Articles tagged https
A Comparison of Cookies and Tokens for Secure Authentication

Access control in websites and web applications is a top priority for security, but how you set up access depends on how you store the data to be authenticated. This, in turn, enables user authorization. Cookies and tokens are two common ways of setting up authentication. Cookies are chunks of data created by the server and sent to the client for communication purposes. Tokens, usually referring to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), are signed credentials encoded...
Three Ways to Run Your Java Locally with HTTPS

If you’re developing a web application, chances are you want your dev environment as close to production as possible. One of the often-overlooked differences between local development and production servers is the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). In this post, I’ll cover three different options to get your local Java app running with TLS in no time! Table of Contents Start with a simple Java application HTTPS using...
Secure Service-to-Service Spring Microservices with HTTPS and OAuth 2.0

Building a microservices architecture is possible with minimal code if you use Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Cloud Config. Package everything up in Docker containers and you can run everything using Docker Compose. If you’re communicating between services, you can ensure your services are somewhat secure by not exposing their ports in your docker-compose.yml file. But what happens if someone accidentally exposes the ports of your microservice apps? Will they still be secure or...
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application

Spring Boot has dramatically simplified the development of Spring applications. Its autoconfiguration and starter dependencies reduce the amount of code and configuration you need to begin an app. If you were used to Spring and lots of XML back in the day, Spring Boot is a breath of fresh air. Spring Boot was first released in 2014, and a lot has changed since then. Much like code quality and testing, security has become a concern...