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avatar-bdemers.jpg Brian Demers

Brian Demers is a Developer Advocate at Okta and a PMC member for the Apache Shiro project. He spends much of his day contributing to OSS projects in the form of writing code, tutorials, blogs, and answering questions. Along with typical software development, Brian also has a passion for fast builds and automation. Away from the keyboard, Brian is a beekeeper and can likely be found playing board games. You can find him on Twitter at @briandemers.

All Posts by Brian Demers

Add Auth to Any App with OAuth2 Proxy

Updating an application to use OAuth 2.0 doesn’t need to be complicated. Most of the time, your language or framework will already have an OAuth library. Sometimes, this isn’t the case, and you need to find an alternative. In this post, I’ll walk through setting up and using OAuth2 Proxy to secure your application without any code changes! OAuth2 Proxy is a reverse proxy that sits in front of your application and handles the complexities...

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Authenticate from the Command Line with Java

Anyone who has tried to type a password using a television remote can tell you what a pain it is. Not only will you be frustrated with the keyboard, but it’s not secure; everyone else in the room can see what you are typing. Fortunately, the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant gives you an easier way to sign in. The name is a mouthful, but if you have ever logged in to a TV by...

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Three Ways to Run Your Java Locally with HTTPS

If you’re developing a web application, chances are you want your dev environment as close to production as possible. One of the often-overlooked differences between local development and production servers is the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). In this post, I’ll cover three different options to get your local Java app running with TLS in no time! Table of Contents Start with a simple Java application HTTPS using...

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Five Anti-Patterns with Secrets in Java

Most applications require some sort of secret or password to enable access: database connection info, API keys, OAuth client secrets, and JWT keys, to list some examples. Dealing with secrets in your projects is always a chore, and it’s often done wrong. In this post, I’ll describe five common problems, which you can think of as anti-patterns (the opposite of a best practice) and I’ll offer suggestions to help you avoid these issues. Table of...

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Getting to Know GooseClip: Interview with an Okta Hackathon Winner

Okta Early Access Hackathon revisited In August, Okta’s developer relations team invited intrepid developers to participate in the virtual Okta Identity Engine Early Access Hackathon, and challenged them to build a working app with our limited availability new customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform. A month or so after, judges convened, winners were announced, and thousands of dollars in prizes were distributed. Kudos to hundreds of participants, and props to all involved. In October,...

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Security.txt: Make Vulnerabilities Easier to Report

We all know that all software has bugs and that security is hard, but somehow we are still surprised when we see new vulnerabilities. Vulnerability A bug, flaw, weakness, or exposure of an application, system, device, or service that could lead to a failure of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. In 2020, there were 18,395 vulnerabilities reported, which means about 50 new vulnerabilities are reported every day. These numbers only include what has been reported to...

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Session Clustering for OAuth 2.0 Applications

A common OAuth 2.0 question we get: "How do I deal with OAuth in a load-balanced application?" The short answer: There’s nothing specific about session clustering for OAuth. The longer answer is—you likely still need to worry about cluster session management. This post will discuss how an OAuth login relates to your application’s session. And we’ll build a simple, secure, load-balanced application to demonstrate. Table of Contents Sessions and OAuth 2.0 Applications Stateless with JWTs...

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Content Negotiation with a Java MicroProfile Application

Content negotiation allows for an HTTP server to respond to different types of clients. Many modern clients expect a JSON response, but there may be a need to format responses differently, maybe XML for older clients or a binary format for newer ones. Content negotiation is the mechanism used to solve that problem and others, such as dealing with multiple languages and even compressing HTTP requests. In this post, I’ll walk through building a simple...

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Developers Guide to GPG and YubiKey

Setting up a new YubiKey as a second factor is easy—your browser walks you through the entire process. However, setting up a YubiKey to sign your Git commits and Secure Shell (SSH) authentication is a very different experience. In this post, I’ll walk through configuring a YubiKey and highlight some of the things I’ve learned along the way. I’ve used GPG for years, but it didn’t really "click" for me until I sat down and...

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A Beginner's Guide to JWTs

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used everywhere (even places they shouldn’t be). This post will cover the basics of what you need to know about JWT and the related specifications in the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) family. JWT is pronounced "jot". Table of Contents What is a JWT? How JWTs Are Used JWT Structure JWT Claims JWT Header JWT Signature Problems with JWTs Learn More About JWT What is a JWT? A JWT...

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JWT vs Opaque Access Tokens: Use Both With Spring Boot

The topic of validating an OAuth 2.0 access tokens comes up frequently on this blog. Often we talk about how to validate JSON Web Token (JWT) based access tokens; however, this is NOT part of the OAuth 2.0 specification. JWTs are so commonly used that Spring Security supported them before adding support for remotely validating tokens (which is part of the OAuth 2.0 specification.) In this post, you will build a simple application that takes...

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Arm Up Your Java: Performance Benchmarks

Arm processors have been in the news lately, and it’s causing confusion and worries about processor performance for some folks. After Apple announced its plan to switch to Arm-based processors, I heard people (incorrectly!) speculating the performance would be similar to a Raspberry Pi. Java on Arm is nothing new, but we are seeing increased Arm investment from cloud vendors. Amazon recently updated its Arm offerings, and Microsoft is working on porting the JVM to...

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Introducing JPaseto: Security Tokens For Java

PASETO is a new security token format designed to be easy to use and free from the issues inherent with JSON Web Token (JWT) related specifications. Platform Agnostic SEcurity TOkens (PASETO) is a draft RFC spec created by Scott Arciszewski. PASETO reduces the scope of the JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) family of specs (which JWT is a part of), while still providing the functions that secure applications need. PASETO is everything you love...

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Migrate From Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Recently, a colleague pointed out that I was still configuring Travis-CI on new GitHub repos and suggested I used GitHub Actions instead. I had given Actions the ol' five-minute test when it was still in beta, but ran into a few problems and gave up. After all, I’ve been a fan of Travis-CI for a while and I had enough new things to learn at the time. Still, if GitHub Actions lives up to the...

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Build a Secure Java Application with Apache Shiro and OAuth 2.0

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework that can perform authentication, authorization, session management, along with a host of other features for building secure applications. In this tutorial, you will build a simple Java REST application using JAX-RS. JAX-RS, like many Java APIs, is a set of interfaces, and you will need to pick an implementation. For this post, I’ll use Jersey (the reference implementation of JAX-RS), but you can use Apache CXF, RESTeasy, or...

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OpenID Connect Logout Options with Spring Boot

On the Okta blog, we spend much of our time talking about logging in. That is because once you configure your application to log in, the log out just works. But there are a few things you should consider when you’re thinking about your app’s logout configuration. In this post, I’ll walk through examples of the two logout options you have with Spring Security: the "default" session clearing logout, and relying party initiated logout. If...

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A Developer Guide to Reporting Vulnerabilities

Many of us are not familiar with vulnerability reporting and how it is different from reporting a regular bug. Frequently, I’ve seen people report vulnerabilities or potential security issues incorrectly. A public bug tracker or Stack Overflow is NOT the right tool; developers need to handle vulnerabilities differently and should not disclose them until the project/vendor fixes them. In this post, you will learn basics about vulnerabilities, how they relate to Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures...

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Create and Verify PASETO Tokens in Java

PASETO is the latest trend in security token formats. Its primary goal is to reduce the problems the JSON Web Token (JWT) related specifications introduce. In this post, I’ll give you a brief introduction to PASETO tokens and then jump into an example that creates and parses tokens using in Java using JPaseto. If you’d rather watch a video, I created a screencast too! What is PASETO? PASETO stands for Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens. The PASETO...

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Secure Legacy Apps with Spring Cloud Gateway

One of the biggest challenges of adding OAuth 2.0 support to legacy applications is a lack of support in the underlying framework. Maybe it’s homegrown, or maybe it’s just old? Either way, migrating away from an old form-based login doesn’t need to be so painful. In this post, I’ll walk you through a low-code option using Spring Cloud Gateway and Okta. You’ll learn how to setup Spring Cloud Gateway running as a stand-alone application that...

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Five Tools to Improve Your Java Code

Writing quality code takes practice. To write better code, you need to know what should improve. Code quality and what makes code easy to read are very subjective; ask five different developers, you will get six different answers. For this post, I’ll avoid most of the subjective and focus on ways to detect real issues and potential bugs. I wrote some intentionally bad code to demo these tools (which was harder than you might think)....

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Watch GraalVM Turn Your Java Into Binaries

There has been much buzz about GraalVM and what it means for the Java world. GraalVM is a Java distribution from Oracle that adds a bunch of features, most notably a new JIT compiler, polyglot capabilities, an LLVM runtime… and the ability to turn your Java application into a native binary. This last one offers the potential to distribute Java applications as a single binary, and a few frameworks like Quarkus, Helidon, and Micronaut already...

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The Dangers of Self-Signed Certificates

How many times have you started a new job, and the first thing you see on the company intranet is a “Your connection is not private” error message? Maybe you asked around and were directed to a wiki page. Of course, you probably had to click through the security warnings before actually viewing that page. If you are security-minded, this probably bothers you, but because you have a new job to do, you accept the...

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How to Build a Maven Plugin

Apache Maven is still the most popular build tool in the Java space, thanks to the popularity of its ecosystem of plugins. It’s easy to find an existing plugin to do almost anything your application needs, from ensuring your source files have license headers, to validating binary compatibility between versions. Occasionally though, you need to write a custom plugin to fulfill a requirement in your product. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how...

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Make Java Tests Groovy With Hamcrest

My favorite way to test Java code is with Groovy. Specifically, writing tests in Groovy with Hamcrest. In this post, I’ll walk through how to test a simple Spring Boot application with these tools. Groovy is an optionally typed dynamic language for the JVM, and can be compiled statically. That is a mouthful and I’ll explain this as we go, but for now think of Groovy as Java with lots of sugar. Groovy is a...

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Welcome, Brian Demers

I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined Okta’s Developer Relations team! I’ve been working on Okta’s awesome Developer Experience team for the last couple years so I’m not exactly a new face around here. 😉 Who is Brian? As a young kid, I took things apart. Either to see how they worked or just see what was inside. This habit was made worse when I found computers and started fixing them. Anyone else miss the...

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Secure Server-to-Server Communication with Spring Boot and OAuth 2.0

Most OAuth 2.0 guides are focused around the context of a user, i.e., login to an application using Google, GitHub, Okta, etc., then do something on behalf of that user. While useful, these guides ignore server-to-server communication where there is no user and you only have one service connecting to another one. The OAuth 2 client credentials grant type is exclusively used for scenarios in which no user exists (CRON jobs, scheduled tasks, other data...

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Secure your SPA with Spring Boot and OAuth

If you have a JavaScript single-page application (SPA) that needs to securely access resources from a Spring Boot application, you likely want to use the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow! With this flow your client will send a bearer token with each request and your server side application will verify the token with an Identity Provider (IdP). This allows your resource server to trust that your client is authorized to make the request. In OAuth terms...

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5 Tips for Building your Java API

Developers use APIs to for everything! You build APIs for your own apps to consume, or as a part of a microservices architecture. Bottom line, you’re building and using APIs to make your life easier. The ongoing effort to simplify development and work more efficiently, sometimes this also means looking for new libraries or processes (or more often less process). For many teams managing authentication and access control for their apps and APIs is more...

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Let's Compare: JAX-RS vs Spring for REST Endpoints

Need to decouple your web service and client? You’re probably using REST endpoints, and if you’re a Java shop you’ve probably tried out JAX-RS, Spring REST, or both. But is one better than the other? In this post I’ll go over the differences between the two using basically the same code for an apples to apples comparison. In future posts I’ll show you how easy it is to secure these REST endpoints using Apache Shiro...

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Protecting a Spring Boot App with Apache Shiro

My favorite thing about Apache Shiro is how easy it makes handling authorization. You can use a role-based access control (RBAC) model of assigning roles to users and then permissions to roles. This makes dealing with the inevitable requirements change simple. Your code does not change, just the permissions associated with the roles. In this post I want to demonstrate just how simple it is, using a Spring Boot application and walking through how I’d...

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