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Okta + AppAuth Auth SDK

Note: This information is deprecated. See Add user authentication to your iOS app.

This guide walks you through integrating authentication and authorization into a Swift iOS native application with Okta.


Okta Developer Edition organization (opens new window)

Add an OpenID Connect Client

  • Sign in to the Okta Developer Dashboard, and Create New App.
  • Choose Native app as the platform, then populate your new OpenID Connect application with values similar to:
Setting Value
Application Name OpenId Connect App (must be unique)
Login redirect URIs com.okta.example:/callback
Logout redirect URIs com.okta.example:/logout

Note: As with any Okta application, make sure that you assign Users or Groups to the OpenID Connect Client. Otherwise, no one can use it.


The simplest way to add authentication into an iOS app is using the library Okta AppAuth (opens new window), available through CocoaPods (opens new window). To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OktaAuth', '~> 0.1'


Create a new Okta.plist file in your application's bundle with the following fields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Note: To receive a refresh_token, you must include the offline_access scope.

Important: Most native applications send access tokens to access APIs. If you're building an API that needs to accept access tokens, create an authorization server.

Update the Private-use URI Scheme

To redirect back to your application from a web browser, you must specify a unique URI to your app. To do this, open Info.plist in your application bundle and set a URL Scheme to the scheme of the login redirect URI.

For example, if your Login Redirect URI is com.okta.example:/callback, the URL Scheme is com.okta.example.

Adding Authentication

Users can sign in to your iOS application a number of different ways. The easiest and most secure way is to use the default login page. This page renders the Okta Sign-In Widget that is equipped to handle user lifecycle operations, MFA, and more.

First, update your AppDelegate to include the following function to allow the redirect to occur:

// AppDelegate.swift
import OktaAuth

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any]) -> Bool {
    return OktaAuth.resume(url: url, options: options)

Then, you can start the authorization flow by simply calling login:

    .start(self) {
        response, error in

        if error != nil { print(error!) }

        // Success
        if let tokenResponse = response {
            // tokenResponse.accessToken
            // tokenResponse.idToken
            // tokenResponse.refreshToken

Handle the login state

In native applications, it is common for users to have a long-lived session. It's important for the app to manage the user's session by refreshing tokens when they expire, using the refresh_token or re-prompting the user to sign in.

Store the User's Tokens

Tokens are securely stored in the keychain. They are easily set and retrieved with the helper methods set and get.

    .start(self) {
        response, error in

        if error != nil { print(error!) }

        // Success
        if let tokenResponse = response {
            OktaAuth.tokens.set(value: tokenResponse.accessToken!, forKey: "accessToken")
            OktaAuth.tokens.set(value: tokenResponse.idToken!, forKey: "idToken")
            OktaAuth.tokens.set(value: tokenResponse.refreshToken!, forKey: "refreshToken")

When you start up the application, check for the existence of an access_token to see if the user has an existing session:

if let currentToken = OktaAuth.tokens.get(forKey: "accessToken") {
    // Token is valid!
} else {
    // Token does not exist, prompt the user to login.

Validate the Token

Before using an access_token or id_token, ensure that the tokens are valid by calling the introspect method:

    .validate(token: currentToken) {
        response, error in

        if error != nil { print("Error: \(error!)") }

        if let isValid = response {
            if !isValid {
                // Token is not valid, prompt the user to login

Fetch User Claims

Now that the access_token is stored and validated, use it to retrieve more information about the user:

OktaAuth.userinfo() {
    response, error in

    if error != nil { print("Error: \(error!)") }

    if let userinfo = response {
        // userinfo["name"]
        // userinfo["email"]


You have now successfully authenticated with Okta! Now what? With a user's id_token, you have basic claims for the user's identity. You can extend the set of claims by modifying the scopes to retrieve custom information about the user. This includes locale, address, groups, and more.