Class RoleAssignmentBGroupApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2024-09-23T08:35:59.300824-05:00[America/Chicago]", comments="Generator version: 7.8.0") public class RoleAssignmentBGroupApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • RoleAssignmentBGroupApi

      public RoleAssignmentBGroupApi()
    • RoleAssignmentBGroupApi

      public RoleAssignmentBGroupApi(ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public ApiClient getApiClient()
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient)
    • assignRoleToGroup

      public ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner assignRoleToGroup(String groupId, AssignRoleToGroupRequest assignRoleRequest, Boolean disableNotifications) throws ApiException
      Assign a Role to a Group Assigns a [standard role](/openapi/okta-management/guides/roles/#standard-roles) to a Group. You can also assign a custom role to a Group, but the preferred method to assign a custom role to a Group is to create a binding between the Custom Role, the Resource Set, and the Group. See [Create a Role Resource Set Binding](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/RoleDResourceSetBinding/#tag/RoleDResourceSetBinding/operation/createResourceSetBinding). > **Notes:** > * The request payload is different for standard and custom role assignments. > * For IAM-based standard role assignments, use the request payload for standard roles. However, the response payload for IAM-based role assignments is similar to the custom role's assignment response.
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      assignRoleRequest - (required)
      disableNotifications - Grants the Group third-party admin status when set to `true` (optional, default to false)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • assignRoleToGroup

      public ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner assignRoleToGroup(String groupId, AssignRoleToGroupRequest assignRoleRequest, Boolean disableNotifications, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Assign a Role to a Group Assigns a [standard role](/openapi/okta-management/guides/roles/#standard-roles) to a Group. You can also assign a custom role to a Group, but the preferred method to assign a custom role to a Group is to create a binding between the Custom Role, the Resource Set, and the Group. See [Create a Role Resource Set Binding](/openapi/okta-management/management/tag/RoleDResourceSetBinding/#tag/RoleDResourceSetBinding/operation/createResourceSetBinding). > **Notes:** > * The request payload is different for standard and custom role assignments. > * For IAM-based standard role assignments, use the request payload for standard roles. However, the response payload for IAM-based role assignments is similar to the custom role's assignment response.
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      assignRoleRequest - (required)
      disableNotifications - Grants the Group third-party admin status when set to `true` (optional, default to false)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getGroupAssignedRole

      public ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner getGroupAssignedRole(String groupId, String roleAssignmentId) throws ApiException
      Retrieve a Group Role Assignment Retrieves a Role assigned to a Group (identified by the `groupId`). The `roleAssignmentId` is the unique identifier for either a standard role Group Assignment object or a custom role Resource Set Binding object.
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      roleAssignmentId - The `id` of the Role Assignment (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getGroupAssignedRole

      public ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner getGroupAssignedRole(String groupId, String roleAssignmentId, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Retrieve a Group Role Assignment Retrieves a Role assigned to a Group (identified by the `groupId`). The `roleAssignmentId` is the unique identifier for either a standard role Group Assignment object or a custom role Resource Set Binding object.
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      roleAssignmentId - The `id` of the Role Assignment (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listGroupAssignedRoles

      public List<ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner> listGroupAssignedRoles(String groupId, String expand) throws ApiException
      List all Group Role Assignments Lists all assigned roles of a Group by `groupId`
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      expand - An optional parameter used to return targets configured for the standard Role Assignment in the `embedded` property. Supported values: `targets/groups` or `targets/catalog/apps` (optional)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • listGroupAssignedRoles

      public List<ListGroupAssignedRoles200ResponseInner> listGroupAssignedRoles(String groupId, String expand, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      List all Group Role Assignments Lists all assigned roles of a Group by `groupId`
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      expand - An optional parameter used to return targets configured for the standard Role Assignment in the `embedded` property. Supported values: `targets/groups` or `targets/catalog/apps` (optional)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • unassignRoleFromGroup

      public void unassignRoleFromGroup(String groupId, String roleAssignmentId) throws ApiException
      Unassign a Group Role Unassigns a Role Assignment (identified by `roleAssignmentId`) from a Group (identified by the `groupId`)
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      roleAssignmentId - The `id` of the Role Assignment (required)
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • unassignRoleFromGroup

      public void unassignRoleFromGroup(String groupId, String roleAssignmentId, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws ApiException
      Unassign a Group Role Unassigns a Role Assignment (identified by `roleAssignmentId`) from a Group (identified by the `groupId`)
      groupId - The `id` of the group (required)
      roleAssignmentId - The `id` of the Role Assignment (required)
      additionalHeaders - additionalHeaders for this call
      ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • getObjectMapper

      protected static com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()