL.
Triggered when a certificate is revoked and appears on CRL. You can use the event to audit certificate lifecycle change. Once revoked, a certificates can not be activated.
Triggered when a certificate is suspended as a result of an admin deactivating the binding device. You can use the event to audit certificate lifecycle change. When triggered, the certificate can not be used to send the management hint.
Triggered when a Device Trust certificate is renewed.
Device Trust certificate revocation.
Plugin downloaded.
Status information from script execution.
Invocation of a post auth session action. This event is triggered when Okta logs a user out of their configured apps or runs a Workflow in response to an authentication or global session policy violation. This event is triggered when Okta logs a user out of their configured apps or runs a Workflow in response to an authentication or global session policy violation.
Evaluation of a post auth session. This event is triggered when a post auth session evaluation occurs. This event is triggered when a post auth session evaluation occurs.
Auth policy re-evaluation has occurred and has resulted in a policy violation. Can be used to identify which user, apps, and session were involved in a policy violation event. Event fired when continuing access evaluation results in failure.
Deprecated: Continuous Access policy action invocation. Signal that an action associated with a continuous access policy evaluation has been invoked. Event fired when an action associated with a continuous access policy evaluation has been invoked. See the event type policy.auth_reevaluate.action that replaces this deprecated event.
Deprecated: Evaluation of Continuous Access Policy. Signal that continuous access policy has been evaluated for a session which has failed CAE. Event fired when continuous access policy has been evaluated for a session which has failed CAE. See the event type policy.auth_reevaluate.enforce that replaces this deprecated event.
Entity Risk policy action invocation. Signal that an action associated with an entity risk policy evaluation has been invoked. Event fired when an action associated with an entity risk policy evaluation has been invoked.
Evaluation of Entity Risk policy. Signal that entity risk policy has been evaluated for an entity for which we have received a risk change event. Event fired when entity risk policy has been evaluated for an entity for which a risk change event was generated.
Okta evaluated sign-on policies in order to determine if the user attempting to access a resource meets the defined assurance criteria. Identifies the policy rule evaluated during an authentication flow. This may be useful to confirm that policy rule has been configured as intended, or to identify why a user is unable to access a resource such as an application. The possible outcomes of this event are ALLOW(user is authenticated to access the resource), CHALLENGE(additional verification is required for user to access the resource), and DENY(user is denied from accessing the resource). For Okta Identity Engine (OIE), a single policy.evaluate_sign_on event may include the evaluation result of Okta global session policy and authentication policy. For Okta Classic Engine, the evaluation result of Okta sign-on policy and app sign-on policy will be recorded in individual policy.evaluate_sign_on events.
Start execution of policy for user.
Activate policy.
Create policy.
Deactivate policy.
Delete policy.
Overwrite policy.
Update policy.
Create policy mapping. This event is used to audit when a policy is mapped to a resource. This event is fired when a policy is mapped to a resource. The isPreviousPolicy attribute within the Policy Targets' Details denotes whether or not it was the previous or new policy being mapped.
Scheduled execution of policy rule action.
Activate policy rule.
Add policy rule.
Deactivate policy rule.
Delete policy rule.
Invalidate policy rule.
Update policy rule.
Scheduled execution of policy.
Canceled scheduled user suspension.
Completed scheduled user suspension.
Scheduled user suspension.
Updated scheduled user suspension.
Fired when Threat Insight detects that an org is no longer under attack. This can be used to monitor when our models no longer detect an attack on an org. When this event is fired, Threat Insight will stop being extra aggressive in logging and/or blocking suspicious requests. This is fired from within an internal Okta context and therefore will not have any request level context information.
Fired when Threat Insight detects that an org is under attack. This can be used to monitor attacks against your organization. When this event is fired, Threat Insight will automatically become more aggressive in logging and/or blocking suspicious requests. This is fired from within an internal Okta context and therefore will not have any request level context information.
Triggered when settings to protect against password-based attacks are updated. Useful for monitoring potential intrusion if the change was not planned. Covered features include Require possession factor before password during MFA and Block suspicious password attempts from unknown devices.
Fired when an admin activates an authenticator for the org. This event can be used to identify who activated an authenticator and which authenticator was activated. When fired, this event contains information about the authenticator type that was activated and the actor who activated the authenticator. Authenticator activation occurs when an authenticator is added. Related events include security.authenticator.lifecycle.deactivate.
Fired when an admin creates an authenticator for the org. This event can be used to identify who created an authenticator and which authenticator was created. The actor specifies the user that created the authenticator and the target specifies the authenticator name and the id. This event could also contain some authenticator specific information. Authenticator creation occurs when an authenticator is added. Related events include security.authenticator.lifecycle.update.
Fired when an admin deactivates an authenticator for the org. This event can be used to identify who deactivated an authenticator and which authenticator was deactivated. When fired, this event contains information about the authenticator type that was deactivated and the actor who deactivated the authenticator. Authenticator deactivation occurs when an authenticator is removed. Related events include security.authenticator.lifecycle.activate.
Fired when an admin updates an authenticator in the org. This event can be used to identify who updated an authenticator and which authenticator was updated. The actor specifies the user that updated the authenticator and the target specifies the authenticator name and the ID. There may be a second target with details of any authenticator method updates. This event could also contain authenticator specific information. Authenticator update occurs when an authenticator is edited. Related events include security.authenticator.lifecycle.create.
Behavior settings create. This can also be used to identify when a behavior setting is created. When fired, this event contains information about a created setting.
Behavior settings delete. This can also be used to identify when a behavior setting has been deleted. When fired, this event contains information about a delete setting.
Behavior settings update. This can also be used to identify when a behavior setting has been changed. When fired, this event contains information about a updated setting.
A credential, such as a password, which is associated with a known breach was used during an authentication flow. Used to identify users for whom credential rotation or other risk mitigation is necessary. The actor is the user with the breached credential. For Identity Engine, a target will indicate the specific credential associated with the breach. The outcome for this event will always be SUCCESS with a severity level of WARN. If breached credential protection is enabled, auser.session.clear will also be fired. These two events can be correlated by the Request ID.
Added request blacklist to request blacklist policies.
Removed request blacklist from request blacklist policies.
Temporarily disabling blacklisting.
Activate a security events provider. Appears when an authorized security events provider, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is activated.This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with the delivery of security events to Okta. When fired, this event contains information about the activated security events provider.
Create a security events provider. Appears when an authorized security events provider, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is created.This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with the delivery of security events to Okta. When fired, this event contains information about the created security events provider.
Deactivate a security events provider. Appears when an authorized security events provider, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is deactivated.This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with the delivery of security events to Okta. When fired, this event contains information about the deactivated security events provider.
Delete a security events provider. Appears when an authorized security events provider, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is deleted.This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with the delivery of security events to Okta. When fired, this event contains information about the deleted security events provider.
Appears when a security events provider submits a valid event for each known detection. The event helps admins debug or monitor SSF provider submissions. The event contains debug context data about the provider's risk report.
Update a security events provider. Appears when an update is made to an authorized security events provider,such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter.This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with the delivery of security events to Okta. When fired, this event contains information about the updated security events provider.
Create security events transmitter. Appears when a specific security events transmitter, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is created. This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with event delivery to security event receivers. This event contains configuration details of the created security events transmitter.
Delete security events transmitter. Appears when a specific security events transmitter, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter, is deleted. This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with event delivery to security events receivers. This event contains configuration details of the deleted security events transmitter.
Update security events transmitter. Appears when there is an update to a specific security events transmitter, such as the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) transmitter. This event helps admins troubleshoot issues with event delivery to security events receivers. This event contains configuration details of the updated security events transmitter.
Security request blocked.
Roaming session detected for user.
Fired when a ThreatInsight configuration has been updated. This can be used to identify when an existing ThreatInsight configuration has been updated. An update can be updating the action or the excluded zones. When fired, this event contains information about who made the update to the configuration.
Request from an IP identified as malicious by Okta ThreatInsight. This can be used to monitor and act on credential based attacks (such as Brute Force, Password Spray) on your organization. The reasons why the request was classified as malicious can be found in the outcome.reason field. The outcome.result field will be 'ALLOW', 'DENY' or 'RATE_LIMIT' based on whether Okta Threat Insight is configured in log mode or log and enforce mode, where 'ALLOW' means the request continued, 'DENY' means the request was blocked and 'RATE_LIMIT' means we protected your org from exceeding your rate limit by not allowing suspicious activity to count towards your rate limit.
A trusted origin is activated. When an event is emitted upon the activation of a trusted origin, customers can monitor these events and take remedial action. Event is triggered when a trusted origin is activated.
A trusted origin is created. When an event is emitted upon the creation of a trusted origin, customers can monitor these events and take remedial action. Event is triggered when a trusted origin is created.
A trusted origin is deactivated. When an event is emitted upon the deactivation of a trusted origin, customers can monitor these events and take remedial action. Event is triggered when a trusted origin is deactivated.
A trusted origin is deleted. When an event is emitted upon the deletion of a trusted origin, customers can monitor these events and take remedial action. Event is triggered when a trusted origin is deleted.
A trusted origin is updated. When an event is emitted upon the modification of a trusted origin, customers can monitor these events and take remedial action. Event is triggered when a trusted origin is updated.
Fired when a country has been added to the voice call blacklist. This can be used to identify when a country has been blacklisted for voice call. When fired, this event contains information about the country that was added to the blacklist.Related events include security.voice.remove_country_blacklist.
Fired when a country has been removed from the voice call blacklist. This can be used to identify when a country has been removed from voice call blacklist. When fired, this event contains information about the country that was removed from the blacklist.Related events include security.voice.add_country_blacklist.
Added IPs to blacklist zone.
Removed IPs from blacklist zone.
Self-service disabled for app.
Self-service enabled for app.
Okta has updated the configuration or data within the Org. This can be used to identify modifications to an Org which are the result of an action by an Okta staff member. Such actions are typically taken in response to a customer request, such as request to enable an Early Access feature. In some cases, these actions may be the result of a review initiated by Okta, such as a review in response to a production service alert. See the supportAction object within the debugContext.debugData objection for more information about the type of update.
Okta has viewed a page which contains customer data. This can be used to identify an action taken by an Okta staff member in the support tool which resulted in a view of customer data. Such actions are typically taken in response to a customer request, such as in the process of investigating an issue raised through a support case. In some cases, these actions may be the result of a review initiated by Okta, such as a review in response to a production service alert. See the supportAction object within the debugContext.debugData objection for more information about the type of update.
A monitored variable in an AD agent configuration file has changed. This can be used to audit that a customer's AD agent configuration file has changed. This event occurs when a monitored variable in an AD agent configuration file has changed.
Connect AD agent to Okta.
Create AD agent.
Deactivate AD agent.
Delete AD agent.
Perform import OU by AD agent.
Perform import user by AD agent.
Perform directory invoke command by AD agent.
Reactivate AD agent.
Perform config read by AD agent.
Perform dirsync read by AD agent.
Perform LDAP read by AD agent.
Perform schema read by AD agent.
Directory agent performed topology import operation.
Perform RealTimeSync by AD agent.
Perform user password reset by AD agent.
Start AD agent.
Perform unlock user account by AD agent.
Update AD agent configuration.
User Auth and Update.
Upgrade AD agent.
Fired when an AD agent has fetched and uploaded IWA agent log file. This event fires when the log file upload is successful or fails. This can be used to audit that logs files are being fetched successfully, have been uploaded successfully, and troubleshoot why an IWA log upload has failed. When fired, this event indicates whether a log file upload has been successful or failed. This event also indicates whether the event was initiated by the Okta system or a user. Related events: none, all debugging context is included in this event.
Upload AD agent log.
Perform LDAP write by AD agent.
Fired when an individual agent auto-update succeeds or fails. Confirms a successful agent auto-update, or provides troubleshooting information when the agent auto-update is unsuccessful. Indicates when an agent auto-update is successful or unsuccessful.
Connect connector agent to Okta.
Deactivate connector agent.
Delete connector agent.
Reactivate connector agent.
Perform change user password by LDAP agent.
Perform create user JIT by LDAP agent.
Disconnect LDAP agent from Okta.
Fired when LDAP Delegated Authentication is used to sign in and a user profile is updated using RealTimeSync action. Can be used by admins to identify user profile changes resulting from corresponding changes in the LDAP directory. The previous name for this event was system.agent.ad.realtimesync.
Reconnect LDAP agent to Okta.
LDAP agent performed a password reset.
LDAP agent performed account unlock for User.
Fired when LDAP Delegated Authentication is used to sign in and a user profile is updated. Can be used by admins to identify user profile changes resulting from corresponding changes in the LDAP directory. The previous name for this event was system.agent.ad.update_user.
Perform update user password by LDAP agent.
Agent was registered. This event indicates that an agent (such as Okta Provisioning Agent, Okta RSA SecurID Agent, and so on) has been successfully registered with the Okta org. This also provides a signal to all admins of the Okta org that a new agent was registered, which improves the overall security posture. This event can be used to track the deployment and integration of Okta agents across an org's infrastructure. This information can be useful for security audits, compliance reporting, and managing the overall Okta ecosystem.
Fired when the status of an agent pool auto-update is changed. Confirms an agent pool auto-update status change and provides troubleshooting information. Indicates when the status of an agent pool auto-update is changed.
Create API token. This event occurs when a new unscoped API token is generated within the system. The unscoped API token grants authenticated access to the system's API for automated tasks or integration purposes. Event log details include the token ID, the user, or service it was created for, and the time of creation. This information helps maintain a secure API access framework by allowing administrators to track token issuance. Administrators can also enforce least privilege access and promptly identify any unauthorized token creation.
Enable API token.
Revoke API token.
An API token has been updated. This event can be used to identify a change to an existing API token, such as a change to the applicable rate limits for the token. Details of the change can be found in the debugData. This event does not change whether the token is valid for use, for actions that impact validity see system.api_token.enable and system.api_token.revoke.
Fired when an admin has enabled a BETA feature. This can be used to understand the status of the BETA Feature and identify who has enabled it for an org. When fired, this event contains information about the enabled BETA Feature, as well as the admin who enabled it.
This event is fired when the brand resource is created. Developer and org admins can use this event to identify when the brand resource was created. The event contains information about the created brand.
This event is fired when a brand resource is deleted. Developer and org admins can use this event to identify when a brand resource was deleted. The event contains information about a deleted brand.
This event is fired when the brand resource is updated. Developer and org admins can use this event to identify when the brand resource was updated. The event contains information regarding specific updates made to brand like "customPrivacyPolicyUrl".
A captcha instance is created for Sign-in Widget. Indicates when a captcha instance was created. This event is fired when org admin creates a captcha instance.
A captcha instance is deleted. Indicates when a captcha instance was deleted. This event is fired when org admin deletes a captcha instance.
A captcha instance is updated. Indicates when a captcha instance was updated. This event is fired when org admin updates a captcha instance.
Notify when too many requests in flight for client. This can be used to notify whenever there are too many concurrent requests from a client without enforcing any violation. When fired, this event contains information about the request such as client, device and ip details.
Too many requests in flight for client. This can be used to track if there are too many concurrent requests from a client. When fired, this event contains information about the request such as client, device and ip details.
Notify when client rate limits are exceeded. This can be used to notify whenever a client is exceeding its rate limit without enforcing any violation. When fired, this event contains information about the request such as client, device and ip details.
Client rate limit violation. This can be used to track if a client is exceeding its rate limit. When fired, this event contains information about the request such as client, device and ip details.
Import of user from CSV is skipped. Informs when import of a user from CSV has been skipped due to reasons such as missing required attributes or unknown unique identifier. This event is logged when import of a user is skipped during CSV directory import workflow for on-premises systems using Okta provisioning agent.
Custom error page is deleted. Can be used to identify when an admin has deleted the custom error page. Event fired when the custom error page is deleted.
Custom error page is updated. Can be used to identify when an admin has customized the error page. Event fired when the error page is successfully updated.
Custom sign-in page is deleted. Can be used to identify when an admin has deleted the custom sign-in page. Event fired when custom sign-in page is deleted.
Custom sign-in page is updated. Can be used to identify when an admin has customized the sign-in page. Event fired when custom sign-in page is updated.
Custom sign-out page is updated. Admin has updated the custom sign-out page. Event fired when custom sign-out page is updated.
Okta managed certificates for custom domain are renewed. Can be used to identify when okta managed certificate renewal batch job has renewed certificates for custom domain. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name and certificate source type.
Custom domain certificates are uploaded by an admin or generated by Okta. Can be used to identify when custom domain certificates are uploaded by an admin or generated by Okta. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name and certificate source type.
Custom domain is deleted. Can be used to identify when an admin has deleted their custom domain. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name that was deleted.
Custom domain setup is initiated. Admin has initiated custom domain setup by inputting their custom domain for DNS verification. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name, certificate source type and domain validation status.
Custom domain brand association is updated. Admin has updated the custom domain association with the brand. When fired, the event contains the domain name, certificate source type, domain validation status and information about the brand it is associated with.
Verify custom domain ownership. Identifies whether an admin has succeeded or failed to verify the ownership of the domain name. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name, certificate source type and domain validation status.
Extend Directory Debugger access for Okta support. This can be used to audit the Directory Debugger access extension. When fired, this event contains information about Directory Debugger access extension.
Grant Directory Debugger access for Okta support. This can be used to audit the Directory Debugger access grants to Okta support. When fired, this event contains information about Directory Debugger access grant.
A read-only query executed against AD/LDAP instance by Okta support using the Directory Debugger tool. This can be used to audit the queries executed by Okta support using Directory Debugger. When fired, this event contains information about Directory Debugger query.
Revoke Directory Debugger access for Okta support. This can be used to audit the Directory Debugger access revoke. When fired, this event contains information about Directory Debugger access revoke.
The Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failback operation for the org domains were initiated. Triggered when the Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failback operation for the org domains were initiated. This event is fired when the Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failback operation for the org domains were initiated. If failback is successful, the outcome for this event will be SUCCESS. If failback is not successful, the outcome for this event will be FAILURE.
The Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failover operation for the org domains were initiated. Triggered when the Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failover operation for the org domains were initiated. This event is fired when the Enhanced Disaster Recovery (EDR) failover operation for the org domains were initiated. If failover is successful, the outcome for this event will be SUCCESS. If failover is not successful, the outcome for this event will be FAILURE.
Send self-service account unlock email.
Attempted removal of one or more emails from bounce list. Identify email addresses which were submitted to Okta for removal from the email bounce list. This event does not guarantee that an email was removed from the bounce list, it only indicates that Okta contacted the email provider to attempt to remove if from the bounce list. The debugData object contains a reference to the email provider contacted by Okta which maintains the bounce list. The target object contains a list of email addresses which were submitted. A single target contains a maximum of 50 email addresses. Multiple events may be fired in response to a removal request.
This event indicates that a user completed an email factor challenge. This can be used to identify when a credential sent in an email to a user has been redeemed (the link was clicked or the code was entered). When fired, this event contains information about the result. Success if successful or error reasons should be present for failure cases (e.g. incorrect code, timeout, expired, etc.). The event also contains a debugData with the action (the link was clicked or the code was entered).
An email's delivery status was updated. Used to notify admins of a bounced or dropped email. For certain bounce events, the context information may be lost by the email provider(s) due to email server communication delays. Such delayed bounce events will not appear in syslog. As of the 2022.08.0 release, this is also used to identify other email events e.g. delivered, deferred. See the event debugData for help identifying a remediation, such as updating an incorrect email address.
MFA enrollment notification email sent. Used to notify admins MFA enrollment notification email has been sent.
MFA reset notification email sent. Used to notify admins MFA reset notification email has been sent.
New device signin notification email sent.
Send self-service password reset email.
An email was sent to a user for verification. Used to notify admins that an email was sent to a user for verification. When fired, this event contains information about the token lifetime in the debugData.
This event is fired when a custom email template is created. Developers and Org Admins can use this to identify when a default email template has been overridden with a new template. The event details can be used to identify the template type and template engine. Usually this event will precede "system.email.template.update" or "system.email.template.delete" events.
This event is fired when a custom email template is deleted. Developers and Org Admins can use this to identify when a custom email template has been deleted to fall back to default template. The event details can be used to identify the template type and template engine. Usually this event will follow "system.email.template.create" or "system.email.template.update" events.
This event is fired when the settings for an email template is changed. Developers and Org Admins can use this to identify when an email template setting has been changed. When fired, this event contains information about the email template and settings that were changed.
This event is fired when a custom email template has been updated. Developers and Org Admins can use this to identify when a custom email template has been updated. The event details can be used to identify the template type and template engine. Usually this event will follow "system.email.template.create" and precede "system.email.template.delete" events.
Email domain is created. Admin has initiated email domain setup by inputting their domain details for DNS verification. When fired, the event contains information about the domain name, display name, user name, brand id and validation status.
Email domain is deleted. Can be used to identify when an admin has deleted their email domain. When fired, the event contains information about the email domain that was deleted.
Email domain is updated. Admin has updated the email domain. When fired, the event contains information about the email domain that was updated.
Verify email domain. Identifies whether an admin has succeeded or failed to verify the email domain. When fired, the event contains information about the email domain that is being verified.
Fired when self service features are requested to be disabled by admins. Use to determine who enabled the features and any limitations the features have. When fired, this event contains information about the requested features, their names and lifecycle state, the admin who made the change, and any possible limitations associated with the features. Related events include 'system.feature.enable'.
Fired when an org has subscribed to or unsubscribed from EA Feature Auto Enroll. This can be used to understand the status of EA Feature Auto Enroll subscription and identify who has made changes to the subscription. When fired, this event contains information about the status of EA Feature Auto enroll subscription, as well as the admin who made any subscription changes.
Fired when self service features are requested to be enabled by admins. Use to determine who enabled the features and any limitations the features have. When fired, this event contains information about the requested features, their names and lifecycle state, the admin who made the change, and any possible limitations associated with the features. Related events include 'system.feature.disable'.
Create a new hook key. This event can be used to identify when an admin created a new hook key. When triggered, this events contains information about the created hook key.
Delete a hook key. This event can be used to identify when an admin deleted a hook key. When triggered, this events contains information about the deleted hook key.
Update a hook key. This event can be used to identify when an admin updated a hook key. When triggered, this events contains information about the updated hook key.
Upload bulk delete data. Loads bulk data into an Identity Source Session for deactivation in Okta for an identity source. This event can be used to track the deactivations of user profiles in Okta from the custom identity source.
Upload bulk upsert data. Loads bulk data into an Identity Source Session for inserting or updating user profiles in Okta for an identity source. This event can be used to track the insertions and updates of Okta user profiles from the custom identity source.
Fired when a new Identity provider key credential is created. This can be used to audit that a new identity provider key credential has been created. When fired, this event indicates a new X.509 certificate credential is added to the IdP key store.
Fired when an Identity provider key credential is deleted. This can be used to audit that an identity provider key credential has been deleted. When fired, this event indicates a X.509 certificate credential by kid is deleted if it isn't currently being used by an active or inactive IdP.
Fired when an Identity provider key credential is updated. This can be used to audit that an identity provider key credential has been updated. When fired, this event indicates a X.509 certificate credential is updated in the IdP key store.
Fired when an Identity provider is activated. This can be used to audit that an identity provider has been activated. When fired, this event indicates an Identity provider was activated. This event also indicates the type of the identity provider that was activated.
Fired when a new Identity provider is created. This can be used to audit that a new identity provider has been created. When fired, this event indicates an Identity provider was successfully created. This event also indicates the type of the identity provider that was created.
Fired when an Identity provider is deactivated. This can be used to audit that an identity provider has been deactivated. When fired, this event indicates an Identity provider has been deactivated. This event also indicates the type of the identity provider that was deactivated.
Fired when an Identity provider is deleted. This can be used to audit that an identity provider has been deleted. When fired, this event indicates an Identity provider was deleted. This event also indicates the type of the identity provider that was deleted.
Fired when Identity provider(s) with a client secret is read. This can be used to audit that identity provider(s) with a client secret has been read. When fired, this event indicates one or more Identity providers with a client secret was read.
Fired when an Identity provider is updated. This can be used to audit that an identity provider configuration has been updated. When fired, this event indicates an Identity provider configuration was updated. This event also indicates the type of the identity provider that was updated.
Clear Unconfirmed Imported Users. Can be used for clearing unconfirmed imported users from last import result. Note that a single event is fired for clearing unconfirmed imported users instead of fire delete event on each user.
Import process complete.
Batch import process complete.
Import of custom objects completed.
Create custom object triggered by import process.
Delete custom object triggered by import process.
Update custom object triggered by import process.
Fired at the completion of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported have been downloaded from the system of record. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the completion of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported have been downloaded from the system of record.
Fired at the start of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported are being downloaded from the system of record. This can be used to determine when an import has started, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the start of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported are being downloaded from the system of record.
Emitted during the entitlement discovery process to identify entitlement schemas, excluding assignments. Tracks entitlement discovery status. In case of a NullPointerException (NPE), the outcome.result will be 'SKIPPED'. Use this event to track the status of entitlements during discovery.
Skipping of entitlement during import of an user. This event will be emitted during import whenever a user has some entitlement associated with it that are not present in Okta. This event can be use to track the entitlement of user which were skipped during import.
Import of groups completed.
Create group triggered by import process.
Remove group triggered by import process.
Start importing groups from refreshing AppGroups.
Update group triggered from import process.
Import of application group members completed.
Fired upon completion of the implicit deletion phase, when Okta checks for the deletion of users, groups, and custom objects. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired upon completion of the implicit deletion phase, when Okta checks for the deletion of users, groups, and custom objects.
Fired at the start of the implicit deletion phase, when Okta checks for the deletion of users, groups, and custom objects. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the start of the implicit deletion phase, when Okta checks for the deletion of users, groups, and custom objects.
Import user profile triggered by import process.
Import provisioning info triggered by import process.
Fired upon completion of the membership processing phase, when Okta checks which groups users being imported into Okta should be added to/removed from. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired upon completion of the membership processing phase, when Okta checks which groups users being imported into Okta should be added to/removed from.
Fired at the start of the membership processing phase, when Okta checks which groups users being imported into Okta should be added to/removed from. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the start of the membership processing phase, when Okta checks which groups users being imported into Okta should be added to/removed from.
Fired upon completion of the object creation phase, when the first batch of objects is created/updated. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired upon completion of the object creation phase, when the first batch of objects is created/updated.
Fired at the completion of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported have been downloaded from the system of record. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the completion of the download objects phase, when the objects (users, groups, devices) to be imported have been downloaded from the system of record.
Import roadblock triggered due to exceeded threshold.
The affected import from AppInstance has been rescheduled. All other imports will resume.
The affected import from AppInstance has been canceled. All other imports will resume.
Fired when an import roadblock (aka, Import Safeguard) has been updated. This event can be used to identify when an admin updated the Max Import Unassignment roadblock setting, and what the setting was updated to. This event includes details on what the roadblock was updated to and who made the change.
Import process was scheduled. This event can be used to track when import jobs were triggered, which helps with audit trails. This event may also be useful when troubleshooting a failed import, as it indicates the time at which the process was first triggered and the user or application that invoked the import. Import is a multi-stage process which may import users, groups, and group memberships. Each stage has corresponding events in the system log. For example 'system.import.user.start' indicates beginning of user import process.
Cancel an import session. This event can be used to identify when an admin cancel import session. This event includes details when the import session be canceled.
Create a new import session. This event can be used to identify when an admin start new import session. This event includes details when the import process be created.
Expired an import session. This event can be used to identify when the session is expired. This event includes details when the session is expired.
Triggered an import session to start importing. This event can be used to identify when an admin trigger the import job from an open session. This event includes details when the import process be triggered.
import started.
Import of user completed.
Create user triggered by import process.
Delete user triggered by import process.
Assign user triggered by import process with callback. This event can be used to alter the matching result for a given imported user. This event is fired when the matching result is altered by the synchronous callback.
Start importing users triggered import process.
Suspend user triggered by import process.
Unsuspend user triggered by import process.
No Description
Update user triggered by import process.
Update user status triggered by import process.
Bulk Import users from CSV is completed. Informs when bulk user import from CSV has been completed. This event is logged when bulk user import from CSV has completed with the outcome as success or failure. When fired, this event also contains debug context about the number of users added/updated/unchanged or with errors.
Bulk Import of users from CSV is started. Informs when bulk import of users from CSV has been attempted to be uploaded. This event is logged when bulk user import from CSV has started and is a precursor to user.lifecycle.create; user.lifecycle.activate events.
Import user matching assignment confirmed. This event can be used to track when the confirmation of user matching assignments was triggered on the Import page, which helps with audit trails. This event may also be useful when troubleshooting incorrect user matches. After users are imported from the app, they're matched and assigned with existing Okta users on the basis of Name, Username, and Email. The assignment confirmation is a manual step, needing admin intervention.
Assignment was unignored. This event indicates that a user match, which was previously marked to be ignored during imports, has been reactivated for consideration. It's important for tracking changes in user matching policies and decisions during the import process. This event can be of critical importance for auditing purposes, especially when investigating why certain user accounts were matched or updated after being ignored in previous imports. It helps maintain the accuracy and integrity of user data by ensuring that valid matches are not permanently overlooked.
Assignment was modified. This event can be used to track when an assignment was modified. This may also be useful when troubleshooting incorrect user assignments. After users are imported from the app, they're matched and assigned with existing Okta users on the basis of Name, Username, and Email. Assignments can be modified by the admin through a manual intervention.
Fired upon completion of the user matching phase, when Okta attempts to match imported users to existing Okta users. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired upon completion of the user matching phase, when Okta attempts to match imported users to existing Okta users.
Fired at the start of the user matching phase, when Okta attempts to match imported users to existing Okta users. This can be used to determine the progress of an import, as well as to monitor to trigger processes that should run concurrently with the import. Fired at the start of the user matching phase, when Okta attempts to match imported users to existing Okta users.
Create IWA agent.
IWA going offline.
IWA going online.
Promote IWA agent to primary.
Remove IWA agent.
Update IWA agent.
No primary IWA app found. Using default login.
Agentless IWA authentication.
Fired after redirection from Agentless DSSO failure. This can be used to track the start of a subsequent authentication request after Agentless DSSO fails. This can also be used for end-to-end tracking of an ADSSO failure to the subsequent authentication it is redirected to by searching for the common stateTokenHash. When fired, this event contains the stateTokenHash which will be common before and after the redirection occurs.
Fired when an Agentless DSSO authentication request is redirected to an onprem IWA authentication or the default login page. This can be used to identify when an agentless authentication request resulted in a redirect to an onprem IWA or default login page. This can also be used to identify the potential cause of the redirect. When fired, this event identifies the cause of the redirection. When a custom error page is defined, a redirect event is not always generated when a redirection occurs.
Update to agentless IWA.
Fired when a user could not be found during Agentless DSSO authentication, resulting in an authentication failure. This can be used to identify when an agentless authentication request resulted in a failure. The failure could be due to the user not being found in Okta, Okta not being able to connect to AD, or the user not being found in AD. This can also be used to identify the potential cause of the failure. When fired, this event contains information about the potential cause of the failure.
Fires when a Kerberos realm settings is updated by an admin. This event fires when the update is successful or fails. This can be used to audit Kerberos realm setting, and troubleshoot why Kerberos authentication failed. When fired, this event indicates whether Kerberos realm setting update has been successful or failed. This event also indicates the initiator of the event and the current setting for Kerberos Realm. Related events: none, all debugging context is included in this event.
This event indicates that an administrative limit was exceeded when processing an LDAP interface operation. It can be used to audit and debug failures caused by exceeding an administrative limit. This event may occur periodically when an LDAP operation results in a large number of corresponding actions in the Okta directory. These errors are often temporary and will subside when Okta has processed the actions. Contact Okta support if you see such errors consistently over the course of a day or more.
Fired when a user performs a BIND to LDAP Interface. Can be used to identify when a user attempted to perform an LDAP authentication for audit or debugging purposes. The firing of this event is subject to LDAPi event filtering rules and is only logged when a failure is returned for the given LDAP operation.
Fired when a user performs a SEARCH to LDAP Interface. Can be used to identify when a user attempted to perform a search on LDAP Interface for audit or debugging purposes. The firing of this event is subject to LDAPi event filtering rules and is only logged when a failure is returned for the given LDAP operation.
Fired when a user performs an UNBIND to LDAP Interface. Can be used to identify when a user attempted to end an LDAP Interface session for audit or debugging purposes. The firing of this event is subject to LDAPi event filtering rules and is only logged when a failure is returned for the given LDAP operation.
Log stream activated. This event can be used to track and audit when a user activates a log stream. When fired, this event indicates that a user activated a log stream configuration.
Log stream created. This event can be used to track and audit when a user creates a log stream. When fired, this event indicates that a user created a log stream configuration.
Log stream deactivated. This event can be used to track and audit when a user or Okta deactivates a log stream. When fired, this event indicates that a user or Okta deactivated a log stream configuration.
Log stream deleted. This event can be used to track and audit when a user deletes a log stream. When fired, this event indicates that a user deleted a log stream configuration.
Log stream updated. This event can be used to track and audit when a user updates a log stream. When fired, this event indicates that a user updated a log stream configuration.
Activate a new authentication factor. Can be used to identify when an admin has enabled a new factor for authentication. When fired the event will contain details of which factor is enabled.
Deactivate MFA factor. Can be used to identify when an admin has disabled a factor for MFA. When fired the event will contain details of which factor is disabled.
Operation concurrency limit violation. This can be used to track if there are too many concurrent operations of the given type. The operation type information is available in debugData. When fired, this event contains information about the operation such as its actor, type, scope and threshold details. OperationRateLimitType in debugData will indicate the category to which the concurrency limit is being applied (e.g. web_request), OperationRateLimitSubtype defines specific subtypes (e.g. ssws_token) and OperationRateLimitScope will indicate the scope of the rate limit (e.g. token).
Operation rate limit violation. This can be used to track if an operation is exceeding its rate limit. When fired, this event contains information about the operation such as actor, type, scope and threshold details. OperationRateLimitType in debugData will indicate the category to which the rate limit is being applied (e.g. authenticator_otp_verification), OperationRateLimitSubtype defines specific subtypes (e.g. Email Factor for authenticator_otp_verification) and OperationRateLimitScope will indicate the scope of the rate limit (e.g. user or org level). Formerly, this event was used to indicate blocked SMS/Call transactions, please see system.sms.send*/system.voice.send* for blocked transactions.
Operation rate limit warning. This can be used to track if an operation is approaching its rate limit. When fired, this event contains information about the operation such as actor, type, scope and threshold details. OperationRateLimitType in debugData will indicate the category to which the rate limit is being applied (e.g. authenticator_otp_verification), OperationRateLimitSubtype defines specific subtypes (e.g. Email, SMS or Voice call for authenticator_otp_verification type) and OperationRateLimitScope will indicate the scope of the rate limit (e.g. user or org level).
Enable org-wide captcha support. Indicates when org-wide captcha support is enabled, for which pages and using which captcha instance. This event is fired when org admin enables org-wide captcha for any supported pages.
Disable org-wide captcha support. Indicates when org-wide captcha support is disabled. This event is fired when org admin disables org-wide captcha support for all pages.
Org creation.
Fired when burst rate limit capacity is activated. This can be used to identify when an API in the Org exceeds standard rate limits and the frequency with which the activities occur. This event is fired after a corresponding warning event. If usage continues on this API the risk is hitting a rate limit violation which will fire a corresponding violation event. The event contains a burst rate limit threshold which informs how much capacity is remaining before a violation occurs.
Rate limit approaching expiration date.
Rate limit violation.
Rate limit warning.
Tasks removed.
Fired when a Push notification is sent to a device. Used to notify admins when a push was sent to a user for verification. Note that this event is fired whenever a Push is sent.
Self-service for apps configuration updated. Identify changes to self-service application request settings which may allow a user to request to add an application to their end user dashboard. Self-service application requests are different than Okta Identity Governance (OIG) Access requests. See events beginning with access.request for events relevant to OIG Access requests.
Fired when receiving a status update on SMS message from provider. This event can be used by Org Admins to identify users that are/aren't getting one-time passcodes delivered successfully via SMS, provider status can be obtained from status field in debug data. For any system.sms.send_* event, there should be exactly one of this event.
Send self-service account unlock SMS message. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send second factor auth SMS. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send activate Okta Verify Push for mobile SMS. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send self-service password reset SMS message. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send phone verification SMS message. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
This event is fired when the theme resource is updated. Developer and org admins can use this event to identify when and how the theme resource was updated. Event details can be used to identify changes made to theme assets including updates to theme hex codes, logo, background image, and favicon. This event also tracks which combination of theme assets was applied to end users pages such as the sign-in page, error pages, and email templates.
Fired when receiving a status update on voice call from provider. This event can be used by Org Admins to identify users that are/aren't getting one-time passcodes delivered successfully via voice call, provider status can be obtained from status field in debug data. For any system.voice.send_* event, there should be exactly one of this event.
Send self-service account unlock call. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send phone call.
Send second factor auth call. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send self-service password reset call. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Send phone verification call. As of the 2022.06.0 release this event is also used to identify transactions blocked by Okta, which is indicated by a "deny" outcome. Previously, the system.operation.rate_limit.violation was used to identify blocked transactions. Additionally, the method of generating the MobilePhone ID in the event has changed for Okta Classic. It has not changed for Okta Identity Engine.
Activated system task.
Created system task.
Deactivated system task.
Deleted system task.
Updated system task.
Fired when the user's Okta password is expired. This can be used to audit cases where a user's password is expired by an administrator. When fired, this event contains information about the user whose password was expired, whether a temporary password was created for the user, or if the user's sessions were revoked.
Auto-lock user account for Okta.
This event is fired when a user account has reached the lockout limit. The account will not auto-unlock and a user or client cannot gain access to the account. This event indicates an account that will not be able to log in until remedial action is taken by the account admin. This event can be used to understand the specifics of an account lockout. Often this indicates a client application that is repeatedly attempting to authenticate with invalid credentials such as an old password.
User preferences updated. This can be used for debugging and auditing purposes. These preferences live outside the user profile.
A User's admin privileges changed. This can be used to audit the provisioning of admin privileges for users. When fired, this event contains information about the type of admin privileges the user currently has. The list of current privileges contain both individually assigned roles as well as the ones granted to the user through their group membership. Related events include: USER_ACCOUNT_PRIVILEGE_REVOKE.
All of user's admin privilege revoked. This can be used to audit the deprovisioning of admin privileges from users. When fired, this event indicates the user has no more admin privileges. All of user's privileges were revoked including individually assigned roles as well as the ones granted to the user through their group membership. Related events include: USER_ACCOUNT_PRIVILEGE_GRANT.
User reported suspicious activity. This event is used to identify user account suspicious activity.
Fired when the user's Okta password is reset.
Auto-unlock user account for Okta.
User account unlock by admin.
Failed to schedule unlock job for user.
Issued recovery token for self-service account unlock.
User update password for Okta.
User primary email updated.
Update user profile for Okta.
User secondary email updated.
Fires when a user changes from one type to another. Can be used to audit when a user gets converted from a contractor to a full-time employee, for example. Data includes the old and new type ids. There may be an accompanying update_profile event if values were changed.
Invalid self service recovery token used by user.
Authenticate user.
Fired after a user authenticates via a directory instance that is not the highest priority profile source for the user. This can be used to track users that are using an identifier to login which is different from the admin configured identifier for that user which might result in unexpected login results. When fired, this event will contain useful information about the user, the directory instance that was used to login the user, and the directory instance that should have been used instead.
Authenticate user with AD agent.
Authenticate user via IDP.
Authenticate user via LDAP agent.
Authenticate user via inbound SAML.
Authenticate user via inbound delauth.
Authenticate user via IWA.
Authentication of user via MFA. For Okta Classic orgs, this event will only fire for second factor verifications, whereas for Identity Engine orgs, this event will fire for both primary and second factor verifications.
Authentication of user via Radius.
Authentication of a user via Rich Client.
Authenticate user with social login.
Authentication via device trust certificate.
Desktop Single Sign On (DSSO) authentication has been attempted using a profile source that is not the highest priority profile source for the given Okta user. This event may indicate a potential security risk as the highest priority profile source is often expected to be used in this flow. The presence of this event may be benign, or it may indicate an attempt to authenticate the user from a compromised Active Directory domain. The debugContext object in this event contains useful information regarding the Okta user, the prioritized profile source, and the profile source that was used in the DSSO attempt.
User single logout out (SLO) from app.
Fired when a user performs a single sign-on (SSO) to an app instance and contains the client details of the user. Can be used to identify when a user attempted to sign into an application for audit or debugging purposes. Note that the event is fired even when the sign-on is unsuccessful.
This event is fired when an admin or system account triggers Universal Logout against an app instance. It contains the app instance details for which the Universal Logout API was fired. This event identifies when applications have had Universal Logout triggered for audit or debugging purposes. This event is only fired once. It's only fired for applications that have been configured for Universal Logout. You can configure it under Risk policy, Post Auth Session policy, or in an admin-initiated Clear User Session.
This event is fired when an admin manually triggers Universal Logout for a user. It contains context about the initiating request, such as where the request originated and how the Universal Logout endpoint was invoked. After Universal Logout is complete, the user.authentication.universal_logout event is fired, and you can correlate both events using the traceID. This event identifies the geolocation, IP address, and IP chain of the requesting entity. This event is only fired once. You can correlate this event with the user.authentication.universal_logout event using traceID.
Verify user identity.
User behavior profile reset. This event can be used to identify resets to a user behavior profiles, which may be helpful when troubleshooting unexpected behavior detection evaluations. This event is triggered when an administrator manually resets a user's behavior profile in the Admin Console.
Device Trust certificate enrollment.
Create identity snapshot attestation for a user. This event can be used by administrators to audit identity snapshot attestations minted for a user. The user and the application are in the event, signifying which user the attestation token is being minted for, and which application is requesting it.
This event is fired when a user is directed to complete an Identity Verification as a result of an Okta Account Management (OAMP) Policy evaluation. This event indicates an identity verification request has occurred and will contain the results of the id verification. Completion of an id verification will determine whether the trigger OAMP operation can be completed.
Fired when a user has successfully logged in to Okta and an attempt to import their Password has been made. This can be used to understand if a user password import attempt was successful or if it failed. If the attempt failed, the password import will be tried again on a subsequent successful login. When fired, this event contains information about the import type, and whether or not the password import was successful. If the import is successful, it is safe to "clean up" that user from an external system. If the import failed, Okta will continue retrying the import during every successful authentication attempt until the password is successfully imported. Check the failure reason for details about whether any action is needed for the import to succeed.
Activate Okta user.
Create Okta user.
Deactivate Okta user.
Delete Okta user completed.
Delete Okta user initiated.
Failed to JIT create user.
Mass expire all users' passwords initiated.
Reactivate Okta user.
Suspend Okta user.
Unsuspend Okta user.
Attempt bypass of factor.
Activate factor or authenticator enrollment method for user. Provides org admins with audit log and oversight utility for an MFA factor when it is activated. When fired, the event contains information about the MFA factor that has been activated, as well as the target user and the user activating the factor. For Identity Engine orgs, this event will fire when an authentication method is enrolled.
Reset factor or authenticator enrollment method for user. Provides org admins with audit log and oversight utility for the change in MFA factor lifecycle status when a specific factor is permanently deactivated. When fired, the event contains information about the MFA factor that has been deactivated, as well as the target user and the user deactivating the factor. For Identity Engine orgs, this event will fire when an authentication method is unenrolled.
Reset all factors or authenticator enrollments for user. Provides org admins with audit log and oversight utility for the change in MFA factor lifecycle statuses when all MFA factors for a user are permanently deactivated. When fired, the event contains information about the target user for whom all factors have been deactivated, as well as the user resetting the factors. For Identity Engine orgs, this event contains information about a target user for whom all authenticator enrollments have been reset.
Suspend factor or authenticator enrollment method for user. Provides org admins with audit log and oversight utility for the change in MFA factor lifecycle status when a factor is suspended, usually as a result of suspected compromise. When fired, the event contains information about the MFA factor that has been suspended, as well as the target user and the user suspending the factor. When unsuspended, related event user.mfa.factor.unsuspend will be fired.
Unsuspend factor or authenticator enrollment method for user. Provides org admins with audit log and oversight utility for the change in MFA factor lifecycle status when a factor is reactivated from a state of suspension, after it has been determined that the authenticator is secure. When fired, the event contains information about the MFA factor that has been unsuspended, as well as the target user and the user reactivating the suspended factor. Before suspension, related event user.mfa.factor.suspend would have been fired.
Update factor for user.
Verify user with Okta verify.
User rejected Okta push verify. This event is triggered in classic V1 API calls. In OIE we use a generic event for factor verification failure: user.authentication.auth_via_mfa with reason INVALID_CREDENTIALS.
Rejected Okta push verify as Upgrade Needed. This can be used to audit events where Okta push verify was rejected as the app needed upgrade. Note that the event is fired when Okta Verify push is rejected. It is possible that the user might have chosen another factor and made successful login as well.
Indicates a user's risk level has changed. This event can be used to monitor risk level changes for users. This event triggers when Okta determines that a user is associated with a change in risk activity or context.
Indicates a user risk was detected. This event can be used to monitor risk level detections for users. This event triggers when Okta detects that a user is associated with risk activity or context.
User accessing Okta admin app.
Clear user session.
User session context changed. This event indicates that the context in which the session is being used has changed significantly enough from the context in which the event was created, that re-evaluation of policy may be required. Often this indicates a security issue related to the session.
User logout from Okta.
Expire user session. This event does not appear in the system logs unless the user explicitly signs out or the user session is revoked by an admin.
End impersonation session.
Extend impersonation session.
Enable impersonation grant.
Initiate impersonation session.
Revoke impersonation grant.
User login to Okta.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the creation of new connections for Workflows connectors. The target fields provide information on the user that created the connection, the application for which the connection was created, and the display name the user provided for the connection. Other connection lifecycle events include: workflows.user.connection.revoke, workflows.user.connection.reauthorize, and workflows.user.connection.delete. Note that this event only indicates if a connection was successfully added to the database, and does not distinguish whether or not that connection is valid.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the deletion of existing Workflows connections. The target fields provide information on the user that deleted the connection, the application for which the connection was deleted, and the display name originally provided for the connection. Other connection lifecycle events include: workflows.user.connection.create, workflows.user.connection.reauthorize, and workflows.user.connection.revoke. Note that for OAuth connections this will often fire with the workflows.user.connection.revoke event.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the reauthorization of existing connections for Workflows connectors. Reauthorization can be used to retrieve a new access token or to change the credentials used by a connection. The target fields provide information on the user that reauthorized the connection, the application for which the connection was reauthorized, and the display name originally provided for the connection. Other connection lifecycle events include: workflows.user.connection.create, workflows.user.connection.revoke, and workflows.user.connection.delete. Note that this event only indicates if a user attempted to reauthorize a connection, and does not distinguish whether or not that reauthorization was successful.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a token for a Workflows connection has been revoked in a third party service., and the event usually fires along with workflows.user.connection.delete. The target fields provide information on the user that revoked the connection, the application for which the connection was revoked, and the display name originally provided for the connection. Other connection lifecycle events include: workflows.user.connection.create, workflows.user.connection.reauthorize, and workflows.user.connection.delete. Note that this event only fires for connections where the service supplies an API endpoint for revoking tokens. Tokens that cannot be revoked via API must be managed manually in the third party application.
This event can be used by admins or security team members to monitor the execution of delegated flows in the Workflows platform from the Admin application. The actor field provides the Okta User ID of the user that ran the flow. The target fields provide context on the Workflows instance as well as the name and flow id of the executed flow. This event only indicates if the flow was successfully triggered and does not provide information about whether the flow encountered an error.
Workflows admin activated execution log streaming for their org. Connections to a downstream HTTP endpoint (e.g. ingestion point to a SIEM) may be configured to stream execution logs for a Workflows org. Note that these logs only contain metadata about flow executions and not the I/O data processed in each execution.
Workflows admin deactivated execution log streaming for their org. Connections to stream Workflows execution logs may be shut off by a Workflows admin at any time. Note that deactivating an execution log streaming connection will also wipe its configuration details, including sensitive API credentials in headers. These details will need to be re-entered upon reactivation.
Workflows admin updated the configuration of their org's execution log streaming connection. These changes may be related to the connection's destination URL, event subscriptions, or the headers and message body of each request. Note that the detailEntry field in this event's target object contains an array of fieldsUpdated, with the following possible values: DESTINATION_URL, EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS, HEADERS, or BODY.
Triggered when a user activates a flow in Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user toggles a flow on.
Triggered when a user creates a new flow in Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user creates and saves a new flow.
Triggered when a user deactivates a flow in Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. This is triggered by deactivating a flow.
Triggered when a user deletes a flow in Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user toggles a flow off.
Workflows user requested to cancel flow execution. These requests attempt cancellation of in-progress flow executions which are infinitely looping, stalled, or accidentally triggered. Canceling a flow execution cancels the execution of all remaining steps in the flow as well as all parent and helper flow executions associated with that execution. These cancellation requests are best-effort meaning that at the time of request some execution processes may be past the point of no return and will still complete.
Workflows user activated saving execution history for a given flow. Flows may save recent execution history for the purposes of testing, debugging, or auditing a flow's activity in the Workflows console. Note that in-product flow execution history is retained for 30 days.
Workflows user deactivated saving execution history for a given flow. Flows may be opted out of saving recent execution history for any reason (e.g. handling extremely sensitive data). Note that this setting is managed per individual flow, so helper flows invoked by a flow which has this setting deactivated will continue to write history unless switched off themselves.
Workflows user deleted all or part of a flow's execution history. Either in the course of testing / debugging or for data sensitivity / compliance reasons, a Workflows user may elect to delete recent execution history for a given flow. Note that the detailEntry field in this event's target object contains an executionHistoryType, which may be IO_DATA_ONLY or ALL depending on which option was selected in the UI.
Workflows user activated execution log streaming for a given flow. A flow with execution log streaming deactivated may be reactivated by an authorized Workflow user at any time. This flow-level setting is enabled by default and so this activation event will only fire in the case of an individual flow having execution log streaming deactivated then reactivated.
Workflows user deactivated execution log streaming for a given flow. Individual flows may have execution log streaming deactivated by an authorized Workflow user at any time to remain within monthly execution log limits per org or to reduce log volume/noise in downstream systems. This flow-level setting is enabled by default and must be manually deactivated on individual flows for which execution log streaming is undesired while an org's execution log streaming connection remains active.
Triggered when a user exports a flow from Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user exports one or more flows as a flowpack.
Triggered when a user imports a flow into Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user imports one or more flows as a flowpack.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor users moving flows between folders on the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that moved the flow and the flow that was moved. Other Workflows resource move events include workflows.user.folder.move and workflows.user.table.move. Note that this event fires when a user manually drags a flow from one folder to another folder. Additional information including old and new folder locations can be found in the debug context field.
Triggered when a user saves a flow in Workflows. Can be used to audit user activity in Workflows. Event is fired when a user saves a flow.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the creation of new folders in the Workflows platform. The payload provides information about the user that created the folder and the folder that was created. Other folder lifecycle events include: workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.import, workflows.user.folder.export, and workflows.user.folder.rename. Note that this event doesn't fire when a folder is imported. For that, users can reference workflows.user.folder.import.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the deletion of folders in the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that deleted the folder and which folder was deleted. Other folder lifecycle events include: workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.import, workflows.user.folder.export, and workflows.user.folder.rename. Note that this event fires when a user manually deletes a folder and recursively for each subfolder contained within the deleted folder. Subsequent workflows.user.flow.delete and workflows.user.table.delete events will fire for each flow and table deleted within each folder.
Duplicate Workflows folder. Identifies when a user duplicates an Okta Workflows folder. This event fires for the folder that is duplicated and recursively for all subfolders contained within it. The folder name and location is found in the debug context object. Other folder lifecycle events include workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.import, workflows.user.folder.export, workflows.user.folder.rename, and workflows.user.folder.move.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user exports a folder from the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that exported the folder and the folder that was exported. Other folder lifecycle events include: workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.import, and workflows.user.folder.rename. Note that this event fires for the exported folder and recursively for each subfolder contained within the exported folder depending on the user's selection. Subsequent workflows.user.flow.export and workflows.user.table.schema.export events will fire for each flow and table exported within each exported folder. Additional folder information can be found in the debug context field.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user imports a folder to the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that imported the folder and the folder that was imported. Other folder lifecycle events include: workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.export, and workflows.user.folder.rename. Note that this event fires for the imported folder and recursively for each subfolder contained within the imported folder. Subsequent workflows.user.flow.import and workflows.user.table.schema.import events will fire for each flow and table imported within each imported folder. Additional folder information can be found in the debug context field.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user moves a folder in the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that moved the folder and the folder that was moved. Other folder lifecycle events include workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.import, workflows.user.folder.export, workflows.user.folder.rename, and workflows.user.folder.duplicate. Note that this event fires for the moved folder and recursively for each subfolder contained within the moved folder. Additional information including old and new folder locations can be found in the debug context field.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user renames a folder in the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that renamed the folder and the new name of the folder. Other folder lifecycle events include: workflows.user.folder.create, workflows.user.folder.delete, workflows.user.folder.import, and workflows.user.folder.export. Additional information including old and new folder names can be found in the debug context field.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the addition of Workflows roles to an Okta group. The payload provides information about both the group to which the role was added and the role that was added. Related events include workflows.user.role.group.remove, workflows.user.role.user.add, workflows.user.role.user.remove, application.user_membership.add, and application.user_membership.remove. The event fires when an admin manually adds a role to an Okta group in the Workflows console. Adding multiple roles in a single action triggers multiple system log events.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the removal of Workflows roles from an Okta group. The payload provides information about both the group from which the role was removed and the role that was removed. Related events include workflows.user.role.group.add, workflows.user.role.user.add, workflows.user.role.user.remove, application.user_membership.add, and application.user_membership.remove. The event fires when an admin manually removes a role from an Okta group in the Workflows console. Removing roles in a single action triggers multiple system log events.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the addition of Workflows roles to an Okta user. The payload provides information about both the user to whom the role was added and the role that was added. Related events include workflows.user.role.user.remove, workflows.user.role.group.add, workflows.user.role.group.remove, application.user_membership.add, and application.user_membership.remove. The event fires when an admin manually adds a role to a user in the Workflows console. Adding multiple roles in a single action triggers multiple system log events.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the removal of Workflows roles from an Okta user. The payload provides information about both the user from whom the role was removed and the role that was removed. Related events include workflows.user.role.user.add, workflows.user.role.group.add, workflows.user.role.group.remove, application.user_membership.add, and application.user_membership.remove. The event fires when an admin manually removes a role from a user in the Workflows console. Removing multiple in a single action triggers multiple system log events.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the creation of new tables in the Workflows platform. The target fields provide information on the user that created the table and the new table. Other table lifecycle events include: workflows.user.table.view, workflows.user.table.update, and workflows.user.table.delete. Note that this event doesn't fire when a table is imported. For that, users can reference workflows.user.table.import or workflows.user.folder.import.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user deletes a table from the Workflows platform. The target fields provide information on the user that deleted the table and the table itself. Other table lifecycle events include: workflows.user.table.view, workflows.user.table.update, and workflows.user.table.create.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user exports table data from the Workflows platform using the Tables interface. The target fields provide information on the user that exported the table and the table itself. Related events include: workflows.user.table.import, workflows.user.folder.import, and workflows.user.folder.export. Note that exports through the table interface include table data, while exporting tables as part of folder export does not.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user imports table data into the Workflows platform using the Tables interface. The target fields provide information on the user that imported the table and the table itself. Related events include: workflows.user.table.export, workflows.user.folder.export, and workflows.user.folder.import. Note that importing through the table interface requires an existing schema and is used to import the data from a .csv file. This event does not fire as part of workflows.user.folder.import.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor users moving tables between folders on the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that moved the table and the table that was moved. Other Workflows resource move events include workflows.user.folder.move and workflows.user.flow.move. Note that this event fires when a user manually drags a table from one folder to another folder. Additional information including old and new folder locations can be found in the debug context field.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user exported a table schema from the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that exported the table schema and the table that was exported. Other related table events include: workflows.user.table.create, workflows.user.table.delete, workflows.user.table.update, workflows.user.table.view, workflows.user.table.import, workflows.user.table.export, and workflows.user.table.schema.import. This event fires when a user exports a folder that contains a table.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user has imported a table schema into the Workflows platform. The payload provides information on the user that imported the schema and the table that was created from that schema. Other related table events include: workflows.user.table.create, workflows.user.table.delete, workflows.user.table.update, workflows.user.table.view, workflows.user.table.import, workflows.user.table.export, and workflows.user.table.schema.export. This event fires when a user imports a folder that contains a table.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor when a user updates a table's schema on the Workflows platform. The target fields provide information on the user that updated the table and the table itself. Other table lifecycle events include workflows.user.table.view, workflows.user.table.create, and workflows.user.table.delete. Note that this event does not include information about what was updated, only that the table name or columns were modified. It does not fire when the table data itself is updated.
This event can be used by any admin or security team member to monitor the viewing of table data in the Workflows platform. The target fields provide information on the user that viewed the table and which table was viewed. Other table lifecycle events include: workflows.user.table.create, workflows.user.table.update, and workflows.user.table.delete. Note that this event only fires when a user manually accesses a table. It does not fire when table data is accessed using the Workflows Table functions.
Network zone activate.
Network zone create.
Network zone deactivate.
Network zone delete.
Network zone mark as blacklist.
Network zone unmark as blacklist.
Network zone update.