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Articles tagged github-actions

Use GitHub Actions to Build GraalVM Native Images

Use GitHub Actions to Build GraalVM Native Images

Getting something to work is one of the greatest feelings you can have as a developer. Especially when you’ve spent hours, days, or months trying to make it happen. The last mile can be one of the most painful and rewarding experiences, all wrapped into the same day or two. I experienced this recently with Spring Native for JHipster. If I look back, it took a year’s worth of desire, research, and perseverance to make...

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Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Recently, a colleague pointed out that I was still configuring Travis-CI on new GitHub repos and suggested I used GitHub Actions instead. I had given Actions the ol' five-minute test when it was still in beta, but ran into a few problems and gave up. After all, I’ve been a fan of Travis-CI for a while and I had enough new things to learn at the time. Still, if GitHub Actions lives up to the...

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