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Configure a device assurance policy

Identity Engine

This guide describes how to use the Device Assurance Policies API (opens new window) to manage device assurance policies in your org.

Note: This document is only for Okta Identity Engine. See Identify your Okta solution (opens new window) to determine your Okta version.

What you need

About device assurance policies

Use device assurance policies to check sets of security-related device attributes as part of your authentication policies. For example, you can configure a device assurance policy to check whether a specific operating system version or security patch is installed on a device. Then you can permit that device to access Okta-protected resources.

By adding device checks to your authentication policy rules, you can establish minimum requirements for the devices that have access to your org.

After you add at least one device assurance policy, you can include it in your authentication policy rules (opens new window). You can't apply device assurance policies to users, groups, or devices until you make them part of an authentication policy rule.

About platforms

The examples in this guide use iOS as the platform, but the following platforms are available:

  • IOS

See Platform (opens new window).

Create a device assurance policy

Use the Device Assurance Policy API (opens new window) to create a device assurance policy. For this example, you only set the platform parameter and the parameters you need for the Dynamic OS version compliance feature.

About Dynamic OS version compliance

Early Access

You can configure OS version compliance by using device assurance. However, you have to manually update the policies every time a new OS version or patch is released. With Dynamic OS version compliance, Okta updates device assurance policies with the latest OS versions and patches, eliminating the need for manual updates. With this feature you can ensure OS version compliance in your org without tracking OS releases.

To use Dynamic OS version compliance, you need to define the dynamicVersionRequirement object. See Example POST request.

Example POST request

Send a POST request to the api/v1/device-assurances endpoint. Include the following:

  • Provide a value for name.
  • Set the platform parameter to IOS.
  • In the dynamicVersionRequirement property of the osVersion object, set the following parameters:
    • latestSecurityPatch: true

Note: By choosing EXACT_ANY_SUPPORTED as the type, you can't specify distanceFromLatestMajor.

curl -i -X POST \
  https://subdomain.okta.com/api/v1/device-assurances \
  -H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "name": "Device assurance iOS",
    "osVersion": {
      "dynamicVersionRequirement": {
        "type": "EXACT_ANY_SUPPORTED",
        "latestSecurityPatch": true
    "jailbreak": false,
    "platform": "IOS",

Edit a device assurance policy

To update a device assurance policy, send a PUT request to the api/v1/device-assurances endpoint. See Replace a device assurance policy (opens new window).

In this example, you update the policy to enable and configure the grace period feature.

About grace period and remediation

Grace period for device assurance allows you to define a temporary window during which non-compliant devices can still access resources. This gives users time to remediate issues without being locked out, balancing productivity with security standards.

After you enable the Grace period for device assurance feature, you can hide or show remediation instructions in the Sign-In Widget:

  • Hide remediation instructions: The Sign-In Widget doesn't display remediation instructions for users who don't pass device assurance compliance.
  • Display remediation instructions: The Sign-In Widget displays remediation instructions for users who don't pass device assurance compliance. You can grant users a period in which they can resolve the device noncompliance before they lose access to apps protected by the policy.

See Add a device assurance policy (opens new window) for more details.

Our example shows the remediation instructions and sets a grace period for a specific duration. See Example PUT request.

Example PUT request

Send a PUT request to the /api/v1/device-assurances/{deviceAssuranceId} endpoint.

This example updates the policy to include a 30-day grace period request. Also, end users see remediation instructions if their device is non-compliant.

Consider the following:

  • Set the value of deviceAssuranceId to the ID of your new device assurance policy. See Create a device assurance policy.
  • In the gracePeriod object, set the following:
    • type to BY_DURATION (the grace period expires after a specified duration)
    • expiry to P30D (30 days using the ISO-8601 (opens new window) date and time format)
  • Set the displayRemediationMode to SHOW.
  "gracePeriod": {
        "type": "BY_DURATION",
        "expiry": "P30D"
  "displayRemediationMode": "SHOW"

Add device assurance to an authentication policy

A device assurance policy doesn't do anything until it's added to an authentication policy rule. Once added to a rule, it's evaluated for that authentication policy.

Example PUT rule request

Send a PUT request to the /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules endpoint. Consider the following:

  • Select an authentication policy and use its id as the policyId in your request. See List all policies (opens new window). Use the ACCESS_POLICY type.
  • Set the value of priority to 1.
  • Set type to ACCESS_POLICY.
  • In the device object, set the following:
    • assurance.include to an array of device assurance policy IDs. See Create a device assurance policy.
    • device.managed to true.
    • device.registered to true.

      Note: When the managed property is passed, you must also include the registered property and set it to true.

curl -X PUT "https://${yourOktaDomain}/api/v1/policies/${policyId}/rules" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \
-d '{
  "name": "Device Assurance Rule",
  "priority": 1,
  “Status”: "ACTIVE",
  "conditions": {
    "device": {
      "managed": "true",
      "registered": “true”,
      "assurance": {
        "include": "dae3m8o4rWhwReDeM1c5"

Check the System Log for device assurance events

Send a GET request to the `/api/v1/logs/ endpoint using one of the following Event Types:

  • device.assurance.policy.add: Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is created.
  • device.assurance.policy.delete: Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is deleted.
  • device.assurance.policy.update: Use this event to monitor when a device assurance policy is updated, and what changed.

See Event Types (opens new window).

Example GET request

curl -v -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: SSWS ${api_token}" \